Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 733: two-way toll

in the office.

Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan with a complicated face, and reprimanded: "Good boy, I originally wanted to use this battle to let you use your strength to improve your reputation."

"In the end, I never expected that you would be able to show them a little girl one by one in front of the entire Divine Kingdom No. 7 Middle School?"

"Many teachers are now complaining to me, saying they want the military to search your residence to see if there are some tied girls hidden in your refrigerator."

"A fight is a fight. What are you doing when you have nothing to do to eat the opponent? Although it can really hit the opponent, but..."

When Zhang Chengfeng said this, his face was instantly pale, and then he quickly poured a cup of tea to suppress the nausea.

There is no doubt that after this battle, Lin Fan's nickname of the Great Demon King was completely confirmed.

Lin Fan touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly, "But that girl is too much..."

Right now.

The door opened.

With a pale face and a limpid footsteps, the chariot walked in slowly.

At this time, she had already withdrawn from the state of fusion of divine power, the two ponytails showed two completely different colors, and the eyes were also of different colors.

Originally, she wanted to stare at Lin Fan viciously to vent her hatred, but as soon as she glanced at Lin Fan, she felt that the river was tumbling in her stomach, and she quickly retracted her gaze.

It was because Lin Fan left her with too much psychological shadow.

How does the stomach grow?

Straight to the throat of hell?

Originally, she was worried that this amazing young man would become her regret in the future.

As soon as the result was swallowed, Che Yu knew that this guy would not be his regret at all, but only his own nightmare...

Che Kui sat down on the stool with her head lowered, not daring to look at Lin Fan at all, and kept swallowing her saliva, forcing her nausea.

Although it has been washed for a long time and burned for a long time with the flames of the fire, the scorpion still seems to be able to smell the stench all over her body.

"It's been hard work." Zhang Chengfeng poured a cup of tea for Che Kui with sympathy, "After I go back this time, I will tell your tutor that you have performed well this time and can be used as a bonus for the scholarship selection. "

Although Lin Fan won the previous battle.

However, the means shown by Che Chang, the fusion and manipulation of the two divine powers, as well as the grasp of the details of the battle, impressed Zhang Chengfeng deeply.

As the **** of the earth, although he can manipulate the earth, it is difficult for Zhang Chengfeng to use the divine power of the earth to extract sulfur ore and saltpeter ore from the soil. Silver particles combine to form a mirror maze.

Although the last mirror labyrinth was easily broken by Lin Fan, Zhang Chengfeng could sense the danger in it.

Under the constant reflection, anyone's perception of the environment will be affected. If you change the ordinary gods to face the mirror maze, even if you enter thousands of them, they will only kill each other under the misdirection of the mirror.

In other words, Lin Fan had those weird skills, so he completely ignored them.

Hearing Zhang Chengfeng's comfort, Che Chang's face looked better: "Thank you, President Zhang."

"Haha, no, no, it's hard work for you." Zhang Chengfeng said, turning his head and glaring at Lin Fan: "They kindly accompany you to train and let you learn the fighting style of dual priesthood, but your kid turns out to be..."

After being reprimanded by the old man, Lin Fan said apologetically to Che Chang, "How about you punch me out of anger?"

"No need!" Che Gu didn't dare to look at Lin Fan, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "Aren't you going to participate in the battle of Shenzang in the Divine Sea, Huo Rulong will beat you up for me."

"He?" Lin Fan smacked his mouth, "If it's just a fire like a dragon, I don't think who will beat whom."

Che Chang snorted coldly: "I'm not afraid to tell you that in Huo Rulong's team, not only Huo Rulong has a double priesthood, but even the team members he found in Divine Kingdom No. 1 are also double priesthood!"

After finishing speaking, Che Kui greeted Zhang Chengfeng and left here immediately.

She was really afraid that she couldn't help but vomit after staying with Lin Fan for one more second.

"It's all dual priesthood..." Lin Fan sat on the chair and said in a low voice.

"Well." Zhang Chengfeng took a deep breath and nodded, "I also heard that Huo Rulong's team this time is all the most outstanding top students in Divine Kingdom No. 1 Middle School, and there is even a second-year high school student. Also inside, the strength is in the seventh or eighth order.”

"And it's all dual priesthood."

"Your strength, although you may not be afraid of any of them. But if it is five to five, the teammates you find are probably difficult to deal with..."

