Inside the casino, after finding Asta and Yuno.

Levi was surrounded by two people to complain, and there was no way Levi bought some props to give to the two people as gifts, and the group went back.

On the eleventh day, Levi came to the casino.

Casinos are already overcrowded.

Or the old rule, brainless wins!

Just as the table ended, two people suddenly came over and sat in front of Levi.

It’s all black cloaks with a bull’s head totem inlaid on it!

One with goggles and one with a cigarette in his mouth.

Black Bull’s Yorumi Suke-dai and Magna!!

“Hehe, finally waiting for the two of you.”

Levi said with a smile.


Yorumi Suke-dai is a little strange.

“See the group leader at night, don’t talk nonsense with him, just start it, I heard that he is the most powerful guy in this casino!”

Magna said.

“Hmph, try to see if he has this ability!”

Yorumi nodded.

“Let’s get started, are your wallets ready?”

Levi said with a smile.

“Don’t talk nonsense, we will talk if you win first!!”

Half an hour.

In the painful eyes of Magna and Yorumi, Levi took away the pants of the two of them.

“Is there anything else to bet?”

Levi said with a smile.


Yorumi Sukeda and Magna were silent.

“Let’s do it again, and if we win, give us everything we lose!”

Yorumi Sukeda couldn’t help but say.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit excessive? Why should I promise you? Levi laughed.

Yorumi was silent.

“Why don’t I give you a chance!”

“As long as you can grant me a request.”

“I agree, come with you again, and if I lose, everything will be returned!”

Levi suddenly said.

“What requirements?”

Yorumi said, relighting a cigarette.

“Let me and my companions join you black bulls!”

Levi said seriously.

“Aha? Are you kid kidding us? ”

Magna roared with an unhappy look.

“Magna is right, our Black Bull Magic Knights are not something you can join if you want to join, you know.”

“If you want to join, if you want to join the black bull, you must pass the selection exam of the Magic Knights!”

Yorumi said.

“I know this, my companions and I will definitely pass the selection, but I hope that you will directly choose us when the time comes!”

Levi said.

“Oh? In this case, I can agree, but I have one more request! ”

Yorumi said.

“What requirements?”

Levi asked.

“When you play, you can’t choose your weak opponent, you can only let others choose you, if you can defeat your opponent, I agree!”

Yorumi said.


Levi said with a smile.

“Then that’s a word, but then again, the premise is that you can use this hand, otherwise everything is nonsense!”

“I know.”

Levi said.

“Hmph, don’t be proud too early, this time, we have to win back everything we lost!”

Magna growled.

“Hehe, today I will let you know what ignorance is!”

Levi said, reaching out and grabbing a card.

“Huh, K spades? It’s really boring!! ”

(The new book is released, I beg you to collect it, give the author fungus, enjoy some flowers and evaluation tickets, the author is very grateful.) For the support of the masters, the author has nothing to reward, so he can only write this book with his heart and update it more every day, so that the masters can look comfortable! )

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