Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 259 Late Taxes

Tared grabbed Norbu's hair and slapped him across the face.

"You brought this bastard! Who is he!"

Norbu didn't dare to hide, scream, or resist. His nose and mouth were bleeding after being beaten, and he didn't even dare to snort.

"Tell me! Who is that bastard? Tell me!" Taled was about to push Norbu's head into the fire pit, when he suddenly heard Old Anbo's screams coming from the inner hall.

Tarred was so frightened that he let go of Norbu. Norbu stood by the fire pit and shivered, still not daring to escape.

The sounds in the inner hall were intermittent and gradually disappeared. Taled instinctively took a few steps back and watched Tokar slowly walk out of the darkness.

Seeing the blood stains on Tokar's body, Tared guessed what happened, but he still couldn't believe that his father, who had killed countless children, would die in the hands of a child.

Out of instinct, he cursed: "Bastard!"

Before he finished speaking, Tokar jumped up and punched Tarred on the nose.

Unexpectedly, this child who was less than ten years old was as strong as his father. This punch broke the bridge of Tared's nose, and Tared fell to the ground, wailing loudly.

Toca walked up to him and said with a smile: "Stand up!"

After saying that, he kicked Tarred in the chest. Tarred held his chest and coughed for a long time. Worried about being beaten again, he quickly stood up.

All the children present were very familiar with this scene. After being knocked down, they had to stand up immediately. This was Taled's rule. Unexpectedly, this rule would be punished on him tonight.

Before he could stand firm, Toca jumped up and punched him again.

"stand up!"

Taled climbed up with difficulty, and Tokar kicked him again.

"Stand up..."

Before Tokar could finish speaking, Tared immediately stood up. The kick just now had kicked him into the fire pit. Coupled with the previous burns, there was not much good meat left on his body.

Toca turned to Nobu and said, "Tie him up!"

Norbu gritted his teeth, wiped the blood from his face, found a rope and tied Tared to the stone pillar with another child.

Toca walked up to Tared, who cried hoarsely and wailed: "I beg you, spare me. My father has a lot of money. I know where it is. I will take you to get it!"

Toca nodded and said: "Not only do you want to get money, but you also have to answer a few questions from me. If you answer them correctly, I can spare you. The night before yesterday, a group of people went to a house next to the market. Who were they? What are you doing there?"

Tarred said: "That was the gathering of Zeus. I heard what my father said. The gathering is held every ten days. Those who attend the gathering can get two pounds of bread. He told me not to tell anyone. If I tell anyone, my tongue will be cut out." .”

"Who organized the rally? Aren't they afraid of God's Punisher?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, my dad only went there once and that's all he told me."

Seeing his appearance, he didn't have the courage to lie. Toca nodded and said: "Tell me where the gold is and I will let you go."

"My father has a house in the east of the city. They all know where that house is. There is a vegetable cellar in the house, and there is a cellar under the vegetable cellar. There are gold coins in the cellar. I will give you many good things in the future. …”

The oldest girl stood up and said: "I have been to that house and I know where the cellar is."

The girl blushed. Toca knew what had happened to her. He turned to Tared and said, "I keep my word and can let you go, but I don't know if they are willing to let you go."

Taled's face turned pale instantly. Tokar took out his short knife and said to the children: "If anyone wants to chop him, come here and line up!"

The children blinked and did not dare to respond. In the end, Norbu was the first to rush forward. He took the knife from Toca's hand and walked to Taled tremblingly.

Tarred begged: "I'm very good to you, Norbu. I rarely hit you. Have you forgotten? I'm very good to you!"

Norbu mustered up the courage and slashed Tarred's thigh. Because he had his eyes closed when he swung the sword, the slash did not go deep.

Toca recorded this scene. He was a courageous person. Manda should like such a person.

More than a dozen children rushed up and took turns slashing at Taled with knives. One child made a decisive move and cut off Taled's neck without blinking. His name was Carlo. He is someone who can accomplish great things.

Toca stood on the stone steps and shouted loudly to the children: "From now on, we are free, no longer need to starve, no longer need to be beaten, no longer need to be bullied, shout with me, thank the great Apo Luo, give us courage and strength, thank the great Hermes for giving us the value of life!"

Moira, who was hiding in the dark, smiled, this kid didn't forget to do some personal work for herself.

In the childish shouts of the children, Toca heard the response from the gods, which meant that the experience bar was full and he got the opportunity to be promoted.

Manda's experience bar has also grown a lot, almost one-tenth.

After listening to Tokar's report, Manda began to analyze the information.

Someone is holding a gathering of Zeus in the north of the city. It is obvious that this person is a believer of Zeus. He is accumulating merit for himself to gain opportunities for promotion.

Combined with various previous signs, this person is likely to be the king himself, which means that the king is a follower of Zeus.

Based on this conclusion, Manda had a bold idea, but this idea should not be rushed. What he should do in the future is to stay as far away from the north of the city as possible to avoid angering the king.

As for the group of children, Manda planned to send them to Qixing Mountain, firstly to keep the secret, and secondly to accumulate a population. Even though there are only a few dozen children, as far as the current situation of Qixing Mountain is concerned, they just fall into the age gap. According to Toca's description, there are many useful people among them, and it will not take a few years to show the power of this generation.

Three days later, Che Erdan completed the task ahead of schedule and returned to his official residence.

The road was found, and there was an official road leading to Mount Bergemia.

There used to be a wealthy town at the foot of Mount Begomia. Twenty years ago, a plague broke out in this town. Almost all the residents in the town died. The official road leading to the town was also abandoned because of the epidemic. There are pedestrians coming and going, and there are almost no bandits along the way. It is basically an absolutely safe road for Manda.

Manda was very satisfied with Che Erdan's performance and recorded a fifth-level meritorious service for him. However, he did not expect that Che Erdan's gains were more than that. He also discovered two important clues.

"I saw two luxurious mansions near the royal capital. I learned from the locals that one belongs to the Minister of State and the other belongs to the new Minister of the Interior."

This news is valuable, but Manda is still not in a hurry to take action. The previous incident has just subsided, and he is ready to settle down for a while and let the two ministers save more gold coins for him.

Another message would be even more valuable.

"On the way back, I met two teams of God's Punishers. They were delivering taxes to the cathedral."

"Tithe?" Manda was startled, "Shouldn't the tithe be collected at the beginning of the year?"

"At the beginning of the year, the war caused by Gaisak had just ended, and the turmoil in various places had not yet subsided. The church was busy restoring its power and had no time to worry about collecting taxes, so it was not until now that the taxes were sent to the royal capital."

Encountering two teams of God's Punishers proved that various cities were sending taxes to the royal capital. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Manda immediately gave up his plan to settle down for a while.

He drew a map on parchment and marked several key points.

Che Erdan immediately understood his intention: "You want to rob God's Punisher? No one has ever dared to do this."

"That's great, I really want to be the first one," Manda threw the quill aside and pointed at the map and said, "Call everyone here, we have to divide the work well."

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