Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 670: Thunder falls

But at the next moment, Si Su was stunned for a moment and looked up subconsciously.

He suddenly had an intuition, as if there was an eye looking at him in the dark.

This invisible eye is called fate.

Si Su looked up for a long time and frowned slightly: "Am I thinking too much?"

There was clearly nothing in the sky.

But before he finished speaking, Si Su only heard a voice suddenly coming from behind him.

"Who are you talking about?"

The expression on Si Su's face froze instantly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned his head to look behind him!

I see.

A young man was standing silently behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"Lin Fan!"

Si Su exclaimed in a low voice in disbelief, completely unable to understand what was going on!

He didn't even know when this guy appeared. Before that, he didn't notice any sound at all.

Then Lin Fan appeared there like a ghost!

"You, how did you catch up..." Si Su stared at Lin Fan, at this moment, he felt that his greatest confidence as the **** of speed was disappearing...

"Ah, this explanation is more complicated." Lin Fan pondered for two seconds: "Have you heard of League of Legends?"

"Ah?" Si Su was a little confused.

what alliance?

Hero what?

are you crazy!

"By the way, can you tell me now?" Lin Fan frowned, "Didn't you tell me if I caught up with you?"

"Heh, Lin Fan, the premise is that you can really catch up with me!" Si Su sneered, "What I said is that you can really catch up with me!"

"Now, it's time for you to feel the real speed!"

The divine power of speed roared, and golden electric light burst out from Si Su's body, circling and dancing around Si Su.

Si Su's body is also hidden in the golden electric light. At this moment, he seems to be integrated with the golden electric light, and the whole person is transformed into a golden lightning!

Because of the rapid vibration of the ultra-high frequency, the body even sent a vibrating hum in the air, like the feeling of a bee flapping its wings at a high speed, but it was several times higher than the humming.

Golden lightning flashed in his eyes.

Si Su glanced at Lin Fan with a stern smile, then turned around abruptly, and rushed out again!

This time, the speed is full of firepower!

The running speeder pulled out the afterimage in the air. Unlike ordinary runners, he not only did not run along the road, but instead ran towards the thick walls, using high-frequency tremors to make his body and the walls of different materials. The natural vibration frequency of the molecules remains the same, and the whole person passes through the wall without hindrance.

Even this time, he specially crossed an artificial lake. Under the fast running of his legs that exuded the power of speed, his feet did not mean to sink into the water at all. He ran on the surface of the water only with that terrifying speed. There is no need to spend divine power to stay in the air.

For the **** of speed, as long as they are fast enough, there will be no obstacles in front of them!

Although for Si Su, due to the limitation of his strength, his speed cannot compare with those high-level speed gods, and he cannot pass through some extremely dense materials and energy fields constructed by some powerful runes with confinement ability.

But ordinary materials can be traversed at will.

The legendary first **** of speed, Hermes, the **** of speed in the Temple of Speed, once forcibly passed through Zeus' thunder with terrifying speed, and was even able to run on the thunder.

Although Shisu can't do that.

But it was enough to deal with one Lin Fan.

Feel the rush of blood, feel the flow of air, feel the feeling of being almost one with the breeze.

Si Su's face was extremely excited and confident, he didn't even need to look back to imagine Lin Fan's dazed expression watching him go away.

"How is it!" Si Su ran wildly, laughing loudly: "Do you feel the speed gap between us?"

"Do you know what true speed is?"

"Hahaha, I guess you can't hear me say these words now, after all, you can't even see me..."

In the end, Si Su did not forget to be arrogant. It wasn't because he was deliberately arrogant, but now there is at least a distance of seven or eight hundred meters between Lin Fan and him, and there are several walls between them!


"I can see it." A suspicious voice suddenly came from behind Si Su.

The smile on Si Su's face froze again, and the figure that was running wildly staggered, almost falling directly during the high-speed running.

Si Su gritted his teeth and turned his head.

I see.

Lin Fan was burning with turquoise flames all over his body, holding a long knife in his hand, and rushing in!

Behind him, a row of undead knights condensed from the eerie dark fog, rushed out, roaring and following in Lin Fan's footsteps, under the turquoise flames, the white skeleton showed an evil smile.

The fighting spirit is amazing!


