Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 645: floating 4 limbs

The fire of death!

Even if there is no emotion of fear, the little beast knows what kind of existence the fire of death is!

That is the divine fire that controls and spreads death!

That is the fire of death only!

At this moment, the little beast suddenly felt that the young man in front of him was like the **** of death walking in the realm of the gods!

But... how is this possible?

Most of the gods can only have one kind of divine fire, and it is rare to have two kinds of fire. This guy in front of me... eight kinds?

There are four more than the four I originally guessed? Even death and space coexist in the three secret priesthoods?

But Lin Fan shook his head: "No, you should say less."

After all, there are Poetry Fire, Sword God Fire, and Ocean Fire... Of course, the first two small beasts still have the chance to be seen, but unfortunately this is not the ocean, but the land. It can display the power of the river **** given by the fire of the river, but it cannot exert the power to manipulate the ocean.

However, Lin Fan didn't want to open the Divine Realm. After all, the movement of opening the Divine Realm was too big, and it was not good to attract those two old guys.

At this moment, the little beast was stiff in the air.

How many more to say?


But before he could think about it, he heard Lin Fan indifferently say, "But it doesn't matter."

next moment,

Lin Fan's magical power was reversed!

The elements in the air vibrated at this moment, and the little beast only felt the crisis of instinct, so he must summon his divine power and fly away quickly.


His wings have long been stripped of the hair, and just relying on divine power, it is impossible to fight against the God of Wind, who controls the flow of air in the sky.

The sky is the battlefield of the God of Wind!

The surrounding air is like a chain at this moment, and the incomparable airflow is like an invisible hand, binding him tightly. No matter how the little beast tried to instigate his divine power to escape, he couldn't break free, and he could only watch as he was pulled by the violent airflow to the blizzard that was 1000 meters away.

At this moment, the little beast suddenly understood.

Lin Fan's previous skills, on the one hand, wanted to see if he could hit, on the other hand, even if he didn't hit, he could force himself off the ground.

And once in the air.

His body, which was sewn together from the parts of various mythical beasts, had such powerful strength and responsiveness, but it lacked the flexibility on the ground.

And Lin Fan himself is the **** of the wind!

"This guy..." The little beast's eyes were full of greed and madness, "If I can, I will transplant his brain into my second brain!"

The little beast was torn by the violent air current and fell into the blizzard with a radius of 1,000 meters below, and just when it was about to be involved in the blizzard, the huge water ball actually hit him directly!


Not very powerful.

After all, this is a mountain forest, and there are rivers a few miles away. What Lin Fan can manipulate is only a little moisture extracted from the air.

The 20-meter water ball hit the little beast without causing any injuries. It just shattered like a drop of water on the little beast. The continuous mist and burst of water droplets directly chilled the little beast.

"That's it?" The little beast was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the water polo to be so powerful. He breathed a sigh of relief, but then he felt something was wrong.

Looking at the chilling blizzard below and his wet body, the little beast's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

"Lin Fan, you..."

The little beast's voice was drowned out by the frigid wind.

The moment it entered the blizzard, the little beast only felt that the flesh and blood of the whole body became stiff. Although it felt no pain, it could also feel that the body became inflexible as if it was frozen, and its movements became more and more sluggish!

Ice Crystal Phoenix, [Glacier Storm]!

The most important thing is that the body is still wet, but in an instant, a layer of frost hangs on the surface of the little beast, and icicles form on the eyebrows and hair!

And the hail that swept through the cold wind was like a bullet, hitting him with a crackling sound, causing his bones to begin to shatter.

The snowflakes fluttering in the wind and the yellow sand are intertwined, like a yellow-white mist, and it even covers his transformed eyes with vision that surpasses that of the gods!

I can't see Lin Fan at all!

The little beast tried to know Lin Fan's location by relying on its developed sense of smell and hearing.

But the strong aroma of wine, coupled with the paralysis of the cold wind, had completely disabled his keen dog's nose, and he couldn't smell Lin Fan at all.

The howling cold wind completely covered Lin Fan's footsteps!

For a time, the little beast suddenly had a long-lost fear... Even if the fear area of ​​his brain was removed, he still felt uneasy in the face of the unknown.

And in fact.

It wasn't that the little beast didn't hear Lin Fan's footsteps.

