Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Royal road

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In the source avenue.

Fang Ping’s illusion is at the center of the avenue, which is extremely overbearing.

Aside, the old Zhang was squeezed and could not see it.

Fang Ping laughed and felt a little emotional.

Li Wei said that they and the old Zhang will have a battle in the end. If they continue to develop, they may become true.

At this moment, close to the shadow, Fang Ping found that the virtual shadow seems to have some connection with himself.

There are some connections between the vagueness!

Fang Ping looked at his own shadow, and then looked at Lao Zhang, as if he understood something.

“The illusion is integrated into Lao Zhang, and the self-breaking avenue may complete the fusion...”

Fang Ping closed his eyes and gambled!

At this moment, he can only do this, I hope that Zhang can be smoothly integrated.

As for myself... The source road is broken, the strength should be reduced, but it does not matter, Fang Ping is ready, refining and refining the three saints, the original world may be the same as the cat, no longer covering the road, go straight ahead.

At this moment, he has 12 saints in his hand, but the three that he just grabbed are not refining.

"Broken the avenue, maybe I can reopen a new road, there may not be a problem!"

Fang Ping no longer thinks about it, kicking the old Zhang who is blocking the road, don't block the road, I have something to do!

The next moment, Fang Ping stepped into the body of a huge virtual shadow.

At the moment, he has a strange feeling.

Very special!

In this illusion, he seems to be able to feel the old Zhang's way, and even feel that he can control the old Zhang's way.

"The effect of the human king?"

Too special!

Fang Ping never thought that his own virtual shadow would appear in the avenues of others, and when he walked in, he felt that he could control this 70,000-meter-long avenue!

"Unfortunately, it's just a slight influence..."

Fang Ping has some regrets. This is not a panacea.

Otherwise, at this moment, he controls Lao Zhang Avenue, directly to the original source, and based on his foundation, it will be more powerful than Lao Zhang, and it is not the top power.

However, his control is just that he can control some old Zhang himself, affecting Lao Zhang, and increasing his own.

"Let's melt it!"

Fang Ping no longer delays the time, and the time outside is tight. Even if Lao Zhang holds the sword, the nine saints will suppress the world, and it is impossible to be the three kings.

If this continues, Lao Zhang may not die, but the Terran will probably die again.

Fang Ping's original source of gas broke out, the next moment, among the avenues, there is actually a small path running through!

beyond imagination!

The road of Fangping directly runs through the avenue of Lao Zhang and enters it!

The Emperor, the King, this is the difference between the two!

The road of Fang Ping is shorter and narrower than that of Lao Zhang.

When Fangping’s avenue entered, the bang of the old Zhang’s boulevard began to tremble.

Fang Ping's face was calm, and he quickly drove the virtual shadow toward the front of the road.

At the rear, your own avenue moves forward.

Later, Lao Zhang’s illusion followed the road. Fang Ping looked back and suddenly laughed. “Lao Zhang, don’t stare at it like a thief? You are honestly staying where you are! ”

Outside the passage, Zhang Tao, who was fighting, couldn’t help but scream, and the smashing king of the scorpion flew out, and the source was broken.

The king of the king and the king of the king are not without weapons. At this moment, both of them are holding the king's seal, but the king's seal is somewhat difficult to control at this time.

Before being smashed by a magician, I was hurt. Now I am in this place. There is also a royal atmosphere in the old Zhang Yuanyuan. At this moment, the King Seal has been greatly suppressed.

In Zhang Tao's home game, it is still the source of the battle, the only weapon Tianhuang is invalid, and the strength of the two is instantly suppressed.

Li Wei is also fighting with bare hands, and some suffer losses.

At this time, the king angered: "The king goes out and kills their flesh, Li Wei, you don't go all out..."


When the loud noise came, Zhang Tao flew backwards and shouted: "I still want to go when I come in? Don't break this world, don't want to go!"

Since the three people came in, he was not prepared to let them leave immediately.

As for Li Wei, his face changed for a while.

For a time, it seems like hesitating.

