Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 726: fire and crescent

While speaking, Lin Fan did not forget to continue pulling the trigger with his rifle...

Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, Mr. Zhang is actually not a pedantic scholar. He and Lin Fan are both typical pragmatists. If he can really rely on these believers' skills to sweep the next battle of the gods, Mr. Zhang will encourage Lin Fan to use it. these skills.


"Do you think this control skill is invincible?" Zhang Chengfeng snorted coldly, "There are many dangers in the Divine Treasure, I heard that many of the flowers and plants in it carry some toxins that can paralyze nerves, and there are some divine beasts that spit venom. "

"This time, in order to allow you to explore the treasures of the gods, the kingdom of God has invested the capital, and everyone can get three runes condensed by the tenth-order holy god."

"Every time you use the rune, you can get two hours of holy power, sweeping away all poisons and negative effects below the tenth order."

"Otherwise do you think the old man would be so worried about you?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, three talismans condensed by the tenth-order holy god... As long as the opponent opens the talisman, he can't use his control skills to crush it at all.

That is to say.

Those believer skills are only left to deal damage, and the battles between them are purely competitive damage.

"Now understand why I want to find you a sparring partner?" Zhang Chengfeng snorted coldly.

"Students understand." Lin Fan nodded.

Mr. Zhang wanted to hone his real fighting ability.

Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression: "Then if you don't stop now, don't pull the trigger!"

While the two were talking, Lin Fan was still pulling the trigger here...

"No, unless I win this match!" Lin Fan shook his head.

after all.

The winner of this round is still undecided!

The bet that I, Lin Fan finally laid, is not over yet.

Seeing Lin Fan's appearance, Zhang Chengfeng seemed to have guessed something, and said helplessly: "You win this game, you should stop."

Lin Fan stopped instantly.

Outside the rehearsal field, when Mr. Zhang Chengfeng judged that Lin Fan had won the game, the students who had beaten Lin Fan and lost, wailed, especially Li Qiang, who had beaten him by five million, covering his face with his hands. , Even the shoulders are shaking, and the suppressed cry can be heard from a distance.

"Lin Fan!" Che Gu, who got rid of various control skills, roared instantly, two ponytails fluttered behind her, and her silver teeth clenched: "I don't care, you are not allowed to leave!"

"Okay," Lin Fan smiled, "It's time for a good fight with you. Don't worry, I won't use those believer skills to deal with you this time."

With that said, Lin Fan took the rifle back.

A body of divine power slowly surged.

This time, he will no longer use control skills to trick and crush, but will abandon those control skills and use his true strength to face this girl.

after all.

In the next battle of the gods and possessions, the three holy gods in each hand are really going to fight, and their control skills have zero effect.

Of course, Lin Fan wasn't sure whether the holy divine pattern could completely resist his control skills, but at least it would give the opponent a lot of toughness. The original control time of one second and two seconds would be greatly reduced.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lin Fan's eyes showed a hint of caution.

Although it is only a dual priesthood, the number of his own priesthood completely overwhelms the opponent.

But what Zhang Chengfeng said was quite right. Because Lin Fan had too many priesthoods, he was far inferior to the dual priesthood in the direction of the fusion of the two priesthoods. Most of the time, he used a single priesthood alone.

It is like a student who has studied English, mathematics, Chinese, geography, politics, history, physics, biology, and chemistry. Although his knowledge is definitely more comprehensive than that of a student who only studies mathematics and chemistry because of his partial subject, it is also because As such, so far inferior to those momentary students in in-depth exams in math and chemistry.


Even Lin Fan felt a pressure.

That's why he didn't ask Li Qiang to make a bet, because even he didn't dare to say that he would win the second battle.

After all, it is a dual-priest genius from Divine Kingdom No. 1 Middle School!

"Lin Fan, are you ready?" Che Gu gnashed her teeth and looked at Lin Fan, her petite body became burly and heavy with the armor of the earth.

She is in a hurry to take revenge now!

The dignified Divine Kingdom No. 1 middle school was actually played by Lin Fan with those weird skills. Lin Fan must be beaten hard to wash away the humiliation just now!


Lin Fan took a deep breath, lowered his head and put on a pair of transparent glasses for himself.

At this moment, the whole world suddenly took on a new look. Lines of virtual rays of light appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and Lin Fan could even clearly see two different colors of divine power radiating from the inside and outside of the Chess.

