Global Sky Online

Chapter 747: End of mission clearance and rewards

The two Wusa began to attack the Xiaobingnu. The Xiaobingnu stood for more than ten seconds and hid in the rocky cave east to Tibet. Finally, they lived up to expectations and were again killed by the Wuza monster's front claws, piercing their heads and killing them. Already.

Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded again in Rick's mind.

The copy was reset, and the Little Ice Girl refreshed again, appearing at the door of the first half of the spacecraft.

Although Xiaobingnu died again this time, now Xiaobingnu looks different from those before.

The little ice girl already felt that she was going to clear the customs, and she could reach the top of the volcano just a few hundred meters away, and there were eighteen wusa sas left alive.

The little ice girl then took the metal stick and ran out of the spaceship again.

In the main control room, Lake looked at this situation and smiled. If Xiaobingnu's strength did not make a qualitative leap, unless she can become a ghost warrior and no longer fear, it will be possible to kill the last two Wusa Otherwise, it will not pass at all.

Sure enough, in the dozen or so subsequent copies reset, the Little Ice Girl couldn't kill the last two Wusa.

The best time I ran to the top of the volcano and climbed out of the cave, but before launching the help coordinate signal transmitter, he was killed by two wusa.

The Little Ice Girl then began to run again and again, releasing her talents to kill Wusa, entered the volcanic cave, and was chased by the remaining Wusa, then died this cycle.

Xiaobingnu's temper, with her death again and again, began to become irritable, and has been unconsciously destroying passing trees while running.

"Brother No.2, don't remind Xiaobing Lady. Now that she has to kill Wusa in this situation, can she safely release the distress signal at the top of the volcano?" Xiaobai looked at the monitor screen, Sending to death the little ice girl who had been killed again and again, was a bit unbearable.

"It's useless, we remind Xiaobingnu, but it will delay Xiaobingnu's breakthrough time. Now, in this situation, I can only wait for Xiaobingnu to die and numb, and no longer be afraid of the Wusa monster. "Lake said.

The death copy was reset again and again, and Xiaobing Nu was continuously killed by Wusa. She was afraid of the pain when she was killed by Wusa from the beginning, and now she is getting used to it.

After each instance reset, Xiaobing Nu quickly ran out of the front half of the spacecraft as if to complete the task, and ran towards the volcano. Finally, she was killed by a few wusa.

Rake also couldn't remember how many times the Little Ice Girl had been killed. The Little Ice Girl now had no eyes, and after being resurrected again, she started rushing towards the volcano.

"Wusa, come out and kill me! Come out!" Xiaobing woman ran as she ran, holding a metal stick with a sword tip, rummaging through the grass, looking for Wusa.

Looking at Xiao Bingnv's state, Rake knew that he was finally about to clear the level.

Sure enough, this time, Little Ice Girl ran to the back half of the spacecraft's cabin along the way without encountering Wusa.

Xiaobingnu successfully got the help signal transmitter, and she could n’t remember the talent skills in this state, and continued to run towards the top of the volcano, while running, she said, “Come and kill my sister, my sister. The ice goddess is waiting for you, come! "

Along the way, the Little Ice Girl passed the volcanic cave and came safely to the top of the volcano.

Lake and others watched through the detector, and no Wusa appeared near the volcano on the monitor.

In this state, Xiaobing Nu is no longer afraid of Wusa ’s killing. Instead, she wants Wusa to kill her.

Little Ice Girl is much more dead and fearless. Little Ice Girl without fear has finally reached the level of ghost warrior.

Little Ice Girl did not release her fear, Wusa could not sense the existence of this human in the distance.

The little ice girl came to the top of the volcano, her mouth pinched, raised her right hand, and turned on the help signal coordinate transmitter for high altitude.

The distress signal transmitter emits a blue light, and directly hits the universe.

After seeing the blue light, the little ice girl became a little confused, and for a moment she couldn't react.

After more than ten seconds, the spacecraft that jumped in space reached over the earth and flew to the top of the volcano to take the little ice girl first.

The spacecraft then flew directly above the first half of the spacecraft where Lake was located.

Lake was also rescued into the spacecraft.

The monitor showed that the ulsa in the distance was quickly gathering towards the spacecraft, but the spacecraft had begun to take off. The eighteen ulsa could not fly, and could not reach the spaceship in the air.

"Ding Dang, congratulations to Player No. 2 and Little Ice Girl, who completed the" Return to Earth "copy of the heroic invincible main line mission, and will teleport away from this copy world after thirty seconds.

Based on the performance in the copy, the reward of the copy is started.

Little Ice Girl and His Holiness No. 2 each receive 50 attribute points. "Zhu Tian's online reminder sounded in the ears of Lake and Xiaobing.

