The terrifying death energy was condensed but not scattered on the altar of the source of the gods, and it was as thick as black ink.

At the same time, Lin Fan's eyes twinkled with black and white, light and darkness blended together, like life and death, and raised one hand.

Slowly, the palm of the hand is deep, and the palm of the palm is far away from the black death qi.

"I, Hephaestus, declare in the name of the **** of the elements."

"I don't need you to become heroic spirits."

"My believer, come back."

"Your souls can stop wandering and feel my call."

A calm voice echoed in this Divine Realm.

On the altar of the source of the gods.

Death rolls.

Like a dark ocean.

And in the next moment.

The pitch-black ocean rolled to both sides.

An illusory figure appeared in this dark ocean.

The illusory figure shone with golden light, and the faces of the souls showed a trace of confusion.

Just now they drifted away in the darkness and were about to enter the ethereal Valhalla.

However, they suddenly felt a call from the shadows, and the call crossed the barrier of life and death, as if paving a way for them.

When they set foot on that road, they appeared here.

In an instant, the dark ocean surged, and the huge soul power transformed from the countless souls harvested by the desert death gods on weekdays quickly poured into these illusory figures.

The soul quickly became solid.

In just a few breaths, the dead aura of the pitch-black ocean has completely disappeared. After these heroic spirits have absorbed the mighty soul power, they have a solid feeling.

"Lord God..."

"we are back……"

The heroic spirits stood on the altar of the source of the God's Domain, and there was no confusion in their eyes. After all, it was not the first time for most of us to experience this kind of thing... Even some of the more reckless believers have been resurrected several times.

Even these heroic spirits still have the intention to stand on the altar and greet those living believers.

"Thirdest, don't move our chess game when you go back, don't even think about changing the game, I remember it all! I'll play with you in three years!"

"Wife, I usually clean the house at home. You mustn't clean in the past three years, and don't look inside the vase..." A Galen who hid his private money muttered with a complicated expression on his face.

And right now.

"With my divine power!"

"Reunite the flesh!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and drank, his Faith value was quickly consumed at this moment, turning into a majestic divine power whistling and rushing!

Lin Fan's body once again burst into a dazzling light.

Live to the death!

Use divine power to condense the body.

These believers were originally cultivated by Lin Fan from beginning to end, and Lin Fan's divine power was the source of their existence.

Of course, Lin Fan could also use his divine power to reunite a body for them.

Of course, the re-condensed body is only fifth-order at most. After all, Lin Fan's current strength is only fifth-order.

But even if it is just to condense the flesh, it also requires a huge amount of divine power.

[Tips]: You have consumed 156,000,000 Faith Points.

【Tips】: You have gathered vitality with divine power.

The dead and withered corpses that were originally placed around the altar seemed to be reversing time, re-emerging, the shriveled muscles became full, some fatal injuries healed quickly, and even the broken arms began to grow again.


Lin Fan gasped for breath, the intense output of divine power made him feel exhausted.

But then, Lin Fan smiled and looked at the heroic spirits who came out of the dead: "Go back to your bodies."

"After sleeping for three years, you will wake up completely."

Three days in the realm of the gods are three years in the realm of the gods.

Those heroic spirits looked at Lin Fan's body in the void, their eyes were extremely frenzied, and they knelt down respectfully.

"The great Hephaestus, gave us life again!"

"Guides us the way to life and death."

"Three years later, I am willing to fight for you again!"

After speaking, these heroic spirits kowtowed to Lin Fan again and again, then got up and walked down the altar. The moment they came into contact with those fleshly bodies, they disappeared instantly.

At the same time, although these bodies remained motionless, they slowly gave birth to a breath, as if they were asleep and waiting for the day to wake up.

"Thank you Lord God!"

"The Lord God has given us life again!"

"The great Hephaestus has resurrected our compatriots!"

The only 1,000 or so believers left were also excited. Although they had witnessed the resurrection of the Lord God many times, each time was a real miracle in their eyes!

Come back to life!

Lin Fan was busy with all this, but he did not leave God's Domain.

Because he wants to cultivate aqua believers.

Lin Fan took out two **** of life energy, which he extracted from the **** of the ocean and the **** of the river when he was in the orphanage.