Feeling this new vision, Lin Fan nodded, "Come on."

Without any hesitation.

The car scorpion directly opened fire, and the seventh-order earth's divine power was condensed in the palm of his left hand, and slapped on the ground.

For a time, waves appeared on the ground, and a hundred-meter-high earth wall rose from the ground, like the palm of a god, slamming down at Lin Fan!

[Primary Divine Art·Wall of the Earth! 】

The lens flickered, and Lin Fan's eyes suddenly saw a series of virtual trails. It was the forward path of the 100-meter earth wall, completely enveloping him.

A string of fictitious numbers floated on the terrifying earth wall, "Forward speed, 500km/h".

At the same time, Lin Fan lowered his head and glanced at the ground.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan raised his left foot high, and immediately stomped on the ground!

The fire of the earth is burning at this moment!

Half-step sixth-order earth's divine power poured into the earth, but the soil that could be manipulated at will was extremely heavy at this moment, and it was difficult for Lin Fan's divine power to penetrate the center of the earth!

Lin Fan instantly understood.

Both himself and the girl in front of him have the clergy of the **** of the earth, and both can manipulate the earth and connect with the power deep in the heart of the earth.

But the girl in front of her is the **** of the seventh-order earth, and it is impossible to forcibly compete with the opponent for the power of the earth at a half-step sixth-order.

At this moment, the earth is used by the other party!

The seventh-order terrestrial divine power of Che Yu was infiltrated in the soil, displacing the divine power of the earth released by Lin Fan.

The ground that Lin Fan could grasp was only dozens of meters below his feet!

After Lin Fan stomped on it, an earthen shield with a height of only fifty meters rose up in front of Lin Fan.

[Elementary Divine Art·Earth Shield]!

Earth Wall vs Earth Shield!

The 100-meter giant wave hits one side with a soil shield.

Under the huge wave of 100 meters, the earthen shield summoned by Lin Fan looked so small, as if it would be smashed by the palm of the **** made of earth in the next second.

It is true that Che Yu's earth power is more majestic than Lin Fan, and it is difficult for Lin Fan to compete for the control of the earth.

This is the difference in strength.


The huge wave fell.

The earth and stones in the sky were wrapped in unparalleled power, and they were shot fiercely, as if they were shooting Lin Fan into the ground!

The earth shield in front of Lin Fan collapsed instantly.

"Haha! Lin Fan, let you just..." Che Kui suddenly laughed excitedly, but at the next moment, a gust of wind suddenly swept away the earth and rocks that fell from the sky.

The wind howled.

Within a hundred meters, a terrifying gust of wind swept away, blowing away all the earth and rocks.

And in the field of wind, the figure of the young man stood still, like the tyrant of the wind.

Feng Nu r skill, [Recovery Monsoon].

"You may not know me." Through the layers of gusts, Lin Fan looked at Che Chang: "But you are not the only one who holds more than one priesthood."

Seeing the gust of wind surging on Lin Fan's body, Che Yu's face was stunned.

"God of the wind." Che Yu said these four words word by word.

However, before Che Wu could finish speaking, Lin Fan's body suddenly flickered, and his feet instantly exerted force.

But instead of rushing towards the chariot, it directly retreated dozens of meters.


The ground that was standing just now cracked almost as soon as Lin Fan left, turning into an abyss, like a big mouth that could swallow everything.

"so close!"

Lin Fan's forehead showed cold sweat.

Just now, Che Ku's seventh-order earth divine power sneaked into the deep ground beneath him, and immediately rushed up at the moment when he was distracted, directly dissipating the earth divine power that he had condensed under the ground.

If it wasn't for the glasses that Yi gave him to see the flow of divine power, Lin Fan couldn't dodge in advance, and he would have to hand over the flash.

"Tsk tsk, I was noticed." Che Chang smashed his mouth and laughed.

The voice fell, and an earthly divine force rushed from the ground again, and the ground that passed through cracked instantly, obviously containing great power.


Lin Fan stomped his foot hard, and the divine power of the earth also rushed underground, and a huge dirt pit exploded at a distance of dozens of meters in front of Lin Fan!

"See how long you can hold back!"

The Chess snorted coldly.

For a time, dozens of earthly divine powers emanated from the ground under Che Chang's feet, and charged towards Lin Fan hidden in the mud beneath the ground.



The soil was flying, and the ground dozens of meters away from Lin Fan instantly exploded, forming huge earth pits.

