in the screen.

After chatting with Mona for a while, they said goodbye.

Paimon:"Traveler, I really want to go for a walk outside. Let's go together."


Ying took Paimon to Fontainebleau.

The two wandered to a parking lot.

Paimon:"Traveller, look, our names are written in this newspaper."

Ying:"Are we famous?"

Paimon:"Well, Traveler, Charlotte took so many handsome photos of us, but we are He didn't notice her at all! This guy...well, for the sake of the beautiful photos, I'll forgive her."

【Navia: Charlotte is still so professional, the photos she takes are handsome, and the headlines of the news are also very eye-catching.】

【Charlotte: Hehe, not bad. I have been practicing my photography skills for a long time.】

【Leosley: Yeah, very good.】

【Charlotte: Does the Duke think so too? I wonder if I can do an exclusive interview with Melo Petersburg?】

【Leosley: Yeah, of course, no problem】

【Charlotte: Yeah】

【Paimon: Look how happy Charlotte is. (Paimon is surprised)】

【Ying: After all, Charlotte had wanted to do an exclusive interview with Merlot Petersburg a long time ago. 】

in the screen.

Leave the newsstand.

Ying and Paimon arrived in front of the Debo Hotel.

Paimon:"We're here! My stomach is growling. Traveler, let's go in and have a meal."

So, the two of them entered the Depo Hotel.

Paimon:"Traveller, look quickly, that is... that is... it is said that only sixteen slices of cake are released every day."

Ying:"It's not sold out."

Paimon:"Last time I was so nervous It's delicious when eaten under any circumstances. Let's eat it again today. It will definitely taste better."

Ying:"We can't let anyone get there first."

【Navia: Huh? This cake? Why are there so many? a bit strange】

【Linny: Yeah, it’s a bit strange indeed.】

【Kaia: Isn’t it just an ordinary cake? Doesn’t it have a hidden secret?】

【Keli: Keli also wants to eat cake】

【Kaia: Little Cree, the cake is in Fontaine, which is far away, so I can’t buy it.】

【Keli: Oh, okay, Keli got it.】

【Kaia: So what's weird about the cake? (sugar question)】

【Navia: I remember that this cake is a limited edition and is in short supply. Usually there are not so many left.】

【Lynette: Yeah】

【Diluc: Then what?】

【Navia: Madam Funina likes to eat this kind of cake the most. There are only 16 pieces issued every day. Even this one is not sold out. That means Madam Funina probably didn’t come to buy it.】

【Sano: That’s it】

【Nilu: Why didn’t the Water God come to buy it? ]

053 [Navia: Maybe it’s something that happened recently that made Ms. Funina not in the mood to eat her favorite cake.】

【Clolinde: Just like Lady Villette said, Lady Fonina is not as superficial as she appears, nor is she a real fool.】

【Leosley: Hey, what on earth is Lady Funina hiding? Can't figure it out. 】

in the screen.

When Ying and Paimon were discussing.

The always cute Mei Luxin appeared jumping up and down.

Melu Xin Sedna:"I want a piece of cake, thank you."

Paimon:"Ah! Someone is coming!"

Ying:"It seems to be Melu Xin from Mumang Palace."

Melu Xin Sedna:"Travel"Pamon, are you here to buy cakes too? In the words of Lord Villette, he is very good at eating."

Paimon:"Uh... I can't imagine that Villette would say such a thing."

Melu Xin Sedna:"Yes, even Lord Villette has things he likes to eat and things he doesn't like to eat. Like me, I especially like the coffee and cakes here."

【Charlotte: I didn’t expect that Master Villette also likes to eat. It’s really strange.】

【Linny: Yeah, totally unexpected】

【Dolly: Then why can’t Villette have what she likes to eat? (Nacita is deep in thought)】

【Nilu: Yes, everyone should have something they like to eat and drink! (Qiqi observes secretly)】

【Linny: Hahaha, these friends probably haven’t watched the first issue, right?】

【Dolly: Uh-huh, not really.】

【Linny: Oh, that’s not surprising】

【Dolly: Okay. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"Do you come here often?"

Sedna:"Basically you come here once a day."

Paimon:"Every day……"

Sedna:"What I have to do every day, besides my job, is eat cake and drink coffee."

Paimon:"Then if one day, this place suddenly closes, what would you think?"

Meruxin Sedna:"Huh? Why is it closed?"

Paimon:"I...I don't know...maybe the water will rise tomorrow, just like the prophecy said."