He has Wanjie Ding!

This is also a special weapon that can enter the source and suppress the source.

But... now that you use Wanjie Ding, there may be some changes.

Wanjieding is very powerful. Once you enter, you may be able to suppress the nine saints. As a result, breaking Zhang Tao’s original world will be much simpler.

Li Wei is still hesitating. At this moment, the battlefield of the people, the side, the huge portal, there is a roar!


In the source avenue.

Fang Ping’s heart glimpsed, when he reached the end of the avenue, he suddenly shattered and smashed into the darkness!

At this moment, there seems to be a road opening in the darkness, but it is not obvious.

Fang Ping's original body, this time the source gas quickly overflowed.

Fang Ping continues to consume wealth to restore!

Continued to the boulevard, not so simple, for a person, may not be able to quickly help the other party to continue to connect, as above, the six near the emperor, but also by the old Zhang forcibly wrapped.

But now, Fang Ping is sending the Buddha to the West!

He himself consumes a lot of source gas and helps Lao Zhang to secure the passage.

"Being a man to do this, no one is there!"

Fang Ping felt that I was regarded as after-sales service, and also helped Lao Zhang to stabilize the road.

At this time, the rear avenue began to extend forward.

Fang Ping’s heart is again worried, “Break!”


This moment, as if the entire source universe is shaking.

From the outside, at this moment, Fang Ping’s original star, and Lao Zhang’s original star, are almost together.

The original source of Fang Ping, originally not small.

But at this time, it quickly collapsed and shrank.

Outside, Fang Ping’s golden body collapsed again, and a large amount of source gas began to overflow.

The world is roaring!

At this time, the reaction is worse than the saints, and even the king is not much worse.

It’s great!

This is just a break!

This kind of breakage seems to be somewhat unusual.

In Fang Ping’s original world, those virtual shadows have withdrawn from the passage, returned to Fangping’s original world, and retired to Yangcheng and Mowu.

The golden stars are falling apart!



At this time, in the space battlefield, several strong fighters fought a little bit, and the town’s face changed dramatically!

Really melted?

This does not seem to be the movement of Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao's air, they can still sense.

It seems to be square!

No, Fang Ping’s air machine they have not been able to sense it.

So is it Fang Ping, they are not clear.

But now, the golden body of Fang Ping, suddenly began to collapse, surrounded by a large number of sources of gas spillage, resulting in all aspects of the scene.

Kun Wang also sluggish a bit, then shouted: "God teaches the audience to order, to kill the human body!"

"Destroy Fangping's body!"


Kun Wang stormed!

After all, Kun Wang suddenly smiled and said: "Fang Ping... Rongdao Zhang Tao?"

Fang Ping actually turned around and chose Rong Tao!

Is Fangping’s avenue strong?

At this point, they still have some understanding, and they have died for 10,000 meters!

Is this continuation of the road helpful to Zhang Tao?

They are afraid that Zhang Tao will be able to merge with Fang Ping. That is because the foundation of Fang Ping is too strong. The nine forging gold body, the blood and blood quality change, once the road is melted, once the increase is too large, Fang Ping will be terrible.

So they are worried!

But Fang Ping in turn Rong Tao, it is not so terrible.

Zhang Tao has no qualitative change!

What do the Terrans think?

What did Fang Ping and Zhang Tao think?

However, he soon couldn’t laugh.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth seem to have split open.

The road roars!

Wan Dao presented, blood rain poured.

Even his own, at this moment is a slight tremble, his face changed dramatically, could not help but exclaimed: "The emperor..."

"No, impossible!"

"Broken the emperor?"


Just at the moment he exclaimed, the big movement caused by Fang Ping did not stop.

The scorpio splits!

Fang Ping’s way, not too strong, more than two thousand meters.

But at this time, the sky is cracking.


Three circles.

The king and the saint are fallen, and the blood rain has not stopped.

However, soon everyone found something wrong!

The sky is cracking!

Blood rain spewed out.

At this moment, all the strong people have come out.

