The door was ajar.
Inside were a few drowsy black ghosts who looked like they had sucked something. They were lying on the sofa and on the ground in disorder, making weird laughter from time to time, wondering what ghost dreams they were having.
In the room inside, there was a sound of shouting and cursing.
A nigger was lying on the bed, cursing and arguing with the person on the other end of the phone.
At this time, the crow possessed by the venom symbiosis flew in.
A pair of dark eyes coldly scanned the niggers in the room.
Puff a few times.
A few niggers in the living room outside twitched a few times, blood sprayed on the wall, staining the dirty, black and smelly wall with bright red.
The crow continued to fly into the inner room.
The nigger who heard the movement looked towards the door.
Seeing crows flying in all the time, he opened his mouth with a swear word beginning with F.
It’s just that before he finished swearing, a black tentacle wrapped around his neck in an instant, lifting his 170-80 kg body high.
The nigga struggled, his eyes full of horror.
next second…
Blood sprayed.
The body that lost its head fell directly on the bed.
And that dead head was thrown out by the venom, and hit the wall with a click, it was smashed to pieces!
Next, is the “cleaning” of the entire building by the venom.
Ye Xiu saw all this and wondered how these niggers survived till now?
He discovered that in this building, there were actually hidden guns hidden in some hidden corners.
There are even prohibited items such as washing powder that are banned by Dongguo.
These scumbags, just don’t take care of yourself.
They die as they like!
But he still wanted to come to Dongguo and harm them Dongguo people.
It’s a shame to die!
At this moment, Ye Xiu even felt that he had become the embodiment of justice.
He is obviously a superman!
Those people insist on talking about people from the motherland.
Where does he look like a native of the motherland?
Will the people of the motherland be like him, conscientiously deal with these scumbags in society?
Therefore, I am definitely not from the motherland!
Ye Xiu thought to himself.
Then seeing the venom that had cleaned up the entire building, he ordered it to leave Sam’s District.
As for the death of so many niggers in Sam’s District, will it cause any bad effects?
Do not make jokes!
It’s just a bunch of scum, with a fart’s bad influence.
Is this really a free country?
If these foreign scumbags really dare to engage in demonstrations and other things, the officials of Dongguo will arrest them all in minutes.
Repatriation is still easy.
If you don’t give you a direct sentence, it is already lenient!
As for these dead scumbags?
They all said they were scumbags.
Naturally, death is in vain!
the next day.
At noon, in a restaurant.
Ye Xiu ate alone while checking the news on his phone.
The vicious murder that happened in Sam’s district last night has made headlines today.
But the comments below were surprisingly joyful.
Some of them are also unavoidable.
Most of these people are foreigners living in the Eastern Kingdom.
Especially some niggers from a free country.
For the death of a fellow man.
They were very angry and hoped that the Dongguo officials could catch the murderer as soon as possible.And make sure something like this doesn’t happen again in the future.
Unfortunately, the only people who support them are themselves.
As for other Dongguo netizens?
It’s not bad if you don’t scold and go back!
Everyone is gloating and watching the excitement.
This is not the cold-blooded netizens of Dongguo.
In fact, when these niggers first came to the East, everyone was very friendly and warm to them.
But look at what these niggers did after they came to Dongguo?
The things they did can’t even be said publicly here!
All are content that needs harmony.
Therefore, the netizens in Dongguo, who were warm and friendly at the beginning, gradually turned into disgust and hatred
Someone did something they wanted to do but were afraid to do.
These niggas expect them to sympathize?
I sympathize with you ghost!
If you feel bullied yourself, you need the sympathy of others.
What about when you bully others?
What are you thinking!
How can there be so many good things in this world for you?
The underprivileged are amazing!
Can vulnerable groups do whatever they want?
Even the officials of the Eastern Kingdom highlighted the places where these black free countrymen lived, and found a large amount of washing powder and illegally held firearms, etc.
This shows what?
Shows that these niggas deserve to die!
Good kill!
This is what netizens in the comment area said.
On Ye Xiu’s side, he was eating and reading online comments about this matter.
At this time, a familiar figure came to a table next to him and sat down.
Ye Xiu looked at him.
The other party also noticed Ye Xiu and nodded to him in a friendly manner.
Ye Xiu also returned a polite smile.
Then look away.
‘What a coincidence. ‘
Ye Xiu thought to himself.
The man just now was Ben Franklin.
That is, the “Batman” who has just emerged recently.
Ye Xiu didn’t expect that he just discovered this guy’s true identity last night.
It turned out that we met in the restaurant by such a coincidence today.
However, Ye Xiu only thought it was a coincidence.
Nothing else to think about.
Although, Superman and Batman are friends and teammates in film and television dramas.
But in reality.
The two who gained the powers of Superman and Batman.
I’ll just catch a fish, as for chasing me with a warship?
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