Xiaobing Nu is still a little embarrassed, "We have cleared the customs, Lord No. 2? I passed without killing Wusa?"

"Yes, Xiaobingnu, you did a good job this time, you have no fear of Wusa, I will take you a copy later if you have the chance! You must continue to work hard, and one day you will become the little ice goddess!" Laike said with a smile to Xiaobingnv. The reward of fifty points can be considered quite good.

Zhu Tian Online has not been so generous for a long time, after the end of the copy world to give so many attribute points at once.

Rake added 50 points to his strength, 10 points to his strength, and 40 points to his agility.

As for the highest endurance attributes, Lake is not going to add any more.

Zhutian Online ranks player attributes based on the highest attribute.

Rake is now the king's junior. If you add it, it will be added to the king's intermediate, and it will be more difficult to copy later.

Rake is going to add the attributes first, so the copy will be easier.

Rick looked at the properties panel after adding 50 points now:

Level: King (Elementary)

Physical Attributes: Strength: 210

Dexterity: 250

Stamina: 400

Wisdom: 350

I need to improve strength and agility attributes recently, find a few good copies, and get a few hundred attribute points is perfect.

The 30-second copy of the world's stay time soon ended, and a teleportation array appeared at the feet of Lake and Xiaobing, both of whom were inhaled.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he had returned to his own main online interface.

"Ding Dong, the little ice girl from the poker team sent you a message!"

"Historian No.2, thank you for bringing me a copy of the leveling! This time 50 points of attribute points reward, can not be traded and can only be used by myself, otherwise I want to compensate you for attribute points. The self-harm skill consumes a lot of attribute points. By the way, Lord No. 2, my fifty-point attribute, what attribute is good?

After five years of training in this copy, and so many resets, I added a few more attributes. This time [Repeated Earth] copy, I harvested nearly 80 attributes, although it ’s scary to think about the clearance process. , But with you copy, the harvest is really great! "

"It's convenient for you to share your attributes and show them to me?" Rake replied that Xiaobing Nu, who should be too low in strength before, can only be directly improved after training in the copy world.

Lake thinks of the first few copies of himself, and can improve his attributes after exercise.

However, as your attribute value is high, it will be difficult to improve again. This should be a kind of care for low-level players.

Xiaobing Nu quickly sent her property panel data.

"Little Ice Girl, (Silver Senior)

Talent skills: Advanced back to blue aura, extreme cold field (released once every 24 hours).

Strength 35

Dex 35

Stamina 95

Wisdom 35 "

Looking at this statistic, Xiaobing Women's endurance value will reach 5 points, and it will reach the gold primary strength.

"I suggest you get an attacking ice magic item or skill as soon as possible, and then add all fifty attributes to wisdom. Don't add stamina first, it is better to upgrade the four attributes evenly. Zhutian's online judgment level will be upgraded slowly, but in the future, you can reduce the difficulty of making copies yourself. "Lake sent a message to Xiaobingnv.

"Okay, thank you for your guidance!" Xiaobingnu happily replied to Lake, adding the fifty-point attribute to the wisdom attribute without hesitation.

Lake ended the chat with Xiaobingnv ~ ~ and chose to go offline.

Rake can remember that now it ’s Saturday afternoon on the World Time. I ’m logging in to the egg cabin at home, and my sister, Xiao Yu, is waiting to take her to the supermarket for shopping in the afternoon.

As the egg compartment opened, Rick stepped out of the egg compartment and stretched out.

This increase in attributes will only reflect one tenth of the body of his own main world. It has no effect on the feeling of Rick on the body. For the old online players of Rick, there is no need to be familiar with it. The body went jogging.

Rick chose to stay back in bed for a while, and wait for the light rain to find him before going out.

Sure enough, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yu couldn't help it. First, knocking on the door of Rick's room, there was no response. Xiao Yu directly opened the door and saw that Rick was sleeping in his crib.

Light rain patted Rick's arm directly and woke him up.

"Lake, haven't you forgotten something!" Xiaoyu asked his brother who was just awake.

"Don't forget, go shopping in the supermarket, wait for me to wash and wake up, we'll go!" Rake said, knowing that he promised to take his sister to the supermarket, it must not be evaded, otherwise there would be no peace at home.

Rick got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Then he put on his coat and went downstairs with a light rain.

Xiaoyu happily followed Rick walking down the street, feeling that everything was pleasing to the eye, and looking at her brother, she felt much better.

The brothers and sisters came to the supermarket, Xiaoyu pushed a big shopping cart, and began to rush to the area selling potato chips and dried fruits.

Rick followed, in the supermarket, and prepared himself a large bag of seeds and fresh fruit juice.

It may be because there are more copies with the little queen at this time. The little queen always said that the juice is nutritious.

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