Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1390: come forward

As soon as Qi Yongheng's words came out, many people were eager to try it.

Ai Junyi was immediately moved. The top ten young talents of all realms have always been Shenlong, and they are very mysterious. It is not easy to meet them.

Their schedules are too full, and they have been surrounded by a group of Taoist guardians since childhood. They are either practicing or practicing. It can be said that they have very little time to rest and relax.

Ordinary people can't meet them at all.

And even if they encountered it, most people would not dare to take action.

Because it is easy to hurt yourself, your strength is not good, and if you are not good, you will die. The other party is not related to you, but they will not show mercy.

Now, since Qi Yongheng has spoken in public, he has promised everything, and no one thinks that he will break his promise.

"Would you like to take action?"

Ai Junyi was uncertain and looked at Lin Feng and Yao Chen beside him. Yao Chen was also a little moved.

Lin Feng was very indifferent and did not say anything.

He is different from Ai Junyi, Yao Chen, or different from everyone here. He is an aboriginal, and he does not know much about the rules of the worlds, and he is not very bound or influenced by them.

He didn't know what kind of achievements most of the top ten young talents from all walks of life had achieved once every ten thousand years, and how much brilliance they had created along the way.

Therefore, when I saw Qi Yongheng, I just felt that his strength was strong, but if we said awe and respect, it was nothing at all.

Moreover, Lin Feng himself killed all the way.

The Holy Son of the top holy land, he is not without defeat, and he does not feel that it is so great in his heart.

Ai Junyi thought for a while, and finally shook his head and gave up. In the mountains, there are not a few people like him. Many young people are moved, but they can't wipe their faces.

Because, stepping forward like this, in a sense, is to place oneself under Qi Yongheng, and accept the other party's instructions and comments as a matter of course.

"I come!"

A straight figure walked out of the jungle. It was a young man with vigor and vitality. His face was immature. He looked like he was in his early twenties, and he was full of energy.

After a few vertical jumps, he crossed the mountains and came to Qi Yongheng. The young man behaved very respectfully, bowed his body and clasped his fists, and said, "Senior please advise!"

Qi Yongheng nodded slightly and said, "Go ahead."

He stood there like a wooden stake, motionless, but no one thought he was conceited.

"Yes!" the young man promised.

Then, without hesitation, he made a decisive move, offering a divine sword, colorful, crystal clear, and inexplicable rhythm flowing.


The divine sword slashed across the void in an instant and slashed towards Qi Yongheng.


Qi Yongheng stretched out a big hand and pressed it down gently, but it brought a huge pressure in his heart, as if a Kunlun was pressing from a high altitude.

The divine sword slashed in his palm, clanging continuously, but it was difficult to injure Qi Yongheng in the slightest. On the contrary, when his palms closed, he easily grabbed the divine sword in his hand, causing it to vibrate violently and could not break free.

In the end, Qi Yongheng took the initiative to let go and let him escape. After more than a dozen rounds, the young man was defeated, his face was pale, but he was not injured.

Everyone could see that Qi Yongheng was deliberately keeping his hand, otherwise a single swipe would be enough to kill him.

"Your sword sacrificial practice is good, there are some ways, continue, and your future achievements will be good..." Qi Yongheng commented and encouraged.

"Thank you, senior." The young man was convinced.

Without a real face to face the eternal, it is simply difficult to understand the unparalleled pressure when facing him.

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