Meruxin Sedna Na:"Prophecy? I didn't pay too much attention to this matter, but even if I don't have to eat tomorrow, I still have to eat cake today. Just like human beings eat, maybe they won't be able to eat it tomorrow, but if they can eat it today, they should continue Eating, people call this life."

Paimon:"That's it."

【Hutao (badd): That makes perfect sense. Life is short and you should live in the present, regardless of whether the sky will collapse or the earth will collapse tomorrow. (Kamizato Ayaka drinks tea)】

【Yun Jin: Hutao is the most optimistic person I have ever seen, and he can always bring people happiness.】

【Zhongli: It’s just a little too noisy sometimes. (Zhongli drinks tea)】

【Arataki Yidou: Hahahaha, people should live happily. By the way, have you set up the trap to capture the Water God? I've been waiting for a long time.】

【Kujo Sura: noisy. (Thunder Movie Warning)] in the screen.

Before leaving, Sedna gave her two slices of bread.

Ying and Paimon finished their bread.

Come out of Depo Hotel.

I met Charlotte on the road and had a relaxed daily chat.

It was finally evening.

The two returned to Gray River again, the base of the Rose of Thorns Society.

Here, I met an old acquaintance.

Auditor Isadore:"So it's great that you two still live here."

Paimon:"I have an impression of you. You are the one from Mumang Palace.……"

Isadore:"I am Isadore. Lord Villette sent me to look for you once before."

Ying:"Did something happen?"

Isadore:"This morning, there was a riot at the opera house.."


【Dadalia: Has it finally begun? I smell gunpowder in the air. (Dadalia is surprised)】

【Navia: There was a riot in the opera house? Isn't this unreasonable? You know, the opera house has a lot of mechanical guards.】

【Charlotte: Yes, how could anyone dare to be so arrogant in the opera house? (Sugar is surprised)】

【Collet: But it really happened】

【Tinari: Could it be that it was an organized riot?】

【Sano: Not impossible. 】

in the screen.

Isadore:"But actually, I don't think it's that serious. Lady Funina was originally watching the performance. During the intermission, an audience member suddenly attacked Lady Funina and loudly accused Funina of predicting the crisis. Due to inaction, before Lady Funina could respond, more people accused Lady Funina. More and more people responded, so much so that the Opera House launched a denunciation against Lord Water God."

Paimon:"Have people finally pointed the finger at Fonina? They've finally found a chance to vent."

【Keqing: People always trust the gods as a matter of course, but when they lose their sense of security, the first person they blame is the gods.】

【Beidou: Something's wrong. With so many people making trouble in the opera house, it's most likely organized and premeditated.】

【Xigwen: Yes, when something like that happened in Baisong Town, many people must have resentment towards Lady Funina.】

【Paimon: However, you can't cause trouble. You must know that Fontaine is a country of justice and you can make accusations.】

【Ying: Paimon, you seem to have forgotten one thing. Funina has been avoiding this question. Before, everyone made a plan to capture Funina.】

【Paimon: Yes. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"What happened next? Is Funina okay?"

Isadore:"Ms. Funina saw that the situation was out of control and her excuses were useless, so she hurriedly left the opera house. After the situation stabilized, everyone discovered that Funina I don’t know where Lady Na has gone." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Paimon:"So, Fonina is missing now, right?"

Isadore:"Yes, Shadow Chaser The court has sent many people to search for her traces, but so far there are no clues."

Isadore:"But I think there is nothing to worry about. After all, Lady Funina is a god, and no one can do anything to her."

【Kaia: There is a saying, is it worth saying or not? (Zhongli thinking)】

【Diluc: If I ask you not to speak, will you not be able to speak? If you have something to say, say it directly. (Thunder Movie Warning)】

【Kaia: Haha, Master Diluc still understands me】

【Navia: Please tell me】

【Kaia: Is Funina really the water goddess? Why do you feel so weak? (sugar question)】

【Linni: Lady Funina is indeed the Goddess of Water. Why do you have such doubts?】

【Kaia: No, I was just asking.】

【Clolinde: Fonina has been a water goddess for five hundred years, so if not, then she is. 】

in the screen.

Ying:"I understand the situation."

Isadore:"Master Villette just asked me to inform you of the situation. It seems that he didn't explain anything else.……"

Paimon:"We know, thank you for the information, that's enough"[]

Isadore:"Okay, then I will meet Mumang Palace first. Take care, both of you."

Paimon:"Traveller, let's hurry up and leave for Baisong Town."

Ying:"You know it very well."

