Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 663: Yin Qingyue turns into a little fan girl

The little fish people were stunned at the time. Originally, they were still waiting for the performance and praise of the Lord God, but they didn't expect that after they showed their strength, the Lord God actually arranged for them to go fishing.

Although professional counterparts, but...

We are tidal sea spirits, Fizz!

We are the overlords of the ocean!

We rule the beasts in the depths of the sea!


"Are you going to let us fish?" The Fizzes scratched their faces in confusion, and they couldn't believe it.

This is too down-to-earth!

"Why, don't you want to revive Atlantis?" Lin Fan's voice fell from the sky, "Is it enough to shout slogans, no food, no resources?"

"You can use fish resources to trade with believers on land, mineral resources, grain resources, and so on."

As soon as these words came out, the astonishment and disbelief on the faces of the little fish people instantly turned into gratitude!

"So it is!"

"The great Lord God has even figured out how to revive Atlantis for us!"

"The ocean is a treasure trove, and what we have to do is to use this treasure trove to revive Atlantis!"

"Thank you Lord God for your guidance, we will work hard!"

The little fish people who originally felt that fishing was a bit pricey, instantly became high-spirited!

For Atlantis!

The Lord God has paved the way for us and pointed the way, and the rest is over!

Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction as he watched the little fish people who were high-spirited and started to go into the sea to fish and toss flexibly in the waves.

What a perfect fisherman.

The believers such as Galen on the side also looked envious: "This efficiency is born to fish!"

"The Lord God is wise."

To be honest, Galen and other believers can actually fish. Although they are not good at swimming, they can't always stare at the resource-rich sea.

In the past, Galen and other believers made some fishing boats out of harvested wood, and they went to cast nets to catch fish when they were idle. Even Feng Nu was even more simple and rude. fish like.

However, the efficiency of fishing boats casting their nets cannot be compared with these little fishmen with harpoons, and as Fengnu frys fish again and again, those sea fish have also learned to master, and most of them hide in the depths of the ocean on weekdays to avoid tornadoes. raging.

Therefore, Lin Fan's arrangement instantly increased the productivity of fish resources in God's Domain.

In the process of growth, God's Domain needs to pay attention to balance.

It is not just that the environment should be kept diverse, but the ecology should be kept in balance.

More importantly, while the believers maintain their combat effectiveness, all members of each faith race can find their own position, and finally form a complete social system in the realm of the gods, covering all aspects of productivity.

Some are responsible for logging, some are responsible for farming, some are responsible for mining, some are responsible for pulling carts, some are responsible for ploughing, some are responsible for delivering couriers, and there are entertainment venues such as casinos and taverns, as well as a law enforcement system for maintaining law and order.

If the arrangement is improper, for example, the dragon tortoise that should be galloping on the land is allowed to catch fish, not to mention whether the dragon tortoise can come back alive, even if it does catch a few, it will also cause a waste of productivity.

Even if the arrangement is too poor or there is no arrangement, some believers will give up their jobs and become idle bastards. Instead of being able to provide production, they will become a burden.

And Lin Fan has done a good job in this regard, everyone has a job that suits them...

Although these famous heroes in Rune Continent have become grounded, no matter what, each believer can use his own strengths for productive labor, and all believers have formed a prototype social system in God's Domain.

Lin Fan smiled, turned around and asked again.

"By the way, while waiting for the resurrection of other believers, don't be idle. You can put aside the farm work first and eat and store food."

"But build a bunch of sturdy fishing boats with some spear guns or something."

"Because after a while, we might have some water fights."

Lin Fan knew that the guardian deity who reminded him to cultivate Shui tribe believers must have ulterior motives.

The next line of Shenzang is likely to be related to water.

Although I already have Tam and murlocs who can move on their own in the water, and their fighting power is also good, but they are only two faith races. If they really fight, it may be possible to launch some unexpected surprise attacks, but it is absolutely impossible to become a The power to win on the frontal battlefield.

Can't 200 believers be able to single out tens of thousands of others?

Although they are heroes of lol, these little murlocs are not gods either!

His other followers must also be able to fight in the water. Of course, if you fight in swimming, the disadvantage is too great, it is best to get some boats or the like.

The believers nodded in agreement.

"Follow your orders, Lord God!"

"Just during this time, we also saved a lot of grain, mineral resources and timber resources. Even if we temporarily give up production, it is enough to build ships."

"Although we only have more than 1,000 people now, there are still more than 6,000 followers of our Sword Saint. After careful calculation, it is still possible to build more than 1,000 ships in three years."

"Yes, yes, after those compatriots are resurrected, we will build faster. It is estimated that we can build more."

