Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Powerful town king

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In the false heaven grave.

A sudden war, with the fall of the overlord, the parties fled to the end.

The human side is taking advantage of it.


In a broken building.

Zhang Tao and Zhentian Wang are extremely surprised to see Fang Ping.

The weak Fang Ping in the past is already powerful and shocking.

Killing the saints, fighting the king, set off three realities.

It didn't take long before entering the false grave. On March 1st, all the talents entered the place.

Today, it is only in early May.

For more than two months, it was turned upside down.

The land of the three major domains was destroyed, the cults were destroyed, the caves and the Nanhuang vein, and the emperor's veins all had saints, and now there are saints in the world.

Fang Ping set off a storm in the Three Realms.

Tu Sheng, one by one.

These true gods and emperors who kill in time may not be less than those who died in the false graves.

The weak human being, under the leadership of Fang Ping, Yang Wei Sanjie, Jiusheng sitting in the town's caves did not dare to invade.

Ren Wang Fangping!

In just two months, Fang Ping’s reputation spread throughout the Three Realms, and was truly known to those who were strong, and no one would ignore the 21-year-old Terran Powerhouse.

In the false heaven grave, when Fang Ping first appeared, he set off a storm, which is even more memorable.

This is the king!

This generation is king!

Not inferior to Wu Wang, even more than ever.

Wu Wang stabilized the situation of mankind and made mankind not tough.

In the case of stability, the king of the people led the Terran to expand the territory and build the Terran into a peak of the Three Realms.

At this moment, Tian Tian and Zhang Tao are all complicated in their eyes, and there are many emotions in their hearts, and only they know it.

Fang Ping, who was a singer of the past, is still in trouble, and can be provoked, enough to be equal to them.

Proudly provoked, the Terran has stood in the Three Realms, who dares to say that the Terran is the weakest?

Looking at the young Fang Ping, the town of Tianwang is an infinite feeling.

Zhang Tao also stared at Fang Ping for a while, looked at it, smiled, and gently touched his hand and touched Fang Pingping's head.

A good kind of love!

When others watched it, I am afraid that I will feel infinite. Wu Wang Fuding, inheritance and order, if it is recorded by people, maybe it will be an allusion in the future.

However, Fang Ping does not think so!



The harsh friction sounded even the fire on Fang Ping’s head!

Fang Ping's face is dark, so he is holding Zhang Tao. What do you mean?

Why do you pinch your head?

I am messing with you?

Several people in the town, the Emperor and the Emperor, looked at each other and saw that the two people had a murderous look in their eyes. They all stepped back a little. These two wars are going on?

Zhang Tao still laughs and smiles brightly.

"Kid, the head is very hard, is it painful?"

"I am afraid that you have a hand!"

"No problem, my hand can be broken!"

"Golden body nine forging, the skull is strong, the king can not be broken, how can you break the sky? Handache is called, don't pretend."

"Kid, are you more energetic with me?"

"You pinch my head, do you think it was before?" Fang Ping's eyes are not good. "Now, I am a smother, and it is easy to kill the king. But you don't have to worry about it!"

Thought it was the year?

Fang Ping’s face is arrogant. I want to call me when I want to hit me. If I want to swear, I will swear at me. If I don’t want to talk to me, I won’t talk to me...

Try again now?

Zhang Tao is still laughing, with a lot of effort, licking Fang Ping's head, the fire continues to erupt.

Fang Ping’s head is inflated, his hair is erected, like a weapon of the gods, and the old palm of his hand is also burning!


Aside, the power of the bulls is big, what is it doing?

The incumbent Wang and the current face are going to be dry?

Wu Wang is not convinced that Fang Ping has taken the position of the king of others?

Should the Terran be guilty?

In the fear of some strength, Zhang Tao suddenly let go of his hand, full of gratification, gratified with a sadness that could not be said.

"Grow up... Really grown up!"

Zhang Tao’s eyes are a bit stunned and whispered: “When I first saw you, remember when?”

