Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1029: chat

He doesn't lie, he looks pretty, he has an extravagant air, and he carries holy artifacts...

Lin Feng chuckled. Although the woman's true identity is still unclear, the current information is enough for Lin Feng to draw a rough outline in his mind.

In this dim tree house, Lin Feng had a serious expression, but suddenly he chuckled and looked down at the woman. She was immediately scared and hairy, thinking that he was thinking about something bad.

As a result, Lin Feng hadn't spoken out before asking, the other party honestly confessed.

"I can read the text above..."

Lin Feng was suddenly surprised. The small mosquito characters on the bronze waist plate were so complicated that they were obviously a kind of characters similar to the characters of the innate human race. They were made by imitating the inscriptions of the Heavenly Dao, and this woman could recognize...

Lin Feng raised her level of identity to another level in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Feng could see that the woman was very nervous, mainly because she was afraid that he would do bad things. She was almost in the corner, and her beautiful face was full of tension and fear.

He coughed lightly, and he was unspeakably weird. Although he did not say everything in his life, he would never do anything nasty.

"Don't be too nervous..." It was initially determined that the identity of the other party was not the remnant soul of the old age, and Lin Feng's attitude was much more kind.

He didn't continue to ask the other party questions, but began to appease. Unsurprisingly, the two might spend some time together.

In order to win the trust of the other party, Lin Feng reported to his family.

As a result... the other party looked completely at a loss.

"Have you never heard of me?" Lin Feng couldn't help it.

Although his name is not earth-shaking, but... in this area can be called thunderous.

As a result, the other party looked at a loss and ignorance. This is really...

Lin Feng was a little surprised and frustrated.

"Are you...well-known?" the woman asked with a careful look, as if she was afraid of offending him accidentally.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, and then he told the truth, saying: "I have a lot of grievances with some of the big forces in the Taiyi Realm..."

After listening to him, the woman looked at him a little strangely, and said, "You are so brave!"

"Completely forced." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

If possible, he didn't want to be an enemy of Taiyi Realm. But the other party repeatedly persecuted him and became hostile to him, and he could only return it.

At this time, Lin Feng spread his hands, looked at each other frankly, and said: "Look, I even told you my name..."

"You untie me first." The woman regained her vigilance.

It's just this kind of vigilance, the performance is really a bit obvious.


Lin Feng nodded, and then recovered the vitality that was stuck in his body.

It seemed that he didn't expect him to talk so well. The woman was a little bit astonished. She moved her hands and feet for a short time. After making sure that he hadn't left behind, the expression on her face could not help but ease a lot.

Lin Feng told her at this moment that he had made another move earlier.

"...This piece of land has a remnant of soul left behind?" After hearing what Lin Feng said, the woman was shocked and her face turned pale.

She lived here for a long time, and found no trace of other people at all.

The thought that she might have unknowingly, a remnant soul staring at her body with greedy eyes, and finally slipped away from her because of fear of the sacred artifact on her body, she suddenly horrified, and her whole body chilled.

Then, she looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, "Really, are you lying to me?"

"I dare to swear in the name of the emperor, I absolutely did not lie to you." Lin Feng said solemnly.

He must win the trust of the other party and win him over. Because this place is so dangerous, not only there are ancient beasts, but also the remnant souls of the old age, and other people, such as the demon master.

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