God-level Sign-in Game Design Master

Chapter 410: Playing dead is the essence of "Animal Party"

   Regardless of the evaluation, the players had a great time in "Animal Party", and a lot of discussion topics about "Animal Party" appeared.

   "Are you still stuck now?"

   "Occasionally, it's just a card once in a while, but now there is a high probability that it won't get stuck."

   "Whether there is a team on the Martial Arts Tournament map, three players are missing one, first defeat a few others, and then the team will decide the winner, the top three guarantee the bottom line."

   "My goddammit, it was clearly a Smash Bros. map, but it forced you to complete the team battle."

   "Damn it, I just found out about this masterpiece, why hasn't it been recommended on Baidu? I can't see any news about it in the news."

   "Newcomer? Ye Qin Game Company has been jointly blocked by Goose Factory for two weeks. Except for the news on the Zhuchang portal website, you basically don't see news about Ye Qin Game on other websites."

"I was attracted by the silly cuteness of animals running. Although my friends had a lot of fun, the joy between people is not the same. After I entered the pit, they kept winning. I kept running stupidly, and the experience was zero. .”

   "It's awesome, didn't your friends take you to fight for candy? It's a very cute map, just cooperate with your teammates."

   "It's cute to say that the candy competition mode is cute? Are you a cross-dresser?"

   "The battle for candy, you almost knocked out your brains, okay?"

   "Hehe, I am now proficient in headbutt, throwing, flying kick and rolling, whoever wins and whoever dies!"

"Brothers above, the candy scramble mode is very simple, okay? To grab candy, a few people grab a few people and let it go, etc. If the division of labor is clear, you can definitely win. You can kick it out with a jio when the opponent is grabbing it, or you can go The other side pulls the gate and pushes him into the candy opening to delay the other side's time."

   "In some places, you can pull the joystick on the opposite side at the right time to open the door and push people down. It takes time for the opposite side to respawn, so you can use it to seize the opportunity."

   "The old silver coin upstairs has been appraised!"

  In the game forum, everyone discussed extremely intensely. In the game outside the forum, various animals were seen flying around.

   There are those who use the toilet to **** the opponent's **** and never let go, and there are also those who use the electric shock gun to lash the corpses of other players crazily.

  Of course, some of them are pretending to be dead. They are good at playing dead in various places, and choose to resurrect when there are not many players left on the scene.

  Martial arts tournament map.

  A yellow-haired corgi lay quietly on the ground, and the player controlling it thought to himself, "You must be doggy at the beginning, or you won't survive to the end."

   Just thinking about being lifted up by the bully pig's head.

   "Wori... calm down, calm down, I can't move, I can't move!"

  Then... the quiet dog, the beautiful Corgi, was thrown out of the field, and the poisonous gas filled the sky made him GG immediately.

   "Damn it! Don't bring such a thing? Did I choose to play dead? Are you still throwing me?"

   After the corgi player died, he restarted the round immediately, and this round he chose to be tough...just to the end.

  The Corgi took a stick and threw it at the cat, "Die!"

   "My mother, can't kill one?"

  In fact, Corgi overestimated his strength.

  The corgi hit the cat on the head with a stick, and the cat fell to the ground in an instant. The corgi held the stick and prepared to make up the knife.

  Suddenly, an electric shock bullet was shot from behind, and the corgi dog was immediately shocked by polio, its mouth and eyes were crooked, and the stick in its hand could not be grasped steadily.

   While Corgi was electrocuted and fell to the ground, Maomao stood up.

   The wind is turning smoothly, and the Corgi dog is back home.

  Maomao took advantage of the opportunity to pick up the stick left by the corgi dog, and then hammered it wildly, and the corgi dog GG again.

  In a certain Internet cafe in a small city in Longguo, an angry "Animal Party" player punched through the computer monitor. He had no gaming experience at all, and two weeks later he entered "Animal Party" again and killed all directions.


  Ye Qin Game Company.

   "Brother Ye, the sales volume of "Animal Party" has exceeded 20 million. I really didn't expect it." Sun Mu said happily.

   "I've told you before, you can't hold your breath, and you have a calm mind every time you encounter a major event, do you understand?" Ye Qin smiled.

   "Brother Ye is right, shall we open the skin mall next?" Sun Mu asked for advice.

   "Not open for the time being, wait for a while. Players will get tired of it. Now is the critical period for our confrontation with the Goose Factory. The Goose Factory is already at the end of its rope, and it is slowly consuming it." Ye Qin said.

  Just half an hour before Sun Mu came in to report, Pig Factory Ding Sanshi called. The number of daily visits to the pig factory portal website increased by 300%, and the most searched keyword was "Ye Qin Game".

  After hearing the news, Ye Qin was excited for a while, this is the rhythm of the goose factory's retreat.

Goose manufacturers have a big business, and they can rely on the income from social software to subsidize the game sector, but Baidu can't do it. Search engines account for more than 90% of their business income. They cooperate with Goose Factory to suppress Ye Qin Game Company, which is tantamount to giving away their market share for nothing. To the pig factory.

  Pig Factory Ding Sanshi can wake up with a smile even if he is dreaming.

  Originally, Zhuchang Games was the mainstay of Zhuchang Company, and search engines and portal websites only accounted for a small part of its revenue, but now that it is so integrated, the traffic from search engines has actually increased. Will there be any worries about cashing out when there is traffic?

  The same thing happened on Zhalang Weibo. Due to restrictions on topics related to Ye Qin's games, many users began to abandon Zhalang Weibo.

   "Zhalang Weibo is now a cesspit, especially buying headlines, it's simply..."

   "It seems that the lesson from the last time was not deep enough. Zha Lang directly participated in the competition between Goose Factory and Ye Qin Game. What kind of behavior is this? What a big deal!"

   "Don't look at Ye Qin Game Company's not saying anything now, when the time comes to liquidate, don't you scumbags cry."

  In such a difficult environment, Ye Qin Company forcibly opened a way out with "Animal Party", and then Ma Hua was angry.

   "I told you that the existence of Ye Qin Game Company is the biggest threat to us. You all don't believe it. Let's see now, we can't stop them anymore." Ma Hua roared hysterically in pain.

  Niu Lei and several senior directors dare not say a word.

   "You don't even talk, do you?"

   "Niu Lei, you are now the executive director of the company. Tell me first, what should you do now?" Ma Hua asked coldly.

you ask me? I still want to ask you, who is the goose factory owner XI between the two of us now, don’t you know?

   In the few days when you disappeared, I had a **** addiction, and now I can’t do it at all. I just blocked the gun for you. I don’t have any power in my hand. I will do whatever you say. Now ask me what to do? I want to say that the company will be dissolved directly, do you agree?

  Niu Lei was full of complaints, but he didn't dare to be careless. He said, "Mr. Ma, the current situation is already torn face with Ye Qin, why don't we block more channels and fight to the death!"

  Others looked at Niu Lei with hellish expressions, is this guy crazy?

  Niu Lei is also helpless, not because he wants to say so, but because what Mahua wants now is to express his opinion.

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