Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: More fate

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In the false heaven grave, Fang Ping people have not arrived yet, and there has been a chaos.

False day grave.

Fang Ping's face was dignified and continued to escape.

In the rear, Fighting King quickly rushed, and flew to the side: "Fang Ping, you will be shackled! Otherwise, you are a billion people, it is difficult to live!"

"You kill it!"

Fang Ping’s voice is cold and cold. “It’s good to kill! I know that my strong people are fighting for the human race, and they are bound by the earth! The human race is destroyed, the strong ones are not dead, and they are all liberated. Yeah, look at your seal. What is the pulse of the pulse facing a group of crazy people!"

Fang Ping did not say that he did not care about human beings, but in turn deterred each other.

You are gone!

Today, you have destroyed the Terran, and tomorrow is a group of crazy and hysterical Terran powerhouses.

Nowadays, the king of the town, the king of Wu, so many, including the people of Fang Ping...

Why didn't you avoid the war and always take the initiative to fight?

Are these people, Wu Wang, necessary to kill in the false grave?

No need!

In order to make the people get better development, in order to entangle those strong and give others time, they are willing to be trapped!

The same is true of Fang Ping!

With his ability to hide the breath, secretly lurking, even the king will never dare to provoke him.

If there is no human race, the cave Jiu Sheng really dare to fight against Fang Ping?

Still not knowing that the human race is there, they have the opportunity to kill Fang Ping.

Without the Terran, Fang Ping ran away.

Fighting King is cold and cold: "You are scaring the king? You have destroyed your race, how can you?"

"Go is here!"

Fang Ping snorted. "I really thought I didn't know? The guys hidden in the dark now have layouts. The Terran is the key, destroying the Terran... You are my idiot? You destroy it, you do it, you seal it. Tianyimai is completely extinct, and even the old tortoise has to be killed... Do not believe you try it?"

Fighting king face cold, some things, really poked the key.

Despite this, Fighting King is still somewhat annoyed.

Fang Ping is running on him!

Fighting king snorted, his eyes were cold and sharp, and suddenly, a big hand, smashed toward the back of Wu Kuishan!

Yes, he did not dare to destroy the Terran.

Can kill some, that is still no problem.

Since Fang Ping runs on him, kill some people and let him see.

At this moment, this big hand covered and went, across the distance, Wu Kuishan just broke out, suddenly changed his face, the next moment, a small portal fell into him.

With a bang, Wu Kuishan was awkward and almost fell.

Preparing to erupt, he suddenly lost control, and he was absolutely dilemma. At this moment, the momentum plummeted and instantly slipped from the shackles.

Wu Kuishan, whose basic qi and blood is only over 200,000 cards, even if the essence of qi and blood is twice as high as that of the nine products, it is comparable to more than 500,000 cards in nine products.

More than 500,000 cards... In the face of the King of Heaven, more than 5 million cards!

Absolute spike!

At this moment, the terrible manifestation of the seal of the sky has come out. It is absolutely impossible for them to kill Wu Kuishan. They should not be too easy to kill.

Although even if it is not sealed, Wu Kuishan is by no means an opponent of the king.

But at this moment, it is easier to kill.


Wu Kuishan screamed, but the source was shaking, but it was impossible to break through the seal.

He is too weak!

At least relative to the king, it is really too weak, even the broken seal can not be done.

Just at this time, next to it, a shocking sword rose!

Just restored some of the old man Li, a low drink, a sword out!

Optimus’s big hand covered it, but it was a hole in the blink of an eye.


Over there, Fighting King snorted!

Longevity sword!

Killing the eternal sword of annihilation, the strength is not weak, I am afraid that there has already been the strength of the emperor.

After all, he was just a random blow, and the big hand covered it. This was defeated by the Changsheng sword.

In the next moment, the big hand was solidified a lot. This time, not only for Wu Kuishan, but even the longevity sword was enveloped.


