Golden Greenery

Chapter 232 The fight ends in nothing

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Favalli's words made Maldini suddenly realize: Unknowingly, the Round Table had reached out to matters that they should not have intervened in, and no one was aware of it.

After exhausting various methods and failing to keep Albertini, the Round Table began to reflect in anger and regret. They were all smart people. After opening their eyes from the illusion, they began to walk along the border again. In fact, if the Knights of the Round Table abide by "unity and glory" and "two maintenances", AC Milan's top management will be happy to see the results. After all, these two aspects of affairs, especially the unity of the team, will be more convenient for the Round Table to handle. However, the top management firmly does not allow any behavior that crosses the line, and is very disgusted with the "players union" nature of the roundtable.

Over the years since then, people in the round table have come and gone, and occasionally they have inadvertently crossed a line, and the top management has also knocked on them from time to time. One side has strong capital power and absolute power, and the other side has the support of players and the support of tens of thousands of Roseneris. The two sides have gone through the years smoothly in mutual games.

Maldini and Baresi knew that the senior officials must have ears within the Round Table, but they didn't know who it was. This is inevitable. The old buddies who fought together with one heart and one mind gradually separated. The new entrants were mixed, and the team could not remain pure at all.

Favalli alerted Maldini: today's events were too strange.

Maldini has been troubled by his thoughts of trying to defend Zhuo Yang and did not carefully ponder the article behind the incident. At this time, after being reminded by Favalli, he re-deduce the context of the incident.

It stands to reason that after sports director Braida learns about Zhuoyang's fight, he will first investigate clearly, then listen to Zhuoyang's own statement, and finally whether to punish Braida himself will make a decision without going through a roundtable at all. The club's administrative power and disciplinary power are also high-voltage red lines of power, and they will never allow the round table to interfere.

The Knights of the Round Table were overwhelmed by the Dida incident two days ago, and the resolution formed was fully accepted by Braida. Therefore, the Round Table thought it was a punishment decision made by themselves, but in fact it was just a suggestion. But that time, Braida and the senior management did not show any dissatisfaction.

From this point of view, today is actually Braida's test of the Round Table Group to see if they have gotten carried away and if they have forgotten their duty again. If everyone is not aware of this today and forms a decision to punish Zhuoyang in the middle of the noise, firstly, conflicts will arise within the roundtable group due to differences, and secondly, once the content of the punishment is known to the team, it will be bullied again. If Ida is completely overthrown, the prestige of the Round Table among the players will be seriously damaged. Third, Zhuo Yang will have psychological resistance to the round table group.

What a clever strategy that kills three birds with one stone.

Maldini could imagine that Baresi would naturally react at this moment. The two big guys looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Maldini said to everyone: "Today's issue is quite controversial. I think it is better to put it aside without discussing it for now. We will discuss it later when we have the opportunity. What do you think?"

Baresi was the first to say: "Agree!" Tassotti, Costacurta, Ambrosini, Sleepy... "Agree!"

Everyone knew in their hearts that something unexpected happened, Maldini just made an excuse, and the fight between Zhuo Yang and the Round Table Group was settled.

"Well, since we all have no objections, let's stop here today. Everyone, please remember the rules of the round table. No content or information about the meeting shall be disclosed to outsiders." Maldini announced that the meeting was adjourned, and everyone filed out with their own concerns. The four elders sat motionless.

After everyone else had exited cleanly, and Brocchi, the last one to leave, closed the door, Maldini asked: "Franco, what did Aledo tell you? What were the original words?" Recall it and don’t change a word!”


In Milanello's sporting director's office, Aledo Braida holds the phone.

"Okay... I understand... um... okay, that's it."

After putting down the phone, Braida narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "There are still smart people..."

At the same moment, Galliani, who was in Rome, also put down the phone. He smacked his lips with pleasure and smoothed the non-existent hair on his head. "Not bad, that's good. I like smart people."


That afternoon, some players who were not on tomorrow's roster did not participate in training. Ancelotti had already informed these hard-working main players to rest. On the top floor of the Milo Building by the canal, in the small living room dedicated to Fatty Raiola, Fatty, Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Qiu, and Brockie who hurried over were talking.

Brockie recounted the morning roundtable in detail, down to what each person said.

Only then did the fat man and his sister realize that Zhuo Yang had fought three times in a row. In front of Brockie, the fat man could not say anything and could only look at him with resentful and helpless eyes, while his sister Zhuo Qiu could only glare fiercely for a while. His eyes. With a resentful expression, Zhuo Yang lowered his head hard.

The fat man asked for more details. Brockie told him everything he knew. Zhuo Qiu had brought him huge business returns in China. Brockie had never been so rich in his life.

Zhuo Yang's cell phone rang. He glanced at the number, told the three of them, and ran to the next room to get through. After talking to the other end of the phone for a long time, Brockie had already left when he came back. Looking at the questioning looks in the fat man's and sister's eyes, he said with some pride: "Pharaoh, Favali. It's pretty much the same as what Xiaobu said just now."

"Yes! It seems that your relationship with this Favali is not simple!" The fat man said: "From what Xiaobu told me, Favali is a character, with very tricky eyes and a very clear mind. He reminded the round table by Tuan Huantou, but he protected you in disguise, his skills are very mature, he is a character!"

"These people in the Round Table are very interesting. In fact, the top management of Milan have always been very wary of them. They use them to guard against them. And that Leonardo..., forget it, you don't need to know this now." The fat man saw Zhuo Yang. He looked curious and relished, but said no more.

"Tell me what's wrong?"

"Zhuoyang, you are still young. Knowing too much will affect your subjective view of things, and even mislead you, adding some unnecessary likes and dislikes. Therefore, you should act according to your heart and pretend that you don't I know that the Round Table is meeting today, so what should I do? As for the club, haha, I have many more ways to deal with Gatou and Braida than Maldini."

"Don't worry, the club is causing trouble for you. I'll go and talk to them. As long as you continue to play well, no one will dare to do anything to you. Just don't do stupid things like fighting in the future. Whoever provokes you off the court, Tell Milo, I will take care of him without you having to take action. You are not too young anymore, please remember a little longer!"

"Hey, I got it. I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again. Fatty, how do you think the club will punish me?" Zhuo Yang flattered his sister and Raiola to admit his mistake.

"Hey, what else can be punished? Braida is smarter than anyone else, and the old vixen is not as cunning as him. He won't ask anything now. When word spreads in the team, I will fine you some money to pretend, tens of thousands of euros. Something big.”

"Okay, okay, I think Miss Zhuo Qiu has something to say to you, Zhuo Yang, please wish yourself well. Gagaaaaaa..." Raiola gloated and walked out of the room with a smile.

"Zhuoyang! Why are you still fighting? Do you want me to tell our mother?"

"Sister, sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, please don't complain to my mother. My sister loves me the most, my sister is the most beautiful, my sister is the best sister in the world, my sister is the most beautiful sister in the world..."

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