Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 720: Undercover?

It was the first time that Lin Fan was impersonated, and he was very angry...

But because of Yi's existence, Lin Fan didn't say much, so as not to expose his identity as a white mask, he could only secretly keep it in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan dialed the communication.

It was for Ji Long.

After all, the most important thing for Lin Fan now is to find four helpers. Although Ji Long is not strong, he is a top four player like Zhang Xiaoying.

As for why not to find Fatty Cao first.

On the one hand, Lin Fan was worried that Fatty Cao might not be strong enough.

Then Zhao Yaxin is also choosing helpers now.

As a semi-finalist, Ji Long might be the first to be taken by Zhao Yaxin if he starts a little slower. Cao Dahua didn't need to worry about Lin Fan, and Zhao Yaxin probably wouldn't go looking for him. After all, that fat man always looked like he was idly and idle. He never participated in any competitions, and he never showed his strength.

And even if Zhao Yaxin found Cao Dahua, with his relationship with Cao Dahua, Cao Dahua would definitely reject Zhao Yaxin and choose to help Lin Fan.

And the other side.

Ji Long, who was training his army of dwarves in God's Domain, felt the vibration of the bracelet, his eyes flashed with anticipation, and then he immediately quit God's Domain.

But when he saw the information displayed on the bracelet, the anticipation in Ji Long's eyes instantly turned into disgust.

[Tips]: The note is [the despicable devil who stole his goddess] to apply to communicate with you.

【Prompt】: Please ask if you accept it.

Ji Long accepted it with an ugly face, and before Lin Fan could speak, he said directly, "Lin Fan, I know what you are looking for from me."

"Ah?" Lin Fan was taken aback.

"Isn't it just to invite me to help you participate in the next Shenzang battle?" Ji Long snorted coldly, "I've heard about this a long time ago."

"But you should disregard that."

"I won't help you."

After that, Ji Long hung up the communication, and then looked at the bracelet expectantly.

He was waiting for a communication request from Zhao Yaxin.

He knew that in Lengcui City, in addition to Lin Fan, who was going to participate in the next battle of the gods, the perfect goddess Zhao Yaxin was also going to participate!

Myself, the top four player, is simply the perfect candidate to invite!

Instead of helping Lin Fan, whom he hated, he might as well help Zhao Yaxin, the perfect goddess. If he showed his strength in the battle of the gods and protected the goddess, a hero came to save the beauty. At that time, Zhao Yaxin would not be able to treat himself too high. take a look?

Maybe he was so moved that he directly dumped that despicable villain Lin Fan into his own arms, it is not impossible!

"Lin Fan, wait!"

"I will definitely let the goddess know who is the best for her!"

Ji Long clenched his fists fiercely, but then frowned.

"Why isn't the goddess looking for me yet?"

"It seems that there are still three days before the battle of the gods and possessions will start. It stands to reason that the goddess should have come to invite me to join her..."

"Don't the goddess look down on me?" Ji Long thought of this and shook his head.

He was in the top four anyway, and losing to Lin Fan was just an accident.

Although there is some gap between the strength and the goddess, he is also the best among his peers. His dwarf army has produced redstone battleships.

"It seems that the goddess is too thin-skinned, so I'm embarrassed to take the initiative to invite me." Ji Long blinked, and a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth: "It's a cute little girl, in that case, as a man, I'll take the initiative."


Ji Long exhaled with a serious face and dialed Zhao Yaxin's communication.

at the same time.

In the mansion where Zhao Yaxin lives.

The perfect goddess, who exuded a holy brilliance and made people want to roar, sat upright on the chair. Opposite her, a woman wearing a high-end black suit with an evil charm and self-confidence between her eyebrows. The middle-aged man is holding a cup of tea.

Taking a sip of tea, the middle-aged man put down the teacup and looked at Zhao Yaxin.

"In the next battle of Shenzang, you must win."

"You should know the purpose of your coming to Lieyang Divine Country."

"We have already investigated it clearly, that God Treasure is probably what we are looking for."

Zhao Yaxin was slightly taken aback: "You mean, can I show my true strength?"

"That's not necessary, you are still very useful now, there is no need to expose it." Lucifer smiled, "If exposed, we will also have trouble."

"But even if you don't need real strength, it should be fine to deal with those so-called freshman champions, right?"