Fang Ping thought for a moment and said: "At the end of the battle of the Tiannan Grottoes, in Tiannan, I saw the real person for the first time."

"You still remember..."

"of course!"

Of course, Fang Ping still remembers that in fact, it was not long before the Battle of Tiannan was also a human side. For the first time, there were more than 10 nine strong players participating in the war, which destroyed the nine strong people in the Tiannan Cave and laid down the Tiannan Caves. .

In that battle, several axe kings died in battle, and many eight and seven strong men died in the cave.

In the first battle, Fang Ping first came into contact with the land of the precinct, and for the first time in the circle of nine elites.

It was also that time, he came out from the Tiannan Grottoes and saw Zhang Tao.

I saw Li Zhen!

At that time, Pluto and Wu Wang also left a deep impression on him, only fighting this world!

The two Chinese New Forces who do not seek resurrection and do not seek to be resurrected tell everyone that they are only fighting this world!

And now, it has only been a little over a year.

At that time, Fang Ping, first entered six products.

Today's Fang Ping can fight the saints.

Zhang Tao feels: "Yes, the end of World War I, the victory of China! And I received the information, the biggest one, the magic Wu Fangping! In order to help Wang Jinyang to find a teacher, go deep into the square of the square!"

"A six-person warrior!"

"A sophomore student!"

"My martial arts student!"

Zhang Tao bears his hands and smiles: "That time, I saw you and Wang Jinyang, a few of you, I have heard the name for a long time! The first session, the second Wuda exchange meeting, you Fangping are famous, Shake Wuda!"

"Not only that, I also know that you married Wu Kuishan, the top ten masters went to Beijing, forcing the three major groups to make concessions. Tian Mu is in the face of the Kyoto master, and I am not a man of Zhang Tao. I don't know the bottom warriors are suffering!"

"At that time, I knew you Fang Ping! Can not bear the strength, can talk, and just served as the president of the Magic Wuwudao, they can inspire Wu Kuishan... they are a thorn, a big thorn!"

Zhang Tao looked at him and smiled. "At that time, you were still weak, but I am a man... I like thorns! The more thorny, the more on the battlefield, the more trouble I can create for the enemy!"

"Li Zhen, this person, likes to be calm, Nan Yunyue, likes to be quiet... and I like those who like to cause trouble!"

Zhang Tao is very angry and laughs: "Because... I am such a person! When I was young, I was guilty of making troubles, I dared to do anything, and I was willing to do anything! I am bold, and when I was in a six-category situation, I wandered the restricted area, seven products. At the time of the situation, I went to the taboo of the sea, and when I was in the eight-character world, I stormed the land of the border, and there was nothing I dare not do!

The three ministers who took office have not spawned my ass!

Including the creation of the two new guards of Xinwu, and did not help me solve the big trouble!

I am a person who can't stop and can't stop.

Until I arrived at Jiu Pin, the incumbent minister died in the cave..."

Zhang Tao suddenly felt a little sad: "At that time, I told myself that I can no longer be unscrupulous, Wu Wang is dead, living is Zhang Tao, one of the three ministers of China!"

"I am timid, I dare not fight, I don't even dare to enter the cave. I am afraid of death..."

"I know that when Wu Wang is active again, it is when I have a successor."

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "I have visited many people, the old principal of your magical Wu, including the current president Wu Kuishan, the southern guardian Wu Chuan, the Ministry of Education Wang Qinghai...

These people are on my list. At that time, I never thought about handing over the future to the younger generation. I am talking about the younger generation under 40.

Until... you have appeared! ”

Zhang Tao’s eyes burned and looked at Fang Ping. He smiled and said: “The young generation, the rise of the fast, is beyond my expectations! Zhenxing City Jiang Wei, Nanwu Wang Jinyang, Jingwu Li Hansong, the First Military Academy Yao Chengjun, Mo Wu Fangping...”

"too fast!"

