Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 636: Little Beast's Care

Lin Fan put away the bracelet, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning.

The horizon of the mountain and forest communication has already turned white.

"Have to go back quickly."

Lin Fan yawned, endured exhaustion, and prepared to go back to the prison overnight to sleep first. As for the daytime class... Anyway, as long as you don't miss Mr. Zhang's private class, you'll be fine, and you can read the textbook for other classes by yourself. .

But Lin Fan just took a few steps.

"Etc., etc!"

A cry came.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, the small beast stepped on the grass like a wild horse, and the running speed was amazing.

"Why did you come out?" Lin Fan looked at the pale face of the little beast and the dewclaws on his left hand that had just been stitched up. "You just finished the operation, so you don't need to rest?"

"It's okay, Master's suture skills are very good." The little beast held the wolf's claw, and it was completely controlled, and then smiled: "Didn't I come to send you off, anyway, you saved my life before."

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback.

Some moved.

He's really a kind-hearted guy. To be honest, Lin Fan saved him from that Gul's mouth so that he wouldn't affect the next genetic modification. There is still a lot of cooperation between the two.

But he didn't expect him to go to his heart.

"Although it looks a bit intimidating, it's really kind-hearted." Lin Fan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the little beast with the parts stitched together.

While walking with Lin Fan, the little beast looked at Lin Fan with concern: "By the way, how is your health now?"

Lin Fan felt even warmer.

After feeling the condition of his body, Lin Fan said with satisfaction: "Elder Ji's skills are really good, the previous weakness has disappeared, and he feels full of strength."

"Would you like to test it?" The little beast pointed to the ground under his feet.

Seeing that the little beast cared so much about him, Lin Fan suppressed the emotion in his heart and nodded.

Didn't use the power of the earth, let alone use any skills.

Lin Fan directly clenched his fists and smashed the ground under his feet!

At this moment, his muscles burst out with wild power. The body with the genes of the werewolf ancestors is like a beast, and every inch of muscle has the power beyond the gods!

Even Lin Fan could feel that there was a hidden power that had not been activated.

If it is completely released, it will become a werewolf completely, with the power to fear even the gods and surpass the ancestors of the werewolf!

But even if it is not activated, Lin Fan's power at this time is enough to crush three generations of werewolves. This is the power of a beast displayed by the body of a god!


At this moment, the air burst into a sonic boom because it was quickly squeezed!

It was as if a circle of visible air was spreading like ripples, and it was the air that was forced by Lin Fan to flee to the surroundings with his fists!


A dull voice sounded, and the terrifying power poured into the soil along Lin Fan's arms, erupting deep in the mountains.


this moment.

The earth is like howling.

The forest under my feet trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse because of this punch!

Lin Fan hurriedly urged the divine power of the earth to stabilize the soil under his feet, with an unstoppable surprise in his eyes.

As the **** of the earth, Lin Fan clearly felt how terrifying the power that poured into the ground. If he hadn't punched from the top, he would have been smashed over by the 100-meter-high hill. !

This is equivalent to the power of the **** of seventh-order power!

The gene of the werewolf ancestor not only cured his weakness, but also gave him such a powerful strength.

You must know that Lin Fan has not used the power of the earth at this time, let alone any offensive skills, just relying on his body.

What was once a shortcoming has become an advantage at this moment!

Even with the strength of his body, Lin Fan is enough to compete with the seventh-order **** of power!

If you add various skills and the power of the earth, even if the soul accumulated by the soul-sucking attack will be taken by himself to resurrect the believers, he will be enough to compete with a **** of power at the peak of the seventh rank.

But what Lin Fan didn't expect was that the little beast was even happier than himself.

Seeing that Lin Fan's fist almost smashed the mountain under his feet, feeling the vibration of the earth, the little beast jumped up with joy!

"Great, great!"

"This power is really addicting!"

The little beast caressed Lin Fan's arms with an intoxicated look on his face, with sincere joy on his face, "It's really surprising, the genetic modification is so perfect."

Lin Fan: "..."

Although it feels weird, people are happy for him after all, so Lin Fan can only laugh: "Thank you for your concern, but can you please stop touching me, I'm not interested in men..."

"Ah, don't worry, I'm not interested in men either." The little beast withdrew his hand in embarrassment, but still looked at Lin Fan with an intoxicated expression.

