Early the next morning, Levi summoned the Flame Demon Sword Levatine and was practicing his slash.

“The attack of the Flame Demon Sword Levating is indeed very strong, but sometimes, carrying this sword, it seems that it becomes very difficult to defend, and if the defense speed slows down, it is equivalent to a huge weakness leaked in front of the enemy.”

“If the enemy is smart and strong enough, he will definitely seize this weakness of mine and attack.”

Levi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and while connecting, he was thinking of a way.

“I see you didn’t completely press your weight to your knees after swinging your sword, did you?”

“It’s not right to do this, after the swing of the sword, although you still want to attack or defend, because there is a problem with your movements, resulting in the movement of the attack is not smooth, then any of your next movements cannot continue, which is called attack stiffness.”

“In this way, you will be in trouble, even in danger, and your situation now belongs to this situation, the balance of the body is destroyed.”

“Judging by the appearance of this sword of yours, it seems to be very heavy, so to speak, such a heavy sword, if you don’t use it often before, I’m afraid it will be more difficult to control!”

Vangel came over at this time and said.

“So that’s the case, then is there anything you can do to improve?”

Levi put down the Flame Demon Sword Levating and turned his head to ask.

He felt that since Van Jer could say things so clearly, and said such a straight thing, he thought that this guy next door who loved you must have a very deep knowledge of swordsmanship and a deep study.

In that case, the other party must know something if he can say those words before.

Sure enough, without disappointing Levi, Van Jer smiled and said, “It’s very simple! ”

“If you want to improve the current situation, after the next attack, if you want to defend or attack continuously, then you need to keep the front of your feet in the same direction as the tip of the sword.”

“Then your right foot will get a little better if you take a slight step forward, provided of course that you are holding a sword in your right hand. Why don’t you try it? ”

Vangel asked.


Levi nodded, and then swung a sword as Van Jer said.

“Continuous attack!”

Levi quickly turned around and swung another sword!

“This move can be ah, what a brilliant sword technique!”

Levi sighed.

“Try again!”


It can be completed in an instant, and my shortcomings have been solved in one fell swoop, which is really wonderful!

Levi was very happy, it seemed that he stayed on a whim yesterday, and there was really no mistake.

“Well, am I right? I didn’t expect you to learn anything fast, just after listening to my simple words, you can fully grasp it, you are really one of the few geniuses! ”

Vangel exclaimed.

“This sword technique is very clever, Uncle Van Jer, can’t you also use sword art?” Levi looked up and asked.

“Well… Speaking of swordsmanship, you wait for me…”

Saying that, Vangel turned and walked aside, picked up a wooden stick, and opened his magic guide book while waving it.

“You’re optimistic!!”

“Wind Creation Magic Chopping Wind Emperor!”

Vangels whispered.

A huge burst of mana burst, and then this white mana flew towards the wooden stick in Vangel’s hand, and then wrapped around the wooden stick, and finally formed the shape of a sword.

“How, like now, using magic to gather into the shape of a sword, such an attack is still interesting? This is my way of attacking, the wind creates magic to slash the wind emperor! ”

Van Jael said.

“Is this sword a creation magic? It’s amazing, although it feels a lot worse than my Flame Demon Sword Levatin, but on the whole, this magic is obviously inseparable from swordsmanship! ”

“And if you use such a creative magic sword to fight, the difficulty of the battle will be better, and you must have a deeper grasp of magic, so that you will not lose, and there will be problems in the battle!”

Levi murmured.

“The important thing is that the name is not bad!”

“Haha, how about it, my sword, but my combat weapon, although usually we magic guides generally use magic attacks, but it is inevitable that there will be hand-to-hand combat, so when fighting, it will also be mixed with some swordsmanship, so that you can achieve both attack and defense, unexpected effects, and have a higher certainty of victory.”

Vanger laughed.

“So, I wonder if Uncle Van Gyel can teach me to use swordsmanship?”

Levi asked.

“Aha? Teach you swordsmanship? ”

Vangel was stunned.

(The new book is released, I beg you to collect it, give the author fungus, enjoy some flowers and evaluation tickets, the author is very grateful.) For the support of the masters, the author has nothing to reward, so he can only write this book with his heart and update it more every day, so that the masters can look comfortable! )

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