in the screen. opera.

Fu Nina:"In other words, you think Linny is completely unaware?"

Paimon:"That's right."

Ying:"And Fu Nina's reasoning is flawed."

Fu Nina:"Huh? I......Mine?"

Ying:"The props on the stage were tampered with in advance, but you said that Cowell met Linney by chance."

Paimon:"In that case, if Cowell did not break into the tunnel, So who is Linni's arrangement to kill? According to your logic, Linni just wants to kidnap the girl, so it is necessary to kill people on stage." The audience who agreed:"Indeed."

Navia:"Yes, yes, yes, That's it, you are worthy of being my partner, the situation has finally turned around"

【Disia: Indeed, Funina’s speculation does have this flaw.】

【Ye Lan: Yes, someone obviously planned it in advance. (Zhongli thinks)】

【Keqing: Hmm, whether it's the number selector or the fireworks burning the rope, it all seems to have been planned in advance.】

【Nilu: But the only people who can manipulate these two props are people within the magic troupe.】

【Tinari: Yes, excluding Cowell, then only Linney can do anything】

【Cole: Huh? There should be other members of the magic troupe. They can also do something.】

【Tinari: The other members of the magic troupe have no way of knowing the situation in the tunnel, so the probability of taking action is relatively small.】

【Leosley: Well, there is a"one-three-zero" truth. 】

in the screen.

Fu Nina:"Just...even if you can deny my inference, what evidence is there to prove that you are right?"

Ying:"Do you still remember how you overturned Linni's alibi?"

Fu Nina :"Remember, what happened? If Linny was in the magic box the whole time, how could he not hear that sound? Ah... you mean……"

Ying:"Now it has become a key clue."

Paimon:"That's right, it's because Linny was not in the magic box or in the underground passage that he didn't hear the strange noise. It means that when the case happened, it means that Linny did climb into the basement through the vent. Hum, the clue you used to deny Linny's absence has now become the best evidence of his alibi."

Navia:"Well done."

【Kaia: As expected of an honorary knight, I can think of such logic. (Nasida praised)】

【Amber: Funina’s inference shows that Linny is not in the tunnel, so since he is not in the tunnel, it means that the abnormal noise was not caused by Linny, so Linny is not at the scene of the crime.】

【Dadalia: Awesome, very clever logic】

【Yan Fei: Yes, it makes sense logically. Although there is no evidence, it can at least deny Fu Nina’s reasoning.】

【Navia: Partner, as expected of you, you are amazing. (Praise to Qingqing)】

【Leosley: The tables have turned. What a wonderful showdown. (Zhongli drinks tea)】

【Charlotte: It’s so annoying. Why didn’t I go to the scene to watch this trial? What a pity. As a journalist, it’s very wrong to miss such an exciting case. 】

in the screen.

Funina felt bad in her heart:"(Hey... using such logic……)"

Fu Nina:"Well, then... then tell me! If Linni didn't do this, who else could it be?"

After hearing Fu Nina's words, Ying began to think.

Soon, Ying sorted out his thoughts.

Paimon:"Traveller, are you serious? The murderer is the victim Cowell?"

Fonina:"Ah? Really? It's interesting. Then tell me your reasoning."

【Nilu: Is the murderer actually Cowell? (Dadalia is surprised)】

【Kelai: Unbelievable... The deceased was actually the murderer?】

【Xiaogong: If Cowell is the murderer, then where is Halsey?】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: was really dissolved, right? (Early grapefruit alert)】

【Yelan: There is a possibility that the pool of water in the tunnel may be what was left after the girl dissolved.】

【Xiangling: So scary】

【Navia: If the tunnel is really a secret room, then the girl is most likely to have been dissolved.】

【Keqing: Can the vent be climbed into another room?】

【Yanfei: You mean other rooms besides the oracle machine room?】

【Keqing: Uh-huh】

【Beidou: It should be possible. After all, it is a vent. It cannot only connect two rooms.】

【Keqing: If possible, then it means that the tunnel is not a secret room environment. (Zhongli is thinking)] in the screen.

Ying is sorting out her thoughts.

Paimon:"Traveler, what's wrong? You really still can't figure it out?"

Ying:"Where did Halsey go?"

Fonina:"Hehehe... I see, it's just a bluff. I thought you were already confident. Unexpectedly, you are still far from the truth."

Linni:"Traveler, calm down. If you reach a dead end, you might as well change your mind. Just like magic, what is finally presented must be the same as magic. The design is completely different."

Linnette:"If only I could know the method of making Halsey disappear.……"

Paimon:"It would be easier if I knew this, but there are only three entrances and exits in the tunnel. It's impossible to go either way."

【Keqing: So the vent is only connected to the room where the oracle machine is located】

【Ye Lan: Well, according to the travelers, it is indeed true. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Beidou: Linny was in the room of the oracle machine at that time, so it was impossible for Halsey to go out through the vent.】

【Yura: The other two exits are two magic boxes, which is highly likely to be impossible.】

【Amber: Yeah, the magic box on the stage was smashed, and the magic box in the audience, Linnie was hiding in it, so these two exits are impossible.】

【Nilu: Is it really being dissolved? This seems to be the only answer, right?】

【Desiya: Do you remember the first magic trick Linney performed?】

【Nelu: You mean, Lynette turned into bubbles in the sealed water tank, and then walked out backstage?】

【Desia: Yes, that's it. Is it possible that Halsey used a similar technique?】

【Navia: Hmm, it feels a bit like】

【Charlotte: Oh, I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure it out at all. The whole case is like magic. I have no clue at all. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"This is not magic. It's impossible for a living person to disappear directly from the water tank like Lynette on the stage."