Lin Fan thought that this guy was a little too enthusiastic.

Maybe this is the post-operative care of the doctor for the patient?

But no matter what, Lin Fan was still very moved.

"How is your God's Domain?" The little beast asked again with concern.

Only then did Lin Fan remember the previous situation in the God Realm, he closed his eyes quickly, and his thoughts entered the God Realm and glanced around.

I saw that the heavens and the earth were torn apart, landslides and tsunamis before, and the doomsday-like God's Domain had returned to calm at this time.

The dark clouds dissipated, the moon was bright and the stars were thin.

Many believers were already cleaning up their messy homes. Fortunately, the believers cooperated well at the time, and they all showed their strength, so they did not cause too many losses and casualties.

Of course.

There were also casualties.

When facing the natural disaster, the three brothers, Garen, the Debon manager, and the Demacian prince, turned into reckless men. They charged up with swords in hand, and slashed towards the tsunami that was more than 100 meters high...

Although they are powerful.

But it's not impossible to fight with brute force against the Divine Realm that nurtured them!

The most important thing is that there is no need... It is clear that the desert emperor and the wind girl have teamed up to fight with tornadoes, rolling yellow sand and waves of tsunamis. The ice bird summons the ice storm and the ice wall to cooperate with the sword saint's Shushan sword. Block the hot lava.

It stands to reason that there is no need for Galen to rush up.

But people are going to send it! No matter how you stop it, it won't work!

It can only be said that it is a bit extraordinarily brave.

At this time, the corpses of Galen were salvaged and lay quietly around the altar, with the believers who died in battle before.

"It's going to consume more of the accumulated soul." Lin Fan looked at these Don Quixote-like reckless men with a helpless expression.

But there is no way, his own believers have to be resurrected with tears.

Fortunately, the dog's head likes to knock on ants, otherwise I'm afraid that the accumulated soul power will not be enough to resurrect.

"The Lord God is here!"

A believer suddenly felt Lin Fan's arrival.

"Great Lord God, I knew you would not give up on us!"

"Hephaestus, you are still guiding us, right?"

"Since the Lord God is here, it means that the Lord God is out of danger, and we are safe!"

"My prayers worked! We really got through this natural disaster!"

"Thank you Lord God!"

"Thank you for your persistence!"

The believers shouted wildly in their eyes. The natural disaster just now scared them enough. Fortunately, the Lord God did not give up on them!

"You don't need to thank me, but I should thank you all." Lin Fan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will resurrect the companions who died in this natural disaster."

"You guys have been working hard during this time. I'm thinking about finding time to give you a vacation and take all of you to play in the God Realm... eh? How come the number of people has increased?"

Lin Fan looked at the believers below in amazement.

They are densely packed together, at least there are eight or nine thousand people.

But he had already lost half of his followers in the previous battle, and the natural disaster just now caused the deaths of more than 500 Galen brothers.

Originally there were 7,800 believers, but now there are only about 3,000 left at most.

Lin Fan hurriedly glanced at his race panel, which indeed showed [Number of Believers]: 3024.

But look down and look again, it doesn't look like more than 3,000! That's almost twice as bad!

"Stand up, form a square!" Lin Fan quickly ordered.

Although the messed up believers didn't know what the Lord God meant, they still lined up quietly.

Lin Fan simply counted, there were 100 people in a row, and there were more than a dozen people in a total of 92 rows... This was obviously more than 9,200 people!

"Why is there more than 6,000 people?" Lin Fan was stunned at the time, "Why are you still more than 6,000 people? Could it be that there are still people in here?"

If I, Lin Fan, had so many followers, would I have been promoted to the sixth rank already? Need to go here to treat kidney deficiency in order to use the reproduction card?

"Wait, Juggernaut, aren't you more than 600, why are you more than 6,000?"

Lin Fan looked at the dense white clothes, and instantly felt that something was wrong.

Because the swordsman became a god, his strength soared, and he was not damaged in the previous battle and this natural disaster. So it's normal to survive the most.

But this number is wrong!

As soon as this word comes out.

The six hundred and eighty-two Sword Saints standing at the front looked at each other, and the next moment, their divine power flashed, and the more than six thousand figures in white disappeared!

"Lord God, I'm sorry, those are the believers we just cultivated." The Sword Saints said in a stern voice.

Lin Fan: "Huh?"


Do your own believers have believers?