Zhang Chengfeng didn't bother to ask what teammates Lin Fan recruited. After all, the students in Leng Cuicheng probably didn't have enough of the four dual priesthoods that Lien Rulong recruited in the Divine Kingdom No. 1 High School.

"That," Lin Fan said embarrassedly, "I haven't found all my teammates yet."

"I haven't found everything yet?" Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "How many are there?"

"missing one."

Zhang Chengfeng frowned slightly: "Do you have a choice in your heart? If you are worried that the other party will not agree, I can help you talk."

"There is a choice, but there is a choice," Lin Fan looked at Zhang Chengfeng cautiously: "And the other party also agreed to join, but he said, you have to agree first."

"Do you have to let me agree first?" Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and he was too lazy to think about it. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, then tell that person and say I agree."

"Okay!" Lin Fan stood up and turned around and ran out, "I'll go tell the senior brother right now!"

Zhang Chengfeng smiled and looked at Lin Fan's back running away excitedly, nodded and said, "Well, let's go tell your senior brother, just say I agreed... Wait, senior brother? Bai Zhaoyun? Lin Fan, come back to me! "

Lin Fan, who had already stepped out of the gate with one foot, immediately froze in place.

He then walked back to the desk reluctantly.

He drooped his head and muttered with regret: "I'm careless, I accidentally said something..."

I was so excited just now that I couldn't grasp it for a while.

Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan speechlessly: "You mean, the fourth teammate you are going to bring is your senior brother Bai Zhaoyun?"

Lin Fan nodded.

"Do you know who your senior brother is?" Zhang Cheng laughed loudly, knocking on the table and said, "Bai Zhaoyun, that is the first sword **** of the Divine Kingdom, the strongest genius in the history of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom!"

"At the age of 15, he became a high-level god, and he became a leader in kendo!"

"There have been countless battles, big and small, without a single defeat! Just last month, the invasion of the 15th-order undead plane was quelled for the Lieyang Divine Kingdom!"

"If he never showed his strength, he could even become the ninth Holy Court Paladin!"

"You tell me, are you going to take him to compete with a group of high school students?"

"Ah? What's the difference between this and grandpa hitting his grandson? If you really want to do this, don't hit him at all. It's more agile for the old man to take a few students to walk with you in person!"

"What kind of decency, can you think of this, is it legal?" Zhang Chengfeng was really at a loss for Lin Fan's idea.

Lin Fan whispered: "It's completely in line with the rules, the senior brother is only one year older than me, doesn't the battle of Shenzang say that as long as the age difference is within three years, it's OK... and there is no separate rule that Bai Zhaoyun is not allowed to join, If you want to blame it, you must blame the elder brother for being too strong."

For a time, Zhang Chengfeng was unable to refute.

After all, on the bright side, the addition of Bai Zhaoyun is completely in line with the rules...

It's like asking Liu Xiang to go to a city-level sports meeting to compete in hurdles with a group of high school sports students. It's completely in line with the rules... but it's immoral.

"That's what I said..." Zhang Chengfeng's face was complicated. "But your senior brother is the number one swordsman. If you take him out, this is not bullying. If it spreads out, then I..."

But in the next moment.

Zhang Chengfeng's words suddenly stopped.

He looked at Lin Fan with complicated eyes.

Before Lin Fan gave himself a path of divine experience and the Leaf of Vitality, he rescued Lin Weimao. Although Lin Fan was Lin Weimao's child, Lin Fan didn't know that the guardian deity was his father.

In this way, I owe Lin Fan a huge favor.

In this case……

"Okay, tell Bai Zhaoyun that I agree to let him go with you." Zhang Chengfeng said lightly: "But you can't rely too much on him, I will tell him, unless your life is in danger, even if you are defeated, He can't really help you win, and at most help you deal with a competitor's player."

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Fan was instantly happy.

After all no matter what.

That is the first sword god!

This can be said to be the most powerful amulet, even if you stand there still, no one dares to provoke yourself.

Zhang Chengfeng suddenly said: "Your second senior brother is now disguised as an identity and trained in the Ziyue Divine Kingdom. Would you like me to call your second senior brother Geng Dong back and help you?"

"No, no, one senior is enough!" Lin Fan felt a little embarrassed with the master so enthusiastic.

Although the second senior brother is also very good at fighting.


Senior Brother can fight more than Second Senior Brother!

"Well..." Zhang Chengfeng nodded: "Then can you take the toad behind you now?"

