in the screen.

Fukalos:"The me standing in front of you now is the godhead, and the human me, I named her Funina."

Fukalos:"Funina has joy, anger, sorrow, and should be arrogant. She is arrogant when she should be, and cowardly when she should be cowardly. Her advantages are all advantages that only humans can have, and her shortcomings are also shortcomings that only humans can have. But in my eyes, Funina is the most perfect human being, because She is exactly the same as a real human being, the ideal version of myself"

【Yelan: Sure enough, no matter which country it is, the gods love humans.】

【Nilu: Yes, no matter which country it is】

【Cole: Yeah】

【Xeno: Since Fukalos is the real water god, then……】

【Tinari: Senor, I know what you want to say, but it’s better not to say it now.】



【Navia: Yes, don’t say it】

【Charlotte: A little sad. 】

in the screen.

Fukalos:"After that, I cursed Funina, in order to complete the plan to deceive the laws of heaven."

【Tinari: It turns out that the curse on Funina was the work of Fukalos】

【Servant: All these mysteries solved】

【Clolind: So, is this curse meant to make Lady Fonina immortal?】

【LEOSLEY: That must be the case. 】

In the video screen.

Fukalos:"Villette, do you still remember? The last scene in the prophecy, the water god sat alone on the throne and cried. I wanted to make the prophecy seem to come true, so I invited the actress Fonina to come Playing the role of the prophesied water god. Under my curse, as long as I still exist as a godhead, Funina will never die, but she will never enjoy the happiness that humans should have."

【Kanoin Heizo: Do ​​you still remember the fourth slate painting? It was Funina who was crying on the throne, not Fukalos】

【Kaia: Of course I remember, wait, think about it this way, when the so-called gods cry on the throne, does it mean that the person playing the god is crying on the throne? (Dadalia is surprised)

【Amber: Hey, did you even predict this? Who is that prophet? (Paimon is surprised)】

【Ye Lan 12: No matter who it is, they are all extraordinary beings.】

【Nilu: Yeah, yeah, even the performance can be predicted, it’s incredible】

【Arataki Ito: So why do you want to act? Why should we deceive the laws of heaven? I still can’t figure it out. (Ruotuo Dragon King scratches his head)】

【Kuki Shinobu: Fukaro may have a shocking plan】

【Ye Lan: That must be the case. 】

in the screen.

Fukalos:"Funina will be forced to use this opera house as the stage, to become the real heroine of the opera house, and to always play the role of a god in order to make the prophecy seem to come true. Now you should understand why your Inquisition Is it called Opéra Opéra?"

【Keqing: So that’s what happened. At first, I was still thinking that it would be a bit undignified if the Tribunal was called the Opera House. (Zhongli thinks)】

【Yun Jin: Yes, no matter what, the opera house is also a place for laughter and fun.】

【Barbara: In other words, the Opéra Opéra Theater performs the pattern every day, and the heroine of the opera is Fonina, who plays the role of the god.】

【Nilu: It’s a little crazy, really surprising. In other words, Funina performed a five-hundred-year pattern.】

【Kelai: It’s so terrible. Just thinking about it makes me feel suffocating. But Funina has lived like this for five hundred years.】

【Charlotte: Lady Fonina is really, really amazing.】

【Navia: Lady Funina……】

【Kaia: Funina is not the real water goddess. Are you sure she is still Lady Funina? (Paimon is surprised)】

【Charlotte: She will always be Lady Fonina】

【Navia: Yes】

【Sigwen: Yeah, Lady Funina is the best.】

【Clolind: Identity and bloodline are only external appearances. Behavior can truly define a person. Lady Funina’s behavior is comparable to that of any great god.】

【Leosli: The counselor enters the game with his own body and beats half of the sky with his chess. Lady Funina is worthy of the name of the water goddess! 】

in the screen.

Villette:"But Funina is still a human being after all, right? Even if she has a long life, her mental strength is only at the level of a human being. This is such pain and torture for her.

" Carlos:"Yes, even though Funina is myself as a human being, I will definitely apologize to her if I have the chance. These five hundred years have been an extremely long and lonely time for her. What about an extremely painful opera?"