Ying:"That water tank escape...could it be...water?""

Fonina:"Excuse me for interrupting, dear opponents, have you noticed that the audience is impatient? In this opera house, there is no greater sin than a cold start."

Navilette:"If Mr. Linney is on his side , , if you can’t make a strong speech, we will move on to the next link."

Ying:"Wait a minute."[]

Paimon:"Traveler, I understand what you mean. If Halsey was not kidnapped, but disappeared, then everything would make sense. Just like the water tank escape magic, Lynette gradually disappeared before our eyes. Only clothes left"

【Amber: Now that I think about it, if Halsey hadn't been dissolved, then the modus operandi was indeed very similar to the water tank escape magic. (Zhongli thinks)】

【Ya: It’s very similar. The tunnel is equivalent to a big box, and Halsey used some method to escape from the tunnel.】

【Keqing: It’s unbelievable. Is there such a method?】

【Yelan: Halsey is a painter. Is it possible for a painter to commit crimes based on other people's magic? (Nacita is deep in thought)】

【Yun Jin: Travelers said before that Cowell was a criminal, so is it possible that Cowell transferred Halsey away?】

【Yanfei: It seems unlikely. If Cowell moved Halsey away, why would Cowell go into the box himself and be smashed to death?】

【Hutao: There are too many mysteries...........(Zhongli drinks tea)】

【Arataki Yidou: I can’t do it, I can’t do it anymore, my neck feels so itchy, I feel like I’m going to grow a brain. (Dadalia is surprised)] in the screen.

Paimon:"If there was a way to turn people into water……"

Funina:"Wait! Hahaha, I sincerely hope you can realize how ridiculous those words just now are, people turning into water? How is this possible? That is magic, how can it really be achieved?"

Ying:"Investigation Cowell's luggage may be discovered if you tell it."

Fonina:"Is this really necessary? Your Linnie over there should know the truth best. In the final analysis, magic is just a cover-up, and the case Halsey in the movie really disappeared, how can we compare it?"

Linney:"No, even so, I believe in the traveler's judgment. The truth must exist, and if all the unreasonable focuses are gathered here, maybe There is the possibility of opening up new ideas."

Linney:"Because Cowell is the deceased, we did not focus on Cowell before, but now, the case has not progressed, and it is not difficult to investigate the luggage of the deceased."

Funina:"Hey, when people are at the end of their rope, they will inevitably come up with some unscrupulous methods. In my opinion, these meaningless expanded searches are just delaying time."

【Coral Palace Xinhai: It’s true. So far, no one has paid attention to the deceased Cowell.】

【Shikanoin Heizo: Yes, everyone’s thinking is that since it is the deceased, he must be the victim and cannot be the murderer.】

【Xiao Gong: Hey, let’s put it this way, if Cowell is the murderer, it would be really dramatic.】

【Diluc: Did the murderer commit suicide after committing the murder? Although this possibility is small, it does exist. (Nacita is deep in thought)】

【Kaia: It’s incredible. This case really opened my eyes.】

【Dadalia: Dissolving people and then committing suicide yourself is simply crazy. (Early grapefruit alert)】

【Navia: Of course, this is just an inference. Maybe the murderer is not Cowell.】

【Charlotte: Well, actually, Linnie and Linnette have not ruled out suspicion yet. 】

in the screen.

Navilette:"I think this is a reasonable request by the attorney. Since the case is difficult to reach a conclusion at this stage, supplementing the evidence will also be beneficial to the progress of the trial. Invite the 2.9 security team to enter the lounge and investigate the belongings of the deceased Cowell. Let's go."

After a while, the security team members brought back the news.

Guard member Esmond:"The investigation is still continuing, but we have made very important progress and want to share it with you immediately. In Cowell's luggage, we found several test tubes containing liquids, respectively. Labeled, and in the notes in his backpack, these liquids are called the original body-returning water."

Navelle:"The original body-returning water"……"

【Nilu: Oh my God, it turns out to be the original fetal sea water……】

【Collet: If I remember correctly, this water can dissolve the Fontainebleau. (Amber doesn’t want it)】

【Tinari: You remember correctly, that’s indeed the case】

【Desiya: Damn it, are you saying that Cowell is the person behind the serial disappearance of girls?】

【Sano: At least he is one of the members】

【Carvey: Cowell is from Linney's Magic Group, Linney is from Hearth House, and Hearth House is from Fools. So, is the case of the serial disappearance of girls really related to Fools?】

【Linney: It’s impossible to refute it. Normal thinking will indeed think so. Although you may not believe it, Cowell is not a member of the Fools.】

【Navia: Anyway, we finally found the clues to the serial disappearance of girls.……】

【Charlotte: Yeah, yeah, I don’t know if the truth will come out. My tracking report is finally coming to an end.】


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