Seeing that the believers were so obedient, Lin Fan left the God Realm after a few simple instructions.

When his thoughts returned to his body, Lin Fan sat on the bed and took a deep breath.

Less than half an hour had passed in the God Realm, but Lin Fan's originally weak body finally regained his strength as he digested his lunch, reaching his normal state on weekdays.

"The believers will have to wait three days before they can all be resurrected."

"But there shouldn't be any fights with people in the future. We need to make every effort to prepare for the Shenzang group in four days."

Lin Fan rubbed his chin and counted the time.

Some urgency.

But there should be no problem, I still have time to use the reproduction card once, and then I can advance to the sixth rank.

As long as he entered the sixth rank, Lin Fan was still somewhat confident about the next line of Shenzang.

And right now.

The sound of a sports car cut through the silence, followed by the screeching sound of brakes.

Needless to say, Yin Qingyue came back with the hour wave.

Lin Fan was too lazy to get up and figured out how to allocate the next time, but when he heard the door of the room opened, Xiao Xiao trotted in barefoot.

The moment he saw Lin Fan, Xiao Xiao jumped up excitedly: "Brother-in-law is back, brother-in-law is back!"

"Sister, brother-in-law is finally back!"

Hou moved towards Yin Qingyue, who was still changing slippers at the entrance of the living room, and said excitedly, "We can go and see that brother of the White Sword God!"

Lin Fan: "Huh?"

White Sword God?

"No, let's not talk about White Sword God, can you stay away from my sister and brother-in-law for a while, so that I seem to be married to my own followers..." Lin Fan looked complicated.

Before Lin Fan could finish speaking, Yin Qingyue walked in quickly, her originally cold face was like a little fan girl, with an excited blush, and her beautiful eyes twinkled with little stars of admiration.

One foot is wearing slippers and the other is wearing luxury high-heeled shoes that are custom-made, which shows her eagerness.

"Lin Fan, why didn't you say that the senior brother you brought back is the White Sword God!"


"That's the White Sword God!"

Yin Qingyue covered her chest shyly.

"Ah?" Lin Fan was stunned. "No, you are also a fifteenth-order high-level space god. Although my brother is powerful, he is only an ordinary fifteenth-order sword god. Can you not look like this?"

"An ordinary fifteenth-order sword god?" Yin Qingyue's pretty face turned cold and she said coldly, "You are not allowed to say that to my brother Bai!"

Lin Fan was completely dumbfounded.

Brother White?

"You won't..." Lin Fan's scalp tingled.

It is really unacceptable that Yin Qingyue, the **** of high space, is actually called Brother Bai Zhaoyun Bai?


"Brother Bai is not an ordinary sword god!" Yin Qingyue, like a fan of her idol being insulted, argues through gritted teeth: "Brother Bai's excellence, do you know about Brother Bai's efforts?"

"At the age of eighteen, he overwhelmed a group of geniuses and became a fifteenth-order sword **** in the form of a teenager!"

"At the age of nineteen, he was the No. 1 Sword God in the Divine Kingdom, and now he is most likely to become the ninth Divine Court Paladin of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom!"

"I stepped into the battlefield at the age of 20 and calmed down three space rifts in a row, each of which was an invasion of the fifteenth-order plane, but the White Sword God never drew a sword, and scare the enemy away only with Qi!"

"Three thousand battles from childhood to adulthood, and never lost! The supreme sword qi makes no one dare to fight against him!"

"The key is."

"he is handsome."

When Yin Qingyue said this, she couldn't help but think of the scene where she encountered the White Sword God in the prison cafeteria, the terrifying sword qi and supreme sword intent flowing from the young sword god, as well as the face of the sword brow and star, and the sharpness contained in it. The radiant eyes, combined with the fluttering white clothes, are just right.

It was as if the whole world had lost its luster, leaving only the one and only protagonist.

It was at that moment that she fell deeply in love with that young man.

Mo Shangren is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

Bai Zhaoyun!

The strongest genius in the history of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, the first sword **** in the weak crown year!

Thinking of this name, Yin Qingyue couldn't help but blushed slightly, her heart beat faster. She walked in the realm of the gods as the **** of space, and she had seen many amazing geniuses, but she had never seen such an outstanding person!

Even the Space Temple has never produced such an outstanding genius.

That is the embodiment of strength and handsomeness.

It is more suitable for kendo, and every move reveals the unfathomable avenue of swords. Even when Yin Qingyue carefully lined up behind Bai Zhaoyun for dinner, she saw Bai Zhaoyun looking at all kinds of dishes in front of her, and she was surprised. Falling into a state of epiphany, a deep sword rhythm flows out, and the whole person's breath is cloudy and foggy.

