Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 709: Sacrifice of the Swordfish Believer

The tentacles waved afterimages in the air, and the tentacles of the three hundred octopus warriors instantly formed an airtight network.

On the big net, there are densely packed suckers, squirming and rolling towards the little murlocs.

"Miscellaneous fish!"


The octopus warriors roared furiously. Although they were being swept away by the waves, their tentacles could still attack freely.

At this moment, in the face of this large net composed of continuous tentacles, those little murlocs are like poor fishes killed by octopuses, as if they will be shredded into food in the mouth of the octopus in the next second.


At the moment when the tentacle net rolled over the sky and covered the sky.

"The tide is turning!"

"Want to see a trick?"

Instead of the slightest fear in the eyes of the little fish, they let out bursts of mischievous laughter.

next moment.

The little fish people suddenly burst into incomparable agility, threw their spears, stepped on the spears, and jumped away directly from the gaps between the dense tentacles with an indescribable agility.

There were even some daring little fishmen who stepped directly on the heads of those octopus warriors, then kicked hard and jumped away again.


Unselectable evasion skills!

The little fish people jumped into the water below, and the nimble and small figure disappeared into the waves again.

The octopus warrior finally got rid of the two-second knock-up state and fell from the air into the water.

"Oh, where else can you go in the water?"

Under the surface of the water, the furious octopus warriors endured the pain and looked at the swimming little murlocs, and their tentacles danced again!


Before their tentacles could be pierced, a second wave rolled in.

Call Tide Shark Princess, [Howl of Raging Waves]!

There was still no room for resistance, and the octopus warriors were once again swept away by the wave that was only over 20 meters high but seemed to be unstoppable.

this moment.

These octopus warriors are really starting to doubt life... is this the end? !

If it goes on like this, how do you fight?

But the octopus warriors who had suffered a loss before were not stupid. Although they were swept away, they had already unfolded their tentacles in advance and aimed at the water surface below.

As long as the little murlocs dare to show up as before, these octopus warriors can strangle them before these murlocs rush over!


Just when the octopus warriors were swept up into the air and stared nervously at the water.

What rushed out of the water was not a little murloc.

Instead, they are smaller figures.

"what is that?"

"Miscellaneous fish?"

"Hahaha, is this food for us?"

The octopus warriors looked at the little fish that came towards them, and immediately smiled wildly. They didn't even want to avoid them, and rolled them with their tentacles!

However, Rena, who was watching from behind, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She could sense that the small fish was not a living thing.

It is a kind of magic condensed pulling thing, somewhere, it seems to be summoning some extremely powerful existence!


"Get out of the way!"

Rena quickly gave the order.

Hearing the Lord God's command, those octopus warriors who wanted to roll up the small fish with their tentacles were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously retracted the tentacles, but the small fish came directly at them and bit their skin.

The octopus warriors who were in a state of being knocked into the air could not avoid the impact of these small fish at all.

There were even a few octopus warriors who were slow to react, instead of avoiding the small fish, they just stuffed the small fish into their mouths with their tentacles before they reacted.

"Lord God," an octopus warrior wondered while chewing on the sweet and juicy little fish, "why do we have to hide, these little fish are such delicious food."

"Idiot!" Rena's face suddenly became ugly: "These little fish are other guys' food!"

In the ocean, there is an unwritten law.

When you grab food from the strong, prepare yourself to be food.

And this moment.

These octopus warriors have become food for other beings!

"Lord God, do we want to help!" A swordfish warrior looked ugly.

Rena shook her head.

Not to mention what happened after those little fish, the battlefield more than 2,000 meters in front was completely covered by the strange wave that was only more than 20 meters away, but was able to swirl everything away. It was an endless control effect.

Even if the Swordfish Clan went up, they would just die in vain.

Although the marine warriors can exert their greatest strength in the ocean, water can carry a boat and capsize it, and the power of the ocean can also easily destroy them!

Before Rena could speak, a wave swept the octopus warriors who had just fallen into the air again.

But this time it was different.

It's not just the octopus warriors who fly into the sky!

Just as the octopus warriors were rolled into the air, huge figures suddenly appeared in the rolling wave!

The shadow under the sea quickly swept in, and the sharp black dorsal fin drew white marks on the water!

next moment.



Below the octopus warriors, the waves burst!