But Lin Fan didn't make a sound of footsteps at all.

Lin Fan was walking in the wind and snow, and as he advanced, cobwebs spread under him.

He didn't walk on his legs.

The eight spider legs were like dragonflies on the spider web, without making any sound, like ghosts melting in ice and snow.

Although his vision was also blocked by ice and snow, Lin Fan had already closed his eyes, and began to use the wind god's induction of the air flow and the fluctuation of the spider web under his feet to bring out the little beast's every move in his heart.

this moment.

He is the king of ice and snow here!

The little beast looked around nervously. At this time, the visibility was only three meters. He had to be cautious at all times!

"persist in!"

"Just hold on a little longer!"

"The superposition of so many divine arts must consume a lot of divine power! Especially to maintain this blizzard... The guy will definitely not be able to last long!" The adrenaline slammed into him to boost his metabolism to fight the bone-chilling cold, "As long as I exhaust his divine power, he can't do anything!"

And right now.

A figure suddenly rushed out from behind the little beast. It was Lin Fan who had activated [Power Rush], [Shadow Rush], [Fatal Strike], and [Beat of the Head]!

Amazing speed!

But it is also worthy of the reaction nerves of the Catwoman clan. Almost as soon as they appeared within the three-meter visible range, the little beast had already discovered Lin Fan, and the legs of the thick and powerful god-like horse kicked fiercely!

The speed is not fast.

This is the slowing effect of [Glacier Storm].

Even under the sudden force of the thick horse's legs, it stumbled on the ice and almost didn't fall... Although it returned to the ground, it was a slippery ice surface!


Lin Fan grasped the divine dagger and stabbed it in the back of the little beast.

This blow has been blessed by [Fatal Strike], [First Strike], and [Draining Soul Blow]!

The sharp artifact dagger penetrated directly and deeply, causing a wound directly in the lungs of the little beast.

The huge power that comes from it, if it is placed before, the little beast may not take it seriously.

But at this time, the bones of his armor-like indestructible eighth-order iron armored beast had been cracked by thousands of porcupine thorns. Two broken ribs!


The little beast instinctively sucked in a breath of cold air, and then quickly closed his mouth. The cold air he exhaled just now almost froze his trachea!

Resisting the pain, the little beast looked around vigilantly and quickly sutured the wound with one hand to avoid suffocation.

I have to say that this picture of myself performing an operation on the spot looks very cruel... But any normal person who can feel the pain can't do this.

The wound was simply sutured with needles and thread, and the little beast lay down and put its ears on the ice, trying to hear the movement.

The next moment, the little beast's eyes lit up!

There is movement!

At three o'clock, there were footsteps, and it was heavy!

The little beast turned around abruptly, his line of sight seemed to penetrate the ice, snow and yellow sand, his legs exerted force, and the whole person rushed over like a beast.

The sharp wolf claws pierced through the cold wind and ice and snow, and grabbed it hard, as if to pierce through everything!

His right hand wasn't idle either, he was holding a scalpel tightly, reflecting a piercing edge in the cold wind!

The little beast vaguely saw a figure.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time he had some regrets: "Lin Fan, die!"



The sound of piercing the flesh sounded, and the wolf claws and the scalpel pierced through the figure's heart at the same time.

At this moment, the little beast only felt exhausted all over his body, but his mind was unusually relaxed and uplifted.

"I didn't expect to be able to force me to this step, Lin Fan, don't blame me for the killer..." The little beast seemed to smile regretfully, pulling out his wolf claws, he was about to pick up the figure in front of him.

But in the next moment.

The little beast was stunned.

The figure in front of him suddenly melted and collapsed, turning into yellow sand all over the ground.

This is a body composed of yellow sand!

Desert Emperor, w skill [Sand Soldier Appears].

"No, that's not right..." The little beast looked at the pile of yellow sand in front of him in astonishment, suddenly realized something, and suddenly turned around and swung a paw behind him!


A hard touch came.

But it wasn't Lin Fan who rushed at him, but an ice wall that was rising. The little beast looked at the hard ice wall in front of him, and then rubbed his numb wolf claws with surprise in his eyes.

With all his strength, he did not leave any traces on this ice wall, as if it were invincible!

What kind of magic is this?

The little beast suddenly had a feeling in his heart that Lin Fan was playing with himself...

