Global Gaowu

Chapter 264: First sect

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On July 11th, Fang Ping Zhan Yunmeng Military Academy Sanjianwu, broke through to the peak of Sanpin.

In the next two days, Fang Ping did not reappear.

However, the martial arts community has paid attention to these talented warriors. Soon, some news spread.


At the same time as Fangping Northbound was invincible, on July 12th, Qin Fengqing, who had not appeared for many days, appeared in the magic weapon with four qualities, but soon disappeared into the magic weapon.

Jingwu Ling Yiyi, before the reputation is not obvious, in July, the top of the top of the Wu Da battle power list, at the moment to test the sword, it is very likely to hit Fang Ping.

Jingwu Li Hansong, after Yao Chengjun, quickly stepped into the peak of the four products, officially took over the Beijing Wuwu Dao Society, known as the first person of the University of Wuhan.

According to the news, the martial arts Zhang language entered the middle section of the four products. However, after Li Hansong stepped into the peak of the four products, after the death of the old master of the martial arts, the martial arts martial arts society appeared too weak.

It is rumored that Zhang Yu intends to step down as the president of the martial arts club. However, Xie Lei and Qin Fengqing, who are not speculated by the outside world, have taken over. According to the grapevine news, Zhang Wen recently invited Chen Wenlong, who has been practicing in the military department, to return to the school as the president of the martial arts club.

Chen Wenlong is also a student of the current Mu Wu junior, but he has been practicing in the military for a long time. It is Yao Chengjun, Li Hansong, Wang Jinyang, who are the three-listers in the same period. Now they have entered the four-grade section and have strong strength.

Liu Shijie of Huaguo Wuda entered the four-grade section and began to take charge of the Huada Wu Da Bu Dao Society.

Chen Haoran of Jingnan Wuda entered the middle section of the four products and took charge of Jingnan Wudao Society.

According to the news, Nanjiang Wuda Wang Jinyang has entered the four-product high section for many days.


These are the students of Wuda University, not four products, or the real elite students who are about to enter the four products.

However, since the last graduation, there have not been five students in Wu Da, and there has been a short break in the five-category students.

Who can become the first five-student students of Wu Da University students is also the focus of many people.

Li Hansong? Wang Jinyang? Liu Shijie? Or is it a latecomer?

As for Yao Chengjun, belonging to the military school system, and Wu Da is not a system, it is not counted among them.

Among them, as the magical Wu of the two famous schools, it is extremely embarrassing. The students who graduated from Magic Wu are very strong. There are several five-product students sitting in the town, even if Jingwu is just equal to Magic Wu.

However, with the killing of three or four trainees in the past two years, Chen Wenlong, the strongest person, has just entered the four-grade section.

However, entering the magic weapon for one year, and successively breaking the product, Fang Ping, who entered the peak of Sanpin at the moment, has also been concerned by many people. Can Fang Ping, who is a product of the year, reverse the situation of the magic weapon?


The news of the martial arts world has only spread in its own circle and has not spread.

At this moment, Fang Ping, who just entered the peak of Sanpin, did not continue to go north, but was consolidating himself and digesting the harvest.

Of course, in order to reduce swelling, Fang Ping does not want to go out to challenge with the pig's head, can not afford to lose that person.

After breaking through to the peak of Sanpin, Fangping’s strength has once again progressed.

Wealth: 22.5 million

Qi and blood: 1150 cards (1259 cards +)

Spirit: 530 Hz (559 Hz +)

Hardened bone: 126 pieces (100%), 51 pieces (90%+), 29 pieces (30%+)

"Blood Blasting Knife" reached the stage of five consecutive stages. "Golden Boxing" achieved the unity of boxing power. "Cloud Step" was the first Chinese character warfare to enter the stage of Dacheng.

In addition, Fang Ping also mastered the "Blood Archery", which is not suitable for the battle, "Blood Arrow" is more suitable for the life and death battle of the cave.

On July 13th, Fang Ping repeatedly practiced and mastered the boxing force, which continued to embark on the road of the northbound.

Next stop, Zhongzhou!

Beihu has Yunmeng Military Academy and one of the three military schools.

There is no military school in Zhongzhou, and there is no famous Wu Da, but there are well-known sects!

Not one, Zhongzhou is the largest province of sectarian power.

As the sects have fallen, other places are now respected by the military and military departments.

Only Zhongzhou, the sectarian forces are still strong.

The Wangwu School, which belongs to the Daomen School, belongs to the Shaomen Mountain and Wanshan Temple of the Bumen School, as well as the sects of all sizes, and the Zhongzhou area has many sects. Throughout China, with the rise of Wuda, the sects have fallen, leaving only two or thirty sects.

In Zhongzhou, there are more than a dozen sects, accounting for half.

Zhao Xingwu, the eighth-ranked master of the Guru Division, became the sect of the sectarian alliance. Master Zhao Da is from the Wangwu School.

Zhongzhou also has entrances to the grottoes, and the entrance to the caves in Zhongzhou is mainly guarded by the major sects, which is the same as the role of the local military.


