【Master Ball!】

[Lin Soul boss finally came up, and I thought he had left Dalu City, which made me worry a lot!]

[The mentality was instantly stabilized, and asked me why? The forest soul giant was by his side, and the sense of security was directly full!]

[Lin Soul? is a selfish villain, who has obviously become a blood-level player, but does not announce the method of advancement, he is not worthy of the title of number one at all. 】

[What kind of fart is there upstairs? Tell you the way to advance, can you advance? Is it that you can't get the ghost puzzle, and the Lin Soul boss has to help you get a set of ghost puzzles, and then help you overcome the side effects of the ghost erosion, and finally help you advance? Why don't you go to your father?]

[What does what I say has to do with you, are you washing the floor for Lin Soul? Do you think you can get his attention if you tout him a few times? Don't dream!]

[It doesn't matter if you pay attention to it or not, it's just that it's not pleasing to the eye for a keyboard warrior like you...... There is a kind of reality that touches you, you see if I will prick you. 】

[I'm so scared!

[Lin Soul Giant, I'm now trapped in Building 23 of Chengbei Road, there is a ghost cleaning the window outside the window, as long as it wipes the room through the window, the people inside will die, you come and save me!]

[Lin Soul Giant, there is a monster composed of machinery in the Tianming Machinery Factory in the west of the city, my companions are all dead, and now I am left alone, you come quickly, save me!]

[Lin Soul, do your ghost puzzles sell? I am willing to buy your ghost with ten catties of gold, you must know the price of gold now, I have a lot of money, I hope you don't know how to lift. 】

[Damn! Upstairs fooling the ghost? Ten catties of gold want to buy a ghost puzzle? Can I use ten catties of gold to buy your life? I really can't get used to your face pretending to be a criminal!]

[Downstairs, blow up your residence, and see how I make it impossible for you to live in this city. 】

[Hehe, I'm so scared, I won't say it, what can you do to me?]

[Help, I saw a pile of corpses under the bridge, these corpses are climbing ashore, it is ......]

[I'm in the Beihai Crematorium, I didn't flee with everyone, because there is a job I love here, but today my work is probably coming to an end, before it ends, I want to talk to Lin Soul, don't come here casually, the ghosts here are terrible. 】


Lin Soul's message seemed to have added special effects, and it appeared directly at the top of the chat room.

His news was like a bombshell.

Directly exploded the atmosphere of the chat room.

The players who were still in the water group left messages when they saw this news of Lin Soul.

Players who don't have a water group are called out by their companions

Most of these messages are useless replies.

However, there are also some pieces of information that contain some useful information.

Lin Soul looked at these treacherous messages marked with various positions, and the future was already activated.

[You rode the blood hatred at full speed, it took you twenty minutes to reach No. 23 Chengbei Road, you were ambushed, and you killed all these people who deceived you in three seconds. 】

[You rode the blood hatred forward at full speed, and it took twenty-eight minutes to arrive at the Tianming Machinery Factory in the west of the city, and you felt the strange atmosphere. 】

[You rode the blood hate full speed forward, and for thirty minutes you saw the Beihai Crematorium from a distance, and your insight made you realize that something was not quite right here. 】

[You rode along the river in the city, and you found a trail of blood on the bank, but you didn't find a trace of treachery. 】

"There's a guy lying to me, and the rest is pretty reliable, good!"

Looking at the future vision that jumped out of the prompt, Lin Soul nodded.

[Hello, Lin Soul Boss, Secretary Shi wants to add your friends to talk to you, can you pass the verification?]

Below his message, a brand new message popped up again.

Lin Soul took a look and found that the player who sent the message was named Chu Hao, a player ranked fifty-four.

"Secretary Shi, I don't know, forget it. "

Lin Soul didn't know who this Secretary Shi was, and he was not interested in knowing, his mind was now all on how to hunt treacherous.

After closing the player's chat room, Lin Soul got up and went downstairs, and the bloodstained motorcycle he stepped on quickly left.


Shelter in the city of Oro.

Secretary Shi waited for a long time, but he didn't see Lin Soul agreeing to his friend application, so he knew that this invitation had been ruined again.

He sighed and shook his head, looking helpless.

For Lin Soul, he always wanted to communicate with him well, but the other party didn't care about him at all.

Faced with this situation, he has no choice at all.

The other party is now behaving like an ascetic.

No hegemony, no arrogance, no formation of forces, and no imposition of resources.

Except for the fact that he can give the other party a certain amount of support in daily water and electricity, the other party has not expressed any desire or interest.

This kind of low desire performance makes Secretary Shi have no way at all.

"Secretary, why don't I send a few more messages to test Lin Soul?"

Seeing Secretary Shi's expression, Chu Hao on the side spoke.

"No need, if the other party doesn't agree now, it's basically impossible to agree, if you say more, it will only make the other party feel bored, dealing with Lin Soul is a long-term job, we can't rush it. "

With a wave of his hand, Secretary Shi came to the door of the office, looking at the shelter with two lights outside, the expression on his face was calm and calm.

"We're going to take our time. "

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