The fourth layer….

Levi and Blanche Shelley carefully groped forward.

The passage was dark, and Blanche Shelley used light magic to light up the surrounding darkness.

“With Blanche Shelley by your side, I also feel a lot more at ease.”

Levi said with a smile.


Blanche Shelley laughed.


Suddenly, in the darkness ahead, there was a roar.

Hearing these growls, Levi narrowed his eyes.

“Looks like we’re going to fight again.”

Levi stood in front of Blanche Shelley, holding the Flame Demon Sword Levating tightly in his hand.

Countless dark spirit wolves pounced from the darkness.

“Dark elemental magic!!”

“The White Bone System has created a magic bone spear array!!”

Brush brush brush!

Spears formed by rows of white bones came out from the ground, slaughtering a large area of dark spirit wolves.

But there were still a few spirit wolves left, which were not affected here, and still fought hard to pounce on Levi and Blanche Shelley.

“Hmph, do the fish that slipped through the net also want to sneak attack?”

With a wave of his hand, the Light Dark Magic Guide Book in front of him lit up again, and the Magic Guide Book quickly turned the pages.

“Dark elemental magic!!”

“The white bone system creates a shield of the magic bone wall!”

Li Wei suddenly raised his hand, and a very huge white bone wall directly emerged from the ground, and at this moment, several dark spirit wolves that rushed up crashed into the white bone wall summoned by Li Wei.

Bang bang!!

The sound of bones shattering continued, screams, and hisses kept ringing.

A dark spirit wolf broke his neck and skull because he rushed too hard.

“Let’s keep walking!”

Levi took Blanche Shelley’s hand, and the two continued to explore the Magic Palace together.

With the guidance and help of the spirit of the immortal bird, Levi and Blanche Shelley were not lost, and after walking a few dead ends, the two of them continued to move forward.

“Although this Immortal Bird Soul can explore the direction of magical power, this Demon Palace seems to have certain limitations, resulting in the Immortal Bird Soul being unable to play its role.”

Levi explained to Blanche Shelley as he walked.

“Eun, I know, but even if that’s the case, Levi, you’re very, very powerful!”

Blanche Shelley laughed.


Suddenly, the sound of flowing sand came.

“Did you hear anything special?”

Levi asked.

“I seem to hear it…”

Blanche Shelley replied.

Salad, salad, salad!!

The sound of sand flowing is getting louder and more pronounced.

“It’s a Dark Sandsoldier!”

Blanche Shelley pointed to the black shadows that appeared in front of him and said.

“Is it the guardian of the Demon Palace again?”

Levi frowned.

There are really too many guardians of this demon palace.

In the darkness, dark sandsoldiers emerged from the ground or through the walls, each armed with a spear.


A slurred voice came out of the sand soldier’s mouth.

“What the hell?”

Levi was combat-ready.

The Book of Magic Guides unfolds.



The sand soldier screamed and rushed towards Levi and Blanche Shelley.

Each of the sand soldiers’ spears was aimed at the bodies of Levi and Blanche Shelley.

“Dark Elemental Magic!!”

“The white bone system is created into a magic white bone burial!!”

Levi constantly casts magic to fight these sand soldiers, and in the rear of Levi, Blanche Shelley also strives to use her own light magic to confront these dark sand soldiers.

For two people, they can only move forward and cannot retreat.

“Don’t retreat, there is only one way to retreat, Levi, I am invincible!”

Levi waved the Flame Demon Sword Levating in his hand and slashed down with a roar.

(The new book is released, I beg you to collect it, give the author fungus, enjoy some flowers and evaluation tickets, the author is very grateful.) For the support of the masters, the author has nothing to reward, so he can only write this book with his heart and update it more every day, so that the masters can look comfortable! )

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