Gao Wu: Invincibility begins with basic archery

Chapter 178 Why did I end up in fifth place? (Please order

Chapter 178 Why did I end up in fifth place (please subscribe)

Lincheng Martial Arts Branch.

He Yejun had just finished taking a shower. He walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, exposing his muscular upper body.

There was a smile on his face, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

This is also true.

Just two hours ago, he took four powerful warriors from the association to hunt and kill a Gale Wolf King in the wild.

The Gale Wolf is an intermediate ferocious beast, but a king will also be born among them, that is, the Gale Wolf King, a high-level ferocious beast.

With a speed close to the speed of sound and invincible claws, even a powerful warrior will definitely die if he is hit by a claw.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and several people shot the wind wolf king into a sieve.

The purchase price of the Gale Wolf King is 3 million.

There are five of them in total, and each of them can receive a contribution of 600,000.

Very good.

"If I can achieve this kind of gain in the next two days, then maybe it is possible to enter the top three?"

Thinking of this, He Yejun frowned. There seemed to be little hope.

He remembered that the last time he checked, the third place's contribution seemed to be 8 million, while he only had 5 million, which was still three million short.

Unless in the next two days, his companions are willing to count the contribution of the prey to his name, he can enter the top three.

But how easy is it to do this?

If it were him, he wouldn't be willing to put the hundreds of thousands of contribution points earned through life and death into other people's names, right? Even if it's just temporary, I'll be back next month.

"But that's an opportunity to enter the gravity chamber for free."

He felt a little unwilling.

He has been a member of the association for more than two years, and has entered it several times during this period. It can be said that the benefits of practicing in the gravity chamber every time are beyond his imagination.

This month, he had a rare opportunity to break into the top three, and he couldn't bear to give up just like that.

"If the difference is not much, just talk to them. If it doesn't work out, I'll spend more money and buy it with them. We have cooperated for so long, so they should be able to give it this face."

The association's contribution can be purchased with money, but there is a recharge limit. For example, a one-star member can recharge up to 100,000 yuan per month, which is equivalent to exchanging 100,000 contribution points.

Two-star membership is higher and can reach 200,000.

But in fact, the 200,000 quota can't buy much. At most, ten high-grade Qi and Blood Pills are enough.

So from this point of view, the association actually does not encourage this behavior, but it still leaves a hole.

Therefore, cash is not popular among warriors.

Having made up his mind, he turned on his phone, entered the association, found the list, and clicked on it.

"Wang Hao, has his cumulative contribution this month reached 12 million? I remember it was only 10 million yesterday, right?"

He Yejun was filled with envy.

Excluding today, there are still two days before the end of the month, and it should be a certainty that this guy will get the first place.

Of course, there is a reason why this guy's contribution has increased so quickly.

First of all, this guy's personal strength is very strong. Among the hundreds of powerful warriors in Jiangnan Division, he is definitely the top three, or even the first.

Then, he also formed a three-person warrior team.

The other two members of the warrior team are also very strong. The most important thing is that they are devoted to him. Every time they hunt, they can give him half of their hunting income. This is the most terrifying thing.

"Hey, I'm so envious."

He Yejun shook his head.

I heard that those two people were personally trained by Wang Hao, and they are both good characters.

It’s not like no one followed suit in the past. In the end, without exception, they all broke up on bad terms.

Second place, 9 million.

He Yejun took a glance and saw that there was no change from last time.

Moreover, he has no such ambition. If he can rush to second place, he will be satisfied if he can rush to third place and maintain it.


He took a deep breath and looked down, and was suddenly shocked.

“This guy Chu Qiao’s contribution has actually increased to 8.8 million?”

His eyes widened.

After a while, a wry smile appeared on his face.

I was still happy at first, and my contribution level had increased one step closer. As a result, while I was making progress, others were also making progress, and the steps were even greater.

"Speaking of which, is it really possible for me to catch up with this guy?"

He smiled bitterly, feeling deep doubts about himself in his heart.

"Forget it, let it go."

After a moment, he shook his head.

The premise for the companion to give up the contribution point to him is that everything goes smoothly in the next two days. Otherwise, there will be no prey, so what should he give?

"I'll be next."

He sighed and looked down,

I was still in a good mood at first, but after seeing the contribution of third place, I was in a good mood.


However, the next moment, he exclaimed in surprise, looked at the contribution points on the far right of the phone, and was stunned.