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Don't you find out that since the rise of you, the name of Wu Wang, once again appeared in the cave? Before that, I have not shot for many years! Li Zhen also often shot and fought against the strong caves. Second... and I, even if I shot, I’m facing the air and not fighting.”

Wu Wang, after breaking through to the absolute, almost no longer killed with the strong, rarely.

During the period of the rise of Fang Ping, the name of Wu Wang once again resounded through the caves, fighting the Quartet, and killing the real king.

Because... Zhang Tao feels that someone can take over in the future!

He fancy Fang Ping!

Especially when Fang Ping quickly entered the seven-category situation, at that time, although he was still irritating, Zhang Tao felt that the opportunity came.

"The time you entered the restricted area, the magic war and the grottoes, I have saved a little bit to hone your mind, let you understand that the overall situation is heavy!"

Zhang Tao faintly said: "What is the overall situation? The future of mankind is the overall situation! Individuals are stronger, it is also individual heroism, the human race is strong, strong in the whole!

But that time, I found out that you and I are still different. ”

Zhang Tao looked at Fang Ping. "I am me, you are you. I want to train you into the second Zhang Tao. Obviously, I am wrong! The Terran needs not the second Zhang Tao, the second Wu Wang, and one more Wu Wang. Can't change anything!

You are your own, Fang Ping!

Facts have proved that you are doing very well, maybe there are imperfections, you can do big things, and there are perfect things, you have gone far beyond my expectations!

That's it, the Terran handed it to you, I think it's right, I chose the right person! ”

At the moment, Zhang Tao is a bit less and more solemn.

"If you can do it well, then I will be relieved. I was worried that after I left, the Terran may have a big problem. Your character is more impulsive than me, and I am still young. Considering things often does not consider the consequences..."

Zhang Tao said that suddenly there was something in his hand.

At this moment, the **** of casting makes the face of the avatar, the emperor, and the king of the town change slightly.

Fang Ping looked at it with a fixed look. It was a bit strange. It seemed to be a seal of one side, not a saint order.

"This... handed it to you..."

"Zhang Tao!"

At this time, the town of Tianwang opened!

The king of the town is no longer playful, solemnly said: "Why now? Fang Ping is still young..."

Zhang Tao ignored him and said: "This is not an important thing! This seal has collected the earth of the famous mountains, the water of the Great Lakes, the strength of the strong, and a drop of blood from dozens of martial artists. Made!

As well as hundreds of countries and six holy places around the world, the forces of all parties recognize and co-refine the seal of one side!

The print of the Terran!

There is no practical meaning, it is a symbol. The generation of the Terran recognizes that the next generation of the Terran may not be recognized.


"Zhang Tao!"

Town King once again opened!

The **** of casting is also a flash of eyes, and the emperor is even more uncertain.

This side of the seal he knows... Chiang Kai-shek has been a long time.

At the beginning, it was only approved by the Chinese nation. Later, some countries joined in and approved the seal.

After that, Wu Wang fought in the Quartet and showed great power. The six holy places successively recognized this seal.

Ever since, it has become a seal recognized by the leaders of all ethnic groups, and may be called - Wang Yin!

It is not an artifact, nor a weapon.

A symbol of honor and status!

At this moment, Zhen Tianwang’s face is solemn: “The king’s seal is not a treasure, and Fang Ping is still young. Even if the record is brilliant, you are still alive, and there is no need to be eager.”

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Because of this, it may be better to give it to him now! Give it to him, I can relax, let go, no longer have to worry about anything!"

Zhang Tao has some sleek breath, disappears instantly, like a sword, and said: "I am the king of Wu Wang who is the name of the Wu Wang made by the mouth? No! I am the name of the King of Wu who got the enemy!

Today, I dare not fight!

Not afraid to fight!