Four days later, Lin Fan was about to enter the Divine Treasure.

Although the specific situation of the Shenzang is not clear, the guardian deity reminded himself that it is best to train aquarium believers, otherwise he may suffer losses in the future.

That is to say, that God Treasure is likely to be hidden in the water.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan pressed the river God's turquoise life energy into the blue crystal slowly rotating above the altar of the source of the gods.

The blue crystal trembled instantly, as if the hungry diners encountered the food, absorbing the life energy in a big mouth, spinning at a high speed and making a happy hum.


The majestic life energy from the gods turned into hundreds of blue streamers and poured down, like a hundred blue meteors falling on the altar.

Through the blue light, Lin Fan could see round, chubby figures and bumpy skin.

"Shouldn't this be..."

Lin Fan was stunned.

In the blue streamer, a deep voice came.

"Let's eat open and open."

"Call me king, call me devil, and the river will forget the names that have been submerged."

"It's impossible to eat!"

"Finally, my size matches my appetite!"

The next moment, a hundred toads with huge bodies and round waists appeared on the altar, holding a knife in one hand and a shovel in the other, wearing shiny chef clothes!

The huge mouth grows with sharp teeth that frogs should not have, and the tongue is even longer, with dense suction cups and developed taste buds on it, dangling like a poisonous snake.

In this scene, some of the female believers who saw them had glowing eyes, red faces, and shyness.

The toads patted their big belly, then looked around: "Is there anything to eat?"

Lin Fan: "..."

This is really a foodie.

In any case, the fight started before he appeared on the field. This saved Lin Fan a lot of heart. Lin Fan quickly said, "Yes."

The Tams looked up to the sky.

"Great Hephaestus, you summoned us?"

"It is our honor to be summoned by you..."

"I would like to serve you faithfully, but... can I have some food first?"

The Tam's huge bellies grumbled.

"Yes, yes, yes," Lin Fan was dumbfounded by these foodies, and quickly said to the other believers, "Go and bring some jerky over here to entertain these newcomers."

"Yes, Lord God."

Although the other believers felt strange, they hurriedly went to the warehouse to remove the bags of jerky and salted fish.

A Galen carried a bag of jerky and moved it to a Tam, wiped his sweat: "Enough!"

Tam looked at the bag full of jerky, then looked at the tall Galen in front of him, thoughtfully: "Almost enough."

Galen smiled: "Then eat quickly, you're welcome!"

"Then I'm really welcome. Did I really eat?" Tam said naively.

Galen nodded: "Don't ink, eat quickly... I Cao, why are you eating me!"

I saw that Garen had not finished speaking, and Tam's mouth opened at a strange angle, and it turned out to be bigger than his body, like the abyss leading to hell, and it was swallowed directly by Garen. in!

Everyone is stupid.

Let's start eating together, why do you want to eat Galen?

The key point is that the belly doesn't look that big. Why didn't even the jerky and Galen make any movement after eating it?

This stomach is afraid of another space, right?

Lin Fan was also stunned, and quickly said: "Tam, what are you doing, hurry up and spit it out!"

"Ah, can't you eat this?"

Tam scratched his head, then walked a few steps swayingly, then patted his big belly, and lowered his head and opened his mouth: "Ouch!"


Along with the rolling river water, Garen was rushed out with a confused look on his head, with a rusty and tattered helmet that was eaten by Tam at some point on his head...

The ghost knows why a toad has a helmet in its stomach.

Galen, who was wearing a helmet, wrapped in water plants and a few fish bones, had a crying expression on his face: "In his stomach... vomit!"

"I've never seen something so terrifying in my life... ugh!"

"I don't want to go in anymore... ugh!"

Tamm comforted: "You are lucky, I almost started secreting digestive juice just now, so, is there anything to eat..."

At this moment, the brave and fearless Galen saw that the toad in front of him jumped up suddenly and ran a few steps back.

Afraid to swallow it again.

"Sure enough, it's the same skill as in the game." Lin Fan smiled. Obviously, what this toad used just now was [Feasting], which could devour enemies and his teammates for protection.

In this way, when you fight by yourself in the future, the casualties of believers will be greatly reduced.

Lin Fan opened the data panels of these toads and looked carefully.