The void is broken, the five heavens are broken, and the broken is easy.

He wants to kill the sword of the longevity!

Li old man's face is dignified, violent, and skyrocketing, killing again with a sword!

No raw sword!

This sword broke out, although it failed to break the five heavens, it was aimed at one point, the only strength, slamming, and penetrated the big hand!

Li Laotou broke through directly from the huge palm and his face was pale.

Heavenly king!

This is the king!

A strong man with imperial power, facing the opponent's random blow, can only face it hard, this is why his origin will not be sealed.

The ordinary emperor level, encountered the fighting king, double the increase was sealed, almost all mortal end.

Two times in a row, Li Changsheng broke the palm of his hand, and the face of Doumen was slightly gloomy.

Although it is only in the pursuit of Fang Ping, with the intention to kill these human beings, they can be broken and moved, and it is also shameful.

This time, the face of Doumen was gloomy, the big hand reversed, and then solidified again, and immediately caught the longevity sword in the sky!

This time, Li Changsheng escapes!

At this moment, the **** of casting makes the nose like a fire, biting his teeth: "Don't give face? Said this guy, Lao Tzu, and dare to shoot again!"

Words fall, between heaven and earth, eighteen avatars appear instantly!


In a blink of an eye, everyone seemed to see something. When they saw the 18-handed weapon, they instantly merged into a new weapon. In the blink of an eye, a human figure was gathered and the gods were cast!


Eighteen avatars are united, the newly-emerged casting **** makes the air machine powerful, and it feels like it has not reached the level of the king, but it is a punch!

The void is not broken!

Energy is not scattered!

The power of control is frightening!

As the most outstanding **** of casting soldiers for tens of thousands of years, casting God to create weapons, the control of power is extremely high, otherwise an accidental, an artifact can be destroyed.

Jiang Wei once said that casting God has brought the power to control by 100%!

This kind of person, even if it is ancient, has not been done.

Even the emperor does not mean that power can control this point.

The fusion of the avatar, not to the king of heaven, is only the top sacrament.

But this punch, light and fluttering, seems to have nothing to do, but it is so terrifying to the rear saints.

Even faintly reached the point of breaking six!

That is the realm of Uranus!

The king of the king, does not mean that his own strength is only broken six, breaking six, that is the strength of exertion, play the strength of breaking six, is the king.

Even if your limit of blood reaches 7 million cards, the power control is low enough to break six, and that is not the king.

Casting the gods to make the limit of the avatar, apparently did not reach the point of breaking the six, but at this moment is the looming beat between the six!

This fist goes down, after a huge palm, directly smashes the palm of your hand, leaving nothing behind!

In the distance, the body of the fighting king trembled slightly.

This is not to be counted, the **** of casting made a direct emptiness, like an instant, instantly appeared on the top of his head, appeared in the small world where he hangs high altitude, punched out!

The world is shaking, as if the end of the world is coming.


A blood spurted out from the mouth of the fighting king, the source oscillated and the power overflowed.

Casting the gods makes the face look bad, once again banged out and went straight to his head!

Great courage!

I don’t want to shoot, who dares to be when I don’t exist?

This is a fight, but it is a dog, and dare to compete with yourself!

Give him a face!

"Flat source!"

Fighting the king violently screamed, and there were countless portals on the body, and went straight to cast the gods to go. Not only that, but a long knife appeared in the hand, a knife smashed to the gods, the void was broken, and the six heavens broke!


One punch, one knife, colliding with each other.

Casting the gods dissipated the figure, revealing a new weapon, like a ball, spinning in the air.

And the king of fighting, the arm burst directly, blasted, spread, and spread toward him.

Rumble, the sound of explosions continued.

Fighting King is a cold eyes, no matter how careless, countless portals instantly blend into the ball.


At this moment, the voice of the gods was made, and a cold voice was heard.

Who is he?

Cast God!

The origin of the source, that is his own source.

