Global Sky Online

Chapter 732: I will take you to practice gall

The players who set up these 23 boxes in the trading area took out a **** box. This bag also carries the official seal sold by Zhutian Online and can only be used in the trading area.

"I'm shaking these 23 boxes into this sealed large box that prevents detection. Anyone who buys a box can shake this big box. But when you shake, just tap lightly and don't crash the small box It ’s OK. After the large seal box that prevents detection is shaken, no one can cheat to know which box is the [Return to Earth] scroll. This is a fair lottery. As long as there are 50,000 yuan, there is a chance to draw rare "Return to Earth" scroll, a rare opportunity! "The seller said, began to put small boxes into the big box, after closing, closed the lid of the big box.

Rake's fire-eye golden eye skills tried to explore, and really couldn't.

It seems that the seller is well prepared.

Now there are players going to pay, and in a short time, more than ten players will pay to participate in this lottery.

After thinking about it, Rick also went up to pay, and tried his luck. Anyway, he could take it anyway.

In more than ten minutes, 22 players paid, and one player bought two lucky draw opportunities.

The 22 players stepped forward and shook this big box with a seal.

Rick also came forward and shook it a few times.

However, Rick thought, the odds of twenty-thirds drawing the "return to earth" replica scroll were a bit too low.

This trading area does not allow the use of attack skills and cannot attack other people.

If you have lucky equipment or skills, chances of winning may be greater.

But I do n’t have the lucky thing, but I have a skill to reduce the luck of others and make others unlucky, [the king in the **** of decline].

Use it secretly. If the trading area does not block your skills, it will only be closed for one second, and it should not let other players die.

But it can reduce the luck of other players, and has not affected himself.

All the players who come to the lottery, except for themselves, have their luck lowered, it is their own plus luck, and their luck is the best of these people.

At that time, the chance of drawing this [Repeat Earth] scroll should be greater.

Rick went to the middle of the 22 buyers, picked a middle position, and then secretly launched the [King of the Decaying God] field skills.

The dark gray area of ​​decline that only Rick can see, centered on Rick's left-hand cursed jumping knife tattoo, began to release quickly.

Rake didn't dare to release it for a long time. When 22 buyers were covered in this field, Rake immediately closed this [King of the Decaying God] field skills. The dark gray field disappeared instantly, and the time was less than one second .

The seller has now opened the big box, announcing that the 22 buyers who have paid all his coins can queue up to open the small box on the spot.

Twenty-two players started to line up, and Rick chose to be the last.

There are many players left on the streets to watch the liveliness.

The first buyer to open the box is a low-level replica world scroll, which is worth thousands of thousands of coins. This buyer took this low-level replica world scroll, stood aside, and did not leave immediately.

In the second and third place, the buyer kept stepping forward to open the box.

Lake also stood nervously in the back, praying the buyers in the front "Don't win" "Don't win!"

It may be that Lake ’s [King of the Decaying Gods] skill is working in the trading area, or it may be that Lake is lucky.

The 21 buyers in the front had drawn 22 small boxes, but none of them had won the [Return to Earth] scroll.

Now it's Rick's turn. Rick walks into the big box ahead, and now there is a small box in the big box.

"The sellers of this stall will not miss the [Repeat Earth] scroll at all!"

"Stop this seller, don't let him run away!"

"All the sellers just introduced the testimony to the trading area. It stands to reason that he dare not let go!"

A bunch of players around, and buyers who just missed the [Return to Earth] scroll, are now all around.

The seller of the stall is also a bit nervous now, for fear of any problems in it, and worried if any player secretly exchanged his box, it should not be reasonable.

If the "Return to Earth" scroll was not opened in public this time, he will refund all buyers according to the fair information previously submitted to the trading area. At that time, not only will he lose the "Repeat Earth" scroll but also from the heaven Official purchases of these sealed boxes online cannot be recovered.

"Are you nervous? Exciting!" Rake held up the last box and asked the stall seller.

The seller nodded subconsciously.

"It's time to witness the miracle!" Rake said with a smile, and with the attention of a bunch of people, he opened the box in his hand.

"[Return to Earth] Enter the scroll. The number of entry is 1 or 2. There is no restriction on the use level. The main mission will be announced after entry."

Lake looked at the scroll in his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

The other buyers who had been around before saw Rake launch the [Return to Earth] scroll, and some people left one after another.

"This friend, I'll give you half a million coins, how about buying your scroll!" A player who also hides his identity asked Rick.

"No, I feel that this scroll can sell 880,000 tens of thousands of coins." Rake said with a smile, then started the transmission, left the trading area with the scroll, and returned to his own main online interface.