The sixth-order race, the physique is the top level of the ordinary race, reaching an astonishing 69, but the other data are relatively ordinary, after all, Tam is originally a meat shield setting.

However, Tam's most terrifying ability is long-range support and devouring opponents or teammates.

And the e-skill [Thick Skin], after opening it, it is equivalent to having a second blood bar, which is like a second life.

This is the flesh-tan Illusion God who is as famous as Bobby in lol. It is the kind that is difficult to kill, and it is a bit unreasonable.

But then, Lin Fan was slightly taken aback.

"w skills and

Skills changed? "Lin Fan remembered that in the past, the w skill was only [Feasting on Delicious Food].

The skill is [Abyss Snorkeling].

Now it looks like it's changed.

Lin Fan was at a loss for words, and in the end he could only have a guess—could it be that the version was updated after he traveled through it?

Lin Fan carefully looked at the skill introduction. The other skills were the same as before. Basic attacks and Q skills could give the opponent the mark of [Cultivating Delicious], and they could be swallowed after three layers of marks.

On the contrary, [Abyss Snorkeling] can't take people, but it has a knock-up effect when it appears.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Lin Fan nodded, so it seemed that Tam was now more inclined to attack from a distance.

It seems that there is one more member of the stealing team...

Just when Lin Fan was looking at the panel, these Tams had already had enough to eat and drink, and they dived into the river and disappeared without a trace.

"By the way," Lin Fan said towards the billowing river, "I heard that your cooking skills are relatively good. From now on, come up and take charge of cooking for other believers every day."


The river froze, and the Tamms agreed.

They are foodies who love to cook and have top-notch cooking skills.

Only the swallowed Galen looked terrified: "Am I going to eat food made by toads?"

Other believers were also reluctant: "We won't eat food made of toads even if we kill them!"

"Yeah, it must be hard to eat. Look how disgusting they look!"

"I'll starve to death, and I'll never eat a bite!"

Iron bones.

Lin Fan didn't bother to bother about it. After all, there was once a tough guy who would rather die than eat a bite of rice, and in the end, wouldn't it be really delicious?

Lin Fan took out the mass of life energy from the **** of the ocean. Unlike the life energy of the **** of the river, which glowed turquoise, this mass of life energy was blue throughout, surging like a miniature ocean, turning up and down from time to time. Stormy waves.

"Ocean race..."

Lin Fan knows that there are many believers in lol who were born in the ocean, such as fishmen, Nami, titans, and Illaoi, the **** of tentacles... If you really count, it seems that the captain and the ghost Pike are also counted. .

"I don't know which race will come out."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and slowly pressed the life energy of the Ocean God into the blue crystal.

The blue crystal greedily devoured that life energy, jumping and turning cheerfully.

In the humming rotation, hundreds of blue streamers fell on the altar again.

In the stream of light, a trident was faintly revealed.

The rusted trident carried a strange magic power, engraved with words and patterns from thousands of years ago, which came from a sea empire that had disappeared.

"Step on the waves!"

"Want to see a trick?"

The little fish jumped off the altar, and the quirky little heads looked around curiously, sucking the air on the ground greedily.

The webbed feet are equally flexible even on land, and the petite body is hard to fathom, like a sea elves.

Even as they jumped, a pool of sea water appeared under their feet on the originally dry ground, and these little guys walked on the waves, galloping in the waves like swimming.

Tidal Sea Spirit, Fizz!

Lin Fan recognized the identities of these little murlocs at a glance. After all, they were so unique among lol.

At this time, there was a trace of sadness in the curious eyes of these little fishmen.

"This is not Atlantis."

"Where is Syndra, where did Syndra go! She promised me to protect Atlantis!"

"My Mackay... Mom and Dad... I shouldn't have fun..."

"Anapos, my home."

While talking, the little fish people looked around, as if they were looking for something.


They can't find it.

The ancient country called Anapos has long since disappeared into the ocean, and the prosperous ancient city of Atlantis has also fallen for unknown reasons, becoming a lost city lost in the sea.

"Are you looking for a home?" Lin Fan's voice fell from the sky.

The Fitz looked up.

"Lord God, is that you?"

"Great Hephaestus, are you calling us here?"

"I want to find Atlantis, to find our Anapos, but there is no..."

