in the screen.

Merlo Petersburg.


Shigwen:"Yeah, recently other prisoners have reported food problems. I will convey this matter to Mr. Chef."

Shigwen:"Congratulations, your illness is very low and you will recover in two days. Now, let me go get you some medicine first, and you can take a rest here first."

Sigwen:"Miss Lulvi, during my absence, I would like to ask you to help take care of this patient."


Paimon said,"Traveller, the head nurse jumped away."

【Kaia: Is it that easy to sneak in? It feels a little strange】

【Amber: Huh? Did Kaia discover something?】

【Kaia: It just feels a little too smooth】

【Ye Lan: Well, it did go somewhat smoothly, but there are still two people in the infirmary, so it’s not easy to start the investigation.】

【Yanfei: Xigwen seems not to be wary of travelers.】

【Paimon: Could it be that Sigwen really didn't notice anything strange?】

【Arataki Yito: What, do you feel like you are thinking too much? When a patient is sick, of course he has to go to the infirmary. What's there to be suspicious of?】

【Navia: That's true, but being able to infiltrate successfully these days can be regarded as another step forward.】

【Charlotte: Yeah, yeah, I wonder what secrets the infirmary hides. 】

in the screen.

Lulvi:"Hello, how are you feeling now?"

Ying:"Not very good."

Paimon:"She has a severe stomachache. She stumbled along the way when she came here. I'm worried."

Luer Wei:"If Miss Higwen says it's okay, then it shouldn't be a serious problem. She is the most powerful medical staff in Merlo Petersburg."

Paimon:"It seems that she is the only one in Merlo Petersburg. Where are the medical staff?"

Julius:"Yeah, yes."

Lulvi:"What do you mean by yes? What you said is a bit one-sided. I don't want to speak for Merlot Petersburg, but the people who are imprisoned here, Not all of them are losers, some prisoners also have medical skills, and they will also help Miss Higwen with her medical treatment."

【Dadalia: Prisoners help with medical treatment? really unheard of】

【Navia: If you help with medical treatment, you should be able to get a concession coupon.】

【Charlotte: Hmm, maybe so】

【Xigwen: No, many doctors who help treat patients are volunteers.】

【Navia: Hey, is 460 like this? Unbelievable】

【Clolinde: These people may have just made a mistake accidentally and were imprisoned in Merlot Petersburg, but they have good intentions.】

【Navia: That’s right, there are indeed many such people】

【Linney: Yeah, yeah. 】

in the screen.

Julius:"Okay, okay, what you said is right, but I don't understand why you said this in front of the patient. Aren't you also sick? You are still in such good spirits."

Lulvi:"Ah......Yes, ahem, sorry, Traveler, I just got excited."

Paimon:"Are you feeling unwell too?" Julius

:"It's an old problem, they are all chronic diseases. I'm here for regular follow-up visits, and I'll pick up the nurse by the way. The chief nurse prescribed the medicine for me. As for this young lady, she may think that with her medical knowledge, she can be an assistant to the head nurse in the infirmary, huh."

Lulvie:"Mr. Jurieu, pay attention to your Words, don’t forget that my heart palpitations are all caused by you."

Paimon:"Huh? Don't quarrel. If you two have something to say, talk it over."

【Nilu: The relationship between these two people doesn’t look very good.】

【Kelai: Yes, every word is a quarrel.】

【Sino: normal】

【Navia: Hey, do you think their relationship is not good? I feel like they have a pretty good relationship.】

【Paimon: Pretty good? Where did Navia figure it out? They've obviously been quarreling.】

【Amber: Yeah, yeah, we just keep arguing.】

【Navia: You see, they are quarreling on the surface, but they are actually worried about each other's physical condition.】

【Amber: It’s true. If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have discovered it yet.】

【Keqing: That's true. In other words, when they appeared in the infirmary, were they really dating?】

【Ye Lan: Maybe they didn’t realize it themselves.】

【Beidou: Hahaha, these two people are really interesting. They care about each other but are embarrassed to say it out loud.】

【Desiya: There is nothing to be afraid of. If you like it, just say it out loud.】

【Hutao: Yeah, life is so short. If you like it, say it. Don’t let yourself regret it. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"Okay, don't make a fuss. Everyone will go out sooner or later. This kind of thing (cbch) is nothing to argue about."


