God Soldier Atlas

Chapter 271: massacre, warning

"Zhou Shu, how do you deal with these masked people?"

Among the people present, the only one who could call Zhou Shu by his first name was Emperor Fengfeng.

After all, he is Zhou Shu's father-in-law, and even if Zhou Shu is stronger, his identity will not change.

Meng Bai, Mi Ziwen and others also looked towards Zhou Shu.

They had been preparing for a battle for a long time, but from the beginning to the end, except for Sun Fairy who fought against the dead masked organization boss, the rest of them didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Now the tens of thousands of masked people are honestly staying outside the capital of Daxia, and they have no intention of making trouble.

But tens of thousands of masters get together, after all, it is not one thing. If they are not handled well, once Zhou Shu leaves here, they will definitely become a disaster.

How to deal with these people, Yuan Fengdi also has some headaches.

Kill them all, that's more than 10,000 strong people.

Moreover, Emperor Yuanfeng has also known the identities of many masked people through secret agents.

The true identities of these masked people are also very terrifying. If they kill them all, it will definitely have a very serious impact on Daxia and the other nine countries.

But it was all released, and Emperor Yuanfeng was also a little unwilling.

These masked people are not good people. They came to Daxia not for sightseeing, but to make trouble.

If Zhou Shu was not strong enough, Daxia's capital would have been captured by them.

"I'll handle it."

Zhou Shu said, he sighed in his heart.

The biggest threat to the masked people organization lies not in these masked people, but in the person who made the mask.

He thought that if he caught the man's son, he would naturally be able to force him to show up.

It turned out that whether it was the son or the old man, these two people were just two fakes, a shield pushed out by the real mastermind behind the scenes!

Zhou Shu has already achieved this level, and the real behind-the-scenes master can still hold back from showing up.

A person who clearly has peerless strength, but can never bear it, this person is definitely one of the most difficult enemies Zhou Shu has ever encountered in his life.

The organization he had built for hundreds of years was directly abolished by Zhou Shu, and he couldn't bear it if anyone changed it.

Even Zhou Shu would not be able to bear it if his Huaxia Pavilion was destroyed.

But these tens of thousands of masked people were captured by Zhou Shu and cut off the connection between them and the masks. Even if there are masked people in the masked people organization who did not show up, they must have suffered a great loss of strength.

After breaking the arm of the mastermind behind the scenes, he did not show up, and Zhou Shu felt a little disappointed in his heart.

"After this battle, the masked people organized by the masked people should not do anything in a short period of time."

Zhou Shu pondered and said, "But so far, we still don't know who the person behind this organization is and what purpose he has, so we must not let our guard down."

"The one you killed?"

Yuan Fengdi wondered.

"That's just a shield, a stand-in."

Zhou Shu explained.

After all, Emperor Yuanfeng was an emperor, and he understood it in an instant. He also cursed in a low voice. After spending so much effort, he ended up killing a counterfeit!

"This masked organization has existed for so many years, and it has never done anything."

Yuan Fengdi pondered, "Until recently, they have made such a big movement in Mizhou City. Does this mean that their latest action is not only this one? Or, for them, the time has come?"

"It's possible."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Although we have captured more than 10,000 masked people, we don't know how many people there are in the masked people organization. These people may be the smoke bombs that we released to confuse us."

Since that eldest young master is a shield, he naturally cannot threaten the real boss of the Masked Man Organization.

So more than 10,000 people can't be the full strength of the masked people organization.

Yuan Fengdi is right. For hundreds of years, they have been lurking in the dark and never made a move. Now they suddenly jumped out and started a major event in Mizhou City, trying to pollute the dragon veins and cause chaos in the world.

small book booth

This is definitely not a whim, and the purpose of the masked people organization may be hidden in this action.

They want to make the world in chaos, so as to take advantage of the situation to seize the world?

If that's the case, then they seem to already have this kind of strength.

With the strength shown by the Masked People Organization, if they really want to take over the world, none of the ten countries is their opponent at all.

Even if the ten countries join forces, it is nothing to them.

There is no need for them to pollute the dragon veins at all.

After all, if the dragon veins are polluted, it will cause life to be ruined, which is not a good thing for those who are trying to seize the world.

After conquering the world, don't you need the people?

Bare Commander, what's the point of that?

Unless it is, their purpose at the beginning is to kill, kill everyone...

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu also frowned.

Who would simply want to kill?

This masked organization must have its own purpose.

Zhou Shu shook his head, and now he can't guess the purpose of the masked people organization, so he can only take more precautions and be more vigilant.


Just as everyone was discussing, Zhou Shu suddenly raised his head and looked outside.

Just as he raised his head, a loud shout came from outside the door.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is an urgent military report!"

"Come in!"

Yuan Fengdi said without hesitation.

The people here are not outsiders, so he naturally has nothing to hide.

A spy rushed in, and the spy was steaming all over, and at first glance, he rushed forward with all his strength.

He knelt down on one knee and bowed to Emperor Yuanfeng before saying, "Your Majesty, Mizhou City, something happened!"

