
The Yan Pillar, the Sound Pillar, and the Kasumi Pillar were also ordered to fill the vine mountain with ordinary ghosts.

Among the Nine Pillars today, the Rock Pillar, the Fire Pillar and the Wind Pillar are the absolute combat strength of the first grade.

The middle combat power of the Nine Pillars belongs to the Kasumi Pillar, the Snake Pillar, and the Love Pillar.

The third grade of the nine pillars is the flower pillar and the sound pillar.

As for the ninth column, in fact, the position is vacant today, and the water column has not appeared again for decades.

However, the rabbit and the Tomioka Yoshiyuki that Shokura has been teaching in the past two years will inevitably produce a water column among the two!

In addition, it has to be mentioned that there is also a former Lei Zhu, after retreating to the second line, he is also cultivating new ghost hunters for the ghost killing team.

Today’s Ghost Squad Nine Pillars situation, probably so.

Ordinary Ghost Squad members certainly don’t know such a secret thing, so most people still think that the Nine Pillars of the Ghost Squad are still full.

And the seriously ill boss: Yoshiya Shikishiki is very clear about the current situation of the ghost killing team.

It was for this reason that Yoshiya Shikishiki was pleased with the appearance of Bai Xuan.

The number of pillar-level ghost hunters in the ghost killing team must be at least nine!

Because in the future prediction of Yoshiya Yashiki, there is a chance to kill Oni Maiji without misery… It must be the Nine Pillars!



At dusk, the sun is like blood.

In front of a wooden house, Kasuke is carrying dry firewood and is about to enter the house to cook.

Tonight his three apprentices will be back.

Do the math…

Since he had retreated to the second line and become the cultivator of the Ghost Slayer Team, he had taught more than twenty apprentices.

However, those who can return from the vine attack mountain are not one in ten.

The absence of the Ghost Squad Water Pillar so far has become a piece of heart disease for Kayotaki Tsurugi.

Because he was not only the cultivator of the Ghost Killing Team, but also the former Water Pillar.

As the former water column, his biggest responsibility is to cultivate the next water column!

Only he can do it!


Scales shook his head in the next direction, and he suddenly raised his hand to look in the direction of the setting sun.

In the afterglow of the fiery red sun.

The figures of three young girls appeared one after another.

The setting sun stretched their shadows long, and their bodies were all changed into official ghost squad uniforms!

“Mr. Kamataki!”

Makoto is a girl, and after seven days of fighting on the mountain, she naturally misses her master extraordinarily.

At the same time, all three of them understood why Shokozuki was so strict with them.

Ghosts are indeed terrible.

But more importantly, there are indeed people outside people, mountains outside the mountains, and heavens outside the sky.

After they had seen Bai Xuan’s strength, they had become more mature and more determined in terms of mentality!

“It’s all back, okay, good.”

Kakutaki looked at the three disciples who were half-kneeling in front of him, and under the mask of his big tengu, he couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Man is not a grass or a tree, but he can be ruthless.

Although he was nearly twilight, he had already experienced an unknown number of life and death.

But every time, it will still make an old guy like him feel heartbroken, and send his own cultivated apprentice into the journey of the ghost gate… That feeling speaks for itself.

At this moment, all three of them returned safely.

Scakura left the feeling is really… Really…

“Tomioka, you’ve grown.”

Kakutaki recently helped the three apprentices up one by one.

At the same time, he first noticed the change in Tomioka.

Tomioka bowed his head, “I’m sorry Master, I was not good before, I… Too confused, betrayed the master’s good intentions. ”

In the past, Kasutaki was actually the best for Tomioka.

Because Kazukazu wanted to let Tomioka out of the shadows of the past, but Tomioka had entered a dead end and couldn’t get out… In this seven-day selection of Fuji Raiding Mountain, Kamatari Sasuke could see that Tomioka Yoshiyuki already had the possibility of becoming a water column!

“Well, don’t talk about the past. Just let you all be all right, go into the house, and the master will prepare delicious food for you. ”

“Yay, the master is so nice.”

Shinko said happily.

After entering the house.

Rabbit and Tomioka begin to prepare dinner, while Makoto pulls Ryotaki to tell her what happened during the seven days of the Fuji Raid Mountain.

In fact, it means Bai Xuan, because these seven days are all Bai Xuan’s personal show!

After Makoto finished speaking.

Kakutaki sighed and said, “My ghost killing team has produced this talent, and the Lord must be very pleased.” Rabbit, Tomioka! You two little cubs will give me a boost from tomorrow to see other people’s children…”

Bai Xuan has completely become the ‘child of someone else’s family’ in the last time in the Skakutaki Left, specifically to spur Rabbit and Tomioka.



Inside the butterfly house.

Love Pillar: Ganlu Temple’s beautiful eyes filled with thousands of small stars: “Xiao Xuanxuan, I declare you, let’s get married!” ”

Bai Xuan: “…”

Butterfly Kanae: “…”

Butterfly Shinobi: “…”

PS: [Ask for flowers to evaluate the vote, cry face…].

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