This... Lin Fan rubbed his head, and then he remembered that since the Sword Saint became a god, it seems that there can indeed be believers... But why does this feel strange?

Moreover, the disciples cultivated are also all Promise Sword Saints?

Oh, yes, after all, the race of the believers is related to the blood of the gods. For example, the ancestors of the **** of the dead are generally related to the dead, and their believers are generally dominated by the dead.

The bloodlines in these Wuji Sword Saints are not so messy. They are pure Wuji Sword Saints, and of course they are also Wuji Sword Saints...

Lin Fan was very happy that Wuji Juggernaut had cultivated his own followers. After all, he was his own family, and he would have to fight for himself when the time came.

Lin Fan quickly said: "Since you have become gods, you should also need God's Domain, reproduction cards, resource cards and the like."

"Well," the Promise Sword Saints nodded shyly, "but Lord God, you should also need these things. If you're not rich, you don't really need them. We don't really need them..."

They didn't tell the truth.

They are needed!

Now that they are sixth-order gods, the threshold for promotion to sixth-order is 10,000 believers, and the area of ​​​​one thousand square kilometers of the gods.

They bypassed this threshold in the way of believers becoming gods, from sixth-order believers to sixth-order poetry, wine and sword gods. But in the final analysis, their current strength does not meet the threshold of normal sixth-order gods at all.

The area of ​​God's Domain is only 30 square kilometers at the beginning, which is no different from when Lin Fan first opened God's Domain.

This is a sixth-order **** with an unstable foundation and unsound development. This is also why each of them has cultivated only ten believers, and normal gods cultivate believers, starting with a hundred.

In the final analysis, although as believers, they are very strong, but as sixth-order gods, their foundation is still unstable. Single-player battles may be fine, but once the battle of believers or the battle of God's Domain is started, they are no longer the opponents of normal sixth-order gods.

Lin Fan looked at these juggernauts with different hearts, and with a wave of his hand, three hundred pieces of God's Domain instantly fell from the God's Domain. Each piece was the size of a fist and contained a thousand square kilometers of God's Domain.

In addition, there are also a lot of resource cards falling.

Lin Fan already had 300,000 square kilometers of Divine Realm fragments on his body, as well as the resource cards provided by the Manjiang Gang, which could hardly be used up. In the past few days, Lin Fan absorbed the fragments of God's Domain when he was free, but he only consumed less than 2,000 square kilometers, allowing his God's Domain to grow from 1,200 square kilometers to 3,000 square kilometers.

"The resources in my God's Domain can also be enjoyed by your believers. There is no need to divide them so carefully." Lin Fan's oracle was like thunder, "I will try my best to grab the resources you need next... If you absorb these fragments of God's Domain first, there will be at least 300 sixth-order gods that meet the requirements of God's Domain, but the number of believers is still a little difficult to Even with reproduction cards, it will take time."

Lin Fan's face was complicated. He was only a fifth-order **** who had a fifteenth-order pseudo-god, and there were more than 600 sixth-order gods...

Although it's pretty cool, but I always feel that the pressure is huge, I have to work hard and grab it, otherwise I can't afford it...

Those Sword Saints were immediately moved. After they became gods, of course they knew how precious these things were to gods.

Originally, I didn't expect the Lord God to help them much, but I didn't expect to give so much!

But before the Sword Saints could say a word of thanks, they heard Lin Fan's words change: "But don't ask me for the value of faith! I figured out a way to deceive believers, I don't have any faith at all!"

"But I can teach you how to torture believers to gain Faith. I'm very familiar with this, and I do it every day..."

Lin Fan said this.

The atmosphere in God's Domain became a little embarrassing... The believers all looked at this incomparably great Lord God in their hearts with disbelief!

Is it really okay for you to say this in front of us?

"That, Lord God, it seems that we don't need Faith Points to be promoted, and the Faith Points of the believers we cultivate will also be directly passed on to you."

A swordsman said embarrassedly, "After all, our life and strength all come from you, as long as you keep improving, we can improve along with it, just like as believers before, even if the foundation is unstable due to the lack of the area of ​​​​the God's Domain and the number of believers , but each of them is also a real sixth-order god's strength... However, you just said that you torture believers every day, so you did the small flood once a year before?"

Lin Fan: "This..."

The atmosphere was even more awkward.



A wild wolf moo broke the awkward atmosphere.

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