Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 810: Resolution Improvement, Soul Gem and Reality Gem Integration

Ordinary group leader: "If it's the points from the Reality Stone, that's acceptable."

Ordinary group leader: "After all, the Reality Stone is different from the Soul Stone. Since the Dark Elves want to rely on the power of ether particles to return the entire universe to darkness, sooner or later they will confront Tony and the others."

Ordinary group leader: "The Reality Stone will still fall into Tony's hands by then."

Ordinary group leader: "But this is the truth, but why don't you be so principled?"

Ordinary group leader: "I asked Tony Stark for his opinion on the Power Stone as a trophy; to get the Reality Stone myself, I have to transfer 100 million points to Tony."

Ordinary group leader: "If you want me, I'll swallow it myself."

Su Yunqing couldn't help but complain.

If it weren't for the Soul Stone because Thanos was dead, Tony Stark himself would not want to have anything to do with the Soul Stone. She estimated that Bai Xuan would transfer another 100 million points to Tony Stark.

Son of Nature: "As far as principles are concerned, don't you abide by them in my world?"

When Bai Xuan saw Su Yunqing's words, he shook his head slightly and said.

Obviously, he has directly stated that he does not mind them acquiring something in his world. As long as it is not a large-scale acquisition, he can accept it; but neither Su Yunqing, Sakura, nor even Aizen did this.

In principle, he really didn't think there was anything to lament about this.

And compared to Su Yunqing and others, he also obtained the soul gem of this world.

Ordinary group leader: "You think so."

Ordinary group leader: "Why was I so conscience-stricken at that time?"

Ordinary group leader: "Before I went, I was still thinking about getting rich suddenly."

Su Yunqing thought about it and felt that this was indeed the case.

I couldn't help but feel a little depressed for a while.

Why couldn't I think about it at the time? The Bai Xuan family had a great business and didn't mind them getting some souvenirs. Why was she so polite and didn't take anything!


Too polite!

It was obvious that when she was doing missions in Loki World, she took the loot without any psychological burden. No matter who took care of the soldiers on the ground, the corpses and weapons were still owned by whoever grabbed them.

Ordinary group leader: " @Son of Nature, do you still want to give Tony 200 million points for the Space Stone and the Mind Stone?"

Ordinary group leader: "If you have these points, why would you buy Tony's?"

Ordinary group owner: "Wouldn't it be better to buy directly from the chat group?"

Su Yunqing asked puzzledly.

Direct purchase in the chat group is also 100 million points, and there is no need to find those infinite gems. Isn't this better than working hard to obtain an infinite gem and then transfer it to Tony?

Da Qin Jiuzi: "Could it be that the items needed for the [Son of Heaven] status must come from the world?"

Da Qin Jiuzi: "Although what is purchased in the chat group mall is the same as what is contained in the world, it lacks the flavor of the world?"

Ying Zinian said speculatively, but Bai Xuan did not deny it.

Son of Nature: "It's just a possibility."

Son of Nature: "The cost of verification is too high. I can't possibly spend 100 million points to verify my guess."

Although the infinite gems in the chat group and the infinite gems in Tony's world are essentially infinite gems, one comes from the chat group and the other comes from the world. Bai Xuan cannot determine whether the infinite gems in the chat group mall can improve Tony's world. resolution.

It costs a lot of points to verify. Even if you don't use infinite gems and use the Infinity Gauntlet to verify, it still costs a lot of points.

Instead of spending points to verify, it is better to use the infinite gems in Tony's world directly.

These Infinity Stones themselves are of no use to Tony. He wanted to recycle these Infinity Stones in exchange for points from the beginning, but the world prevented him from recycling them.

Bai Xuan didn't know why Loki could recycle the infinity stones in his world, but Tony couldn't; but he didn't feel any obstruction when he integrated the infinity stones into the person of "Son of the Sky".

Maybe it's because this isn't considered recycling, or maybe it's just for Tony, or maybe it's for other reasons.

But there is no doubt that Tony has no attachment to the Infinity Stones and is willing to use these Infinity Stones in exchange for points.

Naturally, there is no need for Bai Xuan to redeem the infinite gems in the chat group mall to verify. Anyway, it is not difficult for him to obtain soul gems and reality gems.

Son of Nature: "As for the Mind Stone and Space Stone, let's wait until I integrate the Soul Stone and Reality Stone into the [Son of Heaven] persona."

Son of Nature: "If it were just the eternity of this world, the resolution provided by the three infinity stones should be enough."

Bai Xuan felt the rules contained in the Soul Gem and the Reality Gem in his hands, as well as the concepts presented by the two from a mysterious perspective. He had a 10% improvement in the resolution of the character [Son of the Sky] that was integrated into the Power Gem and the Infinity Gauntlet rules at that time. I have some guesses.

The Infinity Stones may be worth more than they thought.

If Eternity was just a god born in this world, then he might not be as powerful as they thought.

With a thought, the power of the [Son of the Sky] personality acted on the Reality Stone and the Soul Stone. The two Infinity Stones were transformed into huge rules in an instant and integrated into Bai Xuan's body. Time in this area came to a standstill at this moment.

A warm and soft energy poured into Bai Xuan's body from the void. The runes symbolizing order and rules carried huge data and were quickly analyzed by [Son of the Sky].

10\u0015 %

[Son of the Sky]'s analysis of this world is rapidly improving. The rules brought by the three infinite gems seem to have formed some kind of commonality at this moment. The originally unknown and inaccessible rules begin to become clear and transparent. , transformed into analyzed data from an alternative bypass perspective.

This is not a beautiful process. The huge data flow transformed by the personality's analysis of the world makes Bai Xuan use the World Tree as a template to build a mysterious system celestial computer that is running crazily.

Every time a layer of data flow is digested, there will be one more rune on the leaves of the World Tree; if the energy consumed in this process is not unique to Bai Xuan itself, it can passively absorb energy from nature.

Even if Bai Xuan himself has entered the realm of gods, he will be exhausted by the energy consumed by analysis.

When Bai Xuan's body can no longer provide energy, in order to ensure that the process continues to run, it will begin to consume those entities that are not easy to detect but can also be converted into energy.

Soul, lifespan, realm, memory. These will all become energy in the process of transformation.

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