I am afraid, I have something in my heart, I dare not let go, I am afraid that I am dead, I am dead... What about the Terran? ”

Zhang Tao looked at him and said coldly: "Do I count on you? You are stronger, you are not a human race! In your heart, the Terran may be important, but what is important is not the Terran, but the future, just what can bring you!"

I can't die!

On the day when my righteous father died, I would not dare to die, worrying about internal troubles, struggling, and lost my way. Who can make me feel relieved?

You can not!

You hide too much, even if you are good to the Terran, I am not at ease, I am afraid... I am afraid that one day, you think that the Terran has become a drag, you turn away!

who are you?

You are the king of town!

Repressing the Three Realms, suppressing the world, the strongest of the early Wu era, the guest of the Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors! ”

Zhang Tao looked at him intently and looked at the strong man who was sitting in the dark for eight thousand years!

The Terran has now, the town of Heaven is the first!

However, he is still not at ease.

Zhang Tao looked at the casting **** and the emperor again, whispering: "You have concealed too much from me! You have concealed too much from the Terran! You have suppressed this casting god, you secretly support the emperor, these... I know some, but I don’t know much.

I don't say it, I dare not say it.

Because I am afraid... I am afraid that if you don’t care about human beings, leave here and let go.

I admit, I am very utilitarian!

But... I am responsible for the six billion people!

You have guarded humanity for eight thousand years. You are the benefactor of humanity, hero, however, you are still not human! ”

Zhang Tao looked at him again, his voice was low: "You have never recognized Xinwu... Xinwu is in your eyes, maybe it is only inevitable, just your masterpiece, not an era you are willing to integrate!"

You are missing something... I know, I knew it long ago.

You are still on the top, not taking yourself as a part of Xinwu, isn't it?

Town Tianwang, today Zhang is not denying you, denying you, and not qualified.

I just want to say that this is the future of the Terran, not the future of your King of Heaven. If one day, you recognize the Terran and recognize the human being, this seal...may not be like this! ”

The cat has said that Wu Wang and the king of the town will have a battle.

Fang Ping had heard this before, and these days have long been forgotten, not taken seriously.

But today... Fang Ping seems to understand a lot.

The town of Tian Wang’s face was cold and looked at Zhang Tao. He said: “Zhang Tao, you have a hard wing, so I don’t think I need to rely on the old man any more, is it?”

"it's not true!"

Zhang Taozheng said: "If there is no predecessor, even now, the Terran is also struggling! I just don't want to turn my face with the predecessors at the last moment, become the enemy of life and death!

Today, Fang Ping is here, and this generation is recognized by both humans and human beings!

I am here, Fang Ping is here, today I have to hand over everything, the seniors... is the change of it, I have to make it clear!

I also want to tell Fang Ping that your town Tianwang...has not recognized my human race. The predecessors are dependents of the human race, but they are not human races. You and I must admit it! ”

The king of the town smiled and said: "Do you have to be so clear?"

"The race is alive, others can be divided, and the king must know!"

"The old man is not malicious, otherwise... the Terran can't go today."

"I have never denied everything to my predecessors, but I have done my duty."

The king of the town is silent, for a long time, sighed: "Some things... nothing! If you say so, follow you."

Zhang Tao no longer said more, holding Wang Yin, looking at Fang Ping.

Fang Ping looked at this little seal, reached out and touched it, and started to be cold, but the material seemed to be general, and there was no big power.

After receiving a handful of it, Zhang Tao watched him throwing it up and down, and his mouth was pumping.

This kid... reliable!

Fang Ping threw a bit and threw the seal back.

Zhang Tao hurriedly caught, no longer serious before, and roared: "Be careful, everything is thrown, this is the king's seal..."

Fang Ping casually said; "Who is the king of India? You hold it yourself, I don't want it, what is the use of this thing? You are eager to get rid of everything, eager to put down the pressure, give it to me, why? ”

Fang Ping didn't have a good air: "I'm just stunned, you are all kings, you don't lie on your own, want me to squat, are you so embarrassed? I didn't bother you, you still give me trouble, you When I am stupid?"

