Disgust, vigilance, fear!

The faces of these three people are full of unwelcome!

Ignoring their emotions and attitudes, Lockz closed the office door with a smile.

He sat down on the couch and looked at them with interest.

Vice President Bud Yizi’s figure is really explosive, and it is eye-catching!

Midorikawa flowers, which are in fear, are a little cute.

As for the chairman Mari Kurihara.

Don’t look at her face full of indifference, high above like a queen!

In fact, her daily clothing taste is ridiculously poor, just like a dirt bun in the countryside.

Staring at them, Lockz stretched out his hands to them, “Then again, I’ve always said that I can help you, but you don’t seem to take my words seriously at all!” ”

“We don’t need your help!” Vice President Bud Yizi refused without hesitation!

She clenched the long leather whip in her hand, like a shaking queen, overlooking Lokz!

“You don’t want to be arrogant in front of us, the three of us join forces and can easily solve you!”

“That’s right!” Lockz nodded in acknowledgment of this, and he got up and walked towards the three!

“You have gained great power, but have you ever heard a word!”

“All the gifts given by fate have long been secretly marked with a price!”

The reason why he said such a sentence is that Lockz is not playing tricks!

He could clearly feel that obsession was eating away at their life force!

To be precise, they can have powerful combat power, as if obtained by burning life!

Such a feeling is especially clear on the body of President Mari Kurihara!

What Lockz said made Vice President Nha Yizi and Midorikawa look at each other.

President Mari Kurihara’s pupils constricted, she was obviously aware of something!

Lokez sat down again and continued to persuade them, “I guess you have already found out, I am a special investigator invited by the Metropolitan Police Department!” ”

“As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I can let the Metropolitan Police Department close the case and no longer investigate the disappearance of Hachikoen.”

“Secondly, I also have the ability to stop the reform of the Eight Optical Park and no longer admit male students!”

“And I’m a spirit exterminator, I can keep your situation from getting out of control!”

“Spirit Remover?” This profession is the first time the three of them have heard of it.

However, think of your own situation.

It doesn’t seem strange that the Spirit Remover is something.

“Explain how you plan to stop the school from reforming!”

Mariri Kurihara asked Lokz, she hated men and could not tolerate the school admitting boys!

In the face of the questioning, Lokez laughed, “Actually, you have almost solved this matter!” ”

“All the male students who entered the Eight Optical Garden are all missing!”

“This incident must have scared the school board a lot!”

“The board should make a decision that male students will no longer be admitted!”

“If the school board is still insisting on going its own way, then I have decided to use my money!”

The three of them thought that Lockz was planning to threaten the school board members with violence.

Unexpectedly, Lockez said, “If the board of directors does not change, I have decided to invest in Hachiko Park and become the majority shareholder of this private school!” ”

“At that time, as a major shareholder, I will refuse to recruit male students.”

“What do you think?”

Mari Kurihara was really surprised.

She really couldn’t see that this handsome boy was a super rich second generation!

She nodded, agreeing with Lokz’s solution.

This is because the school admits male students.

That’s why they do this series of things!

Now, the problem is solved.

But the three of them are still in a mess!

The obsession attached to them has not been resolved!

This situation is not the same as the obsession and spirit body that Lokez encountered before!

He frowned slightly, “If you can, please tell me how you guys got special abilities!” ”

Vice President Nha Yiko and Midorikawa Hana looked at President Kurihara Wanri in unison.

Obviously, the reason why they can become stronger is related to Kurihara Wanli!

Kurihara lowered her head, not knowing if she didn’t want to say.

It’s still hard to talk about it.

Lockz frowned.

He stared at the black aura emanating from Kurihara Manri’s body.

Those auras spread to the left and right, looking like a pair of black wings!

That’s when he realized something, “Raven? ”

Accompany him to shout these two words!

A sense of crisis appears!

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the Student Union Office were broken through by a large flock of crows!

Countless crows gathered together, like a black torrent, swept towards Lokz!

Witnessing this terrifying scene, the fierce vice president Bud Yizi was directly frightened and stunned, and Green Chuanhua directly hid in the corner!

Quack quack….

The crows made an incomparably noisy sound!

Lockz felt extremely upset and directly opened the palm of his right hand!

Black hole devouring!

Black tide!

Gather in the palm of Lokz!

At this moment, Vice President Bud Yizi and Midorikawa Hana were terrified!

They weren’t amazed at Rockz’s anti-heavenly tactics!

Instead, I saw Chiyo Kurihara, standing behind Lokz!

Chiyo Kurihara’s expression is very strange, and his behavior is also very strange!

She was untying her school uniform, and there was a hideous blood-colored crack on her chest!

A swarthy raven emerged from the crack, as if it had been injured, flapping its wings with difficulty and landing on Lokz’s back!

Lockz was dealing with a large group of crows in front of him, and he didn’t notice the situation behind him at all!

Until you feel something, drill into your body from your back!

He turned around suddenly, and only then did he see Kurihara Wanli.

Mari Kurihara has lost consciousness and fallen to the ground!

Lockz felt more and more wrong!

A ghost got into his body….

[Update complete, continue tomorrow]

[Say good plus more temporarily arrears]

[Thanks for the support].

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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