A shark with a length of more than fifty meters swooped up from the depths of the seabed and jumped out of the water. Its fangs flashed coldly, like dense blades.

Under this terrifying huge mouth, the originally burly octopus warriors are as small and thin as chickens at this moment!

At this moment, they are reduced to food.


The fangs closed, and the razor-sharp fangs ripped apart the bodies of these octopus warriors.

With every bite, the body of the octopus warrior with a radius of tens of meters was torn apart.

The strangest thing is that those sharks are obviously solid, but when they collide with each other, they seem to have no size. There are even several sharks whose bodies overlap each other and bite the food in their mouths at the same time.

Murloc R skill, [Giant Shark Attack]!

In addition to the damage explosion, it is range damage.

More than one hundred giant sharks attacked at the same time. At this moment, each of these three hundred or so octopus warriors suffered at least a dozen times of [Giant Shark Attack] damage!

Octopus is the killer of swimming fish in the ocean.

But by no means the nemesis of sharks.

Instead, one of sharks' favorite foods is octopus. Even the giant squid on the bottom of the sea is most afraid of encountering a group of sharks foraging for food.

These more than 100 sharks with a height of more than 50 meters, at this moment, are the killers of the ocean.


After a wave of shocks ended, the sharks did not have any memory. After falling into the water from the air, they instantly returned to the depths of the seabed, and then disappeared.

The corpses of the octopus warriors they held in their mouths also disappeared into the depths of the sea with them.

On the surging sea, only the wrecked corpses of the octopus warriors and the tentacles that were shattered and fractured were left, undulating with the continuous waves.

Even the seawater that was specially pulled from the Sea of ​​Death was soaked in pitch-black ink at this moment.

It looks very majestic.

This is the cruelty of the ocean.

Rena silently looked at the little murlocs rolling in the waves, as well as the broken limbs of her own octopus believers, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sigh: "Terrorist believers."

The speed and damage of these little fishmen were completely disproportionate to their thin bodies!

Instantly appeared behind those octopus warriors, and even stabbed like an afterimage.

That little harpoon can actually do such terrifying damage.

That's all, the most important thing is that these little guys can summon such terrifying sharks!

Rena could perceive that those sharks should be some kind of contracted creatures, exuding a powerful magical breath all over their bodies, they were killers from the unknown deep sea!

"What is the origin of these little fishmen?"

"To make this giant beast work for them and be willing to be their contracted creature... Either there is a huge civilization behind them, or their bloodline completely crushes these sharks..."

But Rena always felt that nothing was right.

After all, although Lin Fan has a sixth-order believer, his own strength is only fifth-order.

Even if it is a half-step sixth-order, what kind of civilization can be created?

Ordinary sixth-order gods, the civilization in God's Domain is only sixth-order civilization, and it is already the limit to develop into the steam age, and it is impossible to conquer these giant beasts in the deep sea.

But how powerful are the bloodlines of these little murlocs... What bloodlines can these little murlocs with malnourished and short stature have?

But this time.

It wasn't these little murlocs that Rina was most worried about.

It's those tide-calling sharks who keep releasing waves.

In this giant swimming pool with a radius of 2,500 meters, the waves of more than 20 meters high covered with moonlight rolled continuously, almost one wave after another.

Although only more than 20 meters high, Rena felt the power of these waves.

It seems ordinary, but it seems to be unstoppable, and even the thousand-meter giant wave she rolled up with the seventh-order sea **** was completely wiped out.

Although her seventh-order murloc mage can also release waves, and her power seems to be even better, it is enough to set off a huge wave of fifty or sixty meters, but it is absolutely impossible to do this!

What's more, her octopus warriors are burly, not only have the strength of the seventh order, but also because of the body structure of eight tentacles, the resistance to the waves is also quite strong, but they are swept away by the strange wave. fly.

After that, the moment it fell into the water, it was swept away again...

This made Rena completely incomprehensible.

"What's the matter?"

"Why is it that there is only a wave of sixth-order strength, but it can't be stopped at all? But if it is touched, it can be easily swept away?"

"What the heck is this? Even magic can't do it, why can the skills of these believers be able to do it?"

Rena, who knew a lot about ocean magic, was extremely confused at this moment.

And in fact, this is the setting of the lol skill... As long as Nami's [Howl of Raging Waves] is released, it will be absolute control.

Even if the damage is low because the order is only six, the control effect is real.