Lin Fan sighed, "Atlantis is dead."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the little fish turned pale.

Looking at these mournful little murlocs, Lin Fan sighed, "But you can build a new Atlantis here."

"I promise, I will help you rebuild the former water empire."

The next moment, Lin Fan's divine power stirred, and the vast ocean at the edge of the God's Domain tumbled, and hundreds of square kilometers of sea water rolled back!

A thousand-hundred-meter-deep seabed was exposed, and with Lin Fan waving his hand, a mighty force caused the seabed to shatter.

A brand new city, surging from the bottom of the sea!

The whole body is made of marble, gorgeous and majestic!

The minaret stands tall and the buildings are majestic.

As Lin Fan's palm fell, the rolling sea water poured down again, submerging the city in the water, making it a paradise for the aquarium.

The lost city that disappeared into the depths of the ocean in Rune Continent, at this moment, in this realm of the gods, once again showed its original prosperity.


"Our home!"

The little fish people jumped for joy in an instant, and then they seemed to remember something. They all fell to the ground, leaning on the trident, and nodded their eyebrows with the back of their right hand toward the sky.

"Thanks to the great Lord God for giving us our home! Recreate the glory of Atlantis!"

"Atlantis warrior, Fizz, willing to fight for you!"

Their expressions were extremely excited, and their eyes were full of piety.

This is a miracle!

It was the gods who gave them their vanished homeland, the vanished Atlantis!

[Tips]: Your followers, the Tidal Sea Spirits, have witnessed your miracles and are extremely grateful to you.

[Tips]: Believers have become more and more firm in their belief in you, and the belief value is +100000.

[Hint]: One hundred devotees of the Tide Sea Spirit clan have been promoted to fanatics, and they respect you as the king of Atlantis.

Lin Fan: "..."

Well, I became the king of Atlantis again.

"How is it, are you satisfied?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

The little fish nodded again and again: "Satisfied!"

"Thanks to the Lord God, we will work hard to make the glory of the kingdom of Anapos shine on the bottom of the sea again, and illuminate the dark bottom of the sea!"

"Lord God, can we go take a look now?"

The little fish people couldn't wait to jump into the ocean, but they were too embarrassed to leave the Lord God behind.

"Hehe, don't hold back anymore, hurry up." Lin Fan said with a smile.

The little fish jumped happily and rushed into the junction of the sea and the land, jumped high on the cliff, and plunged into the seabed with a thud.

The little fish who fell into the sea were like flexible sea fish, the webs between their fingers and the soles of their feet stirred the sea water, and their bodies shuttled through the ocean like swords, stunned to draw white waves on the sea.

In just a moment, the little fish people went deep into the bottom of the sea and entered the city in the sea that Lin Fan built for happily shuttled.

At this moment, these lost marine warriors finally found their home.

Some fish also came over curiously. While playing with these sea fish, the little fish people used a harpoon to stick two dead in their mouths and chew it...

Lin Fan smiled, crushed a few resource cards again, and added some swimming fish to the ocean.

A Galen frowned at Wang Yanghai and said, "Are these guys really capable of fighting?"

After all, the little murlocs looked like little dwarfs, and Garen felt that he could kill ten of them with one sword.

But right now.

Lin Fan's expression suddenly changed.

He suddenly sensed that a huge octopus with a height of more than ten meters also felt the changes in the bottom of the sea, and quickly swept towards the little fishmen from the trenches deep in the bottom of the sea.

"When did such a big guy appear in my God's Domain?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

Is the ocean really so mysterious and unpredictable that even the **** himself cannot fully control it?

How could such a huge life be conceived on its own!

But immediately, Lin Fan became worried about the little fishman.

After all, that octopus is huge.

Lin Fan stared at it and saw that the huge octopus was moving fast in the sea water. Eight huge tentacles were vigorously and softly stirring the sea water.

The fangs that grew were extremely sharp, exuding an icy luster in the dark ocean.

The huge eyes of one meter are like lanterns, piercing the darkness of the seabed, exuding orange fluorescence.

This is a predator on the top of the ocean!

Octopus, my favorite food is small fish!

At this time, the giant octopus rushed towards Atlantis excitedly, and it could feel that a group of extraordinarily delicious food appeared there.

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