"Forehead ......"

Playing the role of a dead man, this kind of thing Lin Soul didn't expect.

What's even more deplorable is that the dead man he plays seems to be about to be cremated.

"We have to find a way to escape. "

Although you have a self-strengthening skin, you should be able to improve your resistance to high temperatures as the temperature increases.

But Lin Soul didn't want to experience the power of the incinerator in this haunted crematorium.

And he only has adaptive reinforcement for his skin.

He didn't breathe, and burned in a cramped, hot iron box.

Even if he can carry it, his internal organs and other organs can't hold it.

To prevent yourself from being grilled with skin grilled sausages.

He can't wait here to die.

I felt it silently, and the curse props on my body were unexpectedly stripped off, and there was nothing left.

The ability of the ghost puzzle is not much limited.

Because Lin Soul is now proficient.

He has integrated all the abilities of the ghost puzzle into his organs.

In this state, the limitations of special scenes do not have much impact on him.

"Get out of this coffin first. "

Feeling the coffin, which had completely lost oxygen, Lin Soul slowly lifted the lid of the coffin with both hands.

His movements were careful and did not provoke any superfluous sounds.

But when he pushed the lid of the coffin, he found that around his coffin, there were several stiff figures.

These figures are male and female, old and young.

Without exception, they all wore colorful shrouds.

Standing stiffly around Lin Soul's coffin, he lowered his head slightly, staring at Lin Soul with numb and dead eyes.



Stopping the action of opening the coffin by himself, Lin Soul silently stared at the several corpses in front of him.

These corpses were also staring at him silently.

A faint resentment slowly overflowed.

The stiff arms of the corpses slowly moved.

They stretched out their hands and pressed them on the lid of Lin Soul's coffin, slowly pressing down.

"Don't want me out?"

Feeling the lid of the coffin, which suddenly became much heavier as the corpse pressed down, Lin Soul's eyes were cold.

Although he couldn't understand why there were so many dead bodies around his coffin.

But he knew that since the other party wanted to put himself in the coffin again, it meant that they were his enemies.

Then the next thing to do is simple.

Lin Soul's mind moved.

The shadow beneath him suddenly spread.

A pitch-black figure appeared behind the corpses.

A bloodstained scythe appeared in the shadow's hand.

Holding the scythe, the black shadow's arm slammed.

An arc of light flashed from the bodies of these corpses, interspersed with the phantoms of several men, women, and children.

Bang bang bang!

There was a dull sound of corpses smashing on the ground.

The corpses turned into real corpses.

Lin Soul, who felt the lightness of the suppressive force, directly opened the lid of the coffin, quickly jumped out of the coffin, and hid in the shadows.

Not long after he hid, the door to the morgue where the coffin was stored was suddenly opened.

A figure with a flashlight and a baton walked into the room.

This is a charred corpse in overalls, and on the chest of his overalls, there are several big words "Beihai Crematorium".

It's a crematorium worker!

The charred corpse employee's body was blackened by the fire.

But his mind is very clear, and his movements are also very flexible.

Holding a flashlight, he quickly ran to the position of the coffin where Lin Soul was just now.

It saw the lid of the coffin open and the corpses beheaded in two around it.

made a gesture of surprise to cover his mouth.

Then he walked briskly out of the room.

[Three minutes later, the security guard came with more than a dozen staff from the Beishan Crematorium to deal with the problem here, you were discovered, you were put back in the coffin, and you were taken to cremation as soon as possible, and you were burned. 】

The hint of future vision jumped out, making Lin Soul's face change.

"Gotta leave!"

He quickly left the shadows where he was hiding and ran towards the location of the morgue door.

But at this moment, the morgue in the morgue suddenly trembled.

A roar full of resentment came out.

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Get me out of here!"

"Don't burn me, don't burn me!"

"I'm so scared!

The voice of resentment sounded, and one by one, the white illusory arms poked out from the ground.

These arms were frantically scratching at everything in the morgue, trying to make it impossible for anything in the morgue to escape.

And at this time in the morgue, the only one who can move is Lin Soul.

Who these guys want to deal with, it goes without saying.

"If you're dead, just wait for the cremation to be ready! Don't interfere with the living running away!

As soon as his mind moved, the shadow under his feet suddenly spread, directly enveloping the entire morgue.

The next second.

A pitch-black shadow flickered continuously.

Raising his hand that had turned into a shadow blade, he slammed it in front of all the morgues.

The pop

The entire morgue soon fell silent.

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