Casting the gods to make the world of different worlds, now the world is split.

Casting the **** makes the face slightly change, muttering: "Huangfu... No, no, it is the person who has the capital of the emperor died! Who? Who is dead?"

Chenghuang's capital!

The three worlds are changing. At this moment, all the strong are shaking.

Even before the fall of the king, there was no such big movement.

At this moment, the sky cracked open.

Who is dead?


Still something else?


At this time, all human beings suddenly felt empty and seemed to have lost something.

Yangcheng, countless people walked out of the house.

Let the blood rain water!

Someone looked up at the sky, some people looked blank and empty!

what happened?

The weak are still not very understanding, but the strong is like what they perceive.

Yangcheng Admiral, Zhang Peng, the nine strong champions, suddenly burst into tears at this moment!


Who is dead?

Fang Ping!

How can it be!

The myth of the Terran, the legend, the king of this generation is dead!

Zhang Peng will quickly evaporate tears!

No, impossible!


Never say it!

When Wang Fangping died in battle, once the matter came out, the three realms would be turbulent, and the Terran would soon suffer an unprecedented blow, impossible!

Will not be Fang Ping, how can Fang Ping die?


But today, two kings have died, and I don’t know how many strong people are dead!


Magic Wu.

Wu Kuishan's face is pale!

It’s like a dead man.

Is this Fangping?

Will not!

He is a legend!

He is an unbeaten myth, he will not die.

But this avenue is cracking, why suddenly feel something less, what happened?

the other side.

A cat blinks again, and the sorrow has not yet passed away. At this moment, the cat's eyes are exhausted and confused.

The next moment, the cat fell asleep.

It is going to have a look!

The way of the liar seems to be broken.

how come?

Was it broken by the avenue?

Cang cat did not think Fang Ping died, and Fang Ping’s original world has already taken shape. Even if the boulevard collapses, it is not so easy to die.

But this time, the movement is great!

This means that the liar has really been broken!


In all directions, the three circles of the sea, all have strong people out, look up at the sky, eyes stunned.

Who is dead?

The top powerhouse has a vague feeling, this time the road of collapse is absolutely extremely important!

Maybe it is the strongman who has set foot on the emperor!


The grave is empty.

Even in the nine-day period, I saw the sky cracking and the darkness subsided.

The captain of the cat guard looked at the vast starry sky and looked at the huge crack. The crack was not real, it was just a map.

However, at this moment, the captain of the cat guard still shocked: "There is a boulevard collapsed! It is not a strong road, it is the avenue that is expected to step into the imperial powerhouse. Who is it?"

"Ha ha ha..."

At this moment, the mainland ahead, someone laughed loudly!

"The original source, this is wrong! Even these strong players have collapsed, it seems that there is a big chaos in the Three Realms!"

The Tengu roared, and then couldn't help but look at the sky, and soon began to sense the source, and said: "Who is dead? Why didn't I feel it! Mo asked the sword to die, but it was sensed. Who is this?"

Said, looking at the cat captain, strangely said: "It is not the strongest fallen, is it that the king's seed is dead?"

"should be!"

The captain of the cat guard is not very good-looking, and some regrets. "It’s a pity! I don’t know who is dead. I am afraid that the other party has already entered some royal fields, and it has fallen!"

Tengu thought for a while and shouted: "Isn't that kid?"


"Contemporary Wang Fangping."

Tengu leaned on the huge dog's head and his eyes changed: "Is it really him? I saw him on the same day, there are some royal scent, but... the induction is not obvious, not the strongest, it is probably him! If Zhang Tao, you and I should Some induction..."

Zhang Tao is also the existence of the Taoist King. Once it falls, the original universe will not be calm.

Now, the origin of the universe is not very dynamic, which means that the dead should be under the king.

The death of the saint is somewhat inductive, which means that perhaps the other party is not even a saint.

And such a person may be involved in the emperor, who is not Fang Ping?


The captain of the cat guard complex complexion, "The man that the cat has been following?"



A sigh, resounding in all directions.