【Xiang Ling: If a human lives for five hundred years, will it really be very painful? (sugar question)】

【Ye Lan: Although I haven’t experienced it personally, just thinking about it makes me feel very difficult.】

【Paimon: For this kind of thing, just ask Dyne directly. (Zhongli spreads his hands)】

【Kaia: Yes, Dyne is also a human being and has lived for five hundred years. He should be the one with the most say.】

【Dyne: The first hundred years were fine, but the rest would be worse than death.】

【Kaia: Hey, it’s so terrifying】

【Dyne: Compared with immortal species, human mental power is relatively weak. If you are not a determined person, you will definitely fall into madness.】

【Thomas: terrible】

【Ningguang: What's more, during these five hundred years, Funina not only lived, she also had to play the role of a god every moment, and she couldn't relax at all.】

【Charlotte: Yeah, this is also the great thing about Lady Funina】

【Navia: Hey. 】

in the screen.

The camera switched to the other side.

That is the space where Ying and Funina are.

At this moment, Ying also noticed something was wrong.

It seemed like she had touched Funina’s tears just now.

According to past experience, tears should contain the strongest emotions.

When the water element's perception is strong enough, it will establish a conscious connection with the pure water elves just like it did at Lujingquan.

Could it be said that this is Funina's inner world?

Think of this.

Ying raised her head and glanced at the stage. Funina was sitting upright on a high-backed chair.


What is she doing on the stage of the opera house? wrong.

This is Funina's inner world.

Therefore, the person on the stage is not the real Funina.

Rather, it is a reflection of Fu Nina's heart.

In this case, if you directly talk to Funina's heart, you should be able to get a lot of information, right?

I originally wanted to find the answer, so I couldn’t let go of this opportunity. How about trying to talk to Funina?

【Keqing: It seems that Funina’s tears let Ying’s consciousness enter Funina’s inner world.】

【Solidification: It should be so】

【Paimon: Is this still possible? (Paimon is surprised)】

【Ying: It’s amazing. (Zhongli thinks)】

【Qin: The Honor Knight probably doesn't know that Fukalos has appeared yet. (Qingqing question)】

【Lisa: I probably don’t know】

【Clolinde: Lady Fonina’s inner world?】

【Nilu: Do you still remember that time? When she was in Baisong Town, Funina was tricked into the house. At that time, she seemed to want to say something to the traveler.】

【Kelai: Yeah, remember】

【Nilu: I don’t know what she wants to say? Can travelers find the answer in Funina's inner world? 】

in the screen.

Funina's inner world.

Opéra Opéra, center stage.

Funina:"Oh? Who allowed you to come to this stage? As the god Fukalos, I understand your admiration for me, but please don't break the rules."

Ying:"It's me."

Funina:"Okay, I don't mean to punish you, and I don't need you to name me. Let's go, don't delay my performance."

Ying:"Humph, but there is no audience here."

Funina Na:"Humph, stop joking, can't you feel it? I am the god Fukaros, and everyone in Fontaine is staring at me. I have to show the most noble and elegant manner at all times."

【Arataki Yidou: It feels like Funina completely ignored the traveler's intention and was just performing on her own.】

【Kanoin Heizo: On the stage of this opera house, the god Fukalos is performed】

【Keqing: Even if there is no audience, she still has to act like a god】

【Kaia: Hiss, this is Funina’s inner world. Is she playing the role of a god in her inner world? (Dadalia was surprised)】

【Diluc: What kind of determination allowed Funina to build such a tough line of defense in her inner world?】

【Dyne: Funina has such a will that she can rival the gods! Even I have moments of relaxation】

【Paimon: It's really unexpected that Dyne would say such a thing. (Paimon is surprised)】

【Wear: It’s just something I feel. 】

in the screen.

Ying turned off the spotlight on the stage.

It must be in Funina's heart.

These spotlights represent people's gaze on her.

Immediately afterwards. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ying sat in the audience.

Next, let’s take a look at Fu Nina’s true heart. at the same time.

A prompt appears on the screen.

Scene 1: In front of the mirror, Funina

【Keqing: Act 1? Is Funina about to start performing?】

【Yun Jin: It should be】

【Charlotte: Lady Fonina’s true heart……】

【Navia: Does everything in these five hundred years have to be performed on the stage? 】

in the screen.

A mirror appeared in the center of the stage.

Funina slowly walked towards the mirror.