A king who has just broken six, actually dared to seal his own origin, what is this?

This is called looking for death!

At this moment, the head of the fighting king suddenly burst open, the void, the gateway to the ball, shattered!


Casting the **** directly broke his seal, the ball instantly turned into a human figure, and again punched out, hehe!

A loud noise came!

The king of the bucket was pierced, his head broken, and the broken body flew out.

Soon, the remnant began to recover, and the chest that could be pierced was always difficult to recover.

Casting God did not chase, arrogant, and looked at him coldly.

"Heavenly king? You are the new king, the old man can kill you all! You dare to scream with the old man!"


The overbearing of the strong!

His body has not come out, a avatar, but it is the golden body of the fighting king.

At this moment, the four sides are silent.

This is probably the strongest avatar ever since ancient times!

No one's avatar can be strong enough!

The emperor may be, what the situation of the emperor of the year is still unclear.

Can be a king of the king, other people are as strong as Kun Wang, the avatar is only initially capable of saints.

And the **** of casting, his avatar is to defeat the golden body of a king.

This is the creation of the avatar, and is still the strength of the cast soldiers master, 18 stalk and half artifact integration, this is strong, coupled with extremely high power control, the top saint is defeated the king of gold!

Fighting King has recovered at this moment, his face is slightly pale, his eyes are a little gloomy, and he looks at the casting god, half awkward, cold channel: "It is very strong, but... how long can you cast the battle!"

Very strong, beyond his expectations.

After all, it’s just a avatar!

The power of avatar comes from himself, from the reserves of weapons, not from heaven and earth.

In a short period of time, a powerful force can be erupted. Over time, the strength of the avatar will be greatly weakened.

Casting God makes it disappointing, sneer: "You have to try? Reserve energy. Do you think the old man has no such artifacts? Don't forget, the big sun in the air is made by Laozi, idiot!"

That is the source of energy!

That stuff, energy is unlimited.

He casts a god, is it difficult to create an imitation?

As soon as this was said, the face of Doumen was once again ugly.

Really look down on these ancient powerhouses!

He almost forgot, and the **** of creation made the source of Xianyuan, the strongest artifact in ancient times!

At this moment, a weak mental power broke through, the mental power fluctuated, and the voice was heard. The tone and laughter said: "The iron is still so big... Fighting the sky, going to find the king... hitting the iron, You won't even have to be protected by the king?"

Casting the gods makes the cold sigh: "The king will fight, you don't need the old man to protect it! It's your pulse, and then dare to provoke the old man, seal, and the old man and you!"

"Why is the fire so big..."

The tone of the seal is still smiling. "The sword of Changsheng... It should be a little different. It is iron. This kind of person you have to protect, it is easy to get burned! You are really broken eight strong, at this time, it is easy to make mistakes." !"

Casting the **** makes a sneer, it doesn't matter; "What about that? What's more... I can't beat you to threaten the old man!"

"If you hit the iron, don't force it. Your deity is locked in the void. Is it really a battle?"

Feng is still laughing, "The longevity sword is even this time, the king of things, you will participate again... then this seat can only learn from you one or two!"

Casting God makes no evasive, overbearing, "I will be afraid of you? Just kidding! You are less threatening to Laozi, Laozi has to take care of it, don't care if you don't care, you dare to threaten, today I let you break the grandchildren! ”

"The temper is still so violent..."

Feng seems to never be angry, and continues to laugh: "The Terran ... especially the rise of the generation of the Terran, is not one of them to target them, even if you ... in the end, will really continue to support them?"

The sound of the seal was a little bigger. Fang Ping, who fled in the distance, heard a laugh from his ear:

"The Terran, the protagonist of this generation! It is also the protagonist of the heavens and the earth for tens of thousands of years after the beginning of the martial arts! And the strongman of the rise of this generation is the seed, the hope, the opportunity, the chance, the miracle, the invincible shortcut……

Fang Ping, who supports you today, may not really support you.