Zhang Chengfeng raised his head and glanced at the huge toad behind Lin Fan who was throwing its tongue at him with a complicated look.

That Tam grinned and dripped with saliva, as if Zhang Chengfeng uttered a wrong word, the river demon would swallow Zhang Chengfeng into his stomach.

"Oh, when did this guy sneak out of the realm of the gods?" Lin Fan pretended to be surprised and looked back at the Tam, and quickly took the Tam back, "Teacher, don't get me wrong, I really I'm not threatening you, this guy sneaked out on his own..."

"Okay, stop pretending." Zhang Chengfeng sighed helplessly, and looked at the dim sky outside the window, "It's already six o'clock in the evening, and it's not too early, you should go back and rest."

"You did a good job this time, and you actually learned how to fight with dual priesthood. It's not worth it for me to help you find such an opponent."

"But don't be proud. After you go back, think about it and study it more."

"Well. Then, goodbye, Master." Lin Fan nodded and walked out of the office.

But instead of leaving the Divine Kingdom No. 7 Middle School, he went straight up the stairs to the rooftop.

on the rooftop.

Li Qiang was blowing the wind quietly, and after seeing Lin Fan walking up, he smiled and handed over a golden card: "It's an old rule, divided into three and seven, and there are 210 million Faith Points in it."

"I didn't say, Brother Lin, you are too strong!"

"Those classmates are still comforting me... Sigh, I'm too embarrassed to say more. Is it possible to tell them that the anonymous account that won your faith value is actually me?"

"Oh, now that I'm an undercover agent, I'm testing my acting skills more and more. I'll have to train myself when I look back, so I can't laugh."

Lin Fan took the Shenjin card with a smile and patted Li Qiang on the shoulder: "Good job."

"Oh, yes," Li Qiang suddenly took out another divine gold card: "This is the membership fee collected by my Anti-Demon King Alliance. During this period of time, I have collected nearly 100 million Faith Points, which is divided into 37%. Your more than 60 million Faith Points..."

The membership fee is the protection fee to protect the members from being bullied by the Great Demon King Lin Fan.

It's just that the spiritual guys who paid the membership fee without any complaints and no regrets, just to fight the big devil to the end, would never have imagined that their membership fee would eventually go to the big devil, Lin Fan.

"Well, then I can't beat them." Lin Fan nodded.

This can be considered a disguised protection of members from being bullied by the Great Demon King... This membership fee is not in vain!

"By the way, there are two other people. They haven't paid the membership fee since they joined..." Li Qiang suddenly handed over a note with the names of the two students written on it.

Lin Fan accepted the note with a clear look: "Don't worry, I will remind them."

And right now.

"Lin Fan, you are here... eh? Li Qiang, you..."

I see.

Yun Zheyue held a golden card and looked at the two people who were clearly incompatible on the rooftop, but stood side by side like brothers.

She came to give Lin Fan the membership fees collected by the student union during this but she didn't expect to see this scene!

a time.

Looking at the divine gold card in Lin Fan's hand, Yun Zheyue seemed to understand something and looked at the two with a complicated expression.

"As expected of the Great Demon King."

"I didn't expect that the example of justice on the bright side actually secretly... This city government, it's really not wrong to call you the Great Demon King."

Yun Zheyue stepped forward with a complicated face and handed the Shenjin card to Lin Fan: "This is the high school student membership fee collected by the student union for you... A total of 40 million belief points."

Lin Fan and Li Qiang looked at Yun Zheyue with embarrassed expressions.

"Cough, that..." Lin Fan didn't know how to explain.

"Don't worry, I'm too lazy to care about this, and I won't say anything." Yun Zheyue looked blankly at the great demon king Lin Fan and justice model Li Qiang: "You continue."

After speaking, Yun Zheyue turned and left.

She originally wanted to tell Lin Fan that under the leadership of the model of justice Li Qiang, the students who disobeyed the student union formed an anti-demon alliance, and wanted Lin Fan, the student representative of the student union, to come forward to clean up and keep the student union in good hands. The majesty of the Seventh Middle School.

But now it seems that there is no need for it...

What the **** was this guy thinking, he actually made the operation of two-way charging.

"Boss, do you want to silence her?" Li Qiang looked at Lin Fan secretly.

Lin Fan: "..."

Is this what your example of justice should think?

I, Lin Fan, really am not a big devil with a little girl!

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