The distribution of grain seeds is controlled by relevant official personnel, and in fact, if it is not controlled, it will be completely chaotic.

With so much food here, anyone will be eyeing it.

Hearing the words of the official staff, after a while, people came forward one after another to line up for registration.

Name, age, address.

Zhao Chen and others did not go up to register and fill in the information.

Zhao Chen reminded:

"People don't necessarily use real information, so as not to reveal our position. "

Zhao Chen didn't want to reveal his true geographical location, nor did he want these people in the shelter to reveal his true location.

After all, everyone is together, if they expose their position, then Zhao Chen will also be implicated, which is something that Zhao Chen doesn't want to see at all.

"Okay. "

"Big guy, I know. "

"We'll fill in some false information, don't worry. "

Zhao Chen didn't ask them to fill in false information, what he said was that he didn't necessarily use real information12.

After a while, Zhao Chen walked up and began to fill in his information.

Name: Edison Zhao, Age: 27, Address: Great Wilderness Mountain.

After Zhao Chen filled in his information, Qiao Qian also filled in the information.

Name: Rhubarb, Age: 21, Address: Great Wilderness Mountain.

At first, Zhao Chen felt that the name he filled in was a bit outrageous, after all, Mr. Chen's name was like thunder to everyone. It's just that the name is smart, which is also a very common thing, so he didn't care.

But when Zhao Chen saw the information filled in by Qiao Qian, he felt that this was really outrageous.

Rhubarb inexplicably lay down the gun.

After filling in the information, Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian walked over to receive the food seeds distributed.

It was the same as what Zhao Chen had seen on the official news network of the Dragon Country before, and the grain seeds he received were the ones above.

Each person can get three catties of grain seeds.

Three catties per person does not seem to be much on the surface, but if you multiply the number of people in the country by three catties, that kind of number adds up to an astronomical number.

In the era of global cataclysm, only the Dragon Kingdom has such a strong strength to dare to do this. If it were placed in other countries, the relevant dignitaries would definitely take these materials for themselves.

When Zhao Chen was receiving the grain seeds, the relevant staff took a few glances at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen, whether it is his dress or overall temperament, is the same as others.

Zhao Chen was watched and paid special attention, which is also a normal thing.

It's just that as long as they are compatriots in the Dragon Country, they can speak dragon dialect, and they can receive relevant food seeds, and they have not verified the authenticity of each other's identities.

After Zhao Chen received it, Qiao Qian followed closely and began to collect the grain seeds.

Subsequently, several manufacturers who had a good relationship with Zhao Chen received grain seeds one after another.

has a good relationship with Zhao Chen, and these manufacturers do not have a particularly serious food shortage problem at present. The grain seeds they received, they will plant them like Zhao Chen, and wait until they grow into corresponding grains in the future.

As for the other compatriots of the Dragon Nation, that's not a good idea.

Zhao Chen and the others finished receiving the food one after another and prepared to leave. At this time, a man who spoke the words of the Stick Country wanted to receive grain seeds, but was rejected by the official personnel of the Dragon Ruling Country.

So, the man from the country of sticks scolded:

"Why don't you give me food seeds? You have no internationalism at all, and I'm going to sue you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Chen couldn't help but be a little speechless when he heard the words of this man from the stick country.

What kind of internationalist spirit is still being talked about, and whether or not there will be a stick country to continue to exist is a particularly serious question.

As a result, this guy from this little stick country actually dared to talk about the spirit of internationalism.

It's already good enough to give him food, and it's still chirping here, and there are too many requirements.

Seeing that the officials of the Dragon Country did not continue to give him food, the men of the Little Stick Country were ready to go up and grab it.

It was at this time.

"Bang. A gunshot rang out, and a blood flower appeared on the back of the man's head.

Although it is said that it is affected by the global catastrophe, there is a certain amount of time for everyone to buffer. But for various reasons, there are still some people from other countries who are stranded in the Dragon Country. At the same time, there are also some compatriots in the Dragon Nation who are stranded in other countries.

Of course, there are other people from other countries who are stranded outside their home countries.

Such people usually fall to the bottom of society quickly, and some are even directly forcibly deported.

Death is the fate of most of them.

However, compared to those countries that are full of benevolence and morality, the Dragon Country is much better in terms of treatment and measures for these people.

The officials of the Dragon Country did not exterminate all these people, but on the basis of a certain amount of living security, they connected with other countries and sent these people back.

People like this who are not only not grateful, but have become more indicated, Zhao Chen very much agrees with the official approach.

We can be kind, but you also need to know what gratitude is.

If you don't know what gratitude is, and you want to make it even worse, let them eat a peanut.

The gunshot rang out, and there were other people who wanted to make too many mistakes, but when they heard this gunshot, the audience was silent in an instant.

The order of the queue was much better, and no one felt a word more.

After receiving the food, Zhao Chen did not leave 867 directly, but walked around the city twice.

Where there were official personnel, Zhao Chen found that there was a super-large supermarket. This super-large supermarket has something to exchange, but it is not a traditional exchange of paper money and gold coins.

There is only one way to exchange other things here, and that is to exchange them for food.

Food has become the mainstream hard currency, and many entertainment and cultural products have rapidly depreciated in value. There were even some rapid falls, completely losing all the value of peacetime.

Zhao Chen saw a lot of goods in the supermarket, some of which Zhao Chen needed. It's just that this time Zhao Chen didn't bring food money with him, so Zhao Chen didn't trade any items, just looked at it briefly.

After visiting the entire mall, Zhao Chen planned to bring some food to exchange for some supplies when he had enough time in the future, so as to improve the comfort of the shelter. In this way, the development of shelters will be promoted more quickly.

After shopping in the supermarket, Zhao Chen looked around a few more times, but he did not find the century-old Ganoderma lucidum he dreamed of in the supermarket and the urban area.

Since he didn't find Zhao Chen on the spot, he was not discouraged, he was going to look for it again after a while.

Zhao Chen and his party gradually left the city and prepared to go back.

However, at this time, one head after another appeared halfway up the mountain in front.

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