7.5 million contribution points?

When did your contribution become so high?

Shouldn't it be 5.6 million?

Did the branch register itself wrongly?

At this moment, he felt both happy and uneasy.

If the registration is really wrong, that's great. You will have nearly two million more contributions in one fell swoop. This is pie in the sky. How many more things can you buy? And the gap between the third place and the third place is not a huge gap. You can reach it if you work hard.

However, the people of the General Association are not for free. Even if they can hide it for a while, when the incident comes to light and the headquarters sends people to find them, it will be light to return these extra contribution points, and they may also be fined.

It's not like this has never happened before.

"What should I do? Should I report this mistake, or should I pretend not to know?"

He was tangled in his heart, and he glanced forward unintentionally, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

Because that person's name was not his name at all, but Chen Fan.

He suddenly woke up, looked down, and immediately found his name in fifth place.

"I ran to fifth place?"

He opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

He remembered clearly that when he went hunting in the morning, he was still fourth. Now that his contribution has increased, why has his ranking dropped?

The most important thing is, where did this Chen Fan come from? I had no impression at all before, okay?

He looked up unconvinced, even quitting, reentering, refreshing several times, and finally gave up unwillingly.

In other words, all this was not his hallucination. The fourth place was really snatched away by this person named Chen Fan.

He Yejun was instantly heartbroken.

What makes the top three?

He can't even get into fourth place now.

"Damn it, where did this Chen Fan come from? How come he has so many contributions?"

He cursed and looked.

"Huajin Warrior, Anshan City Branch? Anshan City Branch?"

He was shocked.

This branch is quite famous in the federation because it ranks among the top three all year round. Of course, it is the last one.

"This Chen Fan is from the Anshan City branch? Impossible, right? How could such a character appear in this branch?"

He looked back with confusion, and when he saw the number of beasts killed, he was stunned.

Number of beasts killed: 2


"Is there a system error?"

He Yejun had a look of extreme shock on his face.

Looking back at the contribution points, it was 7.5 million, the same as before.

In other words, this guy named Chen Fan killed two ferocious beasts, and his contribution reached 7.5 million points?

What this means is self-evident.

One, these two ferocious beasts must both be high-level ferocious beasts.

Second, he killed them all by himself, at least, that's the statistics.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

He Yejun reacted and shook his head repeatedly.

How could a powerful warrior, even a powerful warrior, kill a high-level ferocious beast single-handedly? Even if you are lucky, you can't be so lucky twice, right?

There’s an inside story!

Yes, there must be an inside story!

It is very likely that the Anshan City Branch recorded all the contributions of everyone in the team to one person, and this person is this Chen Fan!

This is expressly prohibited by the association.

"What a great Anshan City branch!"

He Yejun was furious.

If his skills are really inferior to others, he will admit it, just like the first place Wang Hao, he is willing to admit defeat.

But this Chen Fan, who had no movement at all before, suddenly appeared, and you didn't make the data more realistic. You just wrote a 2 like this. Isn't it clear and suspicious?

Thinking of this, he directly took the screenshot and rushed into the large group of warriors who had joined the association. He was about to send this picture out, but found that the group had already begun to discuss this matter.

"Brothers, who is this Chen Fan? Why did he reach fourth place? I remember before, when he was in the top 100, there was no such person at all, right?"

"That's right, I was just outside the top 100 at that time, with a contribution of more than 2 million. I remember clearly that Chen Fan was definitely not in the top 100."

"You don't have to do this. You can recognize him by looking at his branch. In the past two years, how can any warrior from the Anshan City branch be among the top 100?" Someone made a sneer.

"Could it be the Anshan City branch that created this trick?"

"I know who their president is."

The person who spoke was directly in the group, and he liked Sun Wei.

Others also began to follow suit, and even hit everyone directly.

"Are the people from the Anshan City branch here? A man named Chen Fan in your branch has rushed to fourth place. Don't you plan to come out and explain?"

When He Yejun saw this scene, he clenched his fists in excitement.

Yes, that's how it should be.

Soon, a long message appeared in the large group.

"I am Sun Wei, the president of the Anshan City branch. Brother Chen Fan did kill two high-level ferocious beasts, a violent bear and a gray-spotted snake. They were all hunted by him alone, with a total contribution of 7.5 million. This matter It was reported to the headquarters. If you don't believe it, you can ask Director Du, he can testify for us."

At the desk, Sun Wei responded angrily.

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