In the game, even a Juggernaut in the 18th-level Six-God costume, swept away by the 6th-level Nami's ultimate move, would still fly in the sky for two seconds.

So, not to mention that those octopus warriors are seventh-order, even if they are tenth-order, they will still be swept away when they encounter these waves.

"Lord God, the three hundred waves we summoned with all our strength still can't stop these strange waves." The voices of the murloc mages trembled.

They waved their staffs and tried to use the waves to block the waves that enshrouded the brilliance of the moon, but they couldn't resist the [Howling of the Furious Waves] released by any one of the more than one hundred tide-calling sharks. The three hundred paths were more than fifty meters long. High, the huge waves that were connected together like a mountain of rubble were swept by a wave directly through and swept.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Rena took a deep breath, the situation is very dangerous now.

After dealing with the octopus warriors who rushed to the front, those merman mages took turns to release continuous waves while advancing in an orderly manner.

The attack range of [Roar of Raging Waves] is 2,200 meters. If it is placed in the vast ocean, it can be easily avoided.

But in this super-large swimming pool with a radius of only 2,500 meters, the waves are almost completely shrouded, and it is almost inevitable!

If it wasn't for the fact that Rena and Lin Fan were at opposite ends of the super-large swimming pool, all of Rena's followers would have been caught in the air by the continuous waves.

The safe distance left for Rena is only the poor range of more than 300 meters that is not affected by the waves.

At this time, along with the orderly advancement of the tide callers, the continuous waves were also approaching, leaving only a safe distance of more than 200 meters for Rena in an instant, and only 700 left. The believers were almost huddled together.

If it goes on like this, in less than two minutes, the waves of the moonlight will completely cover this super-large swimming pool. At that time, her followers will be completely unavoidable.

Don't say fight back, I'm afraid it will fall down in the sky!

Those little fishmen were not in a hurry to rush up, but hid in the waves. Obviously, they were also waiting for the opportunity.

"Swordfish," Rena gritted her teeth and looked at a Swordfish believer beside her, and said coldly, "Dive into the water to attack and see if these waves carry undercurrents."

"Follow the orders of the Lord God!"

The swordfish warrior nodded and immediately dived underwater.

This super-large swimming pool is not only large on the surface, but also a thousand meters deep.

The swordfish warrior disappeared instantly above the water surface like a sword light, the sharp sword mouth cut through the water, and the streamlined body twisted with a terrifying speed!

In an instant, the swordfish clan dived into the depths of a thousand meters, and then rushed in the direction of Lin Fan!

Watching the wave of moonlight swept across the sea above it, the swordfish warriors under a thousand meters of water grinned, and then, as if they were going to die, they directly moved towards the endless waves on the sea above. The waves go!

It will use its own life to explore the depths of these waves under the surface of the water for the Lord God!

Nine hundred meters deep, safe.

Eight hundred meters deep, safe.

Seven hundred meters deep, safe!

Six hundred meters deep...


In the continuous waves, a silver figure was drawn into the sky.

At the moment when this swordfish warrior broke through the, more than a dozen little fishmen rushed up from the wave at the same time, and the petite body holding the harpoon burst into terror The speed of the dozens of harpoons was enough to shatter the body of this swordfish warrior.

The harpoon is for fishing!

But in the face of more than a dozen harpoons that were quickly poked from bottom to top, the swordfish warrior did not have any thoughts of trying to dodge and defend, and there was no fear in his eyes.

At the last moment of dying, it opened its sharp sword mouth, but it did not use this incomparably sharp mouth to counterattack and defend those little fishmen who swooped down from the bottom up.

Instead, it puffed out its gills and let out a strange neigh.

"Return to the Lord God!"

"The undercurrent under the waves is only 100 meters deep!"


At the moment when the swordfish warrior's voice fell, the harpoons of more than a dozen little fishmen slammed into the swordfish warrior's body, and the streamlined body with silver light was torn apart instantly.

But there was no joy on Lin Fan's face.

Looking at the broken body of the swordfish warrior that was swept away by the waves on the sea, Lin Fan felt a little more admiration in his heart.

"It seems that you have a good believer." Lin Fan looked at Ruina: "I actually used my life to find out the skill range of my believer."

"If I were you, I wouldn't use the lives of believers as training materials for other gods in exchange for high belief points."

Lin Fan's words revealed a cruel truth.

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