And this time.

Lin Fan was closing his eyes quietly, sensing the little beast's every move.

The little beast guessed right, these skills are used, and they consume a lot of themselves.

Just maintaining this [Glacier Storm] made Lin Fan a little tired. Fortunately, this body has been remodeled and has extremely strong resilience, so under this severe consumption, Lin Fan can barely support it.

Lin Fan found another chance.

Although he seemed to have an absolute advantage in this glacial storm, the small beast's astonishing reflexes and powerful physique were not something that Lin Fan could kill with a single blow.

But at the next moment, Lin Fan opened his eyes.

This is also the moment when the little beast is slightly distracted.

"The opportunity is here!"

While thinking about whether Lin Fan was playing with his little beast, he suddenly felt the ice under his feet vibrate, and quickly looked around.




The ice layer under his feet suddenly shattered, a figure smashed through the ice layer, and the werewolf's genetically modified body was wrapped in the power of the depths of the earth, and with the ejection of eight spider legs, it rushed out of the soil!

The little beast had no idea that Lin Fan clearly had the advantage in this ice and snow storm, but he was so cautious that he hid in the ground, he quickly turned around, and the wolf claws grabbed at the figure!

He was very sure that it was Lin Fan!

"Caught!" Seeing that his wolf claws pierced through Lin Fan, the little beast was full of excitement.


The next moment, the little beast froze in place.

Lin Fan's figure had long since disappeared, and what he caught was just an afterimage of Lin Fan!

The little beast suddenly widened his eyes and turned to look around.

"Where is he?"

And in the next moment.

"Are you looking for me?"

A murmur sounded from the cold wind, as if beside the little beast.

The little beast looked at it for a moment, but couldn't see Lin Fan's figure at all. What appeared was only a sword light that appeared out of thin air!

In the cold wind, the sword glow is like washing!




The sharp divine dagger was like a sharp sword, and it appeared out of thin air on the limbs of the little beast. The little beast wanted to fight back, but found that he could not find the target at all!

【Alpha Raid】!

What if you face a formidable opponent whose muscles have been modified?

Then cut off his muscles!

Cut off his bones!

Cut off his limbs!

The sword light that could not be avoided or counterattacked appeared out of thin air, and the sharp divine dagger easily cut through his skin and cut through his muscles from various powerful divine beasts, and the hard bones that had long been cracked were completely missing at this time. The resistance was mediocre, but it was directly cut off by Lin Fan!

The level of cleanliness even made Lin Fan a little surprised. Could it be that this dagger is really so sharp?

Just a moment.

The body of the little beast disintegrated, his torso fell in the air, but his limbs were scattered to different positions in the cold wind.

Before waiting for the little beast to land, Lin Fan had already activated Poppy's [Fearless Charge] to directly push the little beast against the ice wall.

Eight spear-like spider legs supported Lin Fan high, while Lin Fan's right hand tightly pinched the neck of the little beast.

"Come on, back in again." Lin Fan looked at the little beast expressionlessly.

At this time, the little beast has no strength to resist... He has no limbs, only his body is left, and his neck is tightly pressed!

"Want my body?" Lin Fan said coldly, "I dare to give it, do you dare to do it?"

The little beast looked at Lin Fan.


"I didn't expect you to have such a perfect body."

"More than eight priesthoods, and so many weird skills..."

But at the next moment, the little beast, who should have been waiting for death with peace of mind, laughed wildly: "Then I will accept it!"

The limbs that had been chopped off by Lin Fan and were quietly scattered all over the place, all exerted their strength at this moment!

The huge wolf claws slammed **** the ground.

The two thick legs from Shenxingfengma also stood up suddenly and kicked hard!

Those weird limbs that moved on their own, wrapped in incomparable power at this moment, stabbed Lin Fan from behind! Even two sharp bone spurs suddenly protruded from the knees of the two thick horse legs.

And the normal right arm released the lock claw and the needle in the palm again in the air, and the five fingers also shot the poison needle again.

The hook claws wrapped in divine power bounced out, with shattered flesh and skin, and slammed into Lin Fan's back!

Moreover, the limbs have a slender steel wire connected to the body of the little beast, as if to kill Lin Fan from four directions, and as if to use these four steel wires to tie Lin Fan from all directions Same!

