Will there be an attack?

The dignified Mrs. Yukishita was a little flustered.

She cast a terrified look at Lokz.

“Is I really cursed in this situation?”

“No, it’s not a curse to be exact, but it’s very similar to a curse…”

Lockz didn’t know how to explain it, after all, he was a novice in exorcism.

Just now, when devouring those ghost things.

He clearly felt that it was not a spirit body!

That thing was like a grudge!

That’s malice!

Open the system panel and take a look.

The system still hasn’t given a reward, which means that the exorcism hasn’t been completed yet!

Lockz was a little confused, but logically speaking, he had already done the exorcism of Yukino.

However, why did Mrs. Yukishita have such a strange situation?

Next, shouldn’t it be Yono’s turn?

With this thought in his mind, Lockz chuckled in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at Mrs. Yukishita in amazement.

“How, what’s wrong…”

Locked by Lockz.

Mrs. Yukishita inexplicably felt very panicked.

“It’s okay!” Lockz waved his hand, quickly combing through various things in his mind.

Yukino turns into a cat and guides the students trapped in the club building to the Ministry of Service.

In Lokz’s opinion, because no one usually goes to the ministry for help.

Therefore, Yukino will have an obsession in her heart and become a cat!

Lokez felt that Yukino wanted to establish the Ministry of Service.

Because she wants to get rid of her sister’s shadow!

She wants to take a different path!

Yukino has a lot of problems!

Lockz had thought that after giving her freedom.

The obsession in Yukino’s heart will be solved!

In fact, he was wrong!

Although he helped Yukino gain freedom.

But Yukino’s problem has not been solved!

Instead, that night, Mrs. Yukishita was cursed with nightmares!

This incident should not be what Yukino did, but it definitely has something to do with Yukino!

Lockz was thinking when a voice came from the window of the ward.

A white cat appeared outside the glass window.

It clearly wants to come in.

Yukino actually came over.

Lockz walked over to open the window.

The white cat jumped directly into Lokz’s arms and cast an inquiring look.

“It’s okay!” Lockz touched its head, “The crisis has been solved!” ”

While talking, he put the white cat on the hospital bed, and he didn’t know if Mrs. Yukinoshita liked cats.

He made an excuse, “Madam, do you know pet therapy?” ”

“It’s good for you to have this cat with you.”

“Hmm.” Mrs. Yukinoshita picked up the cat.

I don’t know why, she felt inexplicably at peace in her heart.

Lockz smiled and waved his hand, “I’ll go out and come back later.” ”

Left the ward and walked around downstairs.

Not long after, Yono appeared.

She grabbed her laptop and some materials and hurried upstairs.

Lockz waved her to stop her, “Sister Yang Nai.” ”

“How’s it going?” Yono was worried.

“The crisis is temporarily resolved.”

“For now?”

Yang Nai heard a hint of an extraordinary.

She asked tentatively, “Did you figure out about my mother?” ”

Lockz nodded, “Let’s sit down and talk slowly.” ”

There is a small park next to the hospital.

Lokez led Yono into the park and sat down on a lounge chair by the lake.

Yono was a little anxious, but Lockz acted slowly.

“You quickly explain, I’m dying!”

“Well, I’ll explain.”

Lockz could see that Yang Nai was really in a hurry.

“Actually, I was mistaken, Yukino didn’t want freedom!”

“Huh?” Yono was a little confused, and couldn’t understand what Lockz said about Yukino.

“Yukino does have a lot of problems, but she has been working awkwardly.”

“For example, she establishes a ministry ministry, she wants to become stronger, she wants to surpass you, and then save you!”

“Huh?” Yang Nai was confused again, “Save me, what does this mean?” ”

“The meaning is simple, all this time, you tried to make Yukino independent!”

“You want Yukino to be different, and you put some of your dreams on Yukino!”

“As everyone knows, you and Xue Nai are running in both directions, she also wants to help you, she wants to replace you, shoulder the inheritance of the Xuexia family, and let you get free!”

“Of course, I haven’t talked to Yukino in depth.”

“This is just my personal guess!”

“Next, let’s talk about Sister Yang Nai’s situation!”

“What’s wrong with me?” Yang Nai didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with him.

“Sister Yonai, tell me honestly, what was your mood when Mrs. Yukinoshita promised to cooperate with me last night, and she was willing to give Yukinai freedom?”

This question instantly made Yang Nai dumbfounded.

“You must be very envious, even jealous!”

“I, I didn’t…” Yang Nai subconsciously denied.

“There’s nothing bad about admitting this kind of thing, if it’s me.”

“My mother did not ask for my opinion, arranged my life at will, and did not allow me to resist, I would definitely hate her!”

“Last night, maybe for a moment, you developed a deep hatred for Mrs. Yukishita…”

Without waiting for Lockez to finish speaking, Yonai’s eyes widened, and she vaguely guessed.

The reason why my mother is haunted by nightmares and curses!

She stretched out her hand in disbelief and pointed to herself.

Lockz nodded, “That’s right, this matter has something to do with you. ”

“If I’m not mistaken, the dark thoughts in your heart overflowed from your body!”

“It has been said that angels and demons live in our bodies.”

“The devil in you attacked Mrs. Yukinoshita.”

“But the angel in your heart went to me last night.”

“I didn’t know the situation at the time, so I didn’t care!”

“In short, you didn’t mean it, strictly speaking you are also a victim, you know?”

Yono nodded, even as Rockz enlightened her.

But her mood is still extremely low.

If he could, Lockz didn’t want to tell Yono about it.

However, if you do not make it clear, you cannot achieve the purpose of removing spirits!

Although all this is still his guess.

But he felt that this was the truth….

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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