Godly Fisherman

Chapter 600: The most beautiful scenery

When Feng Jianting and Huang He arrived at the hotel early the next morning, Xiao Peng had just taken a shower.

"Brother Peng, how much did you drink yesterday? Why is the room full of alcohol?" Huang He asked.

Xiao Peng smiled, "It's all the wine spilled on my clothes. I didn't drink much. Do you think I drank too much yesterday?"

If Qian Congcong listened to Xiao Peng, he would definitely curse. Didn't drink much? The bar is almost empty for you, okay? I've heard that you are not drunk in a thousand cups, so this is not drunk in a thousand cups! No one got the one million bonus, but yesterday’s wine money cost at least two million! What's so special is that those wines are not called the most expensive! If you take out all those treasured wines, you won't be able to stop 10 million!

Xiao Peng wanted to go to checkout, but Qian Congcong clearly told him before he fainted. It was recorded on his account. Xiao Peng couldn't settle the bill, so Xiao Peng finally carried him back to the hotel. But thinking about it from another angle, at least it saved Qian Congcong a million, didn't he?

Feng Jianting picked up Xiao Peng's clothes from the ground: "I'm going, old man, did you take a bath with wine yesterday? It smells so big."

Xiao Peng shrugged noncommittal: "Feng Jianting, go and buy some suitable clothes for me." There are brands in the Peace Hotel. Feng Jianting bought it back soon, but Xiao Peng was speechless: "I said, you are stupid. Who have you seen wearing a suit and shirt in a safari park?"

Feng Jianting scratched his head and said, "Lao Zhangren, didn't you let us figure out the image?"

Xiao Peng was speechless: "That's not to let you wear a suit and tie every day. Do you think you are selling insurance?"

Huang He heard Xiao Peng's words and complained to Feng Jianting: "Let me just say, Peng's point to let us pay attention to the image is definitely not for us to wear suits. You see, Peng rarely wears them."

Xiao Peng gave Huang He a white look: "I am a fisherman and not a businessman. Am I the same as you?"

Huang He choked, what this said was so peculiar that people were speechless. Xiao Peng didn’t bother to care about them either. He went directly to the Hermes store in the hotel and bought a set of casual clothes. The three drove to the Shanghai Wildlife Park. The two guys finally stopped driving the van and mini mini, but Feng Jianting took him again. The McLaren p1 came out, so Xiao Peng had a good scolding, these two boys are really going crazy. . . . . .

Shanghai Wildlife is the first national-level wildlife park in China. It is famous for its large number of animal species. There are steps into the zone and the car into zone. After Xiao Peng and three people parked their car in the parking lot, they went directly to the area. After all, this is the charm of the safari park. The three of them got on the tour bus protected by the iron cage and started to tour.

The regional division of the Shanghai Wildlife Park is still very scientific. Take the herbivore exhibition area as an example. It is directly divided into Asian and African regions according to the animal's place of origin. In order to avoid the possibility of random reproduction. There are not many rare animals in the African Animal Zone, but in Asia, Xiao Peng really saw the rare animal, that is, the wild camel.

Many people think that camels are very common. In fact, there is a problem here. Wild camels are extremely rare. The only camels living in the wild are the Ata Mountains in western Mongolia and the northwestern China. It is estimated that the total number of camels in the world does not exceed 1,000 Only, according to this situation, it will not be long before the wild camels will become extinct in the wild like the South China tiger. It can only be reproduced in artificial captivity.

There is also a cheetah area. A dozen cheetahs from Africa live lazily here. To say that cheetahs are really interesting animals, many people know that lions, tigers, leopards, domestic cats, etc., belong to the cat family, but as everyone knows, cats have many subfamilies, such as leopards. Subfamily and cat subfamily. Tigers, lions, leopards, etc. are all animals in the leopard subfamily, but cheetahs belong to the cat subfamily along with domestic cats. There is a very significant distinction between the two families, that is, the vocalization of the two. The ligers and leopards of the leopard subfamily can make a deep roar, while the cat subfamily can only make a meow. Cheetahs are powerful enough, but they can only make sounds similar to meows. . . . . .

As for the lion zone, the Siberian tiger zone, the bear zone, and the wolf zone, Xiao Peng also looked around at will. The animals are not wild at all, especially in the lion zone, only African lions can be seen, not Asian lions. This makes Xiao Peng very disappointed.

Many people are arguing as to which lion or tiger is more powerful. Many people say that if these two animals do not live together, how can they fight? There are no tigers in Europe or Africa, America and Australia. There are no lions and tigers in America and Australia. Oh, the so-called "puma" is actually neither a tiger nor a lion, but belongs to the cat subfamily, also called the American golden cat.

However, although there are no tigers in Africa and Europe, there are indeed lions in Asia. They were once called Persian lions, and now they are called Asian lions. They currently only live in the Gil Forest National Park in Indosan. The pattern on the National Emblem of Indo Three is based on the Asian lion on the stone pillar of Ashoka. Although Indo Three is speechless and many systems are very backward, it does a good job in wildlife protection.