"I have already helped you disguise those deep-sea demonic dragons as seventh-order water blue dragons, and the Hell Flame Horse also disguised as unicorns... Relying on these believers to deal with those lower-level gods should not be a problem."

"And, another person will help you." Lucifer said lightly: "That guy's strength is also very good."

Zhao Yaxin was slightly taken aback.

She knew that in addition to herself, the demon king in front of her also had other pieces.

At the moment, Zhao Yaxin couldn't help but wonder, "Who is that one?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." Lucifer glanced at Zhao Yaxin with some dissatisfaction, and said coldly, "When it's time for you to know, you will naturally know."

Feeling the incomparably terrifying demon pressure, Zhao Yaxin's eyes flashed with fear, and she quickly lowered her head.

Lucifer didn't say much, just continued: "As for your companion, I've arranged it for you too."

After speaking, Lucifer snapped his fingers.

The four teenagers walked into the room and stood respectfully behind Lucifer.

"These are my own people, and their identities on the surface... are your fanatical fans." Lucifer said lightly, "With them there, dealing with those low-level gods will not be a problem."

"I have another candidate..." Zhao Yaxin interrupted cautiously suddenly.

"Huh?" Lucifer frowned slightly.

"Li Qiang, the model of justice... Although his strength is average, he has a good reputation in Leng Cui City. If he joins, then I can definitely attract another wave of attention." Zhao Yaxin said very quickly: " Moreover, he and Lin Fan are mortal enemies, I am Lin Fan's nominal girlfriend now, if I invite Li Qiang to join...

"Li Qiang... Well, that model of justice." Lucifer also remembered the very outstanding young **** in the material, and then nodded: "Yes, so you can also take the opportunity to have a good relationship with him and attract fans of this model of justice. perfusion."

"But if he is in the team, you have to be careful when you talk to each other, so as not to be noticed by him." Lucifer instructed.

But he did not deny the idea. After all, with Li Qiang in the team, who would have thought that several people on the team with this model of justice were all demons from hell?

This will lower the vigilance of the kingdom of God.

This famous example of justice is simply the perfect role to endorse Zhao Yaxin and others! Even if Lieyang Divine Kingdom suspected that demons had infiltrated this operation, they would never have imagined that this paragon of justice would be on the same team as these demons!

And right now.

Zhao Yaxin's bracelet suddenly began to vibrate.


Seeing this name, Zhao Yaxin's face suddenly became strange, and she glanced tentatively at the sixteenth-order demon in front of her, and after getting the other party's acquiescence, she connected the bracelet.

"Goddess Zhao," Ji Long went straight to the topic: "Are you suffering from not knowing who to turn to for help?"

"Hee hee, I did my part to help! I didn't expect it!"

"No thanks, I'm willing to join your team and help you in the battle of the gods. I know you're embarrassed to invite me, so I took the initiative to find me. After all, you also know my strength..."

Zhao Yaxin shook her head with a complicated expression, and politely refused: "Well, my side is full..."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ji Long froze in place for a while, the smile on his face stiffened, as if something was broken in his heart.

Isn't the perfect goddess embarrassed to find herself?

Instead, after looking for four teammates, they didn't expect to contact him?

You are a top four player!

Is my Jilong's strength so unbearable?

Is it easy for me, Jilong, to be a licking dog? No one thought of me, so I was still waiting here impatiently!

"Uh, then, that's alright," Ji Long smiled and was about to hang up the communication when he suddenly thought of something and said loyally, "By the way, goddess, Lin Fan invited me to his team just now, but you Don't worry, I will never help that big devil who is your enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yaxin said with a strange expression: "That's not necessary... It doesn't matter if you join."

With Jilong's strength, Zhao Yaxin didn't take him seriously at all.

Some even hoped that he would join Lin Fan's team...

"You mean," Ji Long was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up: "I understand what you mean, goddess, you want me to join Lin Fan's team and go undercover there?"

Zhao Yaxin was slightly taken aback.

That's not what she meant, she just felt that having this guy in Lin Fan's team directly lowered the average level of Lin Fan's team.

Looking back, if there was a real fight, Ji Long would not be crushed by himself, it would be equivalent to missing someone from Lin Fan's side!