Person in the mirror:"Funina...Funina……"

Funina:"Huh? Yes? Who is calling me? Where are you?"

Man in the mirror:"Don't be afraid, don't be nervous, I'm right in front of you"[]

Funina:"No, no, no, no, what's going on? You...are me in the mirror?"

The person in the mirror:"Yeah, that's right, then I am you in the mirror."

【Arataki Ito: The one in the mirror is Fukaros, right? (Paimon is surprised)】

【Kanoin Heizo: Yes】

【Keqing: The first meeting between Fukaluo and Funina. In other words, Funina has just been born at this moment.】

【Charlotte: Yeah, that should be the case】

【Desiya: If I saw myself in the mirror, I would probably be shocked, hahaha】

【Seno: If nothing else, this should be the first and last time that Fukalos and Funina meet.】

【Alhaysen: Very possible. 】

in the screen.

Funina:"Me in the do you want from me?"

Man in the mirror:"Have you heard of the prophecy?"

Funina:"What prophecy...ah...wait a minute , I seem to really know. Although I don’t know the reason, the prophecy seems to be in my mind. Everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the water god crying on the throne. Only then will the sins of the Fontaine people be washed away.."

Man in the mirror:"Yeah, yes, you know it very well."

Funina:"What's going on? My memory is very confusing, but this prophecy is very clear."

【Kaia: It seems now that the moment Funina was born, the prophecy was engraved in her mind like a steel seal.】

【Diluc: Steel seal? This metaphor is good】

【Paimon: Thought stamp? Alhaysen seems to have mentioned this concept before when giving filling knowledge to travelers. 097】

【Alhaysen: Well, yes, I am determined to rescue the little Lucky Grass King.】

【Tinari: Impressive】

【Sai Nuo: Without enough determination, I’m afraid I won’t be able to persist for five hundred years.】

【Dyne: Five hundred years is such a long time. 】

in the screen.

Funina:"Will the content in the prophecy really happen?"

Man in the mirror:"Yeah, it will really happen. That's why I came to you, Fontaine'sDifficulty will come sooner or later, everything will develop as predicted, and it is impossible to escape."

Funina:"Isn't this very serious? Everyone will die? As a Fontaine, will I also dissolve?"

Man in the mirror:"Don't worry, the reason why adventures exist in the world is to bring changes to the world, just like you saw me today. I will tell you a way to save everyone, but... you may have to go through some pain……"

【Arataki Ito: So, what is the way to be saved? Even if Fukalos has appeared, there is nothing we can do, right?】

【Kuki Shinobi: Unpredictable nature is the enemy】

【Keqing: I also want to know, what does Fukalos mean by deceiving the laws of heaven? Why should we deceive the laws of heaven? After deceiving the laws of heaven, will the people of Fontaine be saved? (Zhongli thinks)】

【Desia: Yes, no matter what, the Fontaine people are transformed from pure water elves. This fact cannot be changed.】

【Beidou: As long as this fact cannot be changed, then heaven will definitely impose punishment】

【Yelan: Could it be that Fukalos has a way to turn the Fontaine people into real humans?】

【Shikanoin Heizo: It’s unheard of. Even the Fontaine people today are just mimic humans.】

【Kaia: I don’t understand. 】

in the screen.

Funina:"It turns out there is still hope of salvation. It really scared me to death. Seeing how full you were when you said what you said before, as for the pain... Although the first thought in my mind was, why am I here? Bear this pain, but the prophecy will come true anyway, and I will die by then, right? What's more, adventure comes to me. If there is a scale, one end is the life of the Fontaine people, and the other end is my own pain, I think No need to think about which way the balance will tilt, right?"

【Keqing: Funina is so kind】

【Ning Guang: Even though Fu Nina doesn’t have a godhead, she is still a god at heart, and she still loves the people of Fontaine.】

【Charlotte: Lady Funina’s heart to protect all humans in Fontaine has never changed】

【Disiya: Funina is both strong and kind, she is really great】

【Diluc: That’s right, Funina had the right to refuse, but she still accepted it.】

【Beidou: Funina is really great, so great that it makes people feel bad.】

【Paimon: Funina didn't pay the price to save the Fontaine people, she just became the hero who shouldered all this.】

【Ying: Yeah, Paimon is right, Funina is free of charge, she is the real hero.】


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