Jiang Gu is good to say.

The parents reluctantly agreed.

If my son wants to buy a blind egg, buy him one.

Anyway, there are still a few months before the start of university.

Even if the elves hatched from blind eggs can’t do it, there will still be time to go to the breeding house to re-select.

“Okay, just one, the rest of the money has to prepare the next elf for you.”

Lao Jiang’s mood was slightly heavy.

Raising two elves in one go, the burden on the family can add a lot.

However, his son is about to go to college, and he must not be allowed to lose face in front of his classmates.

Liu Cui took Lao Jiang with his arm, “It’s okay, I’ll sell my three-in-one magnetic monster after a while.” ”

“What nonsense? That was left to you by your father, isn’t there just a lot of elves? You’re still afraid I can’t afford it.” Lao Jiang said angrily.

Jiang Gu walked in front, listening to his parents’ whispers, and said that he must repay them well in the future.

Both parents have had a hard time.

Therefore, they do not want their son to be inferior in school.

In this society divided into trainers and ordinary people.

The class divide is indeed somewhat obvious.

When you get to college, if you don’t have a decent elf, it’s easy to be looked down upon by your classmates.

Even if you don’t say it on the surface, there is a mustard in your heart.

Many college students can’t even find a girlfriend because they are so bad that they can’t find a girlfriend.

The family drove several times.

Finally came to the location of the largest egg gambling hall in the city, Luohe Mansion.

It is said that the person who runs this egg gambling farm is a king-level trainer in this city.

The egg shop is on the ninth floor of the building.

There are many people inside, and many professional appraisers will come here to try their luck.

But the eggs here can only be seen with the naked eye.

Before choosing, you can’t even touch it, so it’s very difficult to identify.

“With so many elf eggs, there must be good goods.”

Jiang Gu paused and stopped at the door and said.

“Yo, the three of them are coming, but a batch of new eggs have just entered inside, up to the quasi-god, down to the royal family, we have all kinds of good eggs here!”

A bald fat man in a suit at the door smiled and said, “Three pick at will.” ”

Obviously, he is the duty manager of this egg gambling ground.

The fat man didn’t say anything more.

It will not guide guests like a shopping guide in a breeding house.

Otherwise, if the guest spends a lot of money to open a green caterpillar, he must not fight with you on the spot?

“Jiang Gu, we are waiting for you outside, you go in and pick one yourself.” Lao Jiang said in a deep voice.

Jiang Gu answered, walked into the store alone, and swept the elf eggs in the booth one by one.

Compared to the feeding house, the elf eggs here are dirty.

Most of the eggshells were also covered with clay weeds, as well as some unknown liquids.

Eighty percent just got it from the wild, and they were in a hurry to stuff it into the gambling egg farm.

[Elf: Green Caterpillar].

[Grade: LV.0 (egg form)].

[Gender: male].

[Attribute: Bug].

[Status: Sub-health].

[Features: None].

[Skill: None].

[Potential: Amateur [View details]



[Elf: Meow].

[Grade: LV.0 (egg form)].

[Gender: male].

[Attribute: General].

[Status: Health].

[Features: None].

[Skill: None].

[Potential: Novice level [View details]].


[Elf: Walking grass].

[Grade: LV.0 (egg form)].

[Gender: female].

[Attribute: grass + poison].

[Status: Health].

[Features: None].

[Skill: None].

[Potential: Novice level [View details]].


Nidoran, Little Lada, Green Caterpillar, Green Caterpillar, Green Caterpillar ….

Good guys, all crooked goods.

The corners of Jiang Gu’s mouth twitched slightly.

If you buy these eggs, you will really cry to death when you go home.

Professional appraisers can judge the type of elf from the pattern and size

But helplessly, there is mud and weeds on the eggshell to interfere with the line of sight.

Sure enough, it is not unreasonable to gamble and lose nine out of ten.

After walking around for most of the time, I found a few imperial three families.

But their qualifications are still a certain distance from the standard in Jiang Gu’s heart.

There are many customers who pick eggs here.

Some old men also specialize in holding magnifying glasses and flashlights, and they look very professional.

When they see the young and empty-handed Jiang Gu, they will always cast a strange look.

Jiang Gu naturally ignored them.

He took the trouble to look at them one by one.

I don’t know how long it took, a gray-headed elf egg came into his eyes.

“Young man, forget about this egg, the outside is all covered in mud, and you can’t see what is inside.”

Jiang Gu looked in the direction where the voice came from.

It was found that the person who spoke was an old man wearing a monocle who looked like a professional appraiser.

Seeing Jiang Gu’s puzzled look.

He continued to explain: “This kind of egg, eighty percent is a crack in the appearance, the merchant is afraid that it will not be sold, so he deliberately smears it with mud like this, it is okay to deceive newbies, but everyone who often plays egg gambling knows this.” ”

The old man paced away and continued to examine the other eggshells.

“Thanks for the reminder.”

Jiang Gu said politely.

In any case, others are also kind.

Immediately, he looked closely.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a shining quasi-god spirit egg!

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