The flames of the Seven Sins burned even more intensely, and in the blink of an eye, Saeki was wrapped in it, but instead of feeling the heat and pain, Saeki felt a strong power, and at the same time, she also longed for more power in her heart.

"Magic! This is magic! I want more! More!"

In Saeki's heart, a voice was roaring constantly.

So when Qin Mo proposed to become his follower, Zuobo nodded frantically without hesitation.

"Very good, this is the reward you deserve. When you do better, you will become my demon and become the supreme existence. I look forward to your performance."

ps: Forgot to say what this masterpiece is called. As you may have guessed, yes, the Dark Bible!

Let me tell you something, I was going to arrange two futa passers-by roles, I shouted in my skirt, and the result... I want to be a futa! I:? ? ? ! ! ! Today's young people, I say... can't keep up with the rhythm.

Body Chapter 48 Black Magic Academy

"Very good, this is the reward you deserve. When you do better, you will become my demon and become the supreme existence. I look forward to your performance."

After prompting that Zuobo became Qin Mo's follower, Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, and expended 1000 Faith Power to activate the basic divine skill [God's Gift] to grant Sabo power.

The flames of the seven sins sank into her body, strengthening her seeds of the seven sins, giving her powerful magic power. As long as she masters the spell, she can cast magic.

And Qin Mo is also not a stingy person, so he casually threw a copy of "Introduction to Basic Magic" on the bad street of Demon Realm to Zuobo. Of course, the title of the book was changed to "The Complete Book of Dark Magic" by Qin Mo.

For Zuobo, happiness came too suddenly, and she was dazed by the sudden power and the magic book. When she came back to her senses, Qin Mo and his maid had disappeared.

"Believers! Build a church! Spread the faith of our Lord! Gain more power!"

Qin Mo is very aware of people's hearts, and too much express is too much. Saeki, who felt the power and the magic book, became crazy again in his heart, and he knew what to do next almost in a blink of an eye.

"I will definitely become an existence like him! No, an existence like her!"

The majesty of Qin Mo just now reappeared in her mind. The original sin of greed in her body couldn't help but yearn for it, and she wanted to become or even surpass Qin Mo's existence, but a fear from the depths of her soul emerged spontaneously. Prison, as soon as the idea appeared, she was immediately snuffed out.

After retreating, the maid standing behind Qin Mo with a smile appeared in her mind. Compared with Qin Mo, who was shrouded in flames, the existence of Nanase Love was more clear and definite.

In addition to the original sin of greed, an original sin called "jealousy" also began to breed, and Saeki eagerly wanted to replace Nanase's position and stand behind Qin Mo.

What Saeki doesn't know is that when you accept God's gift, it is also doomed. You cannot go against God's will in your life. God can bestow you, and he can also take back everything that he bestowed on you. The seeds of the seven sins take root. , has turned her into Qin Mo's spiritual slave.

In fact, she still has certain expectations for Zuobo Qin Mo. According to Nanase's heart scan, she has [Missionary: Chance of persuading ordinary people to become believers +50, believers transformed by her, the power of belief +5%] The power of the original sin hidden deep in the heart is also huge.

The reason why Qin Mo cast 1000 points of Faith on her is because she was selected as one of the test objects for the Seven Sins. However, due to the lack of time, Qin Mo did not act immediately, but buried enough. After the powerful seeds have left enough nutrients, they are allowed to develop freely. Now Qin Mo has more important things to do.


[Suppressed by the will of the dimension, according to the amount of divine power consumed, the main body can only exert half-star combat power in the current dimension, and can only stay in this dimension for 30 days, carrying a UR-level demon, and the stay time is -10. 】

"There's only 20 days. It's plenty. As for combat power... I've never been the one who won by force."

At this moment, Qin Mo took Nanase Lian straight to the destination. After confirming the system prompt again, the corner of Qin Mo's mouth twitched, and after consuming a little divine power, Qin Moke would definitely earn it back.

