Global Sky Online

Chapter 676: Compare

"How long will it take for [Danger Rover] to be made and we will be able to fly the mech for the first time?" Rake asked loudly.

"In about two months, the production of [Dangerous Wanderer] could be completed in only one month. However, your mental synchronization rate is too high. I will work with engineers to upgrade and upgrade some of the sensors of this [Dangerous Wanderer]. Procedure. "Said the strange doctor.

"Starting tomorrow, you will join the training course for mech reserve pilots. I hope your skills are as good as your spirits. The doctor will take you to the residence in this base. I still have something to do and leave first. "The Chief Commander of Memedi said, and he turned around and left the laboratory first.

"Come with me, His Holiness No. 2 and No. 3, and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, I will arrange two places for you." Dr. Guai said to Lake and others.

"Anyway, our sisters are not suitable to be Mech pilots. There is nothing to do in these two days. We want to leave the Mech now and send us to the nearest city. We will find accommodation by ourselves." Xiao Bai said out loud.

"Yeah, at this base, I feel too uncomfortable, we want to leave. Just find a place to live by yourself, and you can send us back to the city as soon as possible without your help." Xiaoqing said.

Dr. Guai looked at Xiaoqing Xiaobai, then looked at His Holiness No. 2 and His Holiness No. 3.

After thinking about it, Dr. Guai said out loud, "Okay, there should be a helicopter out of the base to perform tasks at this time. I'll contact them and ask them to take your sisters away."

Dr. Guai started to take out the communicator and first contacted a captain here.

A few minutes later, Dr. Guai ended the call.

"Let ’s go. I have communicated with the helicopter. Let ’s go to the helicopter take-off platform outside the base. After half an hour, there will be a helicopter to carry out the exploration mission to take off. This helicopter will drop off your sisters first. The nearest city, "said Dr. Weird.

Rake and others followed Dr. Guai to leave the laboratory, followed the same route as before, and returned to the metal gate of the machine ground, where the helicopter was parked.

There were already two soldiers waiting there, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai boarded the helicopter again.

Rick and the avatar followed Dr. Weird back inside the base.

Dr. Blair arranged a double room with two single beds for the two brothers, telling them the location of the dining room and training room where they ate during weekdays.

"Eight tomorrow morning, you can report to the training room. There are signs in the base for restricted areas and restricted levels. Don't enter." Dr. Wei settled in, and left after leaving the company.

"My dear, I'll walk around this base!"

"Go, contact me if you find anything special!" Rick said, sitting on his small metal bed against the wall.

Rick wasn't going to walk. The internal condition of the machine was checked by fire eyes and golden eyes in this bedroom.

After the split left, Lake began to use the fire-eye golden eyes perspective and identification skills to investigate the situation in this base in detail.

But after looking at it for more than an hour, there was nothing unusual. This is a normal mechanized land, or a mech manufacturing factory and barracks.

There are hundreds of helicopters and thousands of engineers in this base.

There are two mechas currently being manufactured, one of which has been identified by Reck's fire eyes, and is the "Dangerous Wanderer" Mech with a nuclear power reactor.

Another Eureka Raider is also being assembled.

There are three fighters that have been built at any time, namely the "Storm Red", the "Cello Alpha" and the "Tango Wolf".

"The number of mechs in this methyl land is too small. It mobilizes global power. It is only five mechas. There are two others that are not manufactured well, shouldn't! According to the requirements of mech pilots, the spirit synchronization rate is required. Higher, but the population base of the earth is large, it should not be difficult to find a suitable driver! "Laike could not help but sigh.

Rake then used the fire-eye golden eye skills to watch the situation in the combat command room of this machine.

The commander in the black suit who had just seen him was in a video call with the outside world.

But Lake's current residence is too far from the combat command room.

The noise in this methyl field is also relatively loud, and even if he turned on his hearing perception ability, he couldn't hear what he said.

With the help of the fire-eye golden-eye perspective ability, Rake locked an unmanned lounge next to the combat command room.

Rick got out of bed, directly raised his left hand to draw circles, and launched the magic portal skills.

The next second, the round magic portal appeared steadily. The environment inside the portal is the unmanned lounge.

Rick stepped directly into the magic portal and closed it.

Standing in this lounge, close to the combat command room.

After launching the auditory perception enhancement ability obtained from the copy of the Super Daring, Lake has been able to understand the topic of a quarrel with the video commander in the command room.

Rick was still a little worried before, whether his synchronization rate with the avatar spirit was too high, and the Chief Commander of Mechadi reported their affairs to them, which would cause unknown trouble.

For example, other secret laboratories in this copy of the world want to capture him and his avatar, and slice and study.

But now, after listening to the contention of the chief commander arguing with the other side, Lake knew that he was worried before.

No Diaomin wants to assassinate!