"It's all blocked?" Che Wei was slightly taken aback.

Lin Fan was not feeling well at this time, although he could see the flow of divine power under the surface with the help of glasses, so he could precisely release the divine power of the earth to block it. But resisting dozens of earth gods from the seventh-order earth god, Lin Fan's breath was a little disordered at this time.

"Oh, I am a fifth-order earth god, although I can't beat you, but... if you defend with all your heart, your earth's divine power will have nothing to do with me."

Lin Fan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and forced a smile.


Lin Fan exhaled.

"But since you know that you are the **** of the earth, it's easy to handle..."

Lin Fan stretched out his right hand.

The air suddenly became icy cold.

The elements of winter gathered at this moment, and a snowflake condensed between Lin Fan's fingers.

next moment.

The cold wind howls!

The extreme cold spreads out, it is the ice and snow from the wild!

In an instant, a blizzard came to this place, the ground was instantly frozen, and the soil was instantly frozen!

The ice phoenix spreads its wings, and the r skill [Glacier Storm]!

"God of Winter!"

Che Kui's heart was beating rapidly. At this moment, the ice under her feet blocked her connection with the earth, and the power from the earth disappeared instantly!

The frozen soil has become extremely heavy under the gathering of winter elements, and it is completely uncontrollable!

Under the bone-piercing cold wind, Che Chang's skin felt like a needle pierced, and even the armor of the earth became fragile at this low temperature.

Although the God of Earth is powerful, its weakness is also obvious, that is, the requirements for the environment are extremely harsh!

There is no doubt that Lin Fan seemed to have been pressed and beaten by himself before, but in fact, he had been trying to figure out how to target himself.

Che Yu had to admit that this guy is indeed very powerful.


Look at the boy bathed in the cold wind.

Chess laughed.

"Want to use the cold to defend against my earth god?"

"Now, let me introduce myself to you."

"My second ministry is."

"God of Fire!"

A splendid red glow erupted from Che Chang's right eye, as if a flame was burning inside!

The fiery red ponytail on the right fluttered up at this moment, and the hair was as red as fire!


A flame appeared on Che Chang's right index finger.

next moment.


The flames swept across in an instant, turning into a huge fireball, and the raging fire climbed up along the arm, directly covering the right half of Che's body, forming a half-flame armor!

girl at this moment.

The left half is wearing the armor of earth, and the right half is wearing the armor of fire.

Earth, stone and flames are clearly distinguished.

These two absolutely different elements, at this time, appeared on the girl's body at the same time.

The scorching flame was burning on the right half of her body, and the moment the armor of fire appeared, the cold in the air was directly dispelled by the raging fire.

Che Yu raised his right hand high, and a huge fireball was brewed in the palm of his hand in an instant, about a hundred meters in size.

Lin Fan suddenly felt that the fireball was like a water ball, with flames surging inside it like a wave, but this water ball was made of red flames, and it was extremely hot.

"Want the cold to target me?"

"My second is the **** of fire!"

Che Yu's right hand, which was raised above her head, slammed hard, and her five fingers that were separated instantly clenched a fist, as if she was about to crush something!

[Primary magic skill: Raise a fire and start a prairie fire]!


The huge fireball burst in an instant, and thousands of flames scattered like bundles of dazzling meteors.

Bloom like fireworks.

The scorching high temperature spread in an instant, and the icy coldness of the cold wind was completely dissipated under the thousands of flames that swept away!

The frozen ground was instantly covered with flames, and the thick layer of ice melted.

a time.

This ice storm with a radius of one kilometer has completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This was the first time Lin Fan had met an opponent who could forcibly use brute force to break the [Glacier Storm], but it was too late to think about it. At the moment when the fireball exploded, dozens of fireballs came straight to Lin Fan.

This is the flame released by the seventh-order God of Fire!

Before he could think about it, Lin Fan directly pulled out a silver spear from God's Domain.

The fireball completely shrouded Lin Fan's figure, as if to burn Lin Fan to nothing.


In the firelight, a little silver light suddenly appeared.

What followed was a loud and powerful explosion!

"A little cold mang will come first."

"Then the gun came out like a dragon!"


The dozen or so fireballs that had already rushed in front of Lin Fan instantly rolled back and met, and the firelight faded away, revealing the gunshots that remained in the air.

Under the light of the fire, the spear shone brightly, like a crescent moon rising in the flames. ?

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