"Die, Lin Fan!" The little beast's face was incomparably crazy, and he let out a roar like a beast!

Trapped beasts are still fighting!

But in the next moment, Lin Fan's figure disappeared in an instant, as if an invisible thin line was pouring Lin Fan up!

[Spider Queen], w skill in spider form, [Pansi]!

Can last five seconds of invincibility.

The limbs that attacked from the rear instantly fluttered, and all of them hit the ice wall, and the wolf claw directly stabbed the beast's own stomach.

Fortunately, the important internal organs are protected by the chest cavity, and there are only some digestive organs in the abdominal cavity that will not die immediately even if they are injured... Otherwise, this is equivalent to suicide.

The little beast really didn't expect Lin Fan to be able to dodge in such an instant when faced with this fatal situation. He didn't have time to change his direction and hurt himself.

After five seconds.

Lin Fan's figure slowly fell from the sky, eight spider legs were stuck on the ice, and he looked at the little beast expressionlessly.

"Good trick." Lin Fan looked at the little beast, "Can you explain it? I obviously cut off your limbs."

The little beast smiled: "Are you sure you cut it off?"

Lin Fan looked at his dagger. There was no fresh and warm blood, only the blood that had been pierced into the lungs of the little beast and had frozen into ice.

Looking at the sutures scattered on the ice, Lin Fan understood that this guy broke the sutures at the same time he launched the Alpha raid. It seemed that the limbs were cut off by himself, but in fact he actively Body separation.

Lin Fan looked at the wolf's claws and horse's legs that were still moving. There was no blood on the cross-section, and it seemed to have healed long ago...

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, and then said with some doubts, "Didn't you transplant them into yourself?"

"Hehe, in order to prevent the arm or leg from being cut off during the battle, it was specially made to be movable." The little beast smiled strangely: "The suture is just to fix the limbs."

"Then why..." Lin Fan was stunned.

As if he knew what Lin Fan was going to ask, the little beast didn't wait for Lin Fan to talk and replied, "You should know that muscle cells don't necessarily have to be connected to the body."

"What a muscle needs is blood with nutrients and oxygen, and nerve cells that give instructions."

"As long as these two conditions are met, the muscles will survive and grow normally, and like normal muscles, they can be manipulated at will."

"So, even if the limbs are not connected to the body, as long as there are blood vessels and nerve fibers connected to them... What is the difference between them and growing on themselves?"

The little beast turned his head and looked at the four slender steel wires that protruded from his body and connected his limbs: "So, there are nerve cells and blood vessels inside, and the outside is protected by the divine gold alloy that I have worked so hard to find."

"You may not believe it when you say it."

The little beast's body lay on the ground and smiled: "After the limbs are, it is more powerful, more flexible, and more unexpected than growing on the body."

While speaking, divine power surged on the limbs, and the wolf claws, horse legs, and arms connected by the thin golden thread slowly floated up, surrounding Lin Fan from four directions.

Dewclaws are sharp.

The two thick horse legs made a rattling sound, and the bones that were originally wrapped in flesh and blood were turned into fragments. At this moment, they pierced through the muscles and skin, protruding densely sharp bone spurs, like two huge meteor hammers.

The dense white bone spurs with minced meat and blood hanging on it were extremely sharp, making the scalp tingle at a glance.

And the only normal right arm has obviously undergone a lot of transformation. The lock claw returned to the back of the hand again, along with the poison needle firing holes on the five fingers pointing at Lin Fan again, and the forearm suddenly popped out three gods. The blade made of gold spins rapidly, like a drop of blood.

See this scene.

Lin Fan couldn't help frowning, and sighed in his heart, "What a pervert..."

"Lin Fan, I won't let go of your body."

There was no fear on the little beast's face, and the expression on his face became more and more greedy and crazy: "You can force me to this step, and I am also very interested in your brain now!"

"bring it on!"

"Be part of me!"

The four limbs of the beast pulled and whistled towards Lin Fan from four directions, as if to kill Lin Fan completely.

At this moment, the little beast's smile was like a wild wolf.

Many people wish they were not afraid.

But fear is a part of human nature, and it is fear that makes a person know how to restrain and know how to fear.

When a person loses fear, he becomes fearless, does not know respect and humility, and is replaced by greed and madness.

No fear, no fear.

Is it really a good thing?

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