Gao Wu: F-level Talent at the Start Evolve into SSS

Chapter 346 Delicate identification of storage bags!

Chapter 346 Delicate identification of storage bags!

Ling Xiao prayed, hoping that the other party didn't put this thing into the small world. If he was in the small world, he would have to work hard. At least he had to find a way to put this small space entrance into the other party's small world. , but the small world belongs to the territory created by the other party, and the other party is completely a god-like existence, how can it be completely prevented?

But fortunately, after a multi-directional search, he found that the man actually only put that thing in a storage bag behind him, and even the rank of the storage bag at 11 was only about 10th grade.

Looking at the situation, I didn't intend to take this thing as my own. Now Ling Xiao is watching their fight, and he feels more and more that it is just for fun.

He took a sip, and then laughed again, no matter what, it provided him with great convenience, and this thing was destined to be in his pocket.

Ling Xiao controlled the entrance to that space, and approached the other person's storage bag closer and closer, and then took a sharp bite.

This bag is golden in color, and there are dragons and phoenixes engraved on it. The somewhat arrogant style made Ling Xiao a little familiar, and even suspected that these people were the offshoots of the Demon Race. He liked these glittering and pompous things so much that he almost caught up with him in the Demon Race Bookstore. the little golden box.

Just when I wanted to open it, I found that this storage bag is also a little complicated. It doesn't seem to be of high quality, but it has a unique function, and it is a little complicated to identify the owner.

In Ling Xiao's case, it's not that it can't be untied, it's just a little more troublesome. Ling Xiao is a little surprised that such a storage bag is only about 10th order.

It seems that the foundry industry here is not as bad as I imagined, and even much better than most places I have seen before.

At least it is higher than the Orcs. Anyway, in Longzu, I don't seem to have found such an ingenious thing.

After using his own source power to see the operation mechanism of the opponent clearly, he began to prescribe the right medicine, a trace of spiritual power penetrated through the smallest gap, and then fought against the cognitive center inside for a while. .

He unraveled the knot-like imprints inside, and then evacuated them. It became an ownerless thing again. Then Ling Xiao occupied the magpie's nest and used his aura just now to create a new one inside. own identity.

This thing is probably something like a combination lock. It is not authenticated by one's own spiritual energy, but can be opened only by the logo completed by oneself and familiarity with the context, with some technicality.

Ling Xiao really likes such a strong gadget, and intends to take it back to study it. Maybe I can use this thing in other places to increase the protection ability of my own things. In this case, if others want to take it, not only Need strong strength, but also need sophisticated and complex secret 330 yards.

After opening this thing, I came to the point. It was the thing inside. I always wanted to find that thing, that is, the thing that could make the following two immortals enter Jiuzhongtian to fight to the death.

Looking at the place where they were fighting, the poor two powerhouses still haven't realized that the things they earned are gone, and they are still scolding and fighting there, with a lively look.

Ling Xiao can't control them now, for fear that there will be any follow-up tricks after this thing is opened, and only intends to run away and open it again, even if they find out, there is nothing they can do.

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy! Just slip and slip, and Ling Xiao teleports two or three times to a place that is five billion light-years away.

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