The spy's expression was a little frightened, and he used all his strength to control his emotions, "Mizhou City, it was massacred!"


Emperor Yuanfeng stood up abruptly, his expression changed greatly, "You say it again!"

He was shaking all over, and his breathing became a little short.

Zhou Shu also frowned.

In fact, there is no need for the spy to say it again. Everyone here is the strongest group of people in the human race. With their ear power, even if the spy's voice is small, they can still hear it clearly.

What's more, the spy's voice was not small.

There's no way they could have heard it wrong!

Mizhou City was slaughtered!

Zhou Shu suddenly remembered the blacksmith shop he once stayed in. After the incident in Mizhou City that day, he was anxious to deal with the matter of the masked man, so he asked Shitou and Lao Zhao to return to Mizhou City first.

I originally thought that after the matter of the masked people was resolved, I would go to them myself and give them a future.

But I didn't expect this to happen!

The city of Mizhou was slaughtered, and those blacksmiths were just ordinary people, and they would definitely not be able to escape.

"When did this happen?"

Zhou Shu asked in a deep voice.

After years of experience, Zhou Shu has already been able to make Mount Tai collapse in front of him without changing his face.

"As soon as the subordinates got the news, they rushed over immediately. According to the time, it should be a day ago."

said the spy.

Mizhou City is thousands of miles away from the capital of Daxia, but the secret agents of Daxia have their own unique way of transmitting information, and news from thousands of miles away can also be obtained quickly.

a day ago?

Everyone looked at each other. A day ago, was it when they confronted the masked people organization?

10,000 masked people came to the capital of Daxia, are there still some masked people who went to Mizhou City and Slaughtered City?

"Did anyone see who did it?"

Zhou Shu continued to ask.


The spy gritted his teeth and said, "None of the spies in Mizhou City escaped, and because we haven't received any news from Mizhou City, we sent people to check, and only found out."

Mizhou City is a small city, located in a remote location, within a radius of 100 miles, there is not even a second city.

If it wasn't for these spies finding out, I'm afraid it will take some time before the news of the slaughter of Mizhou City will come.

"Beasts! How dare they!"

Yuan Fengdi's expression was pale, and his voice trembled and scolded.

He really doesn't know how to scold people, and he is like a beast and a **** again and again.

"Is this a warning to me?"

Zhou Shu got up and said coldly, "Brother, protect this place, I'll go to Mizhou City to see and come back soon!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Shu's figure had turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the air.

A beam of light swept across the capital of Great Xia, and when it passed outside the city, a colorful beam of light was scattered, and the tens of thousands of masked people were taken away in an instant.

The magical power of colorful rays of light was realized when Zhou Shu was fighting against Tian Ji, the lord of the city of gods.

This magical power has no other purpose, and can only move people or things into the colorful space.

In that colorful space, there is a mysterious gate that seems to lead to another world.

There, every once in a while, a white torrent will erupt, and even the strong Taoist can't resist the impact of the white torrent.

Under the Dao Realm, it is even possible to destroy the soul.

Suddenly, Zhou Shu couldn't think of a good way to deal with the more than 10,000 masked people.

Leave them in the Great Summer Capital?

Don't be ridiculous, except Zhou Shu, no one can suppress so many masters.

After Zhou Shu left, what if they attacked the capital of Great Xia?

Although that possibility is unlikely, Zhou Shu did not dare to take the risk.

In case Yuan Fengdi, Meng Bai and Mi Ziwen had any accident, it would be too late for Zhou Shuke to regret it.

So before leaving, Zhou Shu will directly put those masked people into the colorful space.

As for whether they can survive under the white torrent, it depends on their luck.

Fortunately, before Zhou Shu brought them back, the white torrent might not have erupted.

After taking away the tens of thousands of masked people, Zhou Shu no longer thought about their affairs, but started full speed towards Mizhou City.

With Zhou Shu's current strength, how terrible is it to start at full speed?

Thousands of miles in a flash, just wait and see.

It didn't take long for Zhou Shu to come to the sky above Mizhou City.

His spiritual thoughts flowed down like a tide, instantly covering the entire city of Mizhou.

It is different from the massacre scene in Zhou Shu's imagination, where corpses are scattered everywhere and rivers of blood are flowing.

In the entire city of Mizhou, not even a trace of blood could be seen.

This city, as if asleep, was silent.

Everyone in it has lost the breath of life, and many people still have smiles on their faces. When they die, they don't know what happened.

All the people in the city of Mizhou lost their lives in an instant.

Although the city of Mizhou is not big, there are still hundreds of thousands of people.

What means can kill these hundreds of thousands of people at the same time in an instant?

With Zhou Shu's current strength, if he exerts his full strength, it may be possible to kill half of the city in an instant, but the whole city...

Zhou Shu asked himself that he couldn't do it now.

If this is done by one person, then the strength of this person is absolutely unfathomable.

"Even if it's someone who kills, it's impossible to slaughter the city for no reason."

Looking at the silent city of Mizhou, Zhou Shu's expression was extremely gloomy.