It is not necessarily to kill you who wants to kill you today. Sometimes, things are so ridiculous. ”

The tone of the seal always has a smile. "Fang Ping, some things, your generation will not understand, the iron is... is it a good person? Hahaha..."

A burst of laughter sounded, and soon the sound dissipated.

At the moment, Fang Ping is screaming, screaming: "I will care? Today, the strong people of the Terran, regardless of the future, today help the Terran, that is the humanity benefactor! Come face, it is also the coming of the day ! You are such a person, and it is also a waste!

I feel that I can’t kill me today, I’m going to bury the lead in advance, what do you want me to do?

It seems that you are very despising your apprentice, a king, a top saint, are not sure to take me, really a bunch of waste! ”

Fang Ping is sarcasm and extremely ridiculous.

The seal was not heard again.

Fang Ping did not continue to provoke, almost on the line, really brought this guy, and the trouble is also very big, did not see the casting **** so that the avatar is so strong, but also some taboos.

The King of Fighters was cast to defeat the golden body, and the distance from Fang Ping also opened a lot.

Fang Ping is also a little relaxed at the moment, hanging behind the overlord, smiled and said: "big bear, you can't do this speed!"

The face of Bawang is not good-looking, and the speed is a lot faster.

In the rear, Dou Tianwang did not continue to speak this time, avoiding the casting of the gods, and they no longer deal with Li Laotou, and they pursued Fang Fangping.


Casting the gods makes the sky stand out, and the face is light.

If there isn't a cat, climb on his lap again and cast a **** that makes this scene remembered by history.

I am arbitrarily defeating the king of gold, this is a big event!

Unfortunately, with a fat fat cat, kneeling on his lap, clutching his own legs, casting God so that no need to be remembered.

"Hot pot, you are amazing!"

The cat seems to be flattering, and he likes to eat: "The eighteen handles and half artifacts are like a pot!"


Casting God makes no words, what do you want to say?

"Or send me, this cat hasn't eaten for a long time, the gap pot..."

Casting the gods makes you shake your thighs, your heart is dark, you know you are coming to this set!

At this time, Li Laotou and Wu Kuishan arrived, and Wu Kuishan gratefully opened his mouth; "Thank you for your help!"

If it is not for the gods to make a shot, today I am afraid that the trouble is big.

Fighting King is really strong, at least at the time, these sages were full of dignity, did not dare to easily shot.

Once the source is sealed, even if they have a large number of people, they are all dead for the fighting king.

Casting the **** did not say anything, slightly frowning, looking at Fang Ping who fled in the distance, thought about it: "You are not the target of the seal, his goal is Fang Ping, and Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng, I will take it away, Fang Ping's side... The identity of the king is destined to undergo countless twists and turns, and the old man can't intervene without permission. ”

Casting the gods to look at Wu Kuishan, and looked at the silent old man Li, slowly said: "This is a big world, the Terran has become the center of the storm at this moment, destined to be more difficult!

Fang Ping became a king, and he was destined to face some difficulties and some dangers.

The more outstanding the human race, the more dangerous it is!

Feng... In fact, nothing wrong.

Now it’s just the beginning, and at the end... even the old man, even the king of the town... may not always stand with humans. ”

Casting the gods does not evade anything, sighs and sighs: "The world of great struggle! Everyone is fighting! Fighting, fighting for... After so many years of silence, we are not willing to be the supporting role of the times and become irrelevant figures. And gradually die in the dark void."

Casting the **** makes the sound faint. "But as Fang Ping said, at this moment, the old man has not hurt humans. Now your enemy will not be an old man.

The future, the future.

These three worlds are only relying on themselves, external forces, and always only external forces...

Even this big fat cat... it also has its pursuit. ”

Casting God kicked a cat, and the cat looked sad and kicked the cat!