Chapter 48 The Academy of Black Magic [Begging for Flowers and Harvests]-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this moment, Qin Mo took Nanase Lian straight to the destination. After confirming the system prompt again, the corner of Qin Mo's mouth twitched, and after consuming a little divine power, Qin Moke would definitely earn it back.

St. Paul's School, a church-turned school, was originally entirely under the control of the church.

However, with the change of time, the nature of the school has also changed, especially in the era when beliefs collapsed and technology sprouted, when the decree of "not forcing beliefs" was issued, St. Paul's College jumped to become an aristocratic college.

Today, St. Paul's School is known for its strict rules and quality of teaching, so that local parents are very willing to send their children to school.

The expensive tuition is a sign that they are not from a good background, and the children of rich and wealthy families do not want to enter the school at all.

"Sorry, this is a noble academy, and irrelevant personnel are prohibited from entering."

Of course, the idle people should not think about entering easily. At this moment, Qin Mo is like this. Qin Mo and Nanase Lian were stopped by the security of St. Paul's College at the door.

"I am the director of St. Julianna Private Hospital. This is my assistant. I came to see Mr. Kitami Reiwa from the health room. I made an appointment with her to meet today to discuss some academic issues."

Qin Mo smiled, took out the documents of himself and Nanase Love, and at the same time indicated his intention.

Qin Mo, who appeared at the entrance of St. Paul's College, was already a doctor in a white coat, and Nanase Rian also changed back to her nurse's uniform.

"Okay, register and go in."

The security guard saw that Qin Mo's documents were all right, and he could accurately report the name of the beautiful teacher in the health room. He immediately stopped blocking her, and let her in after registration, but the more important reason was that Qin Mo was talking to him. When looking at him, he quietly used spiritual cues to him.

It's just that after Qin Mo entered the academy, instead of going to Teacher Kitami Lihua in the health room, he skillfully found a locked door in an empty office.

"Why does this school have such a strange authentic? It's terrifying."

The door was easily unlocked, and Nanase Lian immediately felt an evil aura coming towards her.

"Master Dean, there is a very, very disgusting aura here."

Chapter 49 The Dark Bible - Side Volume [Three Watches! Add more rewards to [Universe Invincible Funny Force]! 】

"This school is known as the Black Magic School. It was a church a few decades ago. It was built on the basis of the remains of the church. It should be a **** of light who believes in the traces."

Behind the gate is a deep tunnel, and several old lamps emit a dim yellow halo.

Nanase Lian followed behind Qin Mo and felt a little scared. Even though he had become Qin Mo's demon family, he was still a human being in essence, and he was still a scumbag.

Qin Mo explained to Nanase Lian the reason for the existence of this passage.

In the blink of an eye, the passage reached the end, and a stone door appeared in the sight of the two of them. Qin Mo's brows suddenly twitched, revealing a playful smile.

"Master Dean, there is a very, very disgusting aura here."

Just when Qin Mo was about to open the stone gate, Nanase Lian pulled Qin Mo and said weakly, although her strength was not strong, her only skill was very useful.

"It's really a bit disgusting, and I'm still very familiar with it. I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here."

"The Twisted Fallen Angel - Abraham."

Qin Mo smiled indifferently. Although he knew that a demonic will was summoned inside, he did not expect it to be an acquaintance.

Immediately, Qin Mo pushed open the Shimen, revealing the scene behind the Shimen.

This is a dark square basement. In the center of the basement is a rectangular stone platform like a coffin. On the wall facing the stone platform, a magic circle drawn with blood is conspicuous. A faint smell of blood filled the air.

This kind of scene made Nanase Rian a little scared. Qin Mo just carefully looked at the magic circle on the wall and pouted, and walked straight to the rectangular stone platform, at the bottom of the side of the stone platform facing the magic circle. A bit of groping.


"Sure enough."

With a soft sound, a secret door opened, and Qin Mo suddenly showed a smile.

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