Lake is ready to let the avatar tomorrow, as Lord No. 2, go to the trading area with himself and buy the scroll of [Return to Earth] from himself.

Bring the ice girl to the next copy yourself. Although the scroll entry opportunity is provided to the ice girl free of charge, if you let the ice girl know that the scroll was won by a lottery of fifty thousand coins, Xiao Ice girl estimates I feel I owe not much.

Lake decided to make Xiaobingnu feel more owed to her, get a lucky scroll of 880,000 tens of thousands of coins, and take Xiaobingnu down for free.

880,000 tens of thousands of coins, although much higher than this [return to earth] normal price, but not too outrageous, meet players who need it, and will pay for it.

In his own main online interface, Rake then called up the [Return to Earth] movie released by Zhutian Online and began to watch it quickly.

Although Rick has seen it in his original world before, it has been too long, and many details in it cannot be remembered.

Revisiting the movie "Return to Earth" now released by Zhutian Online, it is almost no different from the main plot in memory.

Rick then checked the forum's [Back to Earth] guide provided by the player.

Rick took a quick look at the forum posts on [Back to Earth].

The content of these posts is almost the same. It is introduced on the strategy written by the player. If a player enters this [return to the earth] copy world alone, he will replace the general ’s son Kita, and it will appear in the crash that has been judged as a level The first half of Earth in the quarantine after a thousand years.

The Aboriginal General will not be able to leave this half of the spacecraft because of a leg injury. Players need to act alone on the Millennium Earth.

According to the communication guidelines of the Aboriginal General, find the second half of the spacecraft that crashed on the earth, find the perfect distress signal transmitter from the second half of the spacecraft, and then go to the top of the volcano to send the distress signal to the universe. Then the human fleet in the universe will Come to the earth and rescue the player and the injured general.

This copy is cleared.

In the process, there is a certain chance that you will encounter a Wursa monster. This Wursa monster will find your location and pursue it according to the fear emitted by humans. As long as you overcome your fear, this Witch monster cannot see you and can easily kill this monster.

Overcoming fear is not difficult for Earth players who have experienced many copies.

And if you do n’t have any fear at the beginning, this Wursa monster ca n’t find you at all. This copy is the original earth running after a thousand years, going to the high temperature area at a specified time, avoiding the cold current, and finally reaching the top of the volcano. Release the help launcher of "Piercing the Monkey".

Then a monkey wearing a sky monkey came to the sky, thousands of troops met, and you passed the customs.

If two players enter, one of the high-powered players will be left in the half-ship that has crashed, replacing General Saifu with a leg injury, to guide the other player to find the second half of the ship, and go The top of the volcano issued a distress signal.

If the player who goes out for the first time is killed, he is trapped in the first half of the spaceship, and the player who replaces the Aboriginal General will be able to leave the spacecraft.

Players who have already cleared this copy leave a message. This copy is easy to pass, and the Wursa monster is not strong.

Until now, there has been no record of players failing to clear customs on the forum ~ ~ Lake estimates that players who failed to clear customs should be imprisoned on the earth similar to the original deep forest after those millennia.

Of course, now look at the player's introduction to this copy on the forum. This copy is a premium copy for advanced players.

This copy has a single task, which is okay to do, and it is relatively safe.

When Lake thought about entering with Little Ice Girl, it must be himself who was left in the first half of the spacecraft.

At that time, he replaced the aboriginal general himself, and Xiaobing woman replaced the general's son Kitai.

It shouldn't be hard to guide the Little Ice Girl to put a sky monkey on top of the volcano.

And he was left in the cabin of the crashed spaceship to not let it out, but his summoned creatures Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and the clone should have a chance to get out of the spacecraft to assist the Little Ice Lady to complete the task.

Even with the worst result, Rake remembered that Xiaobing Nu had a semi-artifact prop to escape the copy. When she could not escape, she could use the escape prop to leave the copy.

At that time, Xiaobing Nu left and it was not difficult to clear the copy by herself.

A magic portal will be transmitted directly to the top of the volcano, and you can put the sky monkey help device to the space fleet, and you can clear it by yourself. If that is the case, it is estimated that the customs clearance evaluation will be very low, and there is no good reward.

After analyzing it, Rick decided to choose this copy this time and take the Little Ice Girl to practice gall bladder. A mage must be brave enough to survive better in the melee battlefield.

Many posts on the forum left messages, and this copy of [Back to Earth] was also called the copy of [Kneeling Down], which was mainly the son of the general Lieutenant General Ji Tai. In danger, as soon as he knelt down, he calmed down.


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