He took every precaution, and never thought that the masked organization would have no bottom line, and they would actually attack ordinary people.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Mizhou City, and there are only a handful of warriors. Most of them are just ordinary people!

What's the use of killing them?

Apart from angering Zhou Shu, it has no other effect!

Zhou Shu fell from the air and entered the city of Mizhou.

After the Daxia spy discovered this place, they did not destroy the scene, so the city of Mizhou remained at the moment when it was destroyed.

When the other party started, the sky was already bright, and many people had already got up and started to move.

Zhou Shu saw that a breakfast shop was full of people. Those people lost their lives while eating breakfast. They were lying on the table, and some people had smiles on their faces.

The opponent's control of the power is at its peak, and the power used is just to cut off the vitality of these people in Mizhou City, but it has caused unnecessary damage.

If it is to deal with a person, it is naturally easy to control the power to this extent.

But at the same time shooting hundreds of thousands of people, and being able to control the power to this level, it is simply as hard as the sky!

Zhou Shu walked all the way and gradually approached the blacksmith shop.

His breathing was a little short, and the whole person was a little nervous.

No matter how powerful Zhou Shu is, he is still human, and he has not yet gotten rid of human feelings.

He has been with these blacksmiths for several months, and he can be considered to have some feelings. Although he knows that the possibility of them being spared is zero, he can't help but hold a bit of luck in his heart.

"Stone, Lao Zhao..."

Zhou Shu muttered to himself, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the blacksmith shop.

In the blacksmith's shop, the iron furnace was still burning with flames, but there was no one there.

A surprise flashed across Zhou Shu's face.

No one is better than seeing corpses all over the place!

No one means they still have a chance to survive!

Zhou Shu's eyes swept across the blacksmith shop, and suddenly saw a few lines of large characters written on the innermost wall of the blacksmith shop.

"Come and don't be indecent. If you arrest my people, then I will arrest a few of yours. If you want the blacksmith to survive, then let my people go."

Those few lines of large characters seemed to have been written by someone using the coal on the ground, and they were scribbled like a child's graffiti.

It is impossible to see something through the font.

Looking at the large characters, Zhou Shu's expression became extremely gloomy, but a surprise flashed deep in his eyes.

Shitou and Lao Zhao are still alive, which is really good!

But the hundreds of thousands of people in Mizhou City were wrongly killed.

"What a ruthless means!"

Zhou Shu said to himself coldly.

With the strength of the opponent, it is simply an easy task to capture a few blacksmiths.

He does not need massacres to be safe.

But he did so.

He is telling Zhou Shu not to provoke me, otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable for you.

Tucheng, but he gave Zhou Shu some color to see.

"True or false, when you massacred the city, I hadn't caught those masked people yet."

Zhou Shu said coldly.

According to the time, when the other party slaughtered the city, those masked people just arrived outside the Daxia capital.

At that time, Zhou Shu hadn't even killed the boss of the fake masked organization.

In other words, the other party knew from the beginning that Zhou Shu would succeed, so he captured the blacksmith in advance and slaughtered the people of Mizhou City, just to teach Zhou Shu a lesson!

"This person's style of doing things is secretive. He uses two fakes to cover up his identity. So is what he is doing now also to cover up his real purpose?"

Zhou Shu fell into deep thought.

Slaughtering a city and catching a blacksmith are, in a sense, not a big deal for a master of Zhou Shu's level.

The other party doing this, apart from appearing to be a little petty, can actually play a very small role.

How much damage can the massacre do to Zhou Shu?

It won't do anything except make Zhou Shu angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Shitou and Lao Zhao, Zhou Shu does have some friendship with them, but it is impossible to say how deep the friendship is.

Using them to threaten Zhou Shu is even more unreal.

Zhou Shu couldn't change his mind just because of them.

"The map of the mountains and rivers is in my hands. Even if he slaughtered the city, it is impossible for him to contaminate the dragon veins with blood sacrifices."

Zhou Shu thought to himself, "Is it just to vent?"

To slaughter hundreds of thousands of people in order to vent, this is simply the act of a lunatic.

The real boss behind the masked people organization can't be a lunatic, he can't do this kind of thing for no reason.

"No one knows about my time at the blacksmith's shop."

Zhou Shu frowned, "This person took Shishi and Lao Zhao away, he is telling me that he knows my whereabouts very well."

"He let me know on purpose."

A cold light flashed in Zhou Shu's eyes. When he walked to this blacksmith shop, it was an accident. Even Zhou Shu himself didn't know that he would come here.

In other words, someone has been watching their whereabouts!

how can that be?

With Zhou Shu's current strength, even if Zhan He Tianyi goes out in person, he will never try to follow him without being discovered by him.

How did the other party know about his relationship with the blacksmith shop?

"Is this telling me how powerful the masked organization is?"

Zhou Shu snorted coldly, "If you are really that powerful, then you don't need to be so sneaky as a tortoise!"

"You would rather use this method to warn me than dare to show up, it only shows that you are a coward!"

"A coward, no matter how strong he is, he will not be a real strong man. If you want to play, I will play with you to the end!"

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