Jin Yiguo! I'm covered!

The moment this sentence appeared, the whole place was in an uproar, and the cheers almost penetrated the sky.

At this time, Zhou Yi waved his hand and said very calmly

"Everyone, I am not meddling in your internal affairs. I want to emphasize that I am simply protecting my trade product Baifa Stone!"

As soon as Zhou Yi said this, everyone said

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Zhou Yi is right. You definitely did not interfere in internal affairs. You are only helping us to protect your products."

"Mr. Zhou, your actions are completely in compliance with the laws of our Jin Yi Kingdom. You are definitely not here illegally."

Dula Hahar also immediately said at this time:"Mr. Zhou Yi, I will immediately organize the people across the country to mine all the white stone for you. They are now employed by you. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your employees."

As soon as these words came out, all the people agreed.

"I am willing to become your employee immediately and mine belfastone for you!"

"I am willing to mine for free, I am now your employee!"

Countless people agreed. In their view, Zhou Yi's move was to protect their great kindness.

But Dulahahar understood that Zhou Yi really only wanted the Baifa Stone... Of course, there was also an element of protecting them. , but this is a win-win situation! It can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone in the country and greatly improve the efficiency of mining.

"Dulahahar."Zhou Yi said:"The trade negotiations have ended. I hope that all employees who mine baifa stone for me will receive preferential treatment. Why not give them ten times their usual wages! I will pay you the money in advance and I hope the work will start as soon as possible!"

While talking, Zhou Yi threw out a storage ring.

Dula Hahar took the storage ring and immediately said to the people

"Everyone, did you hear that? I declare that all people in the country are employees of Zhou Yi! Everyone starts working immediately, the money has been received, I will pay ten times the salary! Everyone who works will be protected by Zhou Yi!"

At this moment, people all over Jin Yiguo immediately became excited, and their enthusiasm for work was extremely high.

In their view, this was an excuse given by Zhou Yi to protect them!

And quietly, the offer was ten times the salary, which can be a huge It improves their lives, and their current jobs are free! They will not be oppressed in any way!


"Zhou Yi and Jin Yiguo must erect a statue for you and be eternally grateful to you!"

"You are our savior!"

There was an endless stream of voices praising Zhou Yi.

Facing these voices, he could only wave his hands calmly:"Don't be grateful to me, I'm just a businessman, nothing more!"

This sentence... unknowingly became a famous saying of Jin Yiguo! And after many people help others without asking for anything in return, they will very coolly say, don't be grateful to me... I am just a businessman, nothing more.

Du After Lahahar established the interim regime, he immediately carried out drastic reforms! He understood that by mobilizing the country's efforts to mine the Baifa Stone, the Baifa Stone would soon be mined. At that time, he would need policies to ensure national income and domestic stability...

At the same time, he I am really grateful to Zhou Yi, because Zhou Yi really gave him 10 billion immortal coins... This money is enough for the development of Jin Yiguo. On this day, Dula Hahar stood on the upper floor of the parliament, looking at Jin Yiguo and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sirik, can you think of it? We really did it~!"

"It wasn’t us, but Zhou Yi’s benefactor did it. Silik said:"Prince, this is really just like a dream.""

"Don't call me prince, I will be the president of the parliament from now on."Dulahahar sighed:"Zhou Yi's benefactor's ten-day plan has really been completed.……"

Time passes slowly.

A large amount of Baifa Stone was mined and given to Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi was waiting for the Baifa Stone to be delivered to his door in Jin Yiguo's VIP building. At the same time, he was also waiting for revenge from San'a Kingdom.……


Time passed slowly. When Jin Yiguo's Immortal Network and the border were connected, the news that Jin Yibang completed the referendum, broke away from the San'a Federation, and completed the founding of the country was directly passed on, and when the videos of various sequences were spread, the

San'a Federation instantly exploded. Got it!

They are still dreaming about Minister Sunil Khan solving everything!

Now, the dream woke up and gave them a heavy slap!

Federal Parliament!

The Speaker of the Assembly and members of the House of Representatives looked ashen.

The speaker of the parliament roared:"Who can tell me what Minister Sunil Khan is doing! Didn't he say that he would definitely solve it? Didn't he say that he would report it soon? That's it?"

"Speaker of Parliament, Minister Sunil Khan may have been bribed! Damn it, all the news that came back was false!"

"Jin Yiguo has actually established a country now! What should I do? They have formed a legal foundation for the founding of the country!"

"Are you just going to watch Jin Yiguo escape like this?"

The parliament was in chaos.

The chairman of the parliament had red eyes and said ferociously:"If you want to break away from our San'a country, you must immediately close the Immortal Network within the territory and organize an army to suppress it! I will never allow Jin Yiguo to secede from our federation, even if there is a river of blood."