Casting God makes a smile, faintly said: "Fat cat wants to be fatter, want to sleep well, want to eat well, how much will give some strength, but don't always count on it. It is stronger and will not Really fighting for the Terran..."

The cat replied: "I am just a cat, don't fight!"

Casting the **** makes a sneer, licking its big head, and sighs: "Then continue to be a cat. Goodbye! Don't mess with it. Your next situation is no better than Fangping. Be careful. ......"

The cat did not pick up his thigh.

Wu Kuishan hurriedly said: "The meaning of the predecessors is..."

Casting the gods makes the eyes deep, muttering: "Who can avoid the world of great struggles? Cang cat... Killing the cat... Maybe it is the moment when the source ends and the new road is opened!"

Casting God made a bow, looking at the cat, some sad: "Fat cat, you are dead... Maybe it is the end of this world, the end of the source, the opening of the next era!"

A few words from the cat, no one heard it clearly.

Wu Kuishan's face changed a bit. Li Laotou looked at the cat and said: "Cang cat has helped me human times many times. The human race will never sit back and watch it! Whether it is Fang Ping or Minister Zhang, they will do their best. Will not forget the kindness!"

"You... still too weak!"

Casting God makes a sigh of relief, self-deprecating: "Some things are more complicated than you think! The old man... has already sensed some, some people are afraid that they will be going out! The battle of 30,000 years ago is not over yet. continue……"

At this moment, everyone's face has changed.

The battle of the avenue!

Three thousand years ago, the dispute between the source and the martial arts road was not over yet?

Casting the gods makes a stroll through the void, while walking and saying: "The beginning of the martial arts, the origin, the new avenue... In the future, it is destined to flow into the river! The lost will return, this world, completely decide the outcome, practice one, what is true What is false?"

Casting the gods seems to know a lot of things, the more they say, the more complex the tone.

The cat released his thigh and jumped to the sika deer. He was in a low mood and shouted: "Every day fights, every day! There are so many delicious foods..."

Casting God makes you laugh, and ignores it.

Cang cat... the key point of this source.

The future is also a disaster and a lot of fate.

The Tengu and the cat guards went to the graves of the heavens. I am afraid that they also want to solve some troubles in advance. Otherwise, the cats will be here. These people will not leave them alone and leave early.

Some dangers are still deep.

Although the Three Realms are dangerous, they are much easier than the hidden dangers.

These people are not dead, and no one will rush to move the cat.

I am afraid that... these people will be trapped in the grave of heaven. At that time, the situation of the cat will become more and more dangerous.

Cat... You think you are a cat, but you are not!

The **** of casting made the eyes complicated, and the early Wu of the year failed. This time, it will definitely be prepared more fully.

Some of the strongest sources in the source may not be able to protect you.

The source, the beginning of the military, is inseparable.

How many of the strongest sources are also the strongest in the early Wu era, do they really think that the source is good?

The source of this source is only the Emperor of the Nine Emperors, and the status of 1 other people may not be much higher than before.

Without the source, returning to the beginning of the military, this is something that some of the strongest sources are considering.

Casting the **** makes a stroll through the void, no more words.

In front, Fang Ping turned back to fight with Bawang for a moment, and quickly fled, and Fighting King once again chased the past.

Wu Kuishan saw a few people watching Fang Ping being chased and killed, his face complex and amazing.

The king is being chased... The Terran is only looking at it!

They also need to shelter the gods to make this side, otherwise it is only the cumbersomeness of Fang Ping.

After all, the **** of casting is not a new warrior, and he did not go all out to protect Fang Fangping.

Fang Ping... Can you escape to the false grave?

At this moment, in the crowd, Jiang Yan sighed and whispered: "Some things can only rely on himself! Overlord... I am coming!"

When the words fall, the body is broken and quickly chased forward.

He can only deal with the overlord, I am afraid it may not be an opponent.

Fighting King... He is far from being defeated. Once sealed, he will resume his absolute strength and will be killed in the blink of an eye.

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