Yin Qingyue waited for five minutes before Bai Zhaoyun exited the epiphany state and ordered a braised pork.

What a talent this is!

The state of epiphany that all skill gods dream of, the White Sword God can easily step into it just by ordering a dish. It's as simple as thinking about what to order!

And in fact... Bai Zhaoyun was really thinking about what to order at the time... No way, his acting skills are so strong.

But no matter what, in Yin Qingyue's heart at this time, Bai Zhaoyun is the symbol of all good things!

Powerful and handsome.

It is simply the prince charming that a girl dreams of.

On weekdays, those fans who stood at the gate of the prison and hoped to go in and see Bai Zhaoyun were all smashed away by Yin Qingyue with absolute strength.

Some fans are more ruthless. Just to see Bai Zhaoyun, they directly committed some minor and minor crimes. They did not hesitate to be imprisoned for ten or eight years, just to be able to accompany their brother and not let him be lonely in prison.

After they came in, Yin Qingyue relied on Lin Fan's relationship to arrange for them to go to another prison building.

Don't say accompany.

I couldn't even see it at a glance, and even the small window on the door was welded to death by Yin Qingyue!

Like a tigress protecting her food.

"Now that you're back, I can finally visit the White Sword God!" Yin Qingyue excitedly took Lin Fan's hand and walked out, "Go and take me to visit the White Sword God!"

"As expected of the White Sword God, he has been shutting himself up in his cell to practice swordsmanship silently. He doesn't even show his face except to eat. It's not easy for me to visit him directly."

"Now that you're back, I have a reason! Take me there! Just say your junior brother wants to ask him to teach him swordsmanship!"

Yin Qingyue didn't even change her shoes, she dragged Lin Fan out the door.

Lin Fan was stunned: "No, aren't you the **** of space, do you want me to take you there?"

Lin Fan pondered, although this divine golden prison door could stop ordinary gods, it definitely couldn't stop the former **** of space Yin Qingyue.

A direct space transfer is over.

Don't tell me, you are trying to save my Faith value... The 100 million taxi fare before was spent without any spare.

"Isn't that... presumptuous?" Yin Qingyue blushed, "Besides, when this kind of powerhouse is practicing swords alone, others must not disturb others. Once it is affected by that terrifying sword energy, I am afraid that Seriously injured!"

"Sword God Bai practiced swords alone in the room every day. What if I was just transferred to the space and was affected by a sword?"

Yin Qingyue could feel the terrifying sword intent on the White Sword God!

If it is affected by that kind of sword intent, I am afraid that I will not even have a chance to use the space to freeze!

Lin Fan nodded, agreeing somewhat: "It makes sense, my senior brother is indeed very strong, and he is also very hardworking."

Lin Fanke still remembered that Bai Zhaoyun had said that he swung his sword 30,000 times a, which made him the most powerful genius.

With such a genius, how can sword practice be disturbed by someone using space teleportation?

It's just that Lin Fan didn't expect that his senior brother would be so powerful that Yin Qingyue, the **** of space, was in awe with his sword energy, and he didn't dare to go there alone, for fear of making the other party unhappy.

"As expected of a senior brother."

Lin Fan originally wanted to go to the school to listen to the afternoon class, but after thinking about it, although the opportunity for the teacher of Divine Country No. 7 Middle School to give lectures was precious, how could it compare to the advice of his senior brother?

That is the strongest genius of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, the first sword **** Bai Zhaoyun!

There are teachers in Divine Kingdom No. 7 Middle School, but they are the strongest geniuses, and the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom is just like that.

If you want to attend the class, you can do it every day, but there are few opportunities to be instructed by the First Sword God.

In the previous battles with Little Beast and Gul, Lin Fan used sword tactics several times, and if he understood the way of swordsmanship, he decided to go to his senior brother for some guidance.

"Okay, come with me." Lin Fan pushed open the cell door in the living room and walked towards the prison passage: "I just happened to ask my senior brother for guidance, you can go with me."

"But..." Lin Fan suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yin Qingyue and Xiao Xiao.

Yin Qingyue's white and tender fingers have a few more large gold rings, and a few more expensive necklaces engraved with complex runes around her neck.

Hour also changed from his poor appearance before. He was dressed in hand-made, extremely fitting clothes, and he also wore a pair of silver-colored moon glasses on his face, and a few bright big gold chains and a small watch around his neck.

This guy is like going to participate in hip-hop in the kingdom of God, and he looks like he is getting rich.

Needless to say, it must have been damaged by Yin Qingyue.

Seeing that the rich and noble, and the golden light of the big and small, Lin Fan's face gradually became gloomy: "You have to tell me first, what are you doing with your hours?"

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