With just one glance, Si Su could only feel a murderous aura coming towards his face, an invisible fear appeared in his heart, and even Si Su had a feeling that if Lin Fan really rushed to the front, he might not be able to think calmly and could only rely on Instinct flees!

But these are nothing.

The most frightening thing is that.

Lin Fan's speed at this time!

At this moment, the speed that Lin Fan showed was no weaker than that of Si Su, even a few points faster!

The means of traversing obstacles by means of high-speed vibration is obviously the unique ability of the God of Speed, but Si Su saw with his own eyes that Lin Fan also led the team of undead knights through the wall, and the wall did not cause any obstacles to Lin Fan. !

Even Lin Fan didn't let his body vibrate at high speed!

It just went straight through the wall.

"This, this is impossible!" Si Su looked stunned!

This guy can only catch up with himself, why can he pass through the wall so easily?

This is not scientific!

Even if I am the **** of speed, I have to rely on high-frequency vibrations to pass through obstacles. Why did you just pass through like this?

And in fact.

Lin Fan doesn't know what vibration frequency is. Anyway, many of the displacement skills in lol can pass through obstacles, such as Shadow of War's [Shadow Shock], such as Prince Demacia's eq Erlian, such as Desert Emperor's [Quicksand Shift] Shape], such as the bear's ultimate move, such as the little fish man's...

A lot anyway.

All Lin Fan had to do was to keep using his acceleration skills to chase Si Su, and every time Si Su crossed a wall and tried to shake off Lin Fan, Lin Fan would use a displacement skill to pass through the wall.

At this time, seeing that Lin Fan was not thrown away by him, but was chasing after him aggressively, Si Su was completely stunned!

The reason why he knew that Lin Fan was Zhang Chengfeng's third apprentice, and still dared to follow Lin Fan unscrupulously, was because he claimed to be the **** of speed. Even if he was discovered, Lin Fan wouldn't be able to catch up with him!

Run fast, don't be afraid of being beaten.

Besides, he didn't hurt Lin Fan, and the officials had no reason to mobilize soldiers to hunt him down. He just needs to escape from Lin Fan's hands.

But now it seems...

"What the **** is this kid! How many secrets does he have!"

"Why does he run faster than me!"

Seeing Lin Fan chasing after him, Si Su Kuai, the **** of speed, cried.

Especially Lin Fan's running posture made him feel humiliated!

As the **** of speed, in addition to training to run to improve his speed, Si Su also needs to learn the professional knowledge of running.

Running seems simple, just swing your legs back and forth vigorously.

But in fact, the knowledge that every qualified speed **** needs to master is extremely huge.

For example, how to adjust breathing, how to distribute physical strength, how to choose between stride and cadence, how much is the best angle for thigh swing, and the angle between the sole of the foot and the ground.

This is unimaginable for the layman. Once the profession is involved, then even running this kind of thing needs to be studied hard.

The gods of speed need to strictly train themselves to follow the most perfect posture, not just run wild. Because every angle of error will make the running speed drop significantly.


At this time, Lin Fan seemed to ignore all the angles of his posture, and even the running posture was so unbelievable. From time to time, he would roll quickly on the ground, or he would speed up with a huge sword in both hands, or he would run wildly on all four legs like a bear. .

This made Si Su feel that his professional knowledge was being rubbed on the ground.

This guy has absolutely no trace of training!

Even Si Su can guarantee that if any speed **** is replaced, even if he is one step higher than himself, using these strange postures, he will definitely not be able to run at the speed of Lin Fan!

But this guy not only used this weird posture, but also caught up with himself with the strength of the fifth-order...

As a highly trained speed god, Si Su felt offended.


Si Su had a bold idea in his heart.

"Could it be that the posture this guy uses can really increase the speed?"

"If this is the case, then I have simply developed another path for the **** of speed!"

"A stance that is faster than the most standard running stance developed by countless speed gods and physics gods!"

Seeing that Lin Fan was chasing him closer and closer, Si Su gritted his teeth hard, but he completely gave up the standard running posture and started to roll on the ground just like Lin Fan.

It's just that things are not as Sizou thought. This posture does not improve the speed. Instead, Sizou's original fast speed is instantly slowed down... No matter how the lightning-like speed of his body flickers, the speed of his rolling Also very slow.

After all, he is rolling... Of course, Si Su is indeed the **** of speed, even if he is rolling, he is faster than ordinary gods!

at the same time.


