Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian used submachine guns to shoot a particularly large number of bullets into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, even the bullets flew very quickly into the air, killing the radiation bats.

However, the effect was not as ideal as Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian imagined.

These radiation bats flying in the sky, they are clustered together.

To the naked eye, it looks like a ball of flesh wrapped in a ball, constantly moving in the sky.

The bullets from the submachine gun hit the radiation bats, and many of the bullets overlapped the outer layer.

In other words, two or three bullets are sometimes fired at the same radiation bat at the same time.

Not only that, compared to the previous radiation rabbits and radiation rats, these radiation bats in the sky have much more tenacious vitality.

The bullet fell on the radiation bat, and the radiation bat, even if it fell to the ground, was still struggling, and did not die in the first place.

Zhao Chen's brows furrowed.

It seems that these radiation bats are still a little difficult to deal with in a short period of time.

Radiated bats, radiated rabbits, radiated rats......

Zhao Chen was thinking, is there any better way to quickly clean up these radiation bats in front of him?

Using a submachine gun to forcibly sweep the sky through these radiation bats12 is not very good.

The effect is not good, and these radiation bats that fall to the ground will not be lost in the first place in a short time.

"There you go. "

Zhao Chen thought of a solution, but he hadn't tried this method before, and he didn't know if it worked well or not.

Zhao Chen had seen some videos before, there were some people who survived in the wilderness, and they would go to hunt bats when they were hungry.

Bats usually live in dark caves, and their method of catching them is simple.

First, weave something like a tennis racket out of twigs and vines.

Later, he found some dry wood and set fire to the dark cave.

After a while, when the fire is extinguished, thick smoke erupts.

Under the influence of smoke, the pitch-black bats will quickly fly out of the pitch-black cave, and then be used by the wilderness survivors, like the stuff of a tennis racket, to shoot down and kill.

These bats in the sky were not the same as the ordinary bats in the cave, but Zhao Chen could borrow this method.

In other words, bats are particularly afraid of two things: fire and smoke.

If it were changed to last week, Zhao Chen would not be able to use fire attacks, but during this time, as the temperature rises, Zhao Chen will have almost no problems using fire attacks.

"We'll shoot them down with submachine guns and burn them later with incendiary oil bottles. "

"Well, bats have always been afraid of flames, and burning the oil bottle should do a good job. "

After a brief communication between Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian, the two of them began to use this method to kill the radiation bats in the sky.

Qiao Qian looked at the submachine gun and quickly strafed the floating bats in the sky.

When these bats fell to the ground layer by layer, Zhao Chen was quick and threw out the burning oil bottle.

As soon as the incendiary oil bottle was thrown out and fell to the ground, it exploded in an instant, and then the flames engulfed the radiation bat.

I only heard the sound of grinding my teeth even more harsh.

A "crackling" sound sounded, and countless radiation bats were in the midst of the fire.

In the shelter, Ying Mengyao's big eyes stared at what was happening outside.

Ying Mengyao watched Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian fighting side by side, she knew that this was the two of them working together, but there was still some jealousy in her heart.

She was jealous not because Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian fought side by side, she was jealous because she didn't stand with Zhao Chen for the first time when difficulties came.

Merely... Soon, she's been speeding up her research lately.

If what she researches can be successful, then the next time Zhao Chen encounters difficulties, she will also be able to stand with Zhao Chen in the first time and face these difficulties.

She hadn't thought about this research before, but now because of the impact of the global catastrophe, coupled with Zhao Chen's intelligent technology, she was greatly inspired.

She expects a 75% chance that she will be able to successfully complete the study. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Outside the shelter.

A smile appeared on Zhao Chen's face.

Fortunately, the method of fire attack has worked, otherwise it would have been really difficult to deal with these radiation bats for a while.

This gave Zhao Chen a wake-up call.

As the global catastrophe intensifies, the biological properties of many radioactive organisms will once again be strengthened. Moreover, there are so many creatures in the world, and there are many creatures that Zhao Chen does not know.

When Zhao Chen strengthened his armed strength, he also had to consider many aspects in case of emergency.

Submachine guns, while useful, are not a panacea.

Landmines on the ground, as well as power grids in mid-air, can protect against some organisms, but there are also organisms that need to be considered beyond these basic precautions.

For example, these flying radiation bats now, because of the flight altitude and their strong mobility, the power grid does not work as well on them as expected.

The incendiary oil bottle is not bad, but only if you use a submachine gun to shoot down these radiation bats flying in the sky.

Zhao Chen felt that if he could, he would make some flamethrowers.

Glaciers and icy weather, the flamethrower has no effect. But at room temperature, or at high temperatures, the flamethrower can have some great effects.

After about two hours of strafing, and with the help of incendiary oil bottles, the radiation in the sky, the bats were completely swept 570 and fell to the ground.

Most of the radiation bats on the ground were burned to death by the flames, and a small number of radiation bats were shot by Qiao Qian and successfully killed.

Seeing that all the radiation bats had been killed, Zhao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The two then walked into the shelter.

Ying Mengyao saw Zhao Chen walking into the shelter and asked with concern:

"Brother Chen, you're not hurt, are you?"

"I didn't get hurt, but this time I was very tired. "

"Brother Chen, why are there so many radiation bats this time?"

"I don't know the specifics, it should be affected by the weather, right?"

Zhao Chen didn't figure out for a while why so many radiation bats came at one time.

And, unlike usual, these radiation bats are still wrapped together.

The creatures wrapped together, Zhao Chen had only heard of some land animals in many oceans before, and they migrated through the group to protect other children.

Others are ants, and when ants migrate, they encounter rivers that are difficult to cross, and they also adopt this method.

Sacrifice the outer creatures to protect the inner creatures.

Do bats also have this kind of collective consciousness?

Zhao Chen didn't figure it out.

After this attack of radiation bats, Zhao Chen was ready to give it a try and see if he could make a flamethrower.

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