The characters projected by the video communication include several high-level human beings on the earth. They proposed to build tall metal city walls along the coast to defend against alien monsters that invaded the earth from the wormhole under the Pacific Ocean.

As for this plan for building a wall, the chief commander of this machine did not agree at all.

"The monsters appearing under the wormhole in the Pacific Ocean will become stronger and stronger. With the towering metal walls, they will not be able to stop the invasion of powerful monsters. And blindly defending will allow more and more giant monsters to gather in the ocean.

This plan to build a metal city wall on the coastline will push humans to the brink of extinction. I need more funds and human and material resources to form a mech regiment. Only by sending combat power to directly destroy the monsters that appear is the most correct way to protect our planet. "The chief commander of Memedi said loudly.

"There is no evidence to prove that the monster's strength is gradually becoming stronger," said a senior human who projected a video.

"Building towering city walls can make people feel safe. After decades, the earth's scientific and technological military power will be stronger, and it will not be too late to kill some giant monsters in the ocean!"

"It is enough to maintain the status quo of the mechanized land. More funds and materials will be used to build metal defense fences on the coastline. At this stage, we do not need a mech legion."

After listening, Rick opened the magic portal and teleported back to his place to rest.

[Pacific Rim] In the original film, the stupid plan to build a metal fence around the edge of the coastline is about to be implemented.

Rake's fire-eye golden eye skills look at the existing parts and materials in the machine's methyl field, which should be enough to assemble his own [Danger Rover] nuclear-powered mech.

As for the new mech, it is estimated that the base commander of this base will not have the money and material to make it in a short time.

Rick then rested in his crib.

In the early morning of the next day, Rick and the avatars changed into the uniform of the base and got up early to eat in the cafeteria. This organic food like the doomsday fortress is not bad, and there is no food shortage as imagined.

Rick thought about it too. The giant monsters that invaded the earth from under the Pacific Rim Wormhole all appeared shortly after they destroyed one or two seaside cities and were killed by human mech warriors.

The earth of this copy of the world is still completely under human control, although it reaches the end level.

The people in the cafeteria glanced more at the new faces of Rake and the avatar, but no one came forward to talk.

On the clothes of Rick and the avatars, there is an identification card that writes the name and number of the reserve driver.

After having a big meal in the cafeteria, Rick and the twins went to the training room.

This training room is quite large, with some equipment like a big gym, and a fairly spacious area.

Successively there are identity cards for mecha pilots and reserve mecha pilots.

At the start of the training, Lake probably looked at it, and now there are 7 official mech pilots.

Counting himself and his avatars, there are fourteen reserve mech pilots.

Most cases are in pairs, with father and son, brothers, and triplets.

However, Rick had discovered that the twelve reserve mech pilots looked somewhat hostile towards themselves and their avatars.

Rick thought about it, it should be because he and his avatar decided to make the [Danger Rover] pilot who was about to be made.

Originally, there were more than a dozen reserve drivers competing for the driving positions of the two mechs, the Eureka Raider and the Dangerous Wanderer.

Now as soon as they and their avatars come, they have a place left for the mech, the Eureka Raider.

Two male instructors also walked into the training room, where they instructed the training of regular and reserve drivers.

Rick and the avatar also stood in the small team of reserve pilots.

"Today, we have two new drivers, His Holiness No. 2 and His Holiness No. 3. Their spirits and coordination are far better than everyone, and the doctor has decided that the [Dangerous Wanderers] will be the twins. Driving. Now, Lord No. 2 and No. 3, please come forward and introduce yourself! "The instructor looked at Rick and her clone.

In the hostile eyes of the twelve reserve drivers, Rick and the avatar naturally took a few steps.

"We are here to save the earth. With us, it is only a matter of time before we break the wormhole." Rake said confidently.

But Rick just said something, and before he introduced himself, the reserve players below have already voiced questions and ridicule.

"Isn't it that the mental synchronization is higher? The battle with alien giant monsters depends not only on the mental synchronization coordination rate, but the ability to fight is fundamental!" Said a reserve driver.

"Yes, I'm afraid these two haven't seen the horrors of real giant monsters! I guess they will scare them when they see them!"

"Let them practice for a few more years. The Danger Rover should be driven by us with more experience. After all, we have been training at this base for several years. From the beginning of the construction of the Danger Rover, we I began to undergo rigorous training. Now that the mech is about to be manufactured, even two newcomers have become the pilots of the [Danger Wanderer], we are not convinced! "One of the burly twins did not know it was the brother The brother is still talking.

"I have no opinion of anyone else in our reserve who is qualified as a pilot. However, it would be unreasonable for newcomers to take this place. The PhD only understands research and data and does not understand combat at all. The PhD should not be assigned a mech Pilot, this will cost the base years of waste. "

"Two young people, you have to be a pilot before you practice, I object!"