Paimon:"Facing this situation, Funina really wanted to find a place to hide from the limelight instead of solving it. But we all know that Funina looks grandiose and carefree, but she has never been hard-hearted. Guy."


Ying and Paimon came to Baisong Town.

Due to previous disasters, there were very few people in Baisong Town, and Funina, who was in a depressed mood, could be seen at a glance.

【Huanglong Yidou: The Water God is indeed in Baisong Town. What a coincidence. How did the traveler know? (sugar question)】

【Jiuqi Ren: It’s not difficult to guess. In order to relieve the guilt in his heart, the Water God had no choice but to come to Baisong Town. Plus there are no people here for the time being, so it’s the only choice.】

【Diluc: It feels like everything is under control. Are they planning to capture the Water God in Baisong Town?】

【Tinari: Most likely yes, except Baisong Town, there is no more suitable location】

【Sano: Yeah】

【Kaia: But is Baisong Town far away from the Opera House? How to conduct a trial? You can't tie the water god to the opera house, right?】

【Nilu: Hey……】

【Kelai: The Water God seems to be alone until now.……】 in the screen.

Paimon:"Traveller, look, it's Funina. She is here alone."

Ying:"Don't say anything yet."

Funina said something to herself,"Give up, this is meaningless. , you see, what was predicted still happened, everyone died... I'm sorry... I'm sorry……"

As she spoke, Fu Nina's eyes were wet with tears.

Her voice was also choked with sobs,"Give up, Funina, don't hold on anymore...I'm sorry...but besides that, what else can I do?"……"

【Navia: Lady Funina is actually crying, it’s unbelievable】

【Charlotte: Yes, Lady Funina is usually flamboyant and carefree, always smiling. This is the first time I have seen Lady Funina like this.】

【Sigwen: I feel so sorry for Lady Funina……】

【Keqing: It feels a little uncomfortable. Give up, Funina, stop insisting. What does this mean? What is the water god insisting on?】

【Ye Lan: I don’t know, but I am sure that the Water God is secretly fighting this prophecy alone. (Zhongli thinks)】

【Diluc: Most likely yes.】

【Kaia: Also, fighting alone didn’t work, so is that why the Water God cried?】

【Leosley: Probably so. 】

in the screen.


Funina:"Ah...! Who...who is it?!"

Paimon:"Don't be nervous, Funina, it's us."

Funina:"Ahem...hehehe, it turns out he's a blond traveler in a foreign land. I thought it was those ignorant mobs who were coming to kowtow and apologize."

【Dadalia: Oh my god, the water god's face change is too fast. He was crying a second ago, but then he started laughing. (Dadalia is surprised)】

【Arataki Yidou: Yes, I have never seen anything like this.】

【Yun Jin: It feels like she is acting, but the tear stains on the water god’s face have given her away】

【Barbara: Yes, you are so skilled in acting. You should have acted a lot. (Nacita is deep in thought)】

【Clolinde: In addition to being a god, Lady Fonina is also an excellent performer.】

【Navia: Indeed, Lady Funina has great control over the stage and her performance is extremely effective.】

【Charlotte: So, Lady Funina’s change of attitude just now probably was because she didn’t want to be found to be crying.】

【Linny: Yeah. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"Funina, did you cry just now? The traces on your face are very obvious."

Funina:"Why did you cry? Oh... yes, after all, today's opera is so touching. I just cried After thinking about it, huh, I ended up being disturbed by those guys who didn't understand etiquette. They dared to question the gods, so I decided to disappear and show them. When they came to their senses and found that the gods were gone, they must have been as anxious as a hot pot. Ants on the bed."

Funina:"By the way, there are also those guys from Villette and Shadow Chasing Court, they must have been anxious to death on purpose, hahahaha."

Ying:"Funina, don't hold on, you are now It must be very sad"

【Keqing: I feel like I am holding on to this part. Although I am smiling, there is a tremor in the laughter.】

【Ning Guang: Well, almost】

【Arataki Yidou: Even I can see it, just like a child who refuses to admit defeat, pretending to be calm】

【Kuki Shinobu: I believe everyone can see it】

【Ye Lan: But why does the Water God do this? Is it just to maintain the image of a god?】

【Tinari: I don’t think so. If it was just to maintain the image of a god, she wouldn’t have to smile so exaggeratedly.】

【Sano: The contrast between the front and back is too great, as if he is acting】

【Charlotte: No, no, Mrs. Funina is usually so exaggerated. She doesn’t need to act. Her personality is like this.】

【Linny: Yeah, that’s how Lady Funina is originally.】


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