But listening to Ji Long's words, Zhao Yaxin suddenly felt that it was okay to be wrong, and her voice became extremely sweet: "Then, are you really willing to endure the humiliation and burden of undercover for me?"

"of course!"

Hearing the sweet and soft voice, Ji Long shivered all over his body, and he couldn't help but "Ou Ho" on the spot, clenching his fists: "I'll promise Lin Fan, then his every move, I will I will tell you!"

"Also, if Lin Fan dares to compete with you, I will definitely beat him up for you!"

When Ji Long said this, his whole body was trembling, and he felt that his whole body was full of power!

"That's really nice, Ji Long, you're really nice." Zhao Yaxin's voice was very moved, "Speaking of which, although Lin Fan is my boyfriend, he has never cared about me, his attitude towards me... alas, Ji Long, if I knew this earlier, I might as well be with you... Forget it, let's do it first."

Zhao Yaxin looked like she was about to cry, and then hung up the communication.

"Good trick." Lucifer nodded with a smile, "As expected of the Charm Emperor."

And the other side.

After hanging up the communication, Ji Long was extremely excited.

Although I couldn't join the goddess' team, but... I had to endure humiliation for the goddess and go undercover in Lin Fan's team!

Listening to the meaning of the goddess, it seems that I finally understand my own good!

At that time, as long as Lin Fan dared to embarrass the goddess, he would stand up himself, and suddenly turned against the water and helped the goddess to beat Lin Fan together, so the goddess couldn't be moved into his arms?

"This is really, really great!"

And the other side.

Lin Fan, who had touched his nose, was about to send a communication request to Cao Dahua when the bracelet suddenly began to vibrate.


"Didn't you reject me just now? Is there anything left to say?"

Lin Fan curiously connected to the communication, but before he could speak, he heard Ji Long's sincere voice from the other end of the communication: "Lin Fan, I thought about it, although there are some conflicts between us, but that is over."

"As a former opponent, I admire you very much."

"I'm willing to join your team, don't think too much, I just want to help you, and don't ask for anything in return to contribute to your battle of the gods!"

"I agreed to your invitation just now!"

After Ji Long finished speaking, he hung up the communication without giving Lin Fan a chance to answer.

Lin Fan was stunned for a long time, and didn't understand what was going on.

"One, help me calculate, what happened?" Lin Fan looked confused.

"Do you think I'm a **** operator?" Yi's voice was also confused, "Your gods' emotions are really complicated."

Although one can intrude into the communication network, he cannot monitor all the instant communication. He has no idea what Ji Long and Zhao Yaxin talked about just now...

Lin Fan could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

"Although some are incomprehensible."

"But anyway, it's a good thing to have Ji Long join."

And right now.

Lin Fan's bracelet rang again.

"Li Qiang, what's the matter?" Lin Fan connected.

"Ah, that," Li Qiang's voice seemed to be tangled: "That Zhao Yaxin invited me just now, and said that she wanted me to join her team... I Lin Fan's face suddenly became ugly: "You want to Help Zhao Yaxin to deal with me together? Co-authoring, you really regard yourself as a model of justice, and are you ready to execute justice? "

"No, don't get me wrong, our relationship is based on how much faith value is exchanged, and it must be a group!" Li Qiang said very quickly: "I'm not thinking that after I joined Zhao Yaxin's team, I can help you. Are you monitoring their every move... I'm going undercover for you!"


As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan was stunned.

Now the competition among students has risen to this level?

All have to be paired with undercover?

But on second thought, Zhao Yaxin's strength is indeed strong. If she has an undercover agent in her team... that's definitely a good thing!

Zhao Yaxin estimated that she would never have thought that Li Qiang was his undercover agent. After all, Li Qiang was a model of justice that was inseparable from himself, the Great Demon King of Lengcui City!

"Okay." Lin Fan said cheerfully, "That's still the old rule. You have a share of the things you get from the Divine Treasure."

Li Qiang's laughter was wretched: "Hey, the boss is very big! It's a word!"

After hanging up the communication, Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Li Qiang, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, has also learned badly... Is this just like gathering by like?

Then Zhao Yaxin probably never imagined that before the battle for Shenzang started, she already had her own undercover in her team!

this moment.

Lin Fan and Zhao Yaxin's faces showed wicked smiles that were ready to trick people.

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