For the sectarian forces, Fang Ping is most curious.

Since the martial arts, he is no stranger to the military of Wu Da. He is no stranger to the military of the military. He has also seen the detective bureau and other military departments in the political circles.

Including the warriors of the business sector, who are mainly engaged in the field of scientific research...

These people, he has seen.

Only the sect of the martial art, Fang Ping has not encountered one, so in the magic capital, there is no sectarian living space, so the magic has no sect.

Among the three strong players to be challenged, before the Pingping, there are two sectarian warriors, one of whom is the Wanshan Temple from the Buddhism.

On the contrary, the Wangwu School, where Zhao Dazong is located, is a well-known and powerful member of the Three Chambers.

Another sectarian three-stronger, from Kyoto, has a sect in Kyoto, and is different from the devil.

The three-power strongman of Wanshan Temple ranked seventh in the list of three products, and Fang Ping did not dare to swear each other.

Did not go straight to Wanshan Temple, the first time Fang Ping entered the Zhongzhou boundary, went to Changyang Village.

In Zhongzhou, although there are many sects, some of the sectarian kittens are three or two, and their strength is weak.

Changyang Village sounds like a village, rustic, but this village is a sect, and it is still not weak.

There is no master in Changyang Village, but there are six strong people sitting in the town, among the sects, it is also the second-to-none.

The list of three products, Changyang Village has a list of people, ranking after Fangping, ranked 15th, worse than Chen Jiawang, but between the top 20 and the top ten, these people are almost the same strength, ranking is not representative They have played against each other, and it does not mean that 15 people are really worse than 14 people.

In fact, Fang Ping did not defeat Chen Jiawang. He and Chen Jiawang hit the air and the air. In the early period, Fang Ping had been lagging behind. In the later period, he relied on the strength of his body to recover some situations.

When he recovered his blood, Chen Jiawang was mad at the air, and Fang Ping did not have the opportunity to fight Chen Jiawang after breaking through the peak of Sanpin.

Changyang Village, Fang Ping is ready to take the test, and then go to Wanshan Temple to challenge the seventh person.


The car opened for a long time, on the afternoon of the 13th, Fang Ping arrived in Changyang Village.

Although Changyang Village is called a village, it is actually a quaint town.

People who practice martial arts generally do not lack money and have a high social status.

Changyang Village has been inherited for many years, and even if it does not care about enjoyment, it will not really find a tragic small village retreat.

Changyang Village is divided into two parts. Some of the new buildings in the front are open to the public. Changyang Village is also considered a small tourist attraction. Although it is already hot summer, there is still no shortage of tourists.

Entering the boundary of Changyang Village, the first thing you will see is the big gatehouse, which is engraved with the three characters of Longfeifeng Dance - Changyang Village!

When Fang Ping walked down from the car and held a long knife, it attracted a lot of attention from tourists.

"That is a warrior?"

"It should be, look at the knife, not too fake."

"I heard that Changyang Village is not open behind, there are also many people practicing martial arts. Is it a warrior in Changyang Village?"

“Not very clear, but it looks a bit familiar...”

Some of the tourists whispered, but no one dared to approach Fangping.

The warrior, in the eyes of ordinary people, regardless of strength, is a privileged class.

Especially in recent years, the government has continued to increase the status of warriors. Today, the polarization is getting more and more important.

However, the intersection of ordinary people and warriors is very small, and the threat of cult warriors is disclosed. Some ordinary people who were dissatisfied with the status quo now vent their grievances on these cult warriors.

Fang Ping did not bother to communicate with these people, walked into the gatehouse and set foot on the street where the bluestone slabs were laid.

On both sides of the street, there are stores, selling specialty snacks, selling tourist souvenirs... lively and extraordinary.

"Is this kind of noisy environment really suitable for practicing martial arts?"

Fang Pingxin has doubts. Both Wu Da and the military academy are actually in a quiet area and generally will not open to the outside world.

Magic Wu is so big, many times, you may not be able to see a person for a long time.

Practicing martial arts, in fact, fear that there is a sideline and easy distraction.

Magic Wu is in a metropolis like the Magic Capital. The interior is also quiet and calm. The Changyang Village faction has opened the sects in tourist attractions, and it is still actively developing and opening up. This is somewhat unexpected.

In his imagination, the sect should be in the mountains and forests.

In fact, it is Fang Ping who wants to marry. The warriors also want to eat and drink Lazarus. Unlike Wu Da, there is government funding, and the sects can actually get some subsidies from the government, but it is very rare.

These sectarian warriors are not many people, but they also need to eat and drink Lazarus. These warriors rarely do it themselves, as well as some daily life consumption, as well as cultivation and consumption. They cannot all hope to harvest in the caves. Some warriors lack funding sources. The semi-opening of Yangcun as a tourism industry is also a way out.

Not only the tourism industry, in Changyang Village, Fang Ping also saw the advertisements for the recruitment of martial arts training classes.

Here, a martial arts training class has also been set up. This is also a good business to make money. Four military martial artists can sit in the town. The tuition fees are as low as several hundred thousand and many millions, but there is still no shortage of students.