"Let them go! On the 2nd and 3rd, you can apply for your own leave. We will save it!"

A bunch of reserve squabbles.

Someone also clenched their hands and fists, and looked threateningly at Rick and his avatar.

Rick looked at the instructor not far away, but he didn't say anything to stop him.

Rake thought, the instructor looked good, and wanted to give himself and his avatar a power.

However, Rick is not a newcomer who has just entered into Tiantian Online, and this threat is not to be afraid.

"My ability and His Holiness No. 3, come up and try it out. As a newcomer, I just use our fists to prove our qualifications, which is better than I said!" Raike raised his right hand and used it. Yiyang hooked his finger!

The clone also showed a disdainful look, glanced at the twelve reserve drivers, and even the instructor next to him looked at him with contempt.

Later, the avatar also learned the look of Rake, raised his right hand, and hooked his fingers against the person in front of him.

Seeing the brothers No. 2 and No. 3 who had just arrived so arrogantly, the twelve reserve drivers below were all frying pans, and those who were flexing their muscles would come up to dry.

"Since the No. 2 lord who has newly joined our team asks for a test, let's have a test. Don't kill, pay attention, don't seriously hurt people!" The training instructor responsible for guiding the reserve driver, at this time Speaking out loud, he also wanted to see what strength the new arrogant No. 2 and No. 3 had.

The instructor said so, also acquiesced to the reserve driver he had trained for several years to sacrifice His Holiness No. 2 and His Holiness No. 3.

"Which one of your teammates do you choose to compare with you? Choose it yourself, and it's easy to say that we bullied you two newcomers!" A reserve driver asked Rick.

"Let's go together, I'll pick all of you, save yourself the trouble, come over and try together, we two hit you twelve!" Rake said confidently.

Rake's attributes are not sealed now. Even without weapons, in this copy of the world, they are comparable to monster attributes. There is no difficulty in dealing with these reserve drivers.

Hearing Rick's words, the twelve reserve drivers and instructors were stunned.

Not far away, the seven official team members and their instructors also stopped training, peeping to the newer No. 2 and No. 3 lords.

Rick waited for a few seconds and found no one was there.

"Are you all cowards? No one dares to do it, do you automatically confess your defeat! You can automatically confess your defeat. Now squatting down and calling my uncle, I won't hit you anymore!" Rake continued to hook his fingers.

Hearing Rick ’s provocative provocation this time, the twelve reserve drivers couldn't bear it. First, they came up with a group of strong brothers, raised their fists, and rushed towards Rick.

Rick didn't even stand there. He stepped forward and stopped the two, and quickly made two moves.

"Click, click!" Both hands were broken and fractured.

The wounded brother was then kicked off one by one, giving him a corner.

"Let's go together, it's useless to you alone, and it's a waste of time!" Rake shouted.

The remaining 10 reserve drivers on the opposite side were beaten and crippled by a teammate in the corner.

These three lords are too hard.

Ten people looked at each other and began to pounce on His Holiness No. 2 in preparation to bring down this brother first.

Rick also started to work, and the avatar rushed into the crowd.

"Click, click!" The sound and wailing sounded continuously.

In less than half a minute, 13 people had been lying on the ground, most of whom had broken arms or broken legs. This was still ruthless by Rick and his spouse ~ ~ Otherwise, their necks could be broken.

"Instructor, our brother and these team members have been discussing enthusiastically!" Rake turned and smiled.

However, when Lake turned around, he found that the position where the instructor had stood before was empty.

The instructor responsible for them was now knocked down the corner and still in a coma.

"Ah, why did you hit the instructor too?" Rake whispered to the person beside him.

"My dear, it seems that the instructor just came up to prevent you from hurting you. It was you who kicked back and kicked the instructor, but it was not my hand!" The rep whispered.

Rick laughed.

In the distance, the seven official mech pilots, as well as their instructors, now looked at the reserve wounded and unconscious reserve instructors all over the ground.

The fight started fast and ended quickly.

The two newcomers, the No. 2 and No. 3 in the laughing, are two humanoid monsters! Some official drivers think about it, if he fights with this No. 2 or No. 3, he can survive a few tricks.

The instructor of the official driver who stood opposite responded, and quickly held the pager, and contacted the head of the medical staff of the machine.

"I am a mech pilot training ground. Thirteen reserve mech pilots have been seriously injured, and they will send someone to treat them!"

"Thirteen people were seriously injured? You have been attacked? Or assassins sneaked into our base! Certainly thirteen people, not three?" The medical staff who received the communicator headed and asked without confidence.

"They talked about what was hurt, come here to save people, what so many questions!" The instructor hurried.

"Thirteen people have been seriously injured, and your training is cruel! I will lead the team to treat them!" Said the head of the medical staff.

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