Fang Ping said: "I still hand over the big trouble of the town king, how can I marry?"


Town Tianwang's eyes are not good, what do you mean?

These two are in front of him, saying that he is a big trouble, what is the meaning of your sighing tone?

Zhang Tao is also a big shout: "Zhong Tianwang is a good trouble, but it is also a boost! This old guy is powerful, and now will not turn his face, you are the king, he will help you next.

This old guy is now with me, it is because I am still a king, waiting for you to become the real king of the human race, this old guy will go to your side.

You don't like collecting stamps... the strong ones?

Cang cat, Tianmu, casting god, magic emperor... These people have been collected by you, even the reincarnation of the four emperors have been collected by you, now the old guy who gathers Qizhen Tianwang, you are surrounded by the emperor The person. ”


Aside, the three strongest people look at each other and are ready to move.

Now that the two generations of the king have been killed, is it still too late?

What is this called?

What are the two **** talking about!

Are they transparent people?

When they are stamps, just collect stamps?

Fang Ping is shaking his head: "Don't do it! I don't care about this. Now I am not your opponent. You are holding it yourself. Don't look for me. Don't look at me. I haven't seen me. I have been old." some?

The king of the town has lived for so long, and has been staying on the human side. It is too familiar to us. It is more difficult to fool than other antiques.

I am not interested in fighting with him anyway, you have this strength, then you fight with him..."


The king of the town couldn't help but scream, his eyes sharp and staring at the two.

In the next moment, in the eyes of the two shocked, the king of the town, Tian Tian, ​​grasped the two, grabbed the two, and the two of them pinched their mouths!


The king of the town screamed: "It’s almost done! In the presence of Laozi, you are still a little worse! Will you be me? Will it hurt me a few words? When Laozi is in the third world, you are not even with the cells, but come with me. !"

"The wings are hard, want to rebel?"

"I thought that I can't see your eyes on you?"

"If you don't want to install it, you have to install it like a little, you are crying, crying, maybe I will be soft!"


The two people in the town of Tianwang pinched their tongues!

Fang Ping looked shocked, what strength is this old guy?

Zhang Tao is also being squeezed out of the body, can not help but swear: "I know you hide the strength!"

Although they did not break out of strength, they didn't resist much, but he was also the strength of the six kings. The old guys pinched them and didn't have time to run. How strong is this guy?

Breaking the seven is affirmative. As for breaking the seven peaks, it is still broken. It is still not easy to say.

The town king sneered: "What's wrong with hiding strength? It's weak for you to hide strength! You are stronger, you are now broken, and Laozi is naturally not hidden. If you don't accept it, you can beat Laozi!"

No strength, but also arrogant with Lao Tzu, can not kill you!

Good days, however, not looking for abuse! ”

The king of the town, the tone is not good, watching the side of the gods and the emperor are very cool.

These two guys, swearing, and the attitude of no one who is in the eyes, is really very uncomfortable.

Zhang Tao helplessly, depressed: "Then I ask you, what do you mean? Do you want to recognize the Terran, or say what you want to do, we can support it, after all, you have helped humanity for eight thousand years..."

"What do I mean?"

The town king sneered: "You two boys are not qualified to ask! Wait until the strength is over! No strength, ask questions all day long, ask what! Don't say that Laozi does not recognize the Terran, that does not recognize you!

Why do you recognize you?

Are you stronger than me?

Are you more credited than me?

Who is going to be a king of the king, that is what Laozi does not want, and it is arrogant!

I am a good person to talk. When do you both beat me up and I am willing to fight, then naturally I will recognize it. Can the mouth gun make me willing? ”

When the old king of the town is scorned, the old man flickers those ruthless moments, neither of your two cells, and now want to fight with me?

Fang Ping and Lao Zhang looked at each other with their eyes full of helplessness. Obtained, this old guy is still not provoked.

The strength is not as good as him. If you get rid of it, you will ignore it.

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