The cat captain shook his head, sorry, but unfortunately...


This is the seed of the emperor!

So dead?

Even if it didn't die, the other side of the road collapsed!

And if you break the avenue, can you still live?

Really alive, it is also a waste person, maybe the body is still there, still powerful, but the body is strong, there is no source, is it a martial arts?

Several strong people have changed their faces, and Fang Ping is dead?

Is the most promising king of the Terran dead?


Taboo deep in the sea.

A floating "corpse", shaking slightly, suddenly blinked.

The face is covered with a touch of incomprehensible complexity, dead?

Fang Ping is dead?

Sure enough, it is the king's seed!

It’s a pity, I knew so early...

The seal sighed and quickly closed his eyes. As the water continued to drift, the three worlds became more and more complicated.


In the false heaven grave.

At this moment, it is also a landslide, and there are people who have the heart to fight.

Everyone is complicated.

Here, it is the gathering place of the strong.

Hongyu stopped the action, looked at the sky, seemed to cry like a smile, murmured: "I pursued eight thousand years, can not be expected, but today is the initiative to break this way ... ha ha ha ... ”

Hongyu laughed and laughed very sadly.

We have been pursuing it. If others don’t want to give up, they will break this way.

"The real king!"

Hongyu sighed and could not tell the sadness.

Opposite, Tiankui is also complex complex, in the hands, the nine emperors are shaking, as if crying.

The real person is the king!

Many people want to kill Fang Ping and want to kill Zhang Tao. Isn't that because of this?

Isn't that just afraid of this?

Now... come true!

Fang Ping really embarked on the emperor's road, but Fang Ping resolutely decided, at this moment, gave up this Tongtian Avenue.

Is Fang Ping dead?

they do not know!

But they all know that from now on, maybe there will be one real peerless arrogance in the world!

People Wang... No, the Emperor Fang Ping!


Still at the same time, the nine heavens.

Above the huge fairy.

A huge incomparable vein, suddenly broken, blood falling, reddish nine heavens.

At this moment, a powerful spirit has swept through.

Soon, the second, the third...

Without sound, those spiritual forces watched quietly, watching the veins break, and looking at the veins next to them, a huge vein of blood red was growing, looming.

The royal seed, broke the avenue!

It seems that there is a king rising!

The sigh came, and in the blink of an eye, all the mental power retreated and disappeared without a trace.

The change has happened.


The source world.

In the avenue of Lao Zhang, Fang Ping’s figure is also broken, and the source gas is constantly pouring out.

His origin star is now almost collapsed.

From the perspective of the original universe, you can only see the white strip that surrounds the original source.

At the moment when the boulevard collapsed, Fang Ping thoroughly understood how painful the broken road was!

At this time, he was confused and instinctively used his source to repair his own source.

At the same time, a large number of sources of gas rushed out, constantly merging his broken avenue and Lao Zhang's avenue.


The boulevard trembled, and the old avenue seemed to absorb too much nutrients. At this time, it continued to extend forward and was extremely fast.

On the avenue of Fangping's break, a golden scent was absorbed by Lao Zhang's avenue, and a little was absorbed.

Not a continuation!

But in absorption, integration, digestion!

The boulevard is expanding and expanding!

The 70,000-meter avenue, the speed of extension at this moment is very fast, the avenue of Fangping's break, not only has the breath into it, 1000 meters, 2000 meters...

The boulevard is spreading!

Fangping's source gas is rapidly consuming, providing energy for the spread avenue and providing the foundation.

At this time, in the avenue, there are a lot of virtual shadows, many, many!

These illusions are also overflowing with the source.

In the next second, these illusions went forward and began to help the old Zhang!

Fang Ping's illusion, this time completely broken, can no longer find the shadow of Fang Ping.

Fang Pingqing wake up some, suddenly laughed, weakness and said:? "The old guy, I probably did not hit less, according to myth now let you beat it, I this is out of the Three Realms, not the element, you people who Wong The king can't manage it!"

Fang Ping whispered, the source body trembled, illusory, and collapsed.

