Global Sky Online

Chapter 503: rescue

"Okay, it ’s a word, Lord No.2, I try to believe you." The Queen said, then closed her eyes and began to mutter: "The person beside me is a fighting sacred monkey, right, Fighting over Buddha is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong. His last life was Emperor Qin Shihuang. He had a golden hoop stick and a fire eye golden eye. He had a gold hoop stick and a fire eye golden eye. He is a god. He has supreme mana. He is a Qin Shihuang. He is a fighting man. Fight monkey, he has a golden hoop-- "

Rick listened to the queen's thoughts, feeling that energy had gathered around him.

Rake found that his golden hoops and fire-eye golden eye skills can now be imagined by himself, and are no longer confined by this fantasy space.

"Give it to me!" Holding the gold hoop in his hand, Rick directly stretched out the bandages and fixing cloth strips that tied his body.

The big queen opened her eyes and looked at her next to her in surprise, holding a gold stick in her hand.

"You really defeated the reincarnation of Monkey King Qin Shihuang!" The Queen said excitedly.

"Exactly, I'm leaving, leaving this earthly world, and going to heaven, thank you for being so devout that I restored my mana!" Rake said to the great queen.

"Don't leave now, Qin Shihuang's holy monkey, you can promise me, I will help you restore mana, and you will let me be the king of the ground!" Said the queen quickly to Lake.

"My fighting sacred monkey Qin Shihuang is boundless. Great Queen, you can easily do if you want to be the king of the ground. But your strength is not enough. After I leave, you can't hold this throne. You were born before It is also a powerful existence. I can now awaken your previous memory. As long as I take the tip of a knife and click your finger, your sealed memory will be awakened. After that, you will have the strength to carry me The million terracotta warriors and horses unify the world and become the king of the ground. "Lake said with a smile to the Queen.

"Come and restore the memory of my previous life, I want to be the king of the ground!" The Queen laughed happily.

Rick raised his hand and took out the cursed jump knife.

After the great queen thought she had divine power, Rake's skills and items could be imagined.

With a cursed jump knife, Rick cut through the white bandage that tied the big queen.

The big queen got out of bed, stood in front of Rick, and looked at Rick with a pious look.

"Please unlock the memory seal of my previous life, I want to dominate the world!" Said the Queen again, and stretched out her left hand.

The big queen opened her eyes and watched the action of the Lord No. 2 in front of her.

Rake held the cursed jumping knife and used the tip of the knife to cut through the ring finger of the Queen's left hand. After bleeding, Rake immediately used magic magic.

In the magic of soul space, the effect of Rick also does not know what will happen.

Anyway, I do n’t save the big queen now. The big queen will eventually be killed by the exhaustion of endurance, and Rake will let go of his magic.

"You were born before, not a mental patient, but a super soldier with ghoul skills!" Rake said.

"Ah!" The Queen screamed and closed her eyes.

A few seconds later, when the big queen opened her eyes again, she looked at Rick with a smile.

After the big queen opened her eyes this time, her expression had become normal, and she had returned to the former fearless attitude of the head of the poker team and the bald queen.

"Holy Lord No. 2, yes, thank you for awakening me this time, I was almost hypnotized by alien creatures here. I didn't expect that your soul skills were playing very well, and in my [lost] Space can also affect my lost soul. "The Queen said with a smile.

"Of course, I am very strong!" Laike said with a smile. It seemed that the Queen was completely awake, and Lake did not tell the Queen that he was also a dead horse. For the first time, she used magic magic in her human soul world, and fortunately succeeded.

As the queen was awake, the hallucination building that had been transformed into dissipation began to dissipate, and the surrounding walls began to fall off and gradually become nothingness.

Lake also quickly controlled his soul to retreat and leave the illusion of the great queen.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he found that he was standing in front of the Queen, and he had returned to Skull Island.

Gu Yi's soul, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and the little queen all stood beside him, looking nervously at themselves and the big queen.

Rake opened the fire eye golden eyes skill and decided to first determine if he was really back, and now it is a true copy of [Monster Planet].

After all, this illusion is likely to have dual or multiple illusions. Fortunately, the talented skill of fire eyes and golden eyes can see through all illusions with its own effects.

When Rake activated the Fire Eye Golden Eyes talent, his eyes brightened.

Rick found that the surrounding world was real, not a fantasy.

He has indeed succeeded in the Lost Realm of the Great Queen, and has returned to the body of His Holiness.

The big queen in front of her also opened her eyes and looked at Rick and the people around her.

"That alien creature, I want to kill them all, even dare to make me a painful illusion torture me!" The Queen said angrily.

"I was miserable, and it was very painful. I guess you can't take revenge ~ ~ They have been killed by me first!" Rake said with a smile.

The little queen raised her finger and pointed at the bodies of three dead blue butterflies not far away.

"The biggest colorful butterfly monster has been eaten by Godzilla during your hypnotic period. There are still three corpses of alien players. They died soon after the death of the big queen! , You better get some ability to resist hypnosis and mental attacks. "Said the little queen.

"Then I'm welcome, Lord No. 2 owes you personal feelings, and I will have the opportunity to pay you back later. The scenes and situations in which I was hypnotized, please don't tell anyone, help me keep it secret." He spoke politely to Lake.

The Queen said a glance at Master Gu Yi, and Gu Yi's soul nodded, meaning that she would not disclose the situation of the island lunatic asylum that appeared after the Queen was hypnotized.

"Okay!" Rake said, and Rake also knew from the medical books that Dr. Strange Origins had read in the copy world. It is better not to disclose the spiritual world of others to outsiders. There may be a weak point in the spiritual world.

Rake also didn't know that the experience of the island lunatic asylum was really experienced by the Great Queen in the Lord's world, or was the Great Queen imagining herself.

However, it is rare that the Queen queen was rescued by her character, and admitted in public that she had owed a favor, and Rick felt that it was already very rare.

It seems that the Queen did not want to mention the lunatic asylum on this island.

The queen quickly casts the ghoul transforming skills, and black scales cover her whole body.

The big queen came not far, and beside the bodies of the three little blue butterflies, she reached out to the blue-and-white metal claws, inserted them into the butterfly's body, and activated the ability to devour.

In a short time, the bodies of three blue butterflies were swallowed up and turned into powder.


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