However, Xiao Peng didn't feel disappointed for a long time, and he saw the animal he liked: the Malay bear.

The Malay bear is the smallest bear in existence. It is only one meter long, with black hair all over, and a striking ‘u’-shaped marking on its chest. It is the only bear subfamily that does not hibernate.

Pandas do not hibernate? Please, they are the only existence of the panda subfamily, otherwise how can they be called a national treasure? However, the Malay bear is also a key protected animal of China's national first-class protection. In terms of quantity alone, there are much fewer Malay bears in China than pandas.

"Lao Zhangren, is there anything you like?" Feng Jianting asked. Xiao Peng listened for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Feng Jianting said mysteriously: "We have people here. Don’t these safari parks also make money? Sometimes it’s normal to sell some animals. Every year there are new born animals here, some are sold to other zoos, and some Selling to private individuals is an unwritten unwritten rule of the industry. Just say that the two ponies I brought you that time were obtained through the safari park."

"Can I get everything?" Xiao Peng asked curiously.

Feng Jianting was embarrassed: "Well, Lao Zhangren, it is very difficult for the national first-level key protected animals..."

Xiao Peng shrugged and said: "It seems that what I am optimistic about is the national first-level protected wildlife."

Feng Jianting didn't speak yet, but he heard Huang He burst into laughter. Feng Jianting looked at Huang He speechlessly: "Is it that funny? Am I funny?"

But Huang He looked down at the phone and laughed at the phone screen. Feelings are not laughing at him.

"What are you looking at? Smiling like this?" Feng Jianting patted Huang He and motioned for him to take off his headphones.

Huang He took off the headphones, still couldn't smile: "I watched a video, but it made me laugh to death. I have committed embarrassing cancer. I don't believe I can see the end."

"What kind of video is so fun?" Xiao Peng was also curious.

Huang He handed his mobile phone to Xiao Peng: "What's the treasure island's China Committee" released a micro-movie called. My friend told me that it was very popular. Let me see it. It made me happy. ."

Xiao Peng took the phone and put on headphones to watch this video. It was indeed a micro-movie. It only took more than three minutes to tell the story of a "imperial city girl" who fell in love with Baodao and married to Baodao, and the name in the film The'Imperial City Girl' not only means that the most beautiful scenery on Treasure Island is people, but also that living on Treasure Island'does not require courage' and only requires a lot of love. All in all, this micro-film produced by the "China Committee" is all sorts of flattery to Treasure Island.

After reading it, Xiao Peng took off his headphones and froze in place.

His move made Feng Jianting two people puzzled: "Old husband? Are you okay?" Feng Jianting cared.

Xiao Peng came back to his senses: "Fortunately, I didn't drink water when I watched this video, otherwise I would definitely squirt out. There are really too many grooves in it, and I don't know where to start. Speaking of which, these treasures What do island politicians have in their minds? They are so stupid that they really think everyone is stupid?"

"Brother Peng, the second film is enough for two, listen to that'imperial girl' full of treasure island style Beijing accent... But where is the stupid?" Huang He asked.

Xiao Peng pointed to Huang Hele and said, "It turns out that there is really a fool. Then I tell you you listen carefully. In the film, the heroine has been married for three years and dare to say that she is the'most beautiful scenery in Taiwan', I'm! Full of discriminatory policies, mainland spouses need to wait up to six years to obtain legal status on Treasure Island, and they have to go through an official'face-to-face interview', which is much longer than spouses from other regions and countries. It’s also a lot more complicated, and in other countries, it only takes three years for the Philippines! This is the result obtained after the law was amended in 2009, and it takes eight years for mainland spouses to obtain the status of a treasure island!"

Feng Jianting asked curiously: "What are they doing this way? Now the mainlanders are willing to go to the treasure island, which is to support the construction of the disaster area, and they are still picky?"

Xiao Peng laughed: "The group of brain-disabled politicians said that if mainland spouses can obtain status and corresponding voting rights in only six years, it will have a major adverse impact on the future politics of Baodao. And do you know? Before 2009 , Mainland spouses, regardless of male or female, cannot find a job while waiting for the status of Baodao! After 2009, adjustments have been made, but mainland spouses who want to work on Baodao must pass the official'face-to-face interview' and enter the'reliance phase' 'Only then can I work on Baodao. Now those foolish and mentally handicapped think that Baodao is the original four Asian little dragons, and they think that they will live a rich life after marrying them, but when they look back, okay, it turned out to be a lie to the past, and it is too late to regret. Up!"

Feng Jianting listened to Xiao Peng's words, and asked incomprehensibly: "Then what do these treasure island politicians mean to make this micro-film?"

Xiao Peng just wanted to answer, but heard a female voice behind him: "The best thing that Baodao politicians are good at is to deceive the masses and deceive themselves."

Xiao Peng turned his head and saw the person who came: "Huh? Why are you?"

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