"I never dreamed that Minister Sunil Khan would rebel!"One member of parliament sounded very shocked.

"Yes, he is an upright soldier. Perhaps it is this integrity that"

"Forget it, who would have thought that the chief minister of Jinyi State, Neha Alu, would sign it! They are all high caste people!"

At this time, a congressman suddenly said

"Speaker, I think the reason why Jin Yi Kingdom was established was not only the authority of the prince of Jin Yi Kingdom! There must be someone behind him, otherwise how could Minister Sunil Khan and Chief Minister Nehaalu have rebelled against a mere mortal?"The speaker of the parliament seemed to have calmed down.

At this moment, another member suddenly stood up and said:"Zhou Yi! It's all Zhou Yi who is doing this!"

It turned out that when he was watching the fairy net, he saw the subsequent appearance of Prince Jin Yiwang and his speech... and then he saw Zhou Yi.

After seeing the whole process, he understood!

"Zhou Yi? Who is he? asked the Speaker of Parliament

"This person is from the Xia Kingdom and is very famous. The most famous thing is that he entered the Hundred Tombs Islands and took control of the Hundred Tombs Islands and became the master there!"said a member of parliament

"Hundred Tomb Islands? Isn't that a place only dust immortals can go? What's so scary about a mere dust fairy!"said a member of parliament

"This person is very powerful! You must not underestimate him. The great demon of the Gus Kingdom, Boguzilla, was surrendered by him. That guy is a demon who can kill even earth immortals in the realm of dust immortals."

"That's right, you must not underestimate it. This person previously held an auction of the century and was willing to sell even immortal-level treasures! That thing seems to be called the Hundred Immortals Formation Diagram. A third-level Golden Immortal can kill a fifth-level Golden Immortal when used!"


The Speaker snorted coldly.

"..No matter who he is, he is just a mortal being after all, so there is nothing to be afraid of! We directly sent troops to crush it and quickly take back Jin Yibang. Does anyone have any objections to this matter?"



"Jin Yiguo must not be allowed to leave!"

Many MPs echoed

"This person is from the Xia Kingdom. We need to find out if there is any manipulation behind the Xia Kingdom!"

The speaker of the parliament said:"If Xia Guo supports Prince Jin Yi from behind, things will become complicated."

"Investigate immediately! Don’t we have a latent organization in Xia Kingdom? Check now!"


Soon, the spy agency was in action!

One day later, the Speaker of the Parliament snorted:"It seems that all this is just Zhou Yi's personal behavior. Xia Guo was not involved at all and did not even know about this situation.""

"Speaker of the Parliament, your troops are swift and powerful! I suggest sending troops to suppress it immediately!"

"That’s right, this kind of thing must not be left unchecked, otherwise all the states will follow suit, so that’s fine!"

"Let General Mogukli lead the troops there!"The speaker of the parliament gave the order!

General Mogukli is a well-known general among the Xuanxian of San'a Kingdom, and he has twelve immortals under his command! Generally, when major wars occur, General Mogukli leads the army.……


At this moment, on the other side.

The people of Jinyi Kingdom are working hard to mine the Baifa Stone, while Zhou Yi is guarding here, waiting for the Baifa Stone to be completely mined.

As for Jin Yiguo, knowing that the situation has changed, many people who immigrated from San'a (Wangde's Kingdom) have all left Jinyiguo out of fear. The former chief minister Niha Aru and Minister Sunil Khan have absconded, and many members of parliament have also left. Absconded.

Dula Hahar did not investigate or pursue them, but let them leave... because he understood that it was a good thing for Jin Yiguo that these people left, and at least it could distract some of San'aguo's attention.

"Prince, there is news from our insiders that the San'a Kingdom Federation was furious after learning about the news of our founding. Now it has summoned an army, led by General Mogukli, to suppress it. It is estimated that in two days at most, the army will be It will be overwhelming!"Silik said.

Dulahahar was stunned. He knew Mogukli. This person was a Xuanxian.

"Go and tell Zhou Yi quickly."

He understands that now may be the most critical time. If he cannot stop San'a's attack, then Jin Yiguo will disappear completely and his dream will be shattered! If he can stop it, then Jin Yiguo will stand up in the true sense!

Very soon Hurry, Silik found Zhou Yi

"My benefactor, Asan Kingdom has sent an army. He is led by General Mogugli.……"

Zhou Yi heard the words and smiled lightly:"No matter what is supposed to come, it will come." At this time, the thick voice of the golden ape behind Zhou Yi came out:

"What a bunch of ants!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading

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