A large number of ordinary people did not enter Wu Da at a young age, and when they earned money, they would also pursue becoming a warrior.

Changyang Village is relying on the peripheral tourism industry to attract people, so that more people know that there are martial arts training classes, so as to attract more people to register, this is the main source of daily consumption in Changyang Village.

Fang Ping walked on the street and held the knife, which also caused many people to look at it.

Not long after he left, Fang Ping stopped in front of a small building with a plaque hanging from the Changyang Budo Training Center.

As soon as he stopped, he didn't take a while to get out of a middle-aged man in a black martial arts training suit.

The middle-aged man kept the character of the character, and showed the color of the majesty. Looking at Fang Ping, he was slightly jealous in his eyes. Shen Sheng said: "Is the little brother passing by, or is it coming from the pavilion?"

When this was said, many people in the hall on the first floor of the small building looked over.

On the streets, there are also some tourists who are watching from a distance.

Fang Ping looked at the middle-aged moment and shook his head: "It's not a kick-off, it's not passing, I want to enter Changyang Village."

He is already in Changyang Village at the moment, but he says that he wants to enter Changyang Village. The middle-aged eight-character Hu is not strange. He said: "Going to the village to find someone?"

"I am the magic Wu Fangping, coming from the magic, I want to find Zhang Zhenhua brothers to learn one or two."

"Magic Fang Ping!"

The middle-aged character has a moment to know who the other person is, and also knows the purpose of the other party.

However, the middle-aged is immediately angry, biting his teeth: "I Changyang Village does not compete with people for profit! The sectarians are weak, Wu Daqiang is strong, I wait for a retreat, but you have come to the door several times!"

Last year, Nanwu Wang Jinyang, seriously injured Zhenhua, so that Zhenhua has stayed at the peak of Sanpin, and failed to step into the four products.

Now, you come to challenge again, I really think that Changyang Village is a good bully! ”

Fang Ping is stunned, I don't know!

Are you venting your anger on my head?

I am also very embarrassed!

Did Li Laotou come?

Before leaving, he made a phone call to Li Laotou. He didn't come. People in Changyang Village wouldn't want to take their own flag.

And... Lao Wang also challenged Zhang Zhenhua?

Before this guy yelled at himself and let himself come to the sect, it would be best to come with a magical mentor, not because he knew that something would happen like this?


He Wang Jinyang is also going all the way along this road. Although he has not challenged too many strong listers, it is not one. No one else has a peak of three products. Now less than a year, he still stays at the peak of Sanpin. It is normal. Things.

If you go north on your own way, you won’t be implicated by Lao Wang?

Fang Ping did not know what to do at the first time, but soon, Fang Ping took a breath and said: "I only come for the challenge, there is no intention of bullying, the warriors fight, compete for fame, Zhang Zhenhua ranks three products. It’s not surprising that I came to the forefront of the battle list.

Why didn’t the uncle inform me that Zhang Zhenhua, as the martial artist who is about to enter the four products at the peak of Sanpin, isn’t even the courage of a war? ”


The eight-character Hu snorted and looked at Fang Ping, cold and cold: "Well, since you have to challenge, Changyang Village is not a person who is afraid of things!"

But you take the initiative to challenge, in the sect, can be different from your Wu Da!

If you lose, leave a little bit of color, your knife left! ”

Fang Ping's face is slightly changed, and the character is faint: "How? Don't dare? If you don't dare, then leave! Changyang Village has no obligation to be your potential opponent. If you want to challenge, you have to pay the price!"

Fang Ping took a deep breath and said: "What if I win?"

"The goal of winning you is reached, what do you want?"

The eight-character Hu Xiao laughed and continued: "If there is no chance to win, I advise you to leave, and lose the weapon in the contest. You will not go back to the Master Wu Wu!"

Fang Ping did not hesitate for too long, Shen Sheng: "Yes!"

This trip to the north is to become stronger, timid and shrinking, and not to fight first, then the top ten warriors should not challenge.

As for the loss... Fang Ping snorted, how could it be!

When it is time, don't blame yourself for hanging. Although this is not in line with your original intention, you can have a B-level slashing knife, worth 50-60 million, and Fang Ping can't afford it!

Hearing that Fang Ping had promised, the character sang a grin and said: "Well, come with me!"

After all, the eight-character Hu turned and looked at the people in the martial arts hall: "This time you are blessed, come with me, let you see and see the real warrior!"

As soon as the voice fell, the students in the martial arts halls were happy.

In the martial arts training hall, everyone's purpose is only to become a warrior, non-martialist stage, not to mention the spectator's martial arts, not to see the warriors.

Some of their teachings are actually non-martial, unless you break through, only the Chinese goods will come out from Changyang Village.

Now, you can see a battle of three products. For them, such an opportunity is too rare.

Fang Ping is to speak and stop... You are taking me as a free advertisement, is the endorsement fee given?

However, considering that it is someone else's territory, Fang Ping still did not say anything, forget it, write down this account, Changyang Village owes itself an advertising fee, and has the strength to come back.

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