The avenue is still spreading.

The road of Fang Ping has gradually shrunk, as if it has been digested a lot.

80,000 meters, 90,000 meters...

Similar to what Fang Ping expected, his way is really different.

Lao Zhang was originally a human king. In fact, it is also a kind of branch. At this moment, it is very suitable. It seems to have been supplemented. It has been opened up, and it has been greatly difficult to expand.

Fang Ping did not control it again, condensing a large amount of source gas and throwing it into the darkness at will.

Before that, his wealth value was more than 780 billion points. Now, in a short time, he has spent tens of billions of points!

Lao Zhang seems to be hungry for too long, can eat very much, and eat too much of the source of Fangping.

Fang Ping did not care anymore. At this time, Fang Ping felt that he was getting rid of the shackles.

He was not injured, and the source avenue broke, which was extremely harmful to him.

Fang Ping suddenly felt that this is not necessarily a bad thing!

Soon, three sages came to the hand, which was just three.

Fang Ping's eyes are slightly moving, taking advantage of the present, refining and trying!

He has been refining before, but it has not been completely completed.

"My kingdom is broken. Is the saint now useful to me?"

Fang Ping is still a bit embarrassed. He thinks that it was useful to him before, probably because he walked the road, but now...

"It's not right. Now I have unlimited development. I also cover some people. I think it should be more comprehensive. Should it still be okay?"

Uncertainty, no matter how many.

Now, his strength is falling too much!

Wealth: 68 billion points

Blood: 1500000 cards (1720000 cards / 1500000 cards)

Spirit: 18999 Hz (20000 Hz / 18999 Hz)

Source world: 160 meters

Warfare: 斩神刀法(+9%)

Warfare combination deduction: 1 million points / time

Power control: 90%

Extreme burst: 1687320 cards / 1874800 cards


Fang Ping did not increase, the strength dropped, but at the moment Fang Ping, but found a point, the power control has actually skyrocketed a lot!

Directly reached 90%!

This is unprecedented.

Fang Ping suddenly had some understanding, he understood!

The increase in the source is, after all, an external force, not its own, too difficult to control.

But now... his power is all his own!

Fang Ping suspects that if he adapts to a period of time, he may be able to control the power 100%!

The outbreak of 1.7 million cards is not enough to fight with the strongest of the emperor, and the gap between the saints and the king is too great!

And because of the continuous bursting of the golden body, he is now actually unable to break out the damage of 1.7 million cards, and the blood stayed at 1.5 million cards, which means that Fang Ping still needs to re-temper the body.

"But... I think the heavens and the earth are clear! Is this a preliminary martial arts? No, it is not the same as Chuwu, my origin world is still there!"

Fang Ping felt it, felt his own origin world, and felt the existence of Yangcheng and Magic Wu.

He found that he might still be able to reach humans!

"Good special feeling!"

Fang Ping quickly refines the three saints. At this time, Fang Ping discovered that the speed of refining and chemicalization is very fast, not slower than before. This means that the sage makes him fit very well!

"Interesting, so interesting... maybe I should try it, can I replace an emperor, if the emperor can bring me another increase, even if it is only temporary... that's too much!"

Fang Ping’s whim is that there is an emperor in the source. Do you want to try to replace it?

He has no avenue now, and his body is strong enough to bear the Emperor Avenue!

If it is replaced, will there be an increase in the level of the emperor?

If so, then he can restore the peak power again!

"Maybe I can think of the avenue in the source as a one-time consumable, and it will break down, I don't care!"

Fang Ping swallowed the throat, if so, it is really a cow!

I am free from the limitations of the avenue, and I can use the original source again. This...may be the real combination of the original and the original!

Just when Fang Ping had a whim, outside, Zhang Tao snarled wildly!

These people are also crazy and violent!

"Fang Ping!"

"Kid, you mix things, how dare you die!"

"Fang Ping!"


The grief and indignation resounded in all directions, and Fang Ping rolled his eyes and continued to cry. I was too lazy to care for you.

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