In the center of the Acropolis, stands a special building.

Extra eye-catching.

Soar like a minaret.

At the gate of the guild, Jiang Yu took a gold card from Uncle Fu's hand.

He smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Fu, I still bothered you to make a special trip."

Uncle Fu put his shiny back on his back and waved his hand: "Little things, I am very happy to help the young master." "

Jiang Yu has been very smart and sensible since he was a child, and he doesn't need adults to worry about it at all.

Among Jiang Haisheng's two sons, Uncle Fu's favorite is him.

After learning of Jiang Yu's request, Jiang Haisheng handed him the guild's membership card without saying a word.

"You did a good job with that academy." Uncle Fu sincerely admired.

The matter of Tianwu Academy made a lot of noise, causing quite a stir, and the Jiang family naturally knew about it.

Jiang Haisheng and Uncle Fu were worried, but they couldn't help but feel a light on their faces.

Although the intelligence said that the murderer was killed by Jiang Yu and his classmates.

But they felt that Jiang Yuding had made a great effort.

This is the strength of the Innate Awakened.

It's just a pity....

Jiang Yu nodded with a smile and didn't say anything.

After a few pleasantries with Uncle Fu, he watched him leave.

Jiang Yu turned around, walked into the guild, and handed the gold card to the front desk lady, saying that he wanted to check the file.

Psionics managing guilds is not so good.

If you want to get an archive, you must have sufficient permissions.

It just so happens that Jiang Haisheng has this right.

As a sixth-order grandmaster, he is an honorary member of the guild.

The front desk lady looked at the gold card and saw Jiang Yu's young face, and she was startled.

Could it be that this young man is a great master?

She did not dare to slacken, and hurriedly inserted the card to check the message.

Strangely, the identity information displayed on the screen did not match Jiang Yu.

However, she did not jump to conclusions, but made a phone call.

This kind of thing is common.

As long as the consent of the member card is obtained, others can also use it.

Soon, there was an answer from above, permissioned.

She said respectfully to Jiang Yu: "Sir, please follow me."

Looking at her expression, Jiang Yu knew that his father should have said hello in advance.

Walking up the stairs, I came to the archive room that specializes in managing the identity of psionics.

The front desk lady whispered a few words and left.

Leaving Jiang Yu here alone.

Jiang Yu turned on the computer and began to look through the information.

First, I searched for the name "Star Doujun", and sure enough, it was blank.

He also knew it was useless.

So Jiang Yu began to enter keywords to search.

[Manipulation, puppet, control, hypnosis, stealth]

The abilities that Star Doujun may have, he has listed.

This is Jiang Yu's conclusion from known intelligence.

The next step is to eliminate them one by one.

Combined with Qin Chuan's performance in catching those prisoners, [hypnosis] and [stealth] are probably not established.

If you want to use stealth to kill people in the Authority, you may only throw yourself into the net.

There are many testing equipment in the administration, and the strong ones are like clouds.

The low-level means of stealth are basically impossible.

As for hypnosis, it is even more unlikely.

According to this reasoning, the puppet probably does not hold.

Then only [manipulation] and [control] remain.

People with this ability are rare.

After a while, Jiang Yu finished browsing the information of these people.

As a result, I had a headache and found that there was no one whose characteristics could match the Star Doujun.

These people are either low-level psionics.

Or they can only control someone very singularly, and they can't directly and remotely manipulate a person's life and death.

Jiang Yu's finger tapped on the table.

After a long contemplation, he put his hands on the keyboard and typed quickly.

He intends to make a post online anonymously.

The title: Help!

[In this world, is there a spiritual energy that can control multiple people at the same time and kill them easily?]

After the fight, Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the screen and waited silently.

Your own insight is not everything.

Psionics have been born for so long, and there are always some people with all kinds of strange abilities.

There may be some that are not documented.

However, there will always be people who know.

The power of netizens is great, he is convinced.

Jiang Yu waited for two hours.

Just as he was about to return, a message appeared in his personal column.

The other party was also anonymous and did not reply directly to him.

Just asked: "Where did you get this kind of news?"

Jiang Yu hurriedly replied: "Just curious." After

thinking for a moment, he called again: "If you know, I can pay you." The

other head was silent for a long time before replying.

"I hope you can stay sane after listening."

"I do know of such a person, but the ability is not as exaggerated as you describe."

"He... You can only control up to two people.

Jiang Yu gradually learned from his words a secret past more than twenty years ago.

Once, in the north of the Yan Kingdom, there was a woman named Zhong Ruomeg.

Her ability is very rare, as Jiang Yu described.

There are just some differences.

The spiritual energy possessed by Zhong Ruomeng is called "dream seed".

It unknowingly implants "dream seeds" by reaching out to other people.

Those whose mental power is much lower than her will be directly controlled.

If the mental power is higher than her, although it will not be controlled, it will affect the subconscious.

And it will be easy to have a good impression of Zhong Ruomeng.

They are not even aware of this subtle effect.

When the "dream seed" is withdrawn, the low-level person will die directly.

Although high-level psionics will not die, they will have a feeling of being stunned and dreaming.

But this ability is not without drawbacks.

To put it bluntly, the "dream seed" comes from Zhong Ruomeng's own spiritual power and consciousness.

When the dream seed returns, she herself inevitably suffers from the consciousness of others.

Over time, people become crazy and moody.

Can't tell who you are.

After hearing this, Jiang Yu only felt that his scalp was numb and he was drenched in cold sweat.

In this world, there is such a perverted ability?

Although this matter sounded ridiculous, Jiang Yu still believed seven or eight points.

That Star Doujun, isn't that like this?

No wonder Big Brother Anonymous reminded him to stay sane before.

At this time, he began to wonder if he had also been recruited.

It took a long time to calm down.

Jiang Yu thought calmly for a moment, as if he didn't suddenly have a good impression of someone.

He said to the Nine Tails in his body, "If I suddenly become wrong, you will pump me!" The

Nine Tails had never heard of such a request, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Really! Then I'll smoke you now.

Jiang Yu: "Why?"

"Because you're very wrong right now!"

"Get out!"

No longer taking care of the Nine Tails, Jiang Yu continued to type: "Then do you know where this Zhong Ruomeng is?"

Jiang Yu felt that that Star Doujun was most likely Zhong Ruomeng.

The name is probably just a code name.

Jiang Yu was a little excited, finally caught your tail!

However, the answer of the anonymous eldest brother was like a basin of cold water poured on him.

"I'm sorry to tell you that Zhong Ruomeng died twenty years ago..."


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