Julius:"Humph, go out? It's still early. Even if we go out, we people may not be able to live our original lives."

Lulvi:"Please allow me to end this boring topic, and don't talk about it in the short term. Meet you, Mr. Jurieu."

Jurieu:"To each other, Miss, I happened to have had enough rest. It's really noisy here. I have to go back. Goodbye."

Paimon:"That person walked out slowly."

Lulvi:"Huh, he's always like this."

Lulvi:"I'm very sorry for letting you see such a farce. I'm Lulvi, and that guy is Julius. I hope you don't have to deal with that guy in the future. Kind of weird guy to deal with"

【Kaia: By the way, who are these two people? Do you know?】

【Amber: I don’t know, never heard of it】

【Keli: Keli hasn’t heard of it either.】

【Hutao: I don’t know either. I don’t know if someone mentioned it before. I forgot about it.】

【Navia: Julius...Lulvie, she sounds very familiar indeed. She seems to be from Fontaine Academy of Sciences.】

【Charlotte: Yes, they are people from the Fontainebleau Academy of Sciences. I interviewed them back then.】

【Xiao Gong: Why do people from the Fontaine Academy of Sciences appear in Merlot Petersburg? I don’t quite understand it.】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Maybe something has happened】

【Charlotte: It seems that the Fontainebleau Academy of Sciences was accidentally blown up during the research process.】

【Navia: Yeah, that's it, I remember it too】

【Hutao: What? Did the Fontaine Academy of Sciences also blow up? That's crazy】

【Keli: Keli also wants to explode】

【Jean: Kelly, you don't want to. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"It seems that you really hate him."

Luerwei:"Of course, no one likes his kind of person who has his eyes above his head. Well, let's not talk about him."

Luerwei:"I will stay with you for a while. Miss Higwen will be back soon. As long as you take the medicine, you will be fine soon."

Ying:"Thank you for your trouble."

Lulwei:"No No, it's nothing."

Sigwen:"I'm back. Do you guys have any rest?"

Lulvi:"Miss Sigwen, thank you for your hard work."

Sigwen:"You didn't get up and walk around, right?" Come on, this is two days' worth of medicine. Take one pill first, and then continue to lie down after eating it."

So he took Xigwen's pills.

【Leosley: As expected of the head nurse, she is really awesome.】

【Xigwen: Yes, yes, I am very powerful, right?】

【Paimon: Yeah, he's super awesome. I feel like the doctors outside are even better.】

【Navia: Indeed, if possible, the Thorny Rose Society would also like to hire Miss Sigwen as a doctor.】

【Charlotte: Huh? Is this still possible? Can Meluxin help private companies work?】

【Clolind: It should be possible, although I have never seen such a precedent. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Paimon: That's such a shame】

【Navia: This is understandable, and it can be regarded as a kind of protection for Meiluxin. 】

in the screen.

Xi Gewen:"Oh, Miss Lulvi, I seemed a little anxious just now. Do you remember that we talked about what color pills you should take today?" Lulvi:"I remember, it should be yellow." Xi Gewen

:"I remember, it should be yellow."

Gewen:"Really? I understand, these are your portions. After taking the medicine tonight, go to bed early and have a good sleep."

Lulwei:"Yeah, okay, then I'll take my leave first, traveler , and I wish you a speedy recovery."

Ying:"Thank you."


【Kaia: It seems there is nothing suspicious about this person.】

【Diluc: Well, I can’t tell yet.】

【Amber: What? It turns out you have always suspected Miss Lulvi.】

【Kaia: Haha, after all, she showed up in the infirmary. What if she is Miss Higwen’s accomplice?】

【Sigwen: Accomplice? It seems quite interesting.】

【Navia: If it’s Lulvi, she shouldn’t be an accomplice. After all, she used to be a student of Fontaine Academy of Sciences.】[]

【Charlotte: Hmm, probably not. 】

in the screen.