Lin Fan suddenly let out a low roar like a beast.

The roar was like a roar, like thunder, rolling in, like the sound of the sky.

At the same time, Lin Fan's body suddenly became taller, his legs stomped on the ground vigorously, and the power of the beast exploded.

The whole person rose from the ground like a cannonball, leaped forward a hundred meters and rushed into the air.

The sky that originally had an infinitely beautiful sunset was covered with dark clouds in just an instant, the gods and thunder were intertwined, and the thunder roared.


In the thunderous roar, a thick thunder fell on Lin Fan, but it did not cause any damage to Lin Fan. Instead, lightning flashed all over Lin Fan's body, and the silver dazzling electric light danced around Lin Fan's body, as if galvanizing Lin Fan. Silver glow on top.

The young man was bathed in thunder light, like a thunderbolt.

Thunder runs through the heart of the sky.

Those who obey us will be reborn, those who disobey us will perish. This is the law!

The law of thunder and lightning, this is the inviolable power of heaven!

Lin Fan exudes a mighty might, wrapped in the might of thunder, and it slams down with the rolling thunder!

For a time, all Si Su could see was the rolling thunder that was rushing all over the sky!

The silver lightning was like a nine-day ocean pouring down, the silver ocean raised waves and crashed down, and Lin Fan stood on the waves!

[The sound of the sky falls]!


Under Si Su's terrified gaze, a terrifying ocean of thunder thundered down. Lin Fan wrapped the thunder and smashed **** Si Su, who was still rolling on the ground like a ball.

The dancing thunder and lightning directly paralyzed Si Su's body, and the divine power of speed completely dissipated under the thunder and lightning that symbolized destruction.

Lin Fan bathed in the thunder and lightning, his indifferent eyes glowing with lightning, he looked down at Si Su who was trampled under his feet, and said coldly, "I'll give you one last chance, who asked you to follow me?"

Lin Fan's voice was flat.

But in Si Su's ears, every word sounded like thunder, and it was impossible to tell whether it was words or thunder.

This is the sound of heaven!

Facing Lin Fan, who was dominated by thunder, Si Su completely gave up the idea of ​​resistance, and obeyed almost instinctively: "Yes, it's Mo Feifei..."

"Mo Feihan?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to remember something, and he just opened the bracelet and searched.

But before Lin Fan could start searching, the bracelet had already received a message from [1].

"[Mo Feihan]: The No. 3 City Alliance Golden Wheel City Shenmin, the No. 3 City Alliance Freshman Tournament champion. The clergy is the God of Fear, known as the source of fear, and because of his participation in many movies, he became the No. 3 City Alliance. The new generation of gods and idols, has a large number of fans. Current strength: seventh order."

The one displayed below the text was a pale boy with a weird smile.

That pale face looked extraordinarily deficient in the and there was a femininity between her brows, typical of a lack of yang energy.

But I have to say, it's really handsome. After all, this kind of feminine youth is very popular now, and it is most likely to arouse the love of a group of mother fans and sister fans.

And this can be considered distinctive. In the God Realm, where the average person is not very ugly, no matter how handsome you look, it is better to look unique. For example, Zhao Yaxin, the perfect goddess, is not only beautiful, but also holy and elegant, she is simply the embodiment of purity.

Obviously, this Mo Feifei is also following the path of an idol, and his status in the No. 3 City Alliance is estimated to be similar to Zhao Yaxin's in the No. 35 City Alliance. They are all idols.

It's just that Lin Fan still doesn't know what the God of Fear is... There are too many priesthoods in the God Realm, and textbooks won't cover them all.

Moreover, [1] did not tell Lin Fan all the information. For example, the source of fear, Mo Feifei, was actually a seed cultivated by the devil.

"However, I've never heard of him, so it's impossible to have any conflict with him," Lin Fan frowned, "Why did he let you follow me?"

Shisu didn't answer.

But at this moment, the surrounding light began to distort, and a shadow bathed in light slowly condensed.

"Because you will have a conflict with him in the future." A magnetic voice sounded.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback when he saw the silver mask reflecting the cold sheen of the person who came: "Guardian deity, why are you here?"

Si Su on the side also suddenly widened his eyes!

The guardian deity of Lengcuicheng? !

why did he come here?

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