Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 859: Talk about the ruins

The conversation mainly revolves around the remains of the North Pole.

Di Xu asked whether it has been determined which world and which one the ruins to be unearthed came from.

Jin Mu said: "After many investigations, it is now concluded that this palace community has a greater chance of coming from the Saint Yuan Realm, but it is still uncertain which one it is."

When he said this, he couldn't help feeling that the life of a practitioner looks very long, but in fact it is not. In front of the sky and the earth, it still flicks past like a meteor.

"In fact, if this sect is in the ancient times, it is easy to find out, but if it is before the ancient times, it will be difficult. Even if it has once majestic the world and overlooks the world, it is difficult to leave even a word in the face of the years. !" Jin Mu added.

It's not surprising that everyone nodded slightly.

The world has stretched from the ancient times to the present and ancient times. Nobody knows how many years have passed. Some people think that it is no less than tens of billions of years, and some people give more exaggerated explanations, no less than hundreds of billions of years.

This is an extremely long and even desperate number.

Facing such a number, the practitioner is nothing but an ant that will quickly become a fly ash.

Because the time for a holy **** to survive is only about 30,000 years. Although theoretically speaking, if the health is well maintained, it can even live for more than 100,000 years.

But that is impossible.

The life of a cultivator is often a life of battle, with countless hidden wounds in his body, and it is impossible to live that long.

Just like an ordinary mortal, according to theory, his potential will not really be exhausted until he is about one hundred and fifty years old.

But from ancient times to the present, how many people can live to that age?

In modern times, living conditions are much better. Most people can live to 70 or 80 years old. In ancient times, many people would not be able to live in their early thirties.

"Does anyone understand Saint Yuanjie?" someone suddenly asked.

In the tent, everyone looked at each other, shaking their heads for a while. In the nine realms of the world, the three realms of Shenyuan, Shengyuan, and Lingyuan have a good relationship. With Taiyi realm, they can only say that they are neither enemies nor friends, and the relationship is neither close nor hostile.

Therefore, very few people know the world.

"I heard that the human bodies in this world are very tyrannical. I don't know if that's the case. If they are, maybe there will be some powerful exercises in the ruins this time!" someone said.

Taiyi Three Realms Good Law, Shenyuan Three Realms Good Body, Burying Earth Three Realms Good Soul, this is a saying that has been circulated in the world.

Of course, no one knows exactly how to be present.

After everyone chatted for a while, they put the topic back on the current ruins. Someone asked Jin Mu and the others how far the ruins appeared, and how long it would take to fully emerge.

There was a smile on Jin Mu's face, he didn't hide it at all, and told the whole truth, saying: "Although it is still looming, some areas have appeared from time to time. I observed yesterday that a large amount of snow fell, covering a part of the palace! "

At the same time, he informed that the palaces in many areas are lifelike. The walls, bricks, rockeries, vegetation, and some beasts placed in front of the door are all very detailed, almost out of the illusory world.

When hearing this description, everyone present except Lin Feng was excited and fascinated. I really hope that the ruins can now be fully present, and I can't wait to plunge into it.

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