Can this be solved?

Master Zou and Master Min thought they heard Zhou Yi's last words wrongly.

Liu Song, who was about to give up, was stunned for a moment, and hope seemed to rekindle in his eyes. The two masters were looking forward to what kind of answer Zhou Yi could give.

But just when everyone was looking forward to it, Zhou Yi pointed to an empty corner not far away.

"Go and stand over there. When these candidates finish their exams, I will give you some pointers."

As soon as these words came out, the two masters realized that this was still an exam, and Liu Song also realized that he was just a candidate. At this moment, a flash of excitement flashed in his heart, why?

He suddenly realized that this might be him An opportunity, and he is most likely the only one among all the candidates who will have the opportunity!

"Master Zhou, a palace-level master invited by the Alchemy Association... He may really be able to solve my problem."


Time passed, and after a while, all the first batch of 11 candidates took the exam, and except for Zi Yue and Liu Song, all of them failed.

Zhou Yi's reputation as a devil examiner also spread among the candidates.

Take a half-hour break.

At this time, Zhou Yi pointed at Liu Song:

"Liu Song, come here"

"Master Zhou."Liu Song came over respectfully.

"You can refine this elixir, so you must know something about immortal power, right?"Zhou Yi asked

"Yes."Liu Song said:"I have studied and analyzed the composition of the immortal power in the immortal stone for a long time, and compared it with my own spiritual power. I have done a lot of calculations and research, and found a way to make the body and soul stronger. The balance of power, soul and immortal power resonates, and a huge amount of time was spent researching this elixir.

Zhou Yi nodded:"What kind of cultivation do you think can obtain immortal power?""

"I think the Mahayana period is fine!"Liu Song clenched his fists, with an attitude of"I know this is a bit counterproductive, and some are too early, but I must succeed."

"Immortal power can only be obtained by dust immortals."Master Zou said

"All mortals are mortals under the immortals. This sentence is not just rhetoric. It would be incredible if there were immortal powers in the Mahayana period. Master Min also said

"Although there have been many such people in history, they all had their own incredible adventures."Master Zou also added.

Zhou Yi smiled slightly, shook his head and looked at Liu Song

"You are wrong, the earliest time to obtain immortal power is in the Dongxu stage!"

Dongxu stage!

Immortal power?

Master Zou and Master Min were stunned for a moment.

This... what about the Book of Heaven?

However, Master Min suddenly realized something.

A great sage once really studied this matter and published A shocking book. An overview of immortal power.

This book accurately describes that in theory, if someone can have the ultimate wisdom and foundation, and see through the"ultimate reality" when breaking through the void, then You can obtain immortal power.

But this is just a theory, and the great sage also said that it is almost impossible for the ultimate wisdom root and the ultimate foundation to appear at the same time, because what happens after the wisdom root reaches a certain level? A peerless genius, but the ultimate What does wisdom root mean?

A peerless genius among peerless geniuses! And what about the ultimate foundation? That requires the extremely rare Poji Ancient Body, and it must be the ultimate Poji Ancient Body. A breakthrough in the realm will cost a hundred times as much as others.

This In the eyes of the Great Sage, this kind of person only exists in theory

"Dongxu stage, how is this...possible? Dongxu stage has not survived the disaster. If you encounter the immortal power, you will die instantly."Master Zou said:"The reason why I can cooperate with the immortals in fighting during the Tribulation Period is because of the reasons after the Tribulation Period."

Master Min held down Master Zou:"Master Zou, what Master Zhou said is true. According to the theory of a certain great sage, one can have immortal power in the Dongxu stage."

"Theory...and it's the theory of the Great Sage.……"Master Zou shook his head secretly, thinking about it, it seemed outrageous.

Liu Song was obviously shocked. He originally thought that his idea was evil enough, but who knew that Master Zhou was the one who said it so shockingly?

"Master Zhou, you said that you can gain immortal power during the Dongxu stage? Liu Song asked incredulously


Zhou Yi nodded:"This was deduced by the great sage."Zhou Yi said:"So it is not impossible to obtain immortal power during the Mahayana period and use it. Do you know what to do?"

"How to do it? Liu Song asked. Master Zou and Master Min also pricked up their ears.

"First understand where your own limits are, and then you need to understand what the nature of fairy power is. Only when you know where your own limits are and know the nature of fairy power, can you find the balance point that resonates between yourself and fairy power. In this case, you can With the help of elixir.

In short, if you want to succeed, you can only use your elixir to fuse your spiritual power with your immortal power, so that your spiritual power reaches the level of incomplete immortal power."

Pseudo-immortal power?

Zhou Yi's words seemed to open the door to Liu Song's new world.

"Can immortal power and spiritual power coexist? The birth of pseudo-immortal power?"Master Min and Master Zou looked at each other.

"It is difficult for ordinary people, but Liu Song should be able to do it. Being able to refine this elixir shows that his wisdom root is very good."

Zhou Yi said:"Liu Song, I just took a look at you. The balance between your immortal power and spiritual power may be one percent, which means that you can only use one percent of your spiritual power in your body at most. Transformed into immortal power, your background is too poor"

"foundation……"Liu Song clenched his fists:"How great it would be if I were the Poji Ancient Body."

Zhou Yi didn't say much and continued:"The most critical place for you to transform your immortal power is the Immortal Transformation Pill. If it is this Immortal Transformation Pill , you still can’t escape death"

"Some of the medicinal materials need to be changed. The fairy grass needs to be replaced with Shura branches, and the Tai Chi water needs to be replaced with Hades earth."

When these words came out, Liu Song didn't understand at first, because the properties of the two raw materials for alchemy were almost completely opposite. But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Song suddenly showed a look of horror.


Because he always felt that he was making alchemy. The elixir was flawed and not perfect, but no matter how he deduced and calculated, he could not find where the mistake was.

Zhou Yi seemed to simply tell two replacement materials, but it fundamentally changed the elixir. Essence.

After some calculations, Liu Song suddenly felt that the elixir seemed to be perfect!

"Master Zhou. Master Min suddenly said:"Did you know that... the birth of this elixir may change the ecological environment of the Mahayana monks and even immortals on earth?" This is going to cause a big sensation!"_Please read the ununderlined version of the novel

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