Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 430 Witch’s love is a different choice

King of Asgard: "So who is pursuing Bai Xuan now?"

King of Asgard: "Echidna, the Desire Witch?"

After all, Su Yunqing, Tokisaki Kurumi and Bai Xuan are still in the witch's tea party.

The richest man in the lighthouse: "I don't care whether it's Echidna or not Echidna. By the way, have you changed your name?"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Obviously your group name was Loki before!"

Boil Da Gu into soup: "No, his original name was Third Princess, but it was changed to Loki after joining the group."

Boil Dagu into soup: "Now it has been changed to the King of Asgard."

If someone who didn't know saw it, they would think you were Odin.

King of Asgard: "You can show your powerful memory in various ways, but I don't want it to be this way!"

He has obviously forgotten the name of the third princess!


Until now, Loki didn't know why he had such a group name. _o_

Is it because he is the third oldest child in Asgard?

Then why not the third prince? !

The Third Young Master can do it too!

Boil Dagu into soup: "In my memory, I can only get better with this kind of thing."

Whether the group names of other people in the chat group have been changed or not, Da Gu has no memory of what the group names were originally. But there are only two names that Da Gu will always remember.

Loki's third princess, the Holy Lord's fatherly and filial son.

These are unforgettable memories.

Fortunately, Dagu didn't say this, otherwise the Holy Master would have asked, "Are you polite?"

King of Asgard: "...."

King of Asgard: " @The ordinary leader of the group is Echidna, right?"

Kasumi Shiko: " it really possible?"

Kasumi Shiko: "Although there is an example of the jealous witch Satira, which can confirm that witches do fall in love with others, I can understand other witches, but Echidna..."

Kasumi Shiko: "Judging from her performance in the memory copy, even Lai Yue Ang is just using her, right?"

Kasumi Shiko: "Use his ability to show himself the endings of all deaths to satisfy his thirst for knowledge."

Kasumi Shiko: "Can such a guy really fall in love with someone else?"

At the beginning, Kasumigaoka Shiu also thought about whether Echidna liked Yue Ang, otherwise why would she be so difficult to deal with the Jealousy Witch and Emilia, who was very similar to the Jealousy Witch.

In Lai Yue Ang's previous life, did the sage who was loved by the Jealous Witch also have some kind of relationship with Echidna?

But as the plot progresses, no matter how romantic Kasumigaoka Shiu is, she doesn't think that Echidna likes Lai Yueang, or even thinks that someone like Echidna would fall in love with someone else.

As the lust witch, Echidna is the embodiment of curiosity, and everything she does is to satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

The reason why Lai Yue Ang allowed her to show a different side was just because of the protection of [Death Return] that Lai Yue Ang possessed, and Echidna helped her. It was also because this was a great way to satisfy Echidna. There are certain benefits.

The two are considered a community of interests.

Such a being would never fall in love with others.

Compared to Echidna, she was more suspicious of the evil witch Camilla.

Although the *** Witch shows a soft and weak aura in the memory copy, she cannot bear her powerful ability. Anyone who sees her will fall into obsession and treat her as their favorite person.

Maybe this ability will be successful?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought to himself.

But she also knew that such a thing was unlikely.

Because Bai Xuan is a god, his strength is recognized by the chat group as the strongest nowadays.

If even he would be affected by the *** witch, there was no reason why Su Yunqing and Kurumi Tokisaki wouldn't be affected.

Heathcliff: "The desire witch Echidna will naturally not really fall in love with someone, but as the embodiment of curiosity, she will fall in love with [Unknown].",

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