Sigwen:"Traveller, right? I'm going to start writing the medical record now, and I want to confirm some details with you."

Paimon:"The two were too noisy just now, let the traveler rest for a while, let me just say Okay."

Sigwen:"Hmm, the traveler's symptoms are abdominal pain and the desire to vomit. Apart from that, are there any other problems?"

Paimon:"Uh... none."


Paimon:"In addition to taking medicine, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

Shigwen:"No, the traveler's physical foundation is not bad. He will recover quickly after taking the medicine. During this period Please also make a list of what to eat, and don’t stay up late tonight."

Paimon:"I understand, I will be responsible for supervising."

So Ying fell asleep like this, and vaguely heard the conversation between Paimon and Sigwen.

Paimon:"I have traveled to many places with Traveler. Don't look at her like this, but he is actually the most reliable."

Sigwen:"Really? Then you are the best partners, don't worry , she will recover"

【Amber: Yeah, yeah, when I met Traveler and Paimon in the deep forest, they were already best friends.】

【Paimon: Yes, at that time the travelers said I was bringing emergency food, which made me so angry.】

【Amber: Haha, this is a joke only best friends can make.】

【Paimon: Is that so? Well, then I forgive the traveler.】

【Ke Qing: Traveler and Paimon seem to have never been separated.】

【Yelan: Well, in my impression, they are always together】

【Wendy: It’s really nice to have such a companion on a long journey.】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this is indeed the case. 】

in the screen.

Sigwen:"Ah... wake up, wake up."

Paimon:"Traveler, how do you feel? You have been sleeping for a long time, and we have been with you."

Ying:"Much better, thank you."

Shigwen:"You can go back with peace of mind. Remember to take your medicine on time and eat lightly."

Paimon:"Yeah, thank you, head nurse."

So Yingwen and Paimon returned to the dormitory area

【Navia: Are you going back now? It seems like nothing has been investigated.】

【Charlotte: Could it be that some clues have been found?】

【Linny: If you are a traveler, you should have noticed other clues.】

【Paimon: Really? I feel like I don't have any clues.】

【Dadalia: Haha, the traveler just took a nap.】

【Paimon: That's true.】

【Keqing: It seems that it is not easy to escape from Sigwen's eyes and then investigate in the infirmary. 】

in the screen.

Dormitory area.

Paimon:"Traveler, I'm glad you were able to fall asleep. You were mumbling a lot in your sleep. I was almost scared to death."

Ying:"I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said."

Paimon :"No, but you keep mumbling nonsense like Paimon is not allowed to snatch my grilled fish and put down the fairy jumper."

【Thomas: Hahaha, you’re laughing so hard. What the hell are grilled fish and immortals jumping over the wall?】

【Xiaogong: Are travelers also foodies? Haha, so cute】

【Xiangling: To be honest, travelers are also good at eating.】

【Paimon: That's right】

【Ying: I didn’t learn it from Paimon.】

【Paimon: No, travelers are obviously good at eating.】

【Beidou: Hahaha, that’s really interesting. 】

in the screen.

Paimon:"I have been chatting with Sigwen while you were sleeping. I feel that he is very candid, and there seems to be nothing suspicious in the infirmary. Are we looking in the wrong direction?"

Ying:"Paimon Meng, this is what happened……"

Paimon:"Wow, you are so careful. There is something suspicious about it. There is a steel plate in the corner. We must pass this news to Linny."

A few days later.

The traveler and Paimon continued to work, and looked for opportunities to tell Linny about the incident.

【Arataki Yidou: Steel plate? What steel plate? Why didn't I see it? So what if there is a steel plate?】

【Xiaogong: I noticed it before. There seems to be a steel plate in the corner of the infirmary.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: In other words, there is probably something hidden under that steel plate.】

【Charlotte: Will you see a tunnel after lifting the steel plate? And then the tunnel leads to the forbidden area?】

【Linny: Hey, is that really the case? Could it be that father has been looking for restricted areas and has never found them?】

【Lynette: Yes, it turns out that it’s really hard to think of it in the infirmary.】

【Navia: I finally found a clue. All I have to do is sneak into the infirmary and investigate.】

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