Butterfly House.


The crow flapped its wings and flew into the house.


Only to see the crow spit out words, “Lord Chana Hui, Lord Chana Hui, Bai Xuan smashed the boulder with one sword, he did it!” ”

“Wow! Really!? ”

Butterfly Kanae wears a butterfly feather weave and has a very gentle temperament.

When she heard Bai Xuan smash the boulder with a knife, she subconsciously felt some unexpected surprise.

She is the only one of the Nine Pillars who advocates that humans can live in peace with ghosts, although this is indeed a basically impossible thing to achieve.

Because ghosts must take human beings as food, once ghosts enter a state of hunger, they will not recognize their relatives and completely lose their minds.

Of course!

There are also rare exceptions to ghosts, which can not only escape the control of the ghost ancestors, but also maintain their sanity and physical strength just by eating a small amount of human blood.

Looking at the history of the hundreds of years since the appearance of ghosts, there are only two ghosts in this situation, and the number of one hand can be summarized, and the number of rare horns is doomed to be unable to represent a huge group of powerful ghosts.

In addition, Butterfly Kanae is proficient in the breath of flowers, which belongs to the branch of the breath of water.

Her title is Hua Zhu, a very beautiful ‘pillar’ name.

“Ye Bao rice, start cooking!”

In addition to killing ghosts, Chana’s biggest hobby is making good food.

She brought Ye Bao’s rice to the square table, and then said, “Crow, what you just said was that Xiao Xuan smashed the boulder with a knife, instead of chopping it open, is that wrong?” ”

“Not wrong, not wrong, Bai Xuan smashed the boulder with one sword, he did it, he did it!”

The crow kept repeating.

Chana raised an eyebrow, and after a brief surprise, she quickly regained her judgment as a ‘pillar’.

“There’s no reason why if you want to smash the boulder with one sword, even a Grade C ghost hunter who has killed thirty ghosts may not be able to do it.”

In the ghost killing team, the level of the ghost hunter is divided according to the number of ghosts killed.

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Ten orders in total.

And there are two ways for ghost hunters to be promoted to pillars, one is to kill the number of powerful ghosts up to fifty!

The other is to directly kill a ghost in the lower string of the twelve ghost moons!

Maybe such a ‘pillar’ promotion path does not seem to be particularly difficult.

But in fact, for ordinary ghost hunters, wanting to kill fifty ghosts means surviving fifty ghost hunts.

Such a survival rate, if not a gifted person, is very likely to die on the way to hunt ghosts, becoming cannon fodder that no one will remember.

“That’s right.”

Kanae suddenly remembered, “If you go to deliver a knife to Xiao Xuan today, wouldn’t it be that she secretly helped Xiao Xuan?” ”

Crow: “Impossible, impossible… Lord Shinobi couldn’t even cut the neck of an ordinary ghost, and her poison was terrible, poisonous! ”

Also to Ha, if you can’t bear to cut open the boulder, it won’t be what kind of strength enhancement medicine Xiao Xuan has given to him, right? Otherwise, how could Xiao Xuan suddenly become so powerful?

It had been more than half a year since Chana Hui had saved Bai Xuan from the mouth of Li Ghost, and as one of the Nine Pillars, she naturally knew Bai Xuan’s strength and even talent.

Her original judgment was that Bai Xuan might not be suitable for using a knife, and learning to use poison with Butterfly Ninja should also be a good choice.

But now….

Is it true that there is something wrong with her judgment?

She actually hoped that her judgment was wrong, as long as Bai Xuan didn’t have any accidents.

Among the ghost hunters of the ghost killing team, there is such a case.

That is, ghost hunters are not willing to be weak and take the initiative to become ghosts to gain powerful power….

Of course!

This is just an example, in fact, in addition to becoming a ghost, there are many ways to strengthen their own strength in a short period of time, but without exception, they are very harmful to themselves.

She didn’t want Bai Xuan to go astray for a while.


Half an hour later.

Bai Xuan and Butterfly Ninja arrive at the Butterfly House together.

Nowadays, the butterfly house is quite lively, in addition to the two sisters of butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu, there is also a nursing staff named Aoi.

Aoi is a very lively and cute girl.

There is also a girl who is diametrically opposed to Aoi’s personality named Sakura Kurihana.

“Ye Ying, my newly adopted stepson, her experience is very similar to yours.”

Butterfly Shinobi pulled Ye Sakura’s small hand and introduced.

In the ghost killing team, the meaning of the stepson is to pass on the disciple personally, and with the current strength of the butterfly ninja, he barely met the conditions for receiving the stepson.

Bai Xuan took the initiative to step forward and held out his hand, “Hello Ye Ying, my name is Bai Xuan, in a few days I will become a real ghost hunter, you also have to come on!” ”

As a crosser, Ye Ying naturally knew.

This girl’s future strength is even stronger than that of Butterfly Shinobu, and she has a very useful talent for knives.

“Well… Okay, plus… Come on. ”

Ye Ying faced Bai Xuan’s initiative and was a little flustered.

She is very bad at words, and generally responds with people with a smile, so she will often receive ‘stunned’ evaluations in the future.

In addition, in the absence of clear instructions from her superiors, Ye Ying is generally accustomed to making decisions by tossing a coin.


“Come back, don’t stay in the yard, come in quickly and eat leaf bun rice, I’ve been carefully preparing it for a long time.”

Chana said softly, and Aoi next to her was laying hands